The curse of the broken soul

By The-Adorkable-Imp

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Shortly after the incident with the curse of the phoenix gem, the brothers looked into studying more about cu... More

Ghost stories
Uneasy feelings
The cursed girl
Snacks and showers
The strange sightings
A promise has been made
Late dinner
Contagious nightmares
Doctor Manticore
Sinful Selfshipping
Cave by the ocean

The whisperer

63 2 0
By The-Adorkable-Imp

WARNING! Bit of swearing is in this.

Izzy was practically exploding with excitement, a side Barley has never seen before. It was encouraging to see her spirits are lifting but that aside it was also rather endearing. To see how passionate she was when it came to animals. Barley simply had to comment on it. "Hey, you know back in the old days it was believed that if a young lady had a special love for animals that it meant she was a princess or perhaps a long time descendant of royalty."

Izzy glances over at him, she does recall that he did call her a princess earlier on. It made her wonder if that could've been the reason why he chose such a nickname for her. "Wait really?" She asks, clearly surprised.

"Yup! There was an era where a super famous royal family had a very special way with animals. There was a magical gift that passed down from generation to generation that allows them to connect with any great beast they may find far better than anyone! There has been so many historical princesses and queens especially who have been known in many tall tales back then which were often told to children. It is known as the blessing of "The Whisperer". You kinda remind me of them actually." Barley says with a grin, it was a general belief back then that love for animals represents royalty for many well known princesses have been known for their kindness.

Izzy's eyes sparkled a bit, that sounded like a gift she would love to have. Though she just may already have it without knowing so. "I-I do?" Izzy says. "I mean...but no- I am good with animals but most of my ancestors don't care much for animals at all started with my mother and father really."

Barley chuckles a bit, it was true these gifts tend to pass through generations but they can occur anew within a new bloodline. It may also be that this gift tends to attach itself to one's soul. "Little do you know that it is possible for the gift to take ahold of newer fresher blood as well! So who is to say you're not a whisperer. My brother is a wizard, can't say I won't be completely shocked if you don't have a special something yourself." Barley says confidently.

"Well...I have been told my brain functions differently to most...some say it's a gift or try to tell me that but most act like it's a curse." Izzy says to herself, there was an empty smile on her face as she recalled the ones who used to tell her that. "Do you think it would have anything to do with me being a whisperer?"

Barley cringed for a second the moment Izzy mentioned something of a curse. He didn't want her to catch on, not yet at least. "Uh- who says anything about a curse?! Pfft! Sounds to me like you're some sort of genius if anything! You know world famous inventors and especially most wizards had a very different way of thinking. You think they could've possibly done the stuff they did if they where stuck with a "normal" brain? Yeah... I think not!"

Izzy chuckles a bit but much like her smile there was no joy in it. "That was said to me before as well. But I am different in this case, I'll just let you down." Izzy says, she was a lot more cheerful since she will be seeing the only things she can possibly connect with but the topic was a bit hard for her. She believes that she couldn't possibly be good for anything. The only single thing she loves about herself would be her way with the animals but that aside, everything else about her was dreadful or so she believed.

"Again with being so harsh on yourself...if anything I think you're going to do something amazing. It might just take some baby steps, that's all. Happened with my little brother!" Barley stated, he wanted to try and help her. The curse was trying so desperately to invade her mind, to take a toll on her. It was trying to fight against the joy she was feeling.

Izzy smiles a bit though she was not so sure still. Ian was 16, soon to be 17. This imp was an adult, a legal adult who still cannot drive a car, who cannot get a job and who even struggles to do something as simple as grocery shopping. The people...the crowds. Everything seemed to overwhelm her constantly and she can't seem to control it. The older she got the stronger it gets and Barley was yet to learn that this was not just the curse, it was her. A mental disability, some sort of anxiety that is slowly destroying her life bit by bit in ways not a single soul is able to see or understand. They can't see it so they can't believe it. It may start off mentally but it takes a toll on her physically, draining her of all energy, causing horrible break outs of pimples from stress, losing hair,  nausea that prevents her from eating to the point she almost had to go to a hospital due to being dangerously underweight. Everyone mocks her for it, they can't see how damaged her brain is, how dysfunctional all her emotions are. They call her a liar, a whore for attention when she had her meltdowns. They can't see her wounds because they are all on the inside and they refuse to take the time to simply learn about it, to try and see what they clearly couldn't. To make an effort to understand her and to perhaps even help her. Oddly enough Izzy felt a little bit jealous of Ian after hearing this story. How he was able to get a grip at such a young age when during that time of her life it was a living hell. If only she was as mature as him she may have been able to avoid the cruel fate that she has gone through. If only she was more like the way they all wanted her to be. To be normal. "Y-yeah..." she says with an empty smile still.

Wanting to engage with her more, Barley started onto a brand new conversation which he knew would get her hopes up again, even if for just a moment. "So tell me...what kinda critters do you wanna see anyway?" Barley asks.

"Oh pretty much everything!" Izzy says, her smile grew bigger and brighter once more. "I hope we can see some little babies there too!" She added, squealing a bit like some sort of fan girl.

Barley couldn't help but adore the way she got so excited over animals, it was an innocent trait he sees very very rarely in this modern day in age. They soon arrived, Barley parked as closely to the entrance as possible, the imp was practically bouncing in her seat. "I haven't seen anyone this excited to go to some zoo since Ian was just a kid." Barley says with a chuckle, it was a fond memory.

"I know it's not exactly grown up of me to be so excited for things like this but- but I can't help it...since the day I was born I always loved them." Izzy says, looking out the window all excited.

Barley went to her side and helped her out the van, smiling sweetly at her as he did. "My lady..." he says gracefully as he gently held her hand as she stepped out the vehicle.

The imp was quick to rush right to the entrance as soon as her feet hit the ground, shocking Barley as he was left behind. "Whoa! Wait up!" He cried out as he ran after her.

Once the two got in, Izzy rushed towards the first thing she saw, a large enclosure with plenty of beautiful trees and bushes for blazing bright Phoenixs to hide in. The smile on her face grew bigger and bigger. As Barley finally caught up with her he was able to notice what she was doing, she was talking to them. One flew down in front of her and stares at the imp curiously, Izzy happily greeting it as she then commented how beautiful their feathers looked. "I wonder when you will burst into flames and become a small little baby again. You look pretty young still so probably not for a while right? Hey it's not scary for you or anything is it? I mean I know fire never really phased you guys and you're pretty much fireproof as well but what is it like? To be old and then suddenly a small newborn again? Do you remember much or is it like a new life for you entirely?"

Barley watches and listens as the imp spoke to the magical bird of flames. It sat on a branch that was closest to Izzy, it was clear that it was listening to every word she had to say. "That Phoenix there seems to really like you!" Barley commented loudly as he took a step closer. The Phoenix screeched at him however and flew off, making the elf feel a bit bad for scaring off the imp's new friend. "Uhhh...guess I should've used my inside voice. Sorry about that."

However Izzy didn't seem to bat an eyelid, instead she reached her hand towards the large mesh around the enclosure. "No,'s ok." She says with a whisper, all in a gentle and kind voice Barley hasn't heard before. "He's nice, he won't hurt you I promise. I know he seems big and maybe a bit intimidating but he is the kindest guy I've ever seen or met in all my can trust him. Neither of us will hurt you." The Phoenix glanced back at Izzy and flew back down to her, it lightly pressed its head against the chain like mesh between them. Izzy reached in closer and closer, there was a small fence between them as well to make sure most visitors don't get too close. Izzy didn't care though, she knew for a fact it was safe, she knows when something is dangerous and when something is not. Carefully, she managed to poke her finger in between the wires, gently petting the Phoenix on the head.

Barley's jaw dropped upon watching. "Whoa...I can't believe it... you really are a whisperer!" Barley says with excitement, but Izzy shushed him.

"Careful, if you're too loud it may scare the Phoenix." She says, still just as gentle as before as she kept lightly petting it with the tip of her finger.

Barley was quick to quiet himself down. "Sorry, sorry." He whispered, smiling sheepishly as he did. "But you know...being able to bond with such creatures this quickly IS pretty much what being a whisperer is all about." Barley says, insisting his little hunch was correct. She may not have powers to shoot lighting out of a staff but her skilful way of taming beasts of all kinds was certainly impressive as well. He wouldn't have imagined to not only meet someone with such a powerful and deadly curse but someone with a special gift as well was something else entirely. For those two things to appear in one person was spectacular to him, to witness this in modern times was unthinkable! However he was still determined to lift the curse, even if he can't help but be partly curious by it in spite of how dangerous it is. He was taking plenty of mental notes, some actual notes as well whenever he had a chance to write it down in a small notebook he carried with him just for this occasion.

Izzy glanced back at him before focusing back on the Phoenix she was lightly petting, she had to lean in as much as she could to reach but it was worth it. "I can't say I really remember much about there ever being an animal I couldn't really tame at some stage." Izzy says. "But I just feel like if you take the time to understand them and just to be nice to them then they will open up to you much faster. Loud noises can startle animals which is why I had to shoosh you like that...sorry. But that's one trick to it, speak to them gently kind of like how I am right now." Izzy says gently. "You also shouldn't move too fast cause they might think you're a predator who is about to pounce."

Barley nodded his head, smiling at her proudly. "I see your point and all but I'm just sayin...some have that special charm and others don't. It's more to it than just a few rules." He was curious to hear more about her ways with the animals, thinking he can learn even more about whisperers along the way. "Y'know in quests of yore and in stories of old whisperers were able to rally wild beasts to fight alongside them. Think you could do that?"

"To fight...? As in like bloodshed and shit? Yeah...I would rather not call for an animal to do that...I wouldn't want them to get injured or worse cause of me." Izzy says, she preferred the idea of being a lone wolf when it comes to these games or just the scenario alone. She hated the idea of any companions getting injured during a quest of hers, especially if it were to be an animal. She is the type who would not ride a horse into battle in fear the horse may perish for fighting a fight that is not even theirs.

The fact that Izzy swore so casually was new as well, it stunned Barley at first as she appeared very quiet and polite in an odd way before. He had heard her swearing when she was upset or angry but certainly not like this. Although he loved it as well, it showed she had some pizazz with her way of speaking. "That's a noble thought but realistically...ya can't do everything all by yourself. Why else do you think so many adventurers used to hire mercenaries back in the day? Though I gotta say while it is rare, there has been a few loners...and man they were so freakin cool!"

Izzy wasn't entirely sure what Barley was on about but she just smiled at him as she kept petting the bright red bird. That is until some strange elf lady shouts at her. "HEY! You're NOT allowed to do that!" She snapped irritatingly, she looked to be in her 40s and had large golden hoop earrings, a pair of sunglasses and dragon scale print yoga pants.

Poor Izzy immediately flinched as she pulled her hand back, Barley was quick to defend the imp however. "Why not, it's not like this lil guy is gonna explode! He's still pretty young I can tell." Barley said in Izzy's defence.

"Yeah but you're still not allowed to do that." The woman said bitterly. "It's setting a poor example on the kids." She said with a scowl, she gripped ahold of a much younger elf girl's hand, most likely her daughter who wanted to reach for the phoenixes as well.

Barley scoffs a little bit before smirking at the grumpy lady. "Oh yeah, do you even work here?" Barley asks, judging by her outfit she had absolutely no experience with animals.

The lady looked a bit stunned at first before shaking her head. "No but that is what the zookeepers would be saying! Or at least they should!" She spat back angrily.

Barley however kept the snarky grin on his face. "Maybe you should go seek out the manager then, Karen." He may be kind hearted but he did have a way when it comes to telling people off. He knew how to really get under the skins of these types of characters, it was all practice from Colt for the most part. The lady had an expression on her face that clearly showed she was confused by his statement, she must not have been up to date with the whole Karen thing used on social media.

Barley helped escort Izzy away from the nasty woman who had a go at her. "Hmmph, what a killjoy. That poor Phoenix is probably just itching to get some more head rubs too." Barley says, that is before he heard something that captured his attention completely, light sniffling. Barley quickly turned around to look at the imp, she tried to keep her face hidden from him however, she felt so silly for crying. "Aww...hey, it's ok. She can't hurt you now, you're safe with me..." Barley says softly.

Izzy sniffles a bit more, she tried to stop herself from crying but it was so hard. "I-I know it's silly- I just- I-" Izzy tried so hard to explain herself, to explain why she is even crying to begin with, over something so very small. But there was no way of explaining, instead she just babbled to herself a bit, unsure what to say or do as she kept trying to force herself to stop crying.

She imagined Barley must think she is being stupid for reacting this way, to be so weak and pathetic. But to her surprise instead she felt him pull her in for a warm embrace. Her head lightly pressed against his belly, large arms wrapped across her body, engulfing her in so much warmth from his body. "Shhh...there there little's ok..." he says softly, a tone that was so soothing to listen too.

Izzy couldn't help herself anymore, she cried a little harder against the elf, pressing herself firmly against him to try and muffle her sobs. Barley began to blush heavily as he looked down at her, to see her pushed in so deeply against his body. She was as close as can be, her arms wrapped around his waist. He began to gently pet her on the head, her hair felt incredibly soft. Seeing her snuggle him like this was more than enough to make him a bit smitten but at the same time he was enraged that nasty woman made her cry like this. He was tempted to march his way back there and get into a proper fist fight with her for hurting his new dear friend. Though he was also able to pick up that there were no signs of the curse taking its toll despite how upset she was, this could very well be a sign that his plan was working, that the curse was getting weaker.

Barley was quite tall as Izzy was tiny which was to be expected of an imp. Their differences in size was very noticeable to say the least. He gently picked her up next and held her to his shoulder as if she was some sort of baby. The cursed girl was a bit shocked at first but this time she was happy to embrace the cuddle, trusting Barley more and more as time goes by. She unintentionally brushed her tail across his hip though, making him giggle ever so slightly from the ticklish feeling. Izzy was completely unaware about why he suddenly appeared so happy. "What's so funny?" She asked curiously.

Barley blushes a little, holding onto the little imp still as he looked over at her. "Sorry, your lil tail was just sort of brushing up against me. It kinda tickles." He said with a shy smile. Izzy glanced down at her tail, out of curiosity she began to rub it against the elf even more. He couldn't help but burst into laughter. "HAHA! Hey! Cut that out!"

That is when Izzy showed a much more cheerful side of herself again. A small mischievous smile appears across her face as she began to purposely tickle him with her tail. Barley laughs some more. "HAHAHAHA! Man! HAHA! I knew I shouldn't have told ya that!" He cried out between loud laughs. He carefully places her back down to the ground, trying to get her to stop. "Don't make me start tickling you, I'll have you know I have pretty much won every single tickle war I've ever been in." Barley warns, it was something he and his brother used to get into when they were kids and sometimes his mother as well. Although as Ian got older he was quick to lose interests in such silly games which was a bit upsetting for Barley.

The imp squeaks a little at his threat, she was actually incredibly ticklish herself. However she also did enjoy it too. She just loved to be petted, tickled, one could say she was touch starved even, though Barley was able to pick up on that himself. "That's not fair! I'm so tiny compared to you so of course you'd win!" Izzy says, it was like she was a changed woman for a brief moment, smiling and joking around freely. She acted as if her and Barley were long time friends, revealing a wonderfully fun side that shows who she really is past all those walls.

Barley lightly ruffles Izzy's hair, making it fluff up even more. "Then I suggest you shouldn't challenge me to begin with." He says teasingly. The imp lightly nuzzles her head against the palm of his hand, she clearly adored this type of attention she was getting. "Well I'm glad to see you're all cheered up. So shall we continue our quest, little imp?" Barley says, referring their trip here as their own private quest.

However being the type to take everything so seriously, Izzy was not sure what he meant by quest. She tends to struggle with metaphors and she especially struggles to understand sarcasm, it was another reason why she got herself into so many terrible misunderstandings in her past. "Wait...we are on a quest?" She asks.

"Our quest to witness all the great beasts in action of course!" Barley says in a loud voice.

That is when Izzy was finally able to realise what he was referring to and what he meant. "Oh! Yeah, we should keep on checking out all those adorable lil cuties! I don't want any of them to feel left out...though I do guess most of them aren't very lil though...big cuties." Izzy said as she reached for Barley's hand and began to drag him to the next enclosure full of animals. He was actually really liking this new side to her, so much to the point he couldn't stop smiling.

This new side was much more cheerful and friendly, she seemed so sweet when she was shy once they first met, even if she was so negative and anxious all the time. But seeing this new layer was incredible, there was so many traits, so many it would be impossible to label what her personality even is. Shy, awkward, kind, loving, feisty, a little dense. She was so many things, she continued to surprise Barley each and every time. It was hard to think that such a unique soul was on the verge of breaking. With how cheerful she was right now it was hard to tell that something was actually going on deep inside her heart.

As she grabbed onto his hand that is when Barley realised, he may have a bit of a crush on her at this point. They went to look at some lovely griffins, most of them were fast asleep however but there were two which were awake. The ones who were awake were happily playing with each other, they looked to be juvenile. Izzy's eyes lit up the moment she saw them, she was squealing and going on a rant about how cute they are. "Omigosh! They're so cute!" She says as she jumps up and down, she began to make strange babbling noises next, as if she was talking to a small baby dragon. It was certainly dorky and perhaps annoying to some but Barley couldn't help but laugh a little as he watched her.

"Griffins. They are fierce beasts but they tend to enjoy taking their little cat naps a whole lot." Barley commented.

Izzy nodded her head, giggling a tiny bit at Barley's accurate statement. "I know, makes it hard to believe they can easily tear you limb from limb if they really wanted too." Izzy says. "The fact they look so cuddly makes it all the harder to think that too." Izzy added as she looks at their incredibly soft and fluffy looking feathers.

Barley smiles softly at her, but he then noticed how some strangers were still staring directly at her, in a very judgemental sort of way. A few looked concerned but ultimately they moved on. Barley wanted to try and protect her from those looks so he wrapped an arm around the small imp, she didn't seem to flinch this time though. She just held still as if it was all natural. Her clothes did have lots of holes in them and were torn up with bits and pieces of thread hanging loose everywhere. Barley considered it may be a good idea to try and purchase some new clothes after this, a way to blend in better to avoid any more unnecessary drama, much like back at the tavern. He was lucky she was so distracted by the animals that she didn't notice the looks she got this time.

As Barley kept looking out for any more nasty glares that came their way, he suddenly felt Izzy's head plop against his belly. He realised he did have his arm around her but to his surprise she was snuggling into him. His face went bright red as he pulled his arm back. "S-sorry about that, milady! I didn't realise that I was- that I was eh- Y'know- sorta resting my arm around you- I didn't mean to show any sort of disrespect o-or-" Barley kept stumbling over his words, blushing more and more as Izzy looked incredibly confused. That is when Izzy titled her head to the side like a confused little dragon. Barley felt his heart skip a beat when she did that simple yet oddly irresistibly cute gesture. He clenched his hand over his heart as if he was trying to gain some form of control over it. 'HNNGH!!! S-SO CUTE!!!' He thought to himself, blushing more and more.

Seeing him like this made Izzy panic, she had no clue what was going on. "B-Barley is everything ok?!" She cried out, a look of absolute terror on her face.

Barley blushes as he glances away, fearing he may melt if he kept looking at her. "Ah- I'm alright! Just need a moment..." he says with a little cough.

Izzy began to over analyse the situation immediately, how he placed his hand over his heart, the sudden look of shock on his face. "Are you sure?! You're not having a heart attack are you?!" She cried out, sounding almost tearful.

Barley instantly snapped back into reality, he looked back at the imp with wide eyes. "What?! No!" He says, surprised that she would even think that. He didn't want to try and make a move on her so soon, considering they only met just recently and how this imp had many problems left to be solved. But he was a hopeless romantic deep down, his mouth simply began running on its own. "Hmmm, then again...I am kinda worried my heart might explode from your cuteness." He says without thinking.

Izzy's eyes widen a bit, she was starting to blush now as well. It was beyond her how he was able to find her cute after seeing bits and pieces of the real her. How he can still like her despite how easy it was for her to have a full on emotional breakdown as if she was some mindless toddler. "C-Cuteness....? M-me?"

Barley blushes more and more as he realised he said that out loud, he certainly didn't mean to try and flirt with her or anything for that matter, it simply came out. Though he can't take it back, it was the truth after all and he didn't wish to toy with Izzy's feelings. "Oh...did I say that out loud? I-I mean- I mean- erm...y-yeah you're pretty cute...seeing how happy you get around any sort of critter is really sweet actually." Barley said shyly.

Izzy's eyes began to sparkle a bit, it was so rare to hear any sort of compliment for her. "Y-You think so? I just...I just always had this connection with them that's all." She says, trying to be somewhat modest, she was worried about her face getting all red to the point it's noticeable.

Barley chuckles softly, adoring just how innocent she seems. "Which is exactly what a whisperer is." He said, he was dead certain she was one at this point and there didn't seem to be any way of changing his mind either.

Izzy smiles a little, still blushing a tiny bit as she looks back at the griffins. "Well...maybe I am one. I have been able to tame lots of timid animals parents were always really impressed how I was just able to do that." Izzy says.

Barley was fascinated to hear more. "Do you have any tales you could share with me about your little animal companions? I would kill to actually hear any sort of mighty quest a whisperer like you could have gone on."

Izzy looks at him with a smile, around animals she seemed to open up more and more. She was able to talk to him far easier when the topic was about them as well. As they continued to look around she shared some of her stories, how she was able to tame a timid unicorn foal under an hour all to the point it snuggled into her so casually. How she was able to befriend a bitter sheep who seemed aggressive towards everyone else but her. How she was able to get closer to any wild animal than her family thought possible. How she earned the trust of a mother and was able to touch her baby without any signs of distress or anger. From her stories wild animals didn't seem to fear her. And animals that hated everyone loved her.

Later they found themselves in front of huge enclosure with Hydras. Barley was absolutely amazed by her ways with animals, it made him forget for a moment that she was actually cursed listening to her. "Oh yeah, you definitely are a whisperer in training. No doubt about it." Barley said with a grin.

Izzy smiles softly, she liked that title. To be considered something special and rare in a good way was nice for a change. "Thank you." She says without thinking.

Barley was a bit confused about why she thanked him so suddenly. The two found themselves staring directly into each other's eyes, they were getting closer and closer without even realising it. "'re welcome? Sorry what exactly are you thanking me for? I'm just saying it how it is."

Barley continued to look at the young imp as he leaned down against an iron fence. Izzy stood up straight which allowed them to be more on level with each other. "Just for being nice to me." She said, her hands gripped onto the little handrail of the fence.

"Well I mean- of course! Someone as nice as you deserves to be treated as such." Barley stated, he almost forgot the fact she was treated so poorly in the past. The way she opened up to him, this much more cheerful side he so adored towered over her much more gloomy and depressing side. If others would simply take a moment to understand her then only then could they see what they are missing out on. Past that wall, past all those scared and timid layers was a nice young woman. If everyone had the type of patience Barley had, to be as open minded as him then the world just may be that more accepting of her.

Izzy looks to the side a little, back over at the giant multi headed beasts. "Yeah but...I'm still kind of worried..."

"Bout what?" Barley asks.

"If I might just end up disappointing you...that I'm not as great as you think I am. That I will say or do something that might make you angry or upset or even weirded out..." Izzy says, still staring at the beautiful giant reptiles. "I'm really not as great as you think I am."

Though Izzy had repeated this cycle a fair bit he was still shocked to hear her say this. "You kidding? You're freakin awesome!" He says. "I'm willing to bet there's nothing you can say or do that will make me stop thinking that. Actually scratch that - I guarantee it."

Izzy looks back at him once again, their eyes locked for a moment. Barley could feel his heart racing a bit, he unintentionally inches closer towards her. "So...does that mean you actually like me?" Izzy asks, it was a tricky question. Whose to say what type of like she could mean. Barley knew she meant it in a platonic way, that she only seeks a friend and nothing more. Yet this feeling, the tension between them was so there.

Regardless he answered her question truthfully though he did not go into deep details about it. "Isn't it obvious? Of course I do." Barley says while blushing a bit. Closer and closer, their faces were inches apart. Barley slowly began to close his eyes, his heart beating faster and faster with each passing second.

That is when some yelling could be heard which quickly caught both of their attention. "DO SOMETHING YOU STUPID LIZARDS!" Izzy's head flung around at almost the speed of light, her large floppy ears accidentally slapping Barley in the face. There were some teenage boys throwing rocks at the poor Hydras.

Barley rubbed his face a little, right where he had been struck by the ear. As soon as he saw what exactly was going on he began to snarl a bit. "Tch...those punks! Honestly no respect! I'll show them..." Barley says, he was ready to storm his way over and lecture them for hours on end if he had to, perhaps even threaten to throw them in with the hydras they so tormented, just to get them to stop of course, he didn't plan to actually do that.

However the imp was already on it and she had far more violent intentions, much more graphic threats that she intended on actually doing instead of using it as a means to startle them. "YOU PRICKS!!!" She screeched, loud enough to gather everyone's attention. The boys looked over at the furious imp, Barley never saw her or anyone this angry before. "HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO A POOR AND INNOCENT BABY LIKE THAT?! THEY ARE LIVING CREATURES JUST LIKE YOU ARE! AT LEAST I ASSUME CAUSE ONLY A HEARTLESS BASTARD WOULD TORTURE INNOCENT ANIMALS LIKE THAT! HOW WOULD YOU FUCKING FEEL IF I THREW ROCKS AT YOU?! HUH?!" The teenagers slowly began to back away, clearly intimidated by her.

"Whoa...that woman has the wrath of 18 gods!" Barley said to himself breathlessly he was a bit shocked initially to the point he couldn't move but once he was able to he barged right in. "Whoa! Easy there!" Barley says as he picks Izzy up, she looked ready to lunge at the nasty strangers in front of her. They were quick to run away when they had the chance. "YOU BETTER RUN!!!" She shouted.

Barley tried his best to calm the imp down, he held her over his shoulder and began to rub her back as if she were just a baby. "Ok, calm down. Eaaassssy does it." He says in a calm and soothing voice. The imp just squirmed, wanting to catch up with the mean spirited boys. Barley kept rubbing her back, slowly she began to calm down. The moment she stopped fighting was when he finally placed her back down to the ground. "Feelin better?"

Izzy angrily stomped her foot, still fed up about what happened. Though the fact she wasn't trying to hunt them down and possibly murder them was progress. "Can you believe that sh*t?! What kind of evil little c*nt f*cking does that?!"

Though Izzy may have taken things too far Barley was inclined to agree. "Tch, tell me about it. Kids these days are such assholes. But! You were able to chase them off so no more animals have to suffer from their fiendish ways!" Barley said, he was angry himself but was quick to try and remain positive just to help calm the imp down.

"If they do anything like that ever again I will shove rocks up their dick hole." Izzy says with a snarl, she was far more violent than Barley would have guessed. This was another side he has never seen before, she certainly did have a bad temper and was without a doubt the vengeful type.

" some sort of reverse kidney stone. I bet the torturers back in the days of old within prisons would certainly take a liking to you." Barley commented jokingly.

"Oh I would torture those fuckers alright." Izzy said, her whole body was tense to the point Barley thought she was going to transform into some all powerful monster like a final boss.

Though it was very much over the top, Barley actually liked this fiery side to her. He couldn't help but smile a bit as he lightly pets her on the back. It was actually a bit amusing, like a miniature dragon throwing a temper tantrum over treats. "Ok ok, but I don't think there's any need too. At this point I bet they won't ever step foot in a zoo ever again." Barley said. "Now then, I'm gettin kinda hungry...did you wanna go grab something to eat?" Izzy looked up at Barley and nodded her head, though she remained silent he can tell she was craving to eat the souls of those who mistreated animals like that.

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