The Greatest Ever

By MAHB4104

44K 885 205

That one day, everything changed. As the boy fought the beast with burning heart full of passion, his courage... More

The Greatest Ever
This new World
Lore AND Family
Status & Dungeon
The Journey
The Progression
A quick Note*
Ch 7
Declaration of War
The structure of my fic
Aftermath && Additions
What it means
Fame & Encounter
Climax (2)
Status Sheet*
Past, Present & Future
Abyss & Saint
Extermination Squad


2K 45 7
By MAHB4104




An open plain field with a single imposing castle standing upright, surrounded by woods and mountains which could be seen in the distance with streams of water running down the small hills in form of many waterfalls sparkling as they fell in the lakes down below. With the wind brushing past filled with many flavours, with bright sun over on the horizon rising slowly bringing with it warmth, dispelling the cold night.

This was indeed a very picturesque scene often described in fairy tales.

This was a paradise for nature lovers and artists but too bad since no one here seemed to care one bit about such beauty. They were focused entirely on their work with many small and big crates constantly entering the castle using a draw bridge over the moat filled with water. It was a highly fortified stronghold with thick high walls with multiple towers encompassing it from all sides.

It was truly striking with workers stopping from time to time to catch a breath and gazing at this impressive build. Awe struck for a time and then continuing the work. Right now, they were transferring all the needed resources like food and weapons for this wargame.

Today was the first day and it had yet to start. Both Familia had been given some time to complete the initial preparations and to get used to the surroundings.

"How long till it begins?"

"Why in such a hurry?"

"I just want to crush them and get this over with"

"Yeah, but we're gonna be here for quite a while anyway so relax enjoy"

There was no worry here. The atmosphere was easy as if just some small occasion was taking place.

While such idle conversations were taking place, two girls roughly around the same age were standing on top of the wall staring at the unknown. They were here to look after all the logistics and to make sure no one slacked as well as to prevent any unforeseen accidents.

One of the two looked carefree, even bored while the other one looked worried with expression of distress visible on her face. After a while she turned to her co-league

"Daphne let's leave here. Please" she pleaded to the Daphne. It seemed she was utterly serious about this even though such comment didn't make sense here

Hearing Cassandra, Daphne's face contorted in annoyance. "Hah!? Again, with your nonsense" This wasn't the first time this friend of her asked this. This was happening since last night. Apparently, she had seen a dream in which the castle fell which was obviously hard to believe for anyone given the situation

"No. I saw it fall-" Cassandra insisted and tried one more time but was interrupted by furious Daphne "Enough!? Even if we want to back off, you think that's possible?"

"B-But I..."

After some stuttering, Cassandra eventually stopped after noticing something over on the Horizon. It was a pallum she was acquainted with, but something was off. Seeing that Pallum increased her worry with a frown appearing on her face "The Trojan Horse....!" She softly muttered with no one in the vicinity hearing her.

She kept a close eye on said Pallum until he entered the castle and then shut her eyes as if she saw nothing.


While Apollo Familia was busy, Hestia Familia had nothing much to do. They didn't need all that many supplies and their preparations were mostly done

"That a good luck charm Bell" Welf was looking at a small pendant in Bells hand. It was beautiful with an intricate design and a fairy rising to the sky with her wings fully opened drawn on the surface. Bell got this on the way here by a waitress from Hostess Fertility, it seemed her name was Syr

Bell looked at the pendant one more time before replying "Something like that" He had rather good relationship with Syr both as a customer and as a friend

"Hoho that your type?" Welf said in a teasing tone flustering Bell to no end "N-No. It's not like that. She's just a friend" he shook his head greatly answering in somewhat stuttering tone

"For him that is" Zoro too interjected. This was a small window of frame they had before going in for a crazy battle so joking around was the best way to calm one's mind. Especially Bell needed that calming since his expression was a bit too tight and nervous about the whole ordeal.

Bell couldn't say anything to that but at least he felt some burden on his heart lessening by a great deal. Now he could once again breath normally. After calming down he looked around with uncertainty, "Is this really a good hiding place" right now they were hiding behind a small mound. This area was really flat with little bumps here and there which served as their hiding place

"We're not really hiding, just resting"

"Yeah..." He looked at castle in front losing in his own thoughts. So far as he knew, this castle once served as a base of operations no. Rather it was made to be served as one of the many checkpoints along with a resting place for ancient warriors. According to what Eina told him, this castle was used as a stronghold to stop and wipe out the monsters coming from dungeon, so it had seen many bloody battles and witnessed rise and fall of many heroes.

Just looking at it gave him a deep sense of solemnity as well as power and now his familia had to go against such behemoth. Perhaps no one of those days would even consider the idea of this castle being used in this way, it was truly ironic

"What happened?" seeing him lost in thought, Welf couldn't help calling out to him but Bell "No. Nothing" just gazed over the matter

"Get ready" seeing sun reaching a certain height, Zoro immediately got up prompting them "Go and follow the plan" he wasn't a man of plans neither did he follow some thought out meticulous plans. He was going to do what he always did, what he felt like. To go straight at it. As for plans, they were for others to follow "Finish it quickly else you'll lose your chance" and with that, Bell and Welf nodded and started moving


"It's about time"


Faar away from the battlefield inside the city in a large gymnasium was a large gathering. Many celestials and only celestials gathered here waiting for the intended time like everyone else.

"Hey there Hestia" someone suddenly called out to Hestia as she was conversing with Hephaistos. For this gathering, Take and Miach decided to stay behind watching the event with their children

She turned around and "Hermes" wasn't surprised to see him here

"So, how much confidence do you have?" she decided to ignore him. Honestly, she didn't want to get involved with this fellow

Seeing such obvious indifference, he couldn't help calling out "Come now. I even helped you" well he was partially right

"For your own purpose" Hestia never once believed that Hermes did that for her benefit or without some other reason and "Well, I won't deny that, but it did increase your chances" she got a confirmation right away

Hestia decided to remain silent on these remarks and suddenly turned around. It was Apollo coming over, as flashy as ever. Looking at her deeply with smiling face said it all. He didn't even need to open his mouth to convey the message, 'it's my victory' this could be felt from every single one of his gestures

It wasn't long before the bell rang signalling the beginning. Hearing that, Hermes got up speaking in loud voice "Ouranos, are we allowed to use the arcanum now?" and "Allowed" a deep and powerful voice resounded throughout Orario.

With confirmation, Mirrors appeared all over Orario. These Mirrors were conjured using small bit of arcanum and showed the situation of the wargame happening live. This was one of their powers. Using these mirrors, they could see anything, anywhere and anytime with just a tap of their fingers. Naturally there were some limitations but not much.

Things seemed calm over at the surface, but some unusual movements could be observed regarding Hestia Familia


War game had officially begun, and Zoro too came out from behind the mound. He didn't even try to hide his presence such that every archer stationed on the large wall could easily see him coming over. For a moment it was blank since no one could understand what was happening. They had thought that Hestia Familia would take their time and attack in full force but here they immediately came, and it was just one man holding a sword in each hand.

Where were the others?

What are they planning?

These thoughts crossed their minds but not for long since the swordsman started sprinting towards them, towards the moat surrounding the castle with smile etched on his face. He looked fearless at this moment as if no matter what happened, he would not back down.

Even though it was surprising, they didn't get flustered and immediately got hold of their bows, aiming and shooting at him.

There were in total 50 archers stationed on the walls with everyone else waiting down below. This side alone had 20 archers each of whom shot multiple arrows in his direction. Although on a smaller scale, this could be viewed as a rain of arrows all coming towards a single entity.

Zoro didn't stop and kept on moving forward. He put the third sword in his mouth, lined them all in parallel direction before jumping and spinning with great force

(Three swords style, Dragon Twister!) enough that powerful whirlwind appeared around him knocking away all the arrows, changing their directions or directly smashing them to smithereens. This whirlwind stayed for just a moment before dissipating but the arrow barrage coming towards him was gone.

Zoro didn't yet have enough strength to cause something big which would stay for long, but this was enough. It gave him time to get closer to the moat while the shooters were gawking at the sight

They couldn't utter a word but after a bit of confusion immediately called others over and started the arrow barrage one more time

This time Zoro didn't use any special moves and simply intercepted and deflected all the arrows with lightest movements possible. It seemed as if he was dancing in a flurry of arrows, as if roses were falling yet none could touch him. This was really graceful completely different from his previous style. The reason he did so previously was to intimidate them and although it worked but not for long, so he switched to normal style.

"Why?! Why can't you hit him" A man seemed to be the leader yelled at all archers since not one of their attacks were getting through

"We don't know"

"Yeah. We're trying our best but..."

They were all flustered but what could they really do. If he was using a special skill or magic then perhaps, they wouldn't be so agitated but here he wasn't using any special movement or sword techniques, NO. He was simple moving and blocking any arrows coming his way as efficiently as possible without over drawing his strength or stamina.

This was beyond their understanding, something they never even thought or witnessed

Soon he came on the bank of the moat surrounding this castle and by now, no arrows came his way for a rather simple reason. They were out of stock since they never thought even in wildest imagination of something like this happening. In fact, many doubted his actions of purchasing arrows in such large bulk, but Apollo felt something off, so he didn't care and tried to overestimate Hestia Familia as much as possible, but it seemed he still underestimated them or rather their captain by a large margin.

Regardless they were out of arrows and could only resort to Melee, but would Zoro even reach them? This castle was surrounded by a large moat and possessed high walls, trumping either was impossible for 3rd class adventurers so once again they were relieved but still something at the back of their head was telling them, 'No. This isn't the end yet' And in the next moment, Zoro jumped

"Wha?! How's that possible" their mouths gaped open at what they were seeing. Zoro had jumped over the entire moat and was now climbing the wall using his swords as footholds

"Y-y-you fools. Stop him from climbing" the leader screamed his throat out ordering and warning them

"But how? We're out of-"

"Shut up. Just do something" it seemed his previous showing had really frightened this leader of theirs, but he wasn't wrong neither was he the only one feeling this but despite their best efforts, Zoro had climbed over and began the carnage


'They really underestimated us' Zoro looked down from the top of the wall which by now was empty with blood flowing freely. He tried to hold back since it wasn't permitted to kill others in this wargame intentionally, but accidents were bound to happen.

'This is too easy' perhaps if they had stationed some mages on the walls, things would have been different. Atleast they could have stalled him for a bit, but they didn't do so most probably because they didn't feel the need to. Looking down with his blood-stained hairs and clothes dancing freely in the wind, he could feel terror. They were afraid after seeing that squad being wiped out in what could be considered to be few instances

No one had the will to face him head on. They waited to gang up on him once he came down

"Alright! Here's the thing. Those who don't have the will should throw their weapons and leave" Zoro wanted to fight but only those worthy. Those who had lost their will to fight weren't worth his time.

Hearing him brought light to some of their eyes but was extinguished right away. Everyone was watching them and for some, face and dignity might not be something worth fighting over, losing lives but these two things mattered a lot to all adventurers. Not to mention if they stepped down now then the punishment would be swift regardless of end result. They also didn't think he was capable to facing all of them, so they renewed their resolve and "...Urrah!! ..." let out a powerful war cry, renewing their resolve to fight

"I respect your wills" Zoro jumped down with black blades, facing all two hundred in one versus all battle


Orario was silent, even more than the morning. None spoke anything just watched in sheer amazement

"What the hell!?"

"Is he for real"

"He's the new record holder. Right?"

"Yeah. Reaching lvl 2 in just a month is unbelievable but this..."

"Is he really only lvl 2?"

"They won't dare to deceive so should be true, but still!"

Lound noises could suddenly be heard from Hostess of Fertility with everyone watching in excitement mixed with sorrows. They were excited for such a change but were sorrowful due to his power. If it kept on like this, wouldn't they lose all the bet money?

"Captain is amazing, nya!" Hestia Familia came here from time to time for eating and sometimes celebrations, so every waitress was acquainted with all their members. Anya referred to Zoro as simply 'captain' since that's what most called him

Ryuu too watched and couldn't help remembering the scene from a month ago. A scene where he beheaded those thugs in a single clean swipe. She knew he was strong, but this exceeded her imagination. He was jumping around here and there cutting everyone down. He wasn't exactly overwhelming them with power but more so with technique. Many of their attacks were landing on each other due to his perfect manuaring tactics.

'If they don't immediately coordinate their attacks, they will be wiped out' One of the main reasons it was so easy for him was because there was almost no coordination among them. Whenever they tried to coordinate, Zoro would send an 'air slash' taking out the leader. So, they were like headless flies just running about chasing and wielding their weapons even obstructing each other

Same conversations were taking place all over Orario, but things had just started. As they watched, some celestials noticed an oddity, every member of Apollo familia was fighting with their lives on the line but one pallum was simply running. They wouldn't care if that was all since not everyone was brave, and some were bound to run away but this Pallum was running towards the back gate specifically ignoring everything.

No one was around since they were busy fighting so in no time, said Pallum reached the backdoor and opened it inviting two unexpected guests

"Wooaaahhhh?!! A betrayal?!" It was natural for there to be a commentator in this event. This commentary couldn't be heard on the wargame site, but everyone could hear it in Orario, and they too were shocked by what was transpiring

"What are you doing LUAN?!" Apollo who had already stood up from his seat couldn't help but yell out loud. He was flabbergasted. Nothing was going according to plan; everything was being ruined by that one swordsman and before he could wrap his head around it, now this? One of his own betrayed him?

"No. Something's not right" he thought out loud and immediately turned to Hestia who didn't even acknowledge him and just smiled looking at her own mirror. Seeing that smile twisted his stomach "What have you done Hestia?!" and with a hideous face asked her in resentful tone

"Nothing" that was the only answer. He felt like going over and slap her a few times but naturally couldn't even if he wanted to.

Burying his indignations, he calmed his mind and sat back down. Now he only had one hope left and given what he knew, perhaps there would be a change, but he would probably lose all of the lvl 1's fighting down there seeing how easily Zoro was moving about, attacking, blocking and intercepting without any problem mowing them all down in groups


"Thanks Lily" Bell and Welf had entered the castle through backdoor. This door was rather small, just about 7 feet tall but it was enough

"Don't mention it Bell-sama" that pallum replied in cheery voice. Yes. This pallum was Lily. They had already kidnapped Luan with her taking his place for information gathering

"So, where to next?"

"Lily knows where the commander is but... it won't be easy. We'll have to go through seven lvl 2's to get to him"

"I still have my magic sword so it should be useful" Welf looked over his shoulder at the sword bandaged in pieces of clothes. It could only be used once but was effective

"Alright. We can't rely on captain for everything. Let's go" Bell too prepared himself and the group moved about following Lily.

This castle was big consisting of many crossroads and great halls with winding paths. It was enough to get lost in, but Lily had already memorized all the paths, so she moved about unhindered. Soon after crossing a great hall, they came across the stairs going up. Lily once again took the lead and moved forward before abruptly stopping looking behind. Both Bell and Welf had stopped at some point "What happened Bell-sama?"

Bell turned to her "The racket has stopped" with uncertainty in his vice

"Racket? Oh, you mean noise of fighting. Yeah, I can't hear anything" Lily jerked up her ears and indeed. All the noise coming from before had ceased

"Does that mean"

"What are you worried about Bell? He won't be taken down that easily"

"Yeah, I know. Let's go" Dispelling his worries, he moved forward one step at a time until coming to a stop once again.

Right in front of them was a rather weird group. They didn't look like fighters or adventurers rather they were more like musicians they had seen many times in Orario, roaming around and preforming. No, they were indeed musicians but why here?

"This...?" even Welf couldn't help being confused. Were they going to perform or something?

"It's them, the new five lvl 2's Apollo Familia recruited" Lily too spoke up seeing their confusion. Even she couldn't understand how this group managed to reach lvl 2 or rather, why would they come here with musical instruments during a wargame

This group was shrouded in mysteries

"GET BACK?!" Suddenly Bell pulled both of them and retreated as fast as possible. He instinctively felt danger as if something bad was about to happen and he was right.

Right in front of their eyes something happened ravaging this massive hall. Yes, the stairs opened up to another hall filled with pillars and paintings of long-gone age but now everything was ruined. The wall paintings were scrapped with cracks appearing on the surrounding pillars even though nothing had happened in that instant except for a loud voice

"Oh! You managed to react" a voice filled with surprise entered their ears. This was the first time someone got away from this opening attack unscathed

Bell trio looked at this group with apparent anxiety in their eyes. If not for Bell, they would have been seriously injured or worse due to whatever happened a while ago.

"Orario truly is different alright but how did you manage to get here?" asked the middle-aged man who seemed to be the leader among this group. Them getting here wasn't the main issue, the main issue was their condition.

They were perfect with no signs of any injury or even fighting. It looked as if they just sprinted and got here but then what about all the noise, they were hearing a while ago? What happened down there, to those hot-headed individuals. Regardless, they had been given the job to stop everyone here and they would do just that

'Something's not right here' Looking at their nonchalant expressions increased the unease in Bell's heart and not long before it turned into a reality

"Lily?!" they called out simultaneously seeing Lily just falling over. She seemed to have fallen asleep and they too had started to feel sluggish "What the hell is going on here?" Welf couldn't help cursing out loud. Was this sleep-inducing magic or perhaps some drug was being used here in this chamber. Nevertheless, he would blow everything apart if that's what it took to get out of this mess, and he just had the means to do so.

Just as he was about to take out the magic sword, his clarity came back with a sudden shock "what happened?" Lily too jerked up from beauty sleep seeming confused and so was Bell after regaining his clarity.

"Stop these petty tricks" hearing that voice filled with infinite vigour relieved them. Turning around they saw him, bathed in blood with the same sparkle in is eyes like before. Nothing had changed, not that imposing manner nor this smile

He looked energetic even after fighting that bloody battle as if nothing had happened. That said, although few but there were small scratches here and there on his body, but this highlighted his formidable manner taking it a few notches high

Zoro turned to the trio "Go ahead. I'll handle this" this wasn't a request or suggestion, no. It was an order one filled with absolute confidence

"Yes" Bell nodded slowly before turning to the band "their abilities are strange". Both Welf and Lily nodded. Even now they didn't know of as to what had transpired a while ago

"Go" Zoro motioned them forward. This hall was connected to two corridors on the left and right side each. Bell looked at him and them one last time before moving forward to the right side. He expected to be stopped but there was nothing. Just silence.

Thus, following Lily's lead the trio moved forward and soon coming upon an open area with bright sun light shining over them. Now only three enemies remained for them to face moving forward

"Right in front is a bridge crossing which would give us access to route to the throne room"

"Oh, so we're close?" soon they came across a giant gate. It could challenge even the front door of this castle in terms of pure size but was made up of wood which too had mostly rotten thanks to passing of time. They stopped a bit preparing themselves since there could be an ambush right there waiting for them.

Bell and Welf took the vanguard with Lily taking a step back taking out her crossbow preparing to shoot. Bell took a deep breath and "Lets go" taking a step forward (Firebolt...!) and the door was blown to smithereens upon impact, but it didn't end there.

As soon as the scenery beyond came into view Welf pulled Bell back and (! Will-o-Wisp!) causing several explosions in front. These explosions didn't come into being due his magic but rather due to others magics going haywire

The reason Welf pulled him back was because of several magic casters in front each of whom channelled their own brand of magics targeting Bell. Welf came forward due to his own absolute confidence in his personal magic 'Will-o-Wisp'. This was what he got upon being marked by a falna, his very first and only magic. It was different from Bell in various ways.

He couldn't directly attack or damage anyone with this magic, but it had it's uses. It could even be considered to be the mage killer due to its affect over mages in general. If timed correctly, it could cause instability in magic leading it to become uncontrollable. This in turn makes it difficult and for most part impossible to control the overall flow causing such magic to self-destruct.

So, he could cause massive damage to any magician close to his level by using their own magic against them and that's exactly what happened.

This group of mages dropped unconscious due to varying degree of injuries and mind down. They were a special group arranged here to deal with any unexpected happenings. That said, mages weren't the only ones arranged here. Right behind these mages was Daphne standing alongside some of their adventurers. Seeing them failing so miserably, she couldn't help clicking her tongue before leading a charge.

These adventurers were more skilled when compared to all those down below on individual terms but were still taken out before long leaving only her behind

Bell sprinted attacking her flank which she dodged by side stepping. He followed suit, releasing a small barrage of attacks she failed to defend and was thrown off. Before he could finish her off though "Go ahead. Let me handle her" Welf stepped forward with his long sword in hand prepared to fight her. He wanted to compare his own skills with hers since both were lvl 2's albeit her being stronger in stats but he didn't care. Stats could be made up by technique, he had already learned this lesson through the hard way

"Oho, are you going to be alright Welf-sama. Should Lily look after you"

"Do I look like a child" He turned towards her with bright smile etched on his face "Go ahead"

"Take care" Bell moved forward with Lily in tow after giving him a last look. They entered another hall after crossing the bridge and he was somewhat nervous.

Why wouldn't he since he was going to be fighting someone who once gave him a beating. This plan was also formulated with him in mind, but he was also certain that if he couldn't end it here, Zoro would do so for him. That fellow wouldn't stop but he didn't want that to happen.

This was his fight, his battle and he would win if for nothing than to answer his training and proving, it wasn't a waste. With determined eyes he looked towards Lily "Where to next?" speaking with confidence

"Actually, he's right above us" Lily said looking at the ceiling of this hall. They would now have to climb up another set of stairs before reaching the throne room. It wouldn't be long now, but he stopped moving with closed eyes

Lily too looked at him with a little uncertainty "What happened Bell-sama?" why had he suddenly stopped but she didn't get an answer. Rather she heard a little chime as if several small bells were striking each other in continuous but harmonious manner. She saw his right hand starting to glow and nodded as if understanding. She too prepared herself for the last battle they would be fighting here


This was a throne room and there indeed was a stone throne in here but nothing else. The entire room was empty with only some wall paintings around. Light source was the sun itself with its light shining through the windows, brightening up this dark gloomy place

Hyakinthos was sitting on said throne with gloomy expression. Just a while ago a Daphne came over bringing with her an electrifying news, one he found hard to believe.

Hestia Familia which he considered beneath himself in every sense of the word had actually managed to break in. They didn't just enter though; their captain alone was mowing down their forces left and right. Their warriors were falling like dry leaves from the dead tree unable to put forward any sort of resistance.

This news terrified him. How could something like this even be possible. Were they hiding their strength but that couldn't be right either since Guild would never allow misinformation then was he just that strong despite being a level lower than himself?

Nothing made sense now and before he could properly wrap his head around just this, she told him another piece angering him to no end, Luan had betrayed them!

Why would he do so?

Was it because he got scared after seeing their captain's prowess or had this betrayal been arranged from the beginning

Regardless of reason, he had allowed their enemy to enter through the backdoor while everyone else was busy fighting and that was enough to warrant him death punishment.

It seemed he was brining Hestia Familia to the throne room but what about those new recruits? Shouldn't they be able stop them?

Regardless Daphne insisted to make preparations in case they manage to pass through and thus he allowed her to take the warriors and Mages present in the throne room. It seemed she was going to arrange a trap for whoever manage to come through on the sky bridge

"Hah!? I just hope that monster isn't able to make it or at least be too injured to do anything" Truthfully, he had no confidence in being able to take on that guy in peak condition but even if he's able to make it through, his condition should have gotten too worse to be able to do anything or so he hoped

Now he could only wait and watch as things go "Captain! Captain, please I beg of you to leave here" and he was jolt awake by the only person except him left in the throne room. It was Cassandra and she had been speaking nonsense since morning

"What nonsense!? You expect me to do something so cowardly" even if he felt scared of that monster he still wouldn't and couldn't leave here since that would smear Apollo's face. There was already a traitor and if even the captain ran away, what would be left of his dignity. For him Apollo and his affection was everything. Nothing else mattered not even his life

That said Cassandra wasn't about to back down yet and "B-But...?" tried to warn him again and again but once again "Enough?! I've had it" was ruthlessly shot down

By now she couldn't do anything more after being shut down repeatedly with tears streaming down her face. Glancing around the surroundings as if to confirm something, she held her shoulders with each hand shivering at the thought of what was about to happen.

She had seen it all, the same floor, the same throne and the same helplessness felt by her now. It was the same both there and here and not long before she looked towards the throne whispering "thunder fire..."

Hearing that increased his annoyance but before he could reprimand her "Wha-?" was blown away along with the throne by what seemed like a rising flame



"Was that a quick cast?"

"But that power..."

All the celestials gathered in the grand hall yelled in excitement. It was due to Bell using what seemed like a quick cast but said quick cast destroyed the ceiling along with the throne above. That power was phenomenal especially when it came to magic since for most quick casts at low level couldn't produce that much power. Quick cast was usually versatile, fast and easy to use but the power aspect to it was low.

A lvl two spell with 'long chanting' could be as much as three times stronger when compared to a single quick cast but it took time. So, both chanting and quick casting had their pros & cons but here they saw someone using what seemed like a single chant quick cast with power comparable to a lvl three spell. If every quick cast was this powerful, then who would need those long chants

"That power should be related to that white light"

"Yeah. Most likely a skill added with quick-cast magic"

"Still! A skill that 'empowers' is rather rare"

Now, naturally there were those who observed everything with calm minds without getting over excited and it didn't take long for them to come to a reasonable conclusion

"In that way it's equal to long chanting but... what can it empower other than magic?"

And then there were those focused on research. They would rather know the cause then getting thrilled over effect.

Regardless all kinds of conversations were taking place all around with each one sharing their own opinions. By now all over the city, the mirrors themselves had been divided into three different sections each one displaying a different scene relating to three battles going on simultaneously

A battle between a 'Swordsman' and a group of 'musicians'

A battle between a 'passionate smith' and a 'valiant warrior'

And last but not least,

A battle between the 'reason' and the 'cause' of this event

This wargame had gone completely out of norm and had become something no one ever expected. It had devolved into equal battles with no one being certain of who would come out victorious.

Many even put their bets on said battles, perhaps as a way to mitigate damage that would be dealt to their wallets due to their earlier bets most of which favoured Apollo with barely anyone even giving Hestia Familia a look. As for those who put their chips on the 'beginners' luck' or perhaps 'potential' regarding Hestia Familia sat there with solemn faces. Regardless to say, they didn't have much hope and did so only as a joke, but things had gotten serious. If in case Hestia Familia won which they had equal chances, then the amount gained by these fellows would be tremendous

So, they watched and waited with heavy breaths alongside everyone else

Who would win and who would lose would become clear so long as any of these battles were finished OR maybe not. Perhaps the fights would continue until eventually only one person stayed standing as the final victor

Over in the grand hall,

"Tch! That midget got lucky" it was Loki clearly not in a good mood. She didn't have any life/death enmity with Hestia but seeing her children's being overshadowed left a bitter taste in her mouth which she couldn't properly swallow

Then she turned to Hestia & Hephaistos to perhaps relieve some irritation but Hestia was too much into it so she would probably be ignored in case of trying to talk or instigate Hestia. Taking a breath, she turned to Hephaistos smirking "Fei Fei you sure don't want that child back?" right now she was eying Welf on the screen who although not as striking as the other two was still pretty stable. He could be considered strong even among lvl 2's as a whole on top of being a blacksmith.

Loki naturally knew his fame like many others. He was the only one to have created a peak lvl 2 equipment while only being at lvl 1 and now seeing him, proved his combat effectiveness. This was a man filled with boundless potential so why would anyone allow someone like that to just up and leave

Hearing her statement, Hephaistos didn't move her gaze but smiled softly before answering "That was his decision and I respect all of my children's decisions"

"Muh! You're no fun" for Loki who liked to tease others, someone like Hephaistos was indeed no fun

Hephaistos simply ignored her. Her centre attention for the most part was Zoro. Yes, she looked over Welf and Bell from time to time but still Zoro was the main attraction here 'Those swords? Was that what he was talking about' her attention had been taken more by his swords than swordsman ship. She couldn't mistake them, these were indeed 'no grade' swords but she had never heard or seen any of these before

'Whatever. I'll ask him personally to have a look'

Over on the side, Hermes looked at the ongoing fights with rapt attention. It seemed as if he would burrow a hole to enter inside if given a chance. Seeing sudden change in a certain scene he subconsciously spoke up

"It's starting. That's rather an unusual group Apollo managed to gather but........."

He was talking about those musicians or rather that Orchestra. For a few minutes now, that group stayed locked exchanging a few blows with each other as if to familiarize with opponent style of combat, but it seemed they were getting serious

More than anyone, it was him who was excited by all the various developments and why wouldn't he be? He wasn't sure if they were the real deal yet but the potential they showed was stunning enough. He wanted to see more of what they could do, what they were capable of. He wanted to see their ceiling perhaps second only to Hestia herself


This is the story of a certain group of travellers brought together by a single entity. This group which in normal circumstances would never have come together was joined in a single family again by a single entity.

About a decade ago, someone descended on to the mortal realm. It was a celestial named 'Euterpe' with her domain covering any and all sorts of music. There was hardly anyone as passionate about music as her. Many great tunes and lyrics had personally been made by her in remembrance of heroes of ancients.

As for why she came down. Well, she like many others was bored over there living the same life, spending the same time over and over and over. It was to the point that she had become lazy and dispassionate. She wanted to feel like old days once again, to create a completely new piece unlike any other and so in search of such excitement an opportunity, she finally decided to come down and join the mortals in their struggles. To live with them in their way and experience hardships like them.

She lived like that for quite a while living as a traveller moving around from place to place like wind roaming the skies freely. It happened on one of those days that she came across someone. A young man extremely passionate about music belonging to the family of musicians but it seemed he wasn't accepted, perhaps due to revolutionize ideals held in his heart. His train of thought was different from everyone else's and didn't follow the established rules making pieces on his own in his own way disregarding anything others said. Since he was trying to change the old system bringing a new one, the family discarded him treating him like an outsider until eventually the gates were shut on his face on a rainy day

She saw it all, his struggles and anguish, his anger and grief and couldn't help extending a helping hand. She went and sat beside him soaking wet in continuous pour alongside him starting a conversation

"Why so down young man?" her voice was sweet lacking any sort of malice. It could calm one's heart just listening to it

"Why do they not change"

"Because they're afraid"

"Afraid? What are they afraid of"

"Change... For them those are ancestral teachings and naturally would turn hostile against anyone trying to replace them"


"If you truly want them to change then show them. Show them that what you're doing is right and not worthless"

He finally lifted his head looking at her but was awestruck by her beauty. He had never seen anyone like her. That smile was the most brilliant he had ever seen and this unmistakable aura...

"How?" he decided to come back to the topic, calming his raging heart

"Come with me. Perhaps you'll find your path, perhaps you won't"

"Hm..." he pondered for a bit before nodding "I will" there was no other answer

"Good" she stood up turning towards him with a light smile "I am Euterpe"

"Karl Abel. Nice to meet you"

And thus began a story of travellers. While on the way, they gathered many companions some of whom decided to stay while the others left. They came across many dangerous situations during their journeys and thus devised battle strategies based on music.

Not long after they became a household name in a certain empire and few months later, she departed, going back to her world voluntarily.

It seemed she had achieved her objective and advised them to go to Orario before leaving. They didn't understand the reason but still honoured her wishes and thus went on their journey towards Orario

Not long after, a group made their presence known in Orario, an orchestra called "Orion"


Zoro looked at them with a hint of excitement apparent on his face. The most difficult opponent wasn't strong but rather tricky and what could be trickier than music, especially so many different forms of it. Right in front of him was standing a group of five connected in perfect rhythm with each other. It seemed as if each and everyone was strengthening the other while getting stronger themselves.

It was a difficult feeling to explain but this was a challenge he wanted and was waiting for. Something difficult to push him to his limits and these fellows might just be capable of fulfilling that wish. By now he had exchanged a few moves with them and at least understood each of their abilities individually and from what he felt, he couldn't let his guard down. Else, he would probably lose. Each of them had one thing in common, they used sound to attacks and their various instruments amplified such effect along with giving said attacks shape, size and dimensions

This Orchestra consisted of five individuals of different races, each one holding a different musical instrument with the exception of one who seemed to be holding a baton in his right hand.

A cat female holding a flute, it seemed she could put one to sleep through music but from what he noticed, it should be hypnotic, but she couldn't do so probably due to being low level

A wolfman holding a Violin, through constant movement of his fingers he could release powerful and concentrated slash attacks based upon sonic vibrations

An elf woman holding a Piano, perhaps the most dangerous was this woman since the attacks she launched didn't produce any sound nor vibrations, at least neither could be felt by current him

And a Boaz holding small drums, and last but not least was this big fellow. His was most of any area attack but devastating since each swing at the drum caused sonic vibrations to spread all over destroying everything within certain range

And then there was a human standing in front of the group. He didn't attack nor defended but Zoro could feel him to be the most troublesome. From time to time, he would move his hands in air with the ones behind following suite. It seemed he was both controlling and empowering their music along with their movements. Atleast that's how it seemed like

"You're very strong"

"Yeah nya! Are you really just lvl 2 nya?"


He was getting compliments and questioned at the same time "What do you think?" and he immediately jumped away.


The pillar he was standing in front had been slashed apart. This was the most powerful attack done by them till now. "Don't get cocky!" the wolf growled once again taking his stance.

It seemed they were getting serious

"Let us start" and with that he moved his baton and this time everyone followed suit. The hall got filled with music, enchanting but destructive which started destroying everything within a certain range

Suddenly Zoro crossed his sword in front of his chest


Powerful shockwaves were transmitted in the air due to one invisible slash being blocked by the visible swords. This attack was exceptionally heavy and sharp completely different from before. That said, Zoro used the force originated from this clash to hurl himself back, out of their range while at the same time hurling projectile attacks towards them, 'air slashes'.

(Percussion) the human called out and

"Boom...! Boom...! Boom...!"

all of those slashes disintegrated with heavy drumming sound which apparently produced extremely powerful vibrations creating shockwaves in the air

(Clavier) the music once again changed, and Zoro immediately jumped away upon sensing danger but

"Ugh!" blood spurted out with new wounds opening over his body dying the ground red which itself had disintegrated. It was good that he got away in time otherwise the damage would have been much worse

'This...' he started laughing. It seemed the sudden change in rhythm distracted him for an instance and causing some of the silent vibrations approach and infiltrate his body destroying from inside. By now he had started to understand some of their workings as a group. Just like he thought, the human was the controller and gave orders depending upon situation. Those orders would change the rhythm and overall feel of their music in an instant, confusing anyone along with changing attack modes

Once again upon sensing danger, he side-stepped and with a 'swish...!' sound, something brushed past him splitting the floor in two in straight line. In the next moment Zoro mauvered his swords in various directions,

"Bang! Bang! Bang!......"

intercepting many similar sonic slash attacks coming his way. Each interceptions produced shockwaves in the surroundings. It seemed like a barrage of hidden blades coming at him from all directions at the speed of sound. He could just barely react right now.

Perhaps things wouldn't be like this if he had observation Haki but for now, he could only rely upon his experience and natural instinct developed through those many experiences in battles to combat here. He had developed his body and skill level to the point that so long as he sensed any danger his body would move before hand based entirely on intuition and it was correct.

He couldn't use hearing since music coming from that side was loud and sonic attacks were invisible to the eyes. He gently closed his eyes and once again launched a barrage of attacks, each one being highly compressed air on the blade of the sword. With every swing, he either blocked or launched his own attacks but it was the same. He was blocking all of their attacks and that range was disintegrating all of his

"How troublesome?" a defensive range which destroyed everything within scope, sonic slash attacks going faar and beyond said range at the speed of sound, bringing with them hidden vibrations. Every time his swords intercepted an attack, some hidden vibrations difficult for him to perceive would disperse with few entering his body injuring him. On their own, these vibrations didn't cause much damage, well ignoring that previous one but still even though the damage dealt was minimum, it was continually stacking eating away at both his health and stamina

Then there was also that hypnotic music in the background which had started to distort his five senses. Although the effect of that music was minimum, but it too was stacking making it so that by now he couldn't even properly gauge the distance. He would have lost this battle since long ago if not for intuition

He could have dodged everything if he was fast OR could have endured everything in case of great defensive power but due to lvl being low, this was the best he could do for now, Intercept and attack using minimal movements possible

'This place won't last long' he looked around before once again focusing on offence and defence. The chamber was a mess by now with creaking sound coming from all over

"Tell me!" He was suddenly called out by that human

"Your name?"

"Oh. I apologize. I am Karl, Karl Abel"

"What is it?" they were in middle of a battle so why would he want to converse

"You're exceptionally skilled so why are you staying with Hestia Familia. You could easily go for a better one" this question had been puzzling him and his team. This man Zoro was an absolute master of sword. Their slash attacks were being intercepted even though he didn't possess even close to their own speed. On top of that he could launch wind slash attacks which should either be his technique, or a skill and these wind slashes weren't weak. They too were just barely holding on to their defences.

And on top of that they had heard of him being the new record holder so why Hestia?

"I have my reasons. What about you? I heard your group just came to Orario and immediately joined Apollo" he jumped once again to the side. These attacks weren't common in power. Some were very powerful while the others being weak. But it seemed their attacks were getting more and more ferocious, as if they were trying to end this as soon as possible. Perhaps they were running out of steam

"None. We simply looked for a place to call home and this one seemed to be the household name now"

"Hestia Familia is also one right now" Hestia familia too had gotten quite famous or maybe infamous. Regardless they too were talk of the town

"Well, we joined who we considered to be better" a blunt but truthful answer

"Is that based on power?"

"You could say that"

"What about now?"

"We feel like a joke. Our choice was bad but since we're part of this familia, we're going to fulfil our duties"

"How noble of you" Zoro sneered at them "Do your best to block this" and his entire body got shrouded in black metallic lustre. Zoro finally decided to stop holding back and applied armament all over his body. None of the attacks coming his way did any damage with Zoro himself launching his own attack by holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder and the other in his mouth in the same direction, and then performing a circular swing...

(108 Calibre Soaring Phoenix...!)


Launching three highly compressed and sharp air projectiles towards 'Orion' cutting right through their Vibration field splitting it in two for a moment. These slashes looked like three birds flying at high speed while empowering each other. In a way, they looked extremely beautiful, but his aim was a little off due to distorted senses

"Wha?!" the entire group was shocked, speechless. This was the first time anyone managed to break through their defence while taking no damage from their offence, but... the attack didn't strike them!

"Was he not targeting us?" it was obvious that he had perfect control over this attack and wasn't flustered since it missed so that could only mean he wasn't aiming at them to begin with. That attack burrowed through the ceiling and rose upwards before disappearing.

But why? She didn't understand but didn't stop their assault. They needed to end this quickly

By now this fight of theirs had destroyed everything in the chamber. All the pillars were gone with walls on verge of breaking and ground transforming in sand overtime. Now even the ceiling had a huge hole opened up

"Come together" Karl suddenly called out to them with something in mind. T was as If he had decided on something, looking excited like a child wanting to test their new toy

"...! Are you sure? We haven't practiced it much"

"There's no other choice. Let us play our final song"

It seemed they were getting ready to end things. Zoro too prepared himself for whatever was about to come

(Full concentrate) the whole atmosphere changed. If previously each instrument was sounding a different tune all of which combined to form a single seamless song, then now each instrument was producing the same tune. If previously everything was invisible, then this time the sound took a visible form (Raging Dragon) shooting towards Zoro at the speed of sound destroying everything in its path due to intense vibrations and shockwaves coming off of it

Zoro didn't dilly dally and immediately concentrated his entire strength in both arms and neck using one of his most powerful attacks (Three Sword style Secret Technique, three thousand worlds...!) while coating only the arms and swords with Haki in order to produce as strong of an attack as possible, disregarding all defence


It took but an instant for everything to be cut. Everything including sonic vibrations, shockwaves, wind pressure along with this physical manifestation of highly compressed sound. Using his strength, Haki and understanding towards sword he managed to slice everything apart but,

(Sonic Combustion) they still had a card in their sleeves. Even though it was cut, that didn't mean it ceased to exist. They were simply split in two pieces separated by a large distance in the process but still existed around Zoro and so Karl pressed the last button

Sensing danger, Zoro immediately coated his entire body in armament.

"....... BAM......!!!???"

The chamber, no! this part of the castle was blown to smithereens due to this massive explosion. Shockwaves and sonic vibrations spread about wrecking everything apart over distances. This happened due to self-destruct of whatever was left of that split sonic dragon initiated by Karl

The building crumbled with dust rising up in the air making several grey clouds to appear. Everyone in the chamber received heavy injuries and fell to the ground, buried in rubble with no one knowing whether they lived or died

The only one who managed to keep wake roamed his eyes around looking for any sign 'Did we succeed' but he too was on the verge. Perhaps the only reason he was still active was due to just will, he wanted to know the end result even if he couldn't move a finger.

It was then, he saw over the distance all the piled-up rubble being pushed aside with a silhouette coming out "Ha! Ha! Ha! That was dangerous..." Zoro could be seen rising up and he too wasn't unscathed. It seemed his basic armament couldn't completely defend him from that attack. In terms of pure destructive power, it rivalled lvl 4 magic so obviously even he would have some serious injuries and that was indeed the case.

Still even with that battered body, he came over looking at the orchestra buried in sand and rocks, unable to even move a finger with everyone except Karl knocked out with varying injuries

Karl looked deeply at him for a moment before nodding "...You win..." and with that he too gave himself to darkness

This battle turned out to be a lot more destructive and a lot faster than was originally anticipated. It ended in barely five minutes but, regardless of anything, the faces of each and everyone was eternally imprinted on every watcher's mind

This battle was over with victory falling in Hestia Familia's hands


"!!?CRASH!!?" the chair behind Apollo exploded mainly due to the little arcanum he possessed going haywire.

The battle was over and even though Zoro was injured, he still looked faar from being down. In fact, he looked even more fearsome. Apollo watched the screen looking over the remaining two ongoing battle which too were nearing conclusion.

With twisted expression, he stayed quite not uttering a single word just looking at the screen solemnly. His trump card was defeated and even though Zoro received some injuries, they were atmost superficial. Things would have been different if his bones of organs received damage in which case, he wouldn't be able walk so freely in completely natural manner.

Injuries to bones and organs were difficult to heal while skin and muscle injures could be healed by a couple of high-healing portions.

As he watched Zoro sitting down taking the healing portion, his last hope disappeared.

This Wargame was lost with other two battle losing all meaning to him. Even if the other two battles were won, so what? The end result was already set in stone and so he gave up and sat back down with gloomy expression. Now his only wish was for Bell Cranel to lose to Hyakinthos since that way, he wouldn't lose whatever face he had been left with

'Yes!' Hestia on the other hand clenched her little fists. This battle could considered be close, but she won and was relieved.

'Now if only Bell and Welf too came out victorious' her only wish now was for her other children to win their own battles. If Bell won, that would definitely boost his self-confidence and in case he lost..., she didn't want to picture that

She looked around seeing everyone losing their heads over excitement and with a widening smile once again turned to her mirror watching gleefully as Bell was performing excellently.

Over on the northern side of Orario, a majestic building stood with many big and small towers and railing lining up the walls. In terms of pure size, this building was about as big as the wargame site. Right now, in their great halls was suspended a mirror left behind by Loki showing the scenes of battlefield. Many were present and yet filled with silence. Everyone watched with bated breaths until that final moment of emergence when it was decided. One of the three battles currently ongoing was over bringing with it a wave of thrill on all those present

"That... was epic!"

"...Wow! Just wow, I'm lost for words. Do you see that, hey hey......" Tiona was as feverish as ever, hopping around the hall like a little rabbit. That battle had her lost for words with so many ups and downs and unexpected turns.

It was first time for anyone here to witness such a spectacular but strange fight. Using sound to fight wasn't new for them since many monsters were capable of sonic attacks but for races to be able to do so was beyond rare.

Most importantly that swordsman who managed to come out on top during that battle was an unbelievable sight. This was the first time they saw someone who could truly be called the king of blades

'He's better...!' Seeing that level of swordsman ship, Aiz compared herself with him running multiple simulations but, each time the result was same, shocking even herself. He would win every single time in swordsmanship. Her own skills seemed insignificant when compared to his but that also meant she could get stronger, that she could get better and increase her proficiency. There was a lot of room for growth just waiting for her

Regardless, 'Go Bell!' her focus shifted to her pupil well she could call him that, right? wishing him luck

"It seems we've a powerful rival to content against in the future. Honestly, I don't know what to make of that"

"Yeah. Freya familia ain't gonna be all to deal with"

The top executives also felt ashamed of their own abilities. Sure, they were stronger overall but when it came to skill, they were left in the dust

"Still, it appals me of how he easily managed to cut through sound. No first thing first, how did he even do that? and even survive the aftermath. Is he really only lvl 2?"

"Setting aside his attack and defensive power, his speed is atmost comparable to lvl 3 but that technique and control are out of the world. The amount of experience required to reach that lvl is unfathomable. He looks to be about 20 so how?"

"Perhaps he's been fighting since infancy otherwise I can't make sense of it all"

"Then there's Bell Cranel who too is fighting almost on par with Hyakinthos"

"That Welf guy is also a legend. Heard he's the most talented blacksmith out there with that deed"

Everyone could seem to be joking around but there was a hint of nervousness in it all. In a way, Hestia Familia was even more outrageous than Freya Familia. Each member possessed untold potential. Excluding Zoro, Bell himself could easily be compared to Aiz with her wind and Ottar with his skill on the same level and these two were long considered to be prodgies of an era

Their growth potential was huge an honestly it was nerve racking

"This wargame is over. Now he can just go and take out that pervert. Shouldn't be difficult" Tione could already see the end just like everyone else

"You really think so?!"

"What do you mean"

"Does that thick skull of yours not have any brain? Look carefully, he's fully healed and yet isn't moving an inch"

"What did you say you damn dog! You wanna fight, huh!"

Tiona immediately stopped her sister from moving. Things were heating up as it was "Calm down. He's not wrong... but why!?"

"That rabbit boy wants to deal with the perv himself"

Reveria squinted her eyes at him "You know something don't you?"

"No!" He looked at the fight boy was going through. Their very first interaction happened in front of him and this was the second one. The only difference being their roles seemed to have reversed

Ignoring the commotion, there was one girl on the side just watching the final showdown. Her gaze was heated up as if possessed by an unknown entity "I won't fall behind, I won't fall behind" she just kept on muttering the same line over and over weirding everyone around who kept a safe distance from her

It could be seen that the battle between Welf and Daphne was over. There wasn't any winner since both were down so only one battle remained. One, no one would interfere including Zoro

That was the final battle, the final showdown


Going back in time a bit.........

A huge blast coming from right below the throne destroyed it along with sending Hyacinthus flying, summer salting through air. He had been hit hard without any preparations or defence up, immediately losing consciousness for an instant there due to sudden assault of pain.

"Haa—, ghaa—...?!" it didn't take long for him to come back immediately standing up due to burning pain tormenting his back. It was a good thing that the ceiling and throne lessened the power and impact by quite a bit but still, he felt as if his but was on fire.

All that arrogance and dignified appearance was gone with torn clothes draped over his body. With dishevelled hairs, He looked more like a beggar than anything else.

"Ah!" he looked behind seeing Cassandra looking down with red face holding her cloak in hands giving it to him. For a bit he didn't comprehend but after feeling the air flow, immediately covered his lower half even as he felt stinging pain

The battle hadn't even begun and yet he was already on the verge of losing. He looked over to the stairs seeing Bell and Lili who had regained her true appearance coming through.

"That was a cheap shot?" he growled, gritting his teeth he took out flamberge, his treasured sword preparing for battle. It was specially designed for him with Apollo's symbol resting on the handle of the blade

"It seems to have been effective. Your aim is truly wonderful Bell-sama" Lily snickered a bit seeing his wretched appearance. She hated these arrogant fellows all of whom possessed eyes above their heads looking down on everyone

Bell on the other hand stayed silent holding a black and crimson knifes in each hand assuming his battle stance. He knew not to underestimate him. Even if Hyakinthos was injured, he was still a lvl 3 with quite a bit of achievements under his belt.

Bell sprinted forward attacking with all his might with Hyakinthos brining his blade forward blocking this first strike, causing sparks to fly around with first contact

"UWHHAAAA.......!" With energetic shout, Bell launched a whole barrage of attacks each of which ended up blocked, but he didn't care nor stop, continuing the assault

This was a much-anticipated battle, the 'reason' and the 'cause' going head to had in direct confrontation. They were too fast to be perceived by Lili or Cassandra each of whom eyed each other waiting for a chance to assist but couldn't move due to the other

Sparks flied around the battlefield in his heated confrontation of will and power. Hyakinthos displayed his skills to the best of his ability but still was forced in a defensive state. He had lost the initiative, and this was the result.

Bell was fast, unbelievable so but what annoyed Hyakinthos was the accuracy of his movements. Each attack seemed to be aiming at his blind spots over and over without rest. He tried to gain a distance, but Bell wouldn't let him, he tried to attack but none connected. Bell always seemed to zoom in and out of his gaze and his path.

Each impact felt heavy as if he would give in any time. This was majorly due to his back injury which messed up his stance and balance. His bones were creaking, and muscles torn apart but still he didn't let Bell get ahead

Although barely, he managed to keep up, but his situation was getting worse as time passed by

"Who the hell are you!?"

He couldn't hep screaming out. How long was it, just a week. At that time the boy was barely able to defend with both his footwork and technique being sloppy and yet after only a single week, this was happening

He suddenly became faster, launched heavier attacks and his technique was superb. How could he grow up like this in such a small time? Wasn't this too fast

In the first place, was it really this guy he beated up that time?

"He said, distraction is the most fatal weakness" he heard Bell from behind himself talking about some advice. The boy had mauvered around the moment he fell in contemplation.

Hyakinthos managed to react in time but still an ugly scar appeared on his charred back

"You really think you can beat me!? I'm lvl 3!!" Hyakinthos swung his blades in an almost frenzied state. His confidence had been dealt a heavy blow. He wanted to prove himself, he wanted to show that he wasn't weak. That Bell wasn't his match

"No one cares" but Bell didn't care less. So what if his opponent was a level above him. So what if he possessed more experience and was overall stronger. Nothing mattered because "I have the greatest teacher(s) out there" he had personal been trained by one of the strongest and the best, individuals in front of whom Hyakinthos couldn't hold a candle

Bell couldn't afford to lose here either. He had to prove that the effort they put in him was worth it. With determination overflowing from himself, Bell moved forward and caught flamberge in his knifes, swinging them downwards with enough force and ferocity that the blade was broke in half. The upper half of Hyakinthos's favourite sword was broken

"...DAMN YOOUUU...!" Hyakinthos gave into madness seeing his favourite sword being ruined. That was a gift from his beloved

In a fit of rage, he heavily swung down his half sword down before Bell had any time to reconcile. Without thinking, he rolled away almost subconsciously to his right causing another swing to go to waste, but Hyakinthos wasn't finished. He chased him around like a mad dog all over the throne room without any rest.

Bell had to die no matter the cost for his anger to subside

(...Fire Bolt... Fire Bolt... Fire Bolt.............!)

Bell showered him with thundered flames while rolling around. He wanted to regain his footing as soon as possible so he used one of his trump cards. His fire bolt on itself couldn't deliver much damage but it could be used instantly to get out of tricky situation like this one. As expected, Hyakinthos was caught off guard and was hit with full force

Remaining clothes adorning his body got burned away along with his hairs. This attack didn't deal a significant damage to him, but it had blackened his entire body along with stopping him on his tracks. As expected, he either blocked or dodged the remaining firebolts giving Bell time. Enough time for him to resume his stance and attack once again.

Hyakinthos only saw two flickering shadows of black and crimson assaulting him to no end. His mind got hazy causing him to lose the trajectory of those attacks and was thus scarred all over.

"Guhh...?!" long streaks of blood shot out of those scars each looking more horrifying than the other. Bell was getting more and ore ferocious, some of his attacks were blocked while some managed to make it through but those that did couldn't deliver much damage due to Hyakinthos constantly moving back out of his complete reach

"Hahahah...!" Hyakinthos suddenly started laugh maniacally while fighting "You can't keep this up, can you? Your attacks aren't as accurate, and your speed is also dropping. Those attacks of yours seemed to have taken a huge toll on your mind" he was right. Argonaut charge had almost knocked him out if not for 'high dual portions' he got from Nazha. The effect from then had yet to subside and now he even used multiple Fire Bolts in a row

He was getting impatient and thus gaps started appearing in his attacks.

"You're in the same position" as much as Bell was getting worse, so was Hyakinthos. The injuries were constantly piling up on his body one after the other and his own movements were also getting slopier.

This was now a battle of wills. Whoever gave up faster would go down quicker and neither was willing to lose it. So, the battle had reached its final stages becoming more intense than ever

"...Yahhhh......!?" any mistake would be fatal in such moment and Bell made one such. He tripped over the broken stones while sprinting, injuring his ankle. Hs opponent naturally made full use of such moment to launch a powerful attack right on his head. Bell reflexively brought both of his knifes to his head blocking the attack

"Gahh...!?" but he was sent flying due to a kick right in his abdomen. It was too sharp and powerful and due to lack of Armor at that area was highly effective. Bell rolled in pain clutching his right side of stomach. He found it hard to breath properly with eyes losing all light, but Hyakinthos didn't give him time to recover. Right now, that one kick had given him enough time to finish Bell off, but he couldn't go over even if he wanted to.

His lower part especially that leg was essentially paralyzed due to overexerting his already injured legs. His hip joints wouldn't move and so he fell down.

But —

"—My name is love, child of light. Glorious son, I offer you, my body!"

Hyacinthus used his trump card

"My name is sin, jealously of the wind. This body calls forth your gust!"

Since he couldn't move for the moment and Bell too was barely holding on, now was the time to use the one hit strategy. Lily seeing this tried to interfere but was intercepted by Cassandra. No matter how faint hearted or physically weak she was, Cassandra was still a veteran lvl 2 so it wasn't difficult for her to keep Lily in place who gnashed her teeth and tried to get around

(Fire bolt!)

Bell on the other hand sprung into motion ignoring the pain he felt. With ragged breath and slow movement, he tried approaching Hyacinthus while using his own magic on him. Fire bolt directly struck him, but he didn't care continuing the chanting

"Come forth, ring of fire, Aero Zephyros!" and he was out, losing whatever was left of his consciousness

A ring of fire burst from his outstretched hands heading towards Bell. Bell had become too slow to dodge and even if he did dodge, it wouldn't matter since this was a homing attack. It will strike him no matter what until running out of energy

(Fire Bolt! ... Fire Bolt! ... Fire Bolt!)

Seeing it coming towards him, Bell launched firebolts successively, along with crossing his knives in front of his chest with outstretched arms. The fire bolts were ineffective and soon he was sent flying due to impact. That ring of fire crashed into his knifes, the shock unarming him and struck right in his chest armour, destroying it.


He slammed into the back wall cracking it with blood coming out of his mouth. That was one heck of a crash. With half opened eyelids he looked into the distance smiling humorously seeing this enemy of his knocked out and he too lost consciousness the same instant

"Bell samaa...?!" Lily came over running towards Bell. She had seen it all, him being directly struck by that heavy blow. His armour was in shambles, but the chest looked fine, albeit some burn marks over it. The reason was that pendant he got from Syr which too was destroyed but took the last blow for him

Regardless, his injuries weren't light and that was especially the case with his liver and backbone. He needed immediate treatment and high healing portions wouldn't be enough. Though, it didn't seem as if his life would be in any danger but still....

Cassandra too came over to Hyacinthus looking at him with pity and concern in her eyes. Although she didn't get along with this guy but still, he was her captain so......

Right at that moment "TUN...! TUN...! TUN...! TUN...!" bell ringing could be heard all over the area, both in the city and in the Battle, ground symbolizing the end.

The commander of Apollo Familia was taken out and thus that marked the end of this war game which didn't even go for a total of two hours to finish

"So, He won" Zoro on the outside looked towards the sky murmuring. He never doubted the fact that Bell would win, and the boy proved him right

"Now then. Time for a nap" he could sleep just about anytime, anywhere, and this place reeking of blood and mud wasn't any different


War Game, an event awaited by many ended in this manner. What was supposed to go on for three days didn't even last an hour and the winner and loser exchanged places in this epic showdown.

The hunters became the hunted, and the hunted became the hunter. Now, no one doubted Hestia Familia's power. No one doubted their ability. Perhaps the rumours were true, the fact that one of them single handily defeated a Minotaur while the other one hunted lvl 2 monsters left and right with no concern while being lvl 1.

Them breaking several records also made sense now and no one said anything about cheating. The battle happened right in front of them, and they all witnessed their abilities to full extent.

The celestials who till now were cheering all out quieted down. They could see the potential this familia held and once they rose up, could anyone really contain them?

They weren't sure but it would definitely be difficult for many present to compete with Hestia in the future. This instilled a sense of urgency in them. Hestia had once supressed all of them in the Upper realm, was she going to do the same here. More importantly would they allow for that to happen? Many harboured evil thoughts but didn't dare bring them out

"So, it has ended this way!" Hermes on the other hand had a light glint in his eyes. Perhaps they would become the future pillars and perhaps they had the potential to become what he wanted to see. Perhaps they could become true heroes brining the new heroic age.

No. He would go all out to make them if he had to but...

He turned to Hestia "It seems they had extra exelia stocked up when they levelled up" ignoring their skills and techniques, the stats themselves were too high. Lvl 2 shouldn't have been able to move that fast or throw attacks with that much power. That was especially the case for Zoro. Bell had reached lvl 2 a month ago, so he had a lot of time to stack up and increase his stats, but Zoro had reached the same level just a weak ago and yet his speed equalled Bells whose own was equal to a lvl 3 which just wasn't possible without skills or magic. Lvl's had limits which had been tested over and over again these last thousand years and lvl 2's, even veterans wouldn't be able to do that

So, he was curious. "What were their stats at lvl 1?" he directly asked Hestia, whispering to her who just looked at him blankly as if not comprehending what he was saying. It was common knowledge not to tell sensitive information to outsiders, so he got a cold shoulder

"Come no. I won't tell anyone, promise!"

She turned to him "I have no obligation nor trust in you. Anyway, you won't believe so just forget it" and she turned around, moving towards ashen eyed Apollo. He just sat there gaining everyone's pity from around. She came to a stop a meter away from him

"Disband your familia and leave Orario. From now onwards, all of your property belongs to me and don't show your face here ever again" she directly ordered him, like a queen would give to a commoner who had no choice but to follow

All he could do was node. Hestia smiled coldly towards him and left the hall going towards Miach Familia. Lily would probably bring Bell directly there so she would wait but just as she left

"Wait! Could you help me with something?" It was her best friend, Hephaistos asking something of her

"You look serious. What is it?"

"Could I see your captains' swords once they get back?"

"That's......! Guess what. Why not directly ask him. He treats his swords like his life so he might not agree. But as far as I know him, if you show him enough sincerity without any malice then it should be fine......... I think!"

"Good. Let's go together. I also want to see that foolish boy of mine"

"Now, he's mine though"

"All the same"



And they went on their way, to welcome the victors with happy smiles decorating their faces



This was really a long one. I had thought of dividing it up in two to three chapters but why not a single one? Lets' just start and end this event in a single chapter and that's exactly what I did

Some of you might have noticed, yes, I took inspiration from Infinite dendrogram Wiki. There's a character there named 'Veldorbell' and I put his powers in here divided into different characters. I also took references from Versatile mage and Heroes wiki to make it a bit better

The fight itself is written by me and you can feel it. It's not as, how do they say it? Yes smooth. It's not as smooth neither as amazing as I would like to do what well. I tried my best

Anyway, I'll be introducing more OC but not many. Along with these five, maybe five more or less. I'm not certain. I'll see as the story progresses

So, did you enjoy this chapter. I'll be honest and let me be a bit shameless, I like to read comments even if it's only one per chapter, it's enough for me to keep going so plz do mentally support me in this journey. Any ideas that you might have, feel free to share and I'll see how to incorporate them in my fic



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