"My first love" (Oikawa x Fem...

By askjhje

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Y/n has always been a lone person with a rather complicated and terrible past. Moving with her uncle after he... More

1. A new girl
2. Her past
3. New friends?
4. Y/n, Y/n, Y/n, but in different ways
5. Iwaizumi
6. Talk, smile, fangirls and problems
7. Oikawa at Y/n's
8. Music club
9. Realization
10. The truth
11. Not easy to love
12. Someone's birthday
13. A trip to Tokyo
14. Unwanted feelings?
15. Before the Interhigh Prelims
16. The first day of the Interhigh Prelims
17. The second day of the Interhigh Prelims
18. The beach... with Yugata
19.Words I shouldn't remember
20. "Description of my pain"
21. Oikawa's birthday
22. A little talk full of lies
24. Oikawa's revelations
25. A theory
26. A lot of emotions
27. A conversation... with Sao
28. In danger
29. Life or Death
30. The end of it all
31. At the hospital
32. First practice
33. Finally moving in
34. Revealed to the whole world
35. The interview and more...
36. MPSIQ Part 1
37. MPSIQ Part 2
38. The beginning of a new story
39. Problems with fans
40. The accident
41. The worst bad news
42. "4 months ago"
43. The Party
44. Unforgiving
45. "Love. Irihata Y/n."
46. The talk and the depart

23. The return

94 3 11
By askjhje

3rd person POV

Weeks had passed since the incident. Y/n refused to leave the house. The only person who would bring her the feeling of security was Oikawa. He was the only one that Y/n accepted his presence. Her uncle, rarely. Also, Irihata talked to the school, explaining Y/n's situation, with, surely, Y/n's consent.

On Iwaizumi's side, she talked to him on the phone, asking him to meet up somewhere just a few days ago, Oikawa by her side. She told him the whole story. He hugged her, crying, understanding the pain she lived through. He told her she was safe with them. Y/n didn't want to tell him that she wouldn't let neither Oikawa nor him sacrifice themselves for her. If she had to die, she would be the only victim.

She slowly calmed down and took her control back. She knows she will need it for the second semester, but she is still scared. She still feels as if the killer is in the same area as her and she can't stop looking around when she goes outside. Oikawa doesn't leave her side when they are outside. Irihata thanked him for all his help and all Oikawa did was smile and say it was nothing.

And for Oikawa's gift, when Y/n remembered, she apologized for ruining his birthday. As the protective Oikawa he now is towards her, he said it was normal and that he forgave her.


Next to the line is that Oikawa invited Y/n to the Festival that will take place at the end of the month before the second semester. (You know, it's like the thing in almost every romance anime, when they go in Yukatas and watch the fireworks.)

I mean, inside, she was excited. She really wanted to go, it would change her mind. And if it was with Oikawa, then, she was happy. But outside, she could only make a little and brief smile. Pain had invaded her. Fear was drowing her. She couldn't live life at its best. Her mistake... it's too late, she can't go back in time. She wishes she could, but she can't. The only thing that could make her fall asleep at night was crying until she was too tired to keep her eyes open. Nightmares were taking possession of every night she succeeded to fall asleep. Insomnia, nightmares, random trembling, sometimes random crying.

But for now...

All she wishes for...

Is for all that to be over.

But it's not like she could make it end in a snap of the fingers, right? I mean, it's kinda obvious, isn't it? Who knows where the actual master mind of the murders is, right now? Y/n wishes she could know. Oikawa wishes he could know. Iwaizumi wishes he could know. Irihata wishes he could know.

Irihata also called the police of Tokyo, telling the Detective, Talia Ruyha, what happened and Y/n's feeling about the murderer of her parents. He told them he would prepare himself to come to Miyagi Prefecture and would stay a few weeks, just to see if Y/n was right. He also promised he would make a few of his officers come with him and they would stay at a hotel.

Well, they arrived before the summer festival. Talia went to book rooms at the hotel and immediately went to knock at the Irihata's door. Irihata was the one who responded.

"Come in" he said when he saw him.

They went to the kitchen, and Talia took a seat at the table.

"Do- do you want something to drink?" Irihata asked hesitantly.

"Just water, please"

They then heard footsteps go down the stairs. Oikawa appeared in the kitchen, but only realized Talia's presence after he asked his question.

"Who was it? Oh, hi"

"Hi, you are?"

"Oikawa Tooru and you?"

"Detective Talia Ruyha"

"Detective?" Oikawa asked, surprised, his face betraying him. Then, it got back to his normal expression, realizing. "Oh, right, the call that Irihata made a few days ago."

Oikawa made his way to the table and sat two seats away from the Detective, keeping a respectful distance between themselves.

"I'm the one in charge of this case."

"Yeah, realized it."

"And, by what you're telling me, you seem to be here a lot."

Irihata came to give the glass of water to Talia.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome. But yeah, um, he's a friend of Y/n, probably the only one that Y/n's feeling, like, the most comfortable and in total security with."

"Oh" Talia said, surprised.

"Yeah, took her some time to get out of the house when she arrived here. She wouldn't want to go outside, even if I was with her. That's why she did school at home."

"Yeah, heard that. Um, still, did she go out of the house?"

"Yes, but only with Oikawa"

"Might be love. I mean, probably, almost certain" Talia said, looking at air.

Oikawa got confused, frowning. He was more surprised than anything else, too. I mean, he was sure at a 100% that Y/n didn't return his feelings. But now, a Detective is affirming the contrary. "Could also be bullshit" he thought.

Then, Talia's head turned to Oikawa. He saw his expression and smiled.

"I'm serious. She couldn't even trust her uncle, I don't think she would trust a normal friend. I mean, does she got other friends"

"Yeah, Iwaizumi" Irihata answered.

"And they're more like bestfriends than just friends" Oikawa said.

"Proves it" Talia said.

"It proves nothing" Oikawa said harshly, pretty sure all of this was not true.

"And here I thought you were agreeing with me"

"I was just pointing out proofs, but it doesn't mean I agree."

"You know what I think? I think you have feelings towards her. The only thing is, you don't think she can have the same feelings towards you and you think that it's not the time for her to be having useless, meaningless complicated things in her life, such as love. So, you're shutting yourself, probably trying to get rid of those feelings because you think you know Y/n will never have these same feelings, but it's impossible"

Oikawa couldn't believe he had it right. Even though he was trying to keep it hidden, his face was betraying him... again.

"If I'm not right, then I think you should tell her, because she obviously fell for you. But, if I'm right, wait a little, just the time for this to be done. And believe me, it will be done soon"

Y/n soon made her way in the room. When she recognized the Detective, her tired expression soon switched to a serious expression, and she waved at him.


"Hi, Y/n, how are you going?"

"Well, you know, situation's bad so I'm trying to live with it at its best, but it's not easy."

"Come sit, we need to talk."

Y/n sat next to Talia and Oikawa, and Irihata decided to stay up.

"So, you said that you could feel his presence near"

"Yes, I know it sounds stupid, but-" tears started to appear at the corner of her eyes. "But- but it's like I can feel it, I know it, and I don't know how to explain it."

"I understand, but I need you to tell me whose presence are you feeling exactly?"

"The guy, the master mind, the boss of the killers, the one who organized it all." she said, trembling, chills going down her spine, spreading to her entire body.

"Okay, I believe you. It's not the first time I get involved in things like that. People whe feel others' presence. It's normal, so that's why I'm here. You need protection if your feeling is true."

"Thank you"

They continued talking about what happened on Oikawa's birthday, but Oikawa was lost in his mind. This feeling he always felt, everyday, since he met Y/n, came back for today's session. He never understood why he felt like it wasn't the first time he saw her. When she bumped into him, at school, he hid his surprise and confusion. This face, those features, he was sure he saw them somewhere before, but he never knew where and when exactly he saw them. But, he realized it just now. Memories came back like the lightning strucks the sky. Revelations.


"Y/n, are you ready?" Irihata shouted from the kitchen.

"Almost, just let me finish!" she screamed back.

Knocks at the door were then heard and Irihata went to open. Oikawa was there, in a yukata. Irihata let him in.

"Is Y/n ready?"

"Almost, but she's been telling me that for about thirty minutes."

Oikawa giggled.

"So, are you excited for the second semester?"

"Mostly for volleyball. And Y/n and I have been competioning about our grades, so this year is way more fun than every other I had."

After a little moment of silence, Irihata spoke.

"Thank you"

Oikawa looked at Y/n's uncle, confused.

"For what?"

"For all that you did for her, obviously" Irihata said, serious. "She changed in a matter of weeks, and here I thought it was going to take her months, or even years to get over her parents' death and all that happened. But with you, she finally was able to enjoy life, even under all this pressure and this pain. And it's all thanks to you."

"And Iwaizumi, without him, I don't think that things would have happened the same way."

"I guess so. After all, without him, you would probably be arested for goofing off too many times"

"I don't think that it's a good thing to tell your player that sort of thing"

Irihata and Oikawa started to laugh and then, they heard a door open, which meant that Y/n was done. Silence filled the entire house. They turned their heads towards the bathroom, seeing a totally different Y/n go out of the room.

Oikawa was looking at her, thinking of her to be the most beautiful girl in the world. He was admiring her, her yukata, her hair. She was just perfect in his eyes.

"Stop looking at me like that, gosh, I'm gonna go back in the bathroom to hide, you're almost scaring me."

Irihata smiled. "I knew her yukata would fit you perfectly. Your mom would have found you beautiful."

She smiled briefly, happy to hear these words. Oikawa and her then started to head towards the festival, bidding goodbyes to Irihata before closing the door behind themselves.

"So what do you want to do?" Oikawa asked her.

"I don't know, but I can't wait for the fireworks"

"You really do love them, do you?"

"Yeah, when I was younger, we always used to go to these festivals. My brother and father would stick together and I would stay with my mother. We stayed late, watching the fireworks. I always called these moments, "Perfect Memories" with a capital P and M."

Oikawa just smiled.

"But, to answer your question, I think I'll follow you anywhere"

"Uh uh?" he said, looking at Y/n with a smirk.

"No, not like that, I'd get killed if I followed you anywhere, but I mean, at the festival."

"You won't be killed if you're with me" Oikawa said, serious.

Y/n didn't answer. She just didn't want anything to happen to him, and to anyone else. It's her story, her problems, and she is the only one that can bear the actual pain. They finally arrived at the festival. Y/n was excited that she forgot everything else that made her life a hell, a nightmare. She was with Oikawa, with him, she knew nothing would happen and they were in a place full of people, so it kinda calmed her down to know that any smart killer who didn't want to be caught wouldn't kill her victim in front of everyone's eyes. Also, a little smile had appeared on her lips.

They visited every stand, played the games some would propose, they bought food, charms, anything that caught their eye.

"So, I will take a candied apple" Y/n said.

"Two candied apples, please" Oikawa asked.

The old lady that was taking care of that stand seemed really sweet. She was looking at them with a smile, as if memories were coming back. She gave them their two candied apples and told them the price.

"I'll pay" Oikawa proposed, but Y/n clearly didn't seem to agree.

"It's free" the old lady suddenly said. "You're such a cute couple, it's on me, go have fun"

They both blushed, but didn't say anything, just whispering a 'thank you' to the old lady and walking away, eating their apples. And, Y/n took her phone out of her pocket to look at the time.

"The fireworks are gonna start soon, we need to go sit near."

Y/n didn't let Oikawa finish, she put her phone back in her pocket, and took Oikawa's hand, running towards the nearest point of view to see the fireworks, the candied apple in the other hand. Oikawa seemed surprised, but didn't say anything, running by her side. He was having fun with Y/n, now, and that's all that matters.

They sat on the grass, waiting for the fireworks to pop in the night sky. They had the time to finish their candied apples before the show started. Oikawa sudenly stood up.

"I'm going to buy some water bottles, so wait here"

"What? But the fireworks are about to start."

"I'll be fast"

He walked away, going straight for a vending machine.

While, on her side, Y/n was thinking about all that's happened tonight. She was happy, until she received a phone call. She took her phone out of her pocket and accepted the unknown call.


"Hi, Y/n..."

Shivers went down her spine when she heard the voice. She thought she wouldn't hear it again. That feminine voice made her eyes widen in fear.

"How did you get my number?" she asked, scared.

"Well, we just had to threaten a little kitten called Tomochika."

"What did you do to him?"

"Absolutely nothing, just made sure he would give us your number, darling"

"And, why are you calling me, anyway?"

"Because, I couldn't let my rival get away like that, right? I just needed to wait for your little boyfriend to walk away and I would call you when night time has just started, when you're alone. Also, that yukata, it looks like a fucking scrapped piece of shit."

Y/n started to look around, trying to search for the person behind the voice.

"Don't try to find me, I'm well hidden, and anyways, I saw that receive at the park on the 20th of july, so you started playing volleyball again?"

"Stay away from me"

"I could steal your boyfriend. Make that new bestfriend of yours be mine. I could ruin your life, again."

"Leave me alone" she begged, almost on the verge of crying.

"I don't care how many times you try to convince me Y/n, you ain't my mom, nor my boss. I'm gonna make your life a living hell again. But for now, bye bye, see you later"

The girl hung up and Y/n slowly took the phone away from her ear, tears of fear, mostly, were now falling on her cheeks. Oikawa came back and immediately sat beside her.

"Y/n?! What happened?! Is everything okay?"

She turned her head towards Oikawa, fear envelopping her eyes, tears falling continuously. Oikawa was worried as hell about her.

"She... she's back..."

Suddenly, fireworks started to pop in the sky.


(A/N) : Hi, guys, I'm glad I got this chapter out that early. Plus, I prefer writing with my laptop, so I'm surprised I accepted to write on my phone, which is more complicated, because I don't have the habit to work a different way that I usually do. Anyways, hoped you like this chapter, see you on the other one🤭😊.

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