An Unlikely Duo

De limitlessopportunity

182K 7.2K 743

Kayla Ryans tries to maintain control in all aspects of her life and avoids relationships at all costs. When... Mais

Chapter 1: An Unusual Start to an Unusual Summer
Chapter 2: Putting Jerks in Their Place
Chapter 3: The Fight
Chapter 4: Suspicious Stalkers and Date Planning
Chapter 5: Surprises
Chapter 6: Accident Prone
Chapter 7: Charlotte Moments
Chapter 8: Secret Plans, Death Threats, and Revenge
Chapter 9: The Plan
Chapter 10: Matchmaking 101
Chapter 11: Violent Outbursts
Chapter 12: Birthday Glamping
Chapter 13: Dare Night
Chapter 14: Catching Feelings
Chapter 15: Jealousy
Chapter 16: Not Your Usual Summer Night
Chapter 17: The Aftermath
Chapter 18: Deep Coversations and Mac & Cheese
Chapter 19: Championship Game
Chapter 20: Defining Moments
Chapter 21: We're Kind of Like Spies
Chapter 23: Fall Festivities
Chapter 24: Game Day
Chapter 25: Date Gone Wrong
Chapter 26: Is It Worth It?
Chapter 27: Fights and Dances
Chapter 28: The Nights We'll Never Forget
Important Information

Chapter 22: The First of Many Lasts

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De limitlessopportunity

A honk sounded from my driveway.

"Mom no more pictures, Paige is here I have to go" I put my hand up in front of my face to block the camera.

"Kayla Marie Ryans this is the last time I will ever take your picture on the first day of school so humor me for one more minute please. Charlotte come over here and show your stubborn sister how this is done" My mom was waving the camera around so much I worried it would fly out of her hand.

Charlotte walked over in a purple sundress with her big Dora backpack and posed like a model.

Let me tell you folks it is not fun having a little sister that can out- do you in the looks department, especially when that sister is eleven years younger than you.

"Love you mom. See you later tonight! Char is going to her afterschool program and I am working tonight so I'll be home after she's in bed" I called behind me as I ran out the door toward Paige's car.

"How many pictures did she make you take?" Paige laughed as we pulled out of my driveway and headed toward Ridgemont High School.

"At least 15" I groaned.

"That's weak, my mom must've taken 30, maybe more. I know they mean well, but now my face hurts from smiling so much" Paige massaged her face as if to emphasize her point.

"Tell me about it. I can't believe we're seniors. This is our last first day of school. Our last year in Ridgemont" I looked out the window at all the local shops and parks and wondered how weird it would be to not see them every day next year.

"I feel so old all of a sudden. This is depressing. New subject. Do you and lover boy have a plan for this little secret relationship at school? Are there rules?" Paige looked at me out of the corner of her eye.

"If there are rules I have no idea what they are. I mean what do I do when I pass him in the hallway? Ignore him? I mean what are we doing here? This relationship makes no sense and I don't know-" Paige reached over and put her free hand over my mouth effectively cutting off my rambling.

"Kayla I don't know all the answers, but I know stressing over the questions isn't going to make anything easier. When you see him for the first time in the hallway you'll know what to do" Paige hugged me before we parted ways at the main entrance of the school.

I found my locker and checked my schedule. American Government with Mr. Burke. I groaned before starting down the hallway. Not only was Mr. Burke's class the last classroom in the longest hallway of the school, but he was also crazy.

I was sifting through all the rumors I had heard about crazy Mr. Burke when I saw him. He was walking down the hallway with a couple of friends heading in my direction. Jake was frowning at whatever his friend was saying, but as soon as we made eye contact he broke into a huge grin.

I smiled back wondering what I had been so nervous about. As we passed by in the hallway he reached his hand out and wrapped his pinky around mine. It lasted for barely a second and to anyone else it would look like we accidentally brushed hands, but to the two of us it was our little secret.

After Government and AP Biology I headed upstairs to my AP Literature class. I walked in and was making my way toward Paige when I caught sight of Jake out of the corner of my eye.

My smile faded when I realized Carrie was sitting on his desk laughing at something that probably wasn't half as funny as she made it seem.

The worst thing about jealousy was it makes you dislike people for no good reason.

Jake made eye contact and mouthed a silent 'help me'. I looked at Paige and the two of us started cracking up.

Paige grabbed her books and went over to the side of Jake's desk.

"Carrie did you hear who Tyler Barret's new girlfriend is?" Paige whispered as if she had a valuable secret. Carrie was the school gossip and couldn't resist a secret any more than I could resist chocolate.

"Tyler Barret has a girlfriend? No way, he's never settled down with one girl before" Carrie's attention was solely on Paige now and Jake mouthed a silent 'thank you' to her.

"I can't believe you haven't heard yet" Paige motioned for Carrie to follow her to the other side of the room. I wish I could see Carrie's reaction when she found out Paige was the girl who finally made Tyler Barret settle down.

I put my books on the desk next to Jake's and saved the seat next to me for Paige.

"I thought she was going to sit on my desk for the rest of the semester. She's a nice girl, but I swear she never stops talking" Jake shuddered as if Carrie's high pitched voice was still audible.

"This class is going to be painful enough without having to listen to her babble in your ear the whole time" I was not a fan of English class and was currently annoyed with my junior self for choosing to take AP Literature.

"Hey you get to spend the whole period next to a hot stud that you have a crush on so I wouldn't say it's going to be painful" Jake wiggled his eyebrows mockingly.

"Did you just say crush? What are we in 5th grade? Besides I don't have a crush on you" I smirked.

"There are three people in this room that know that's a lie and you babe are one of them" Jake leaned over and whispered in my ear and I shivered even though it was ridiculously hot in our school in August.

"That is top secret information. You're not a very good spy" I teased as the bell rang and Paige came and sat down next to me.

"Alright class welcome to AP Literature. We are going to study everything from poetry to memoirs to plays and you are all going to love every minute of it or at least pretend that you do. To start off the year we are going to go around the room and say one book you read over break and your favorite thing you did this summer" It was clear that Ms. Martin truly loved English and Literature.

About half the class went before it was my turn.

"I read The Help over the summer and I really liked it. My favorite part of the summer was playing in a summer beach volleyball league and winning the championship" I smiled and without even looking I could tell that Jake was smiling too.

"Mr. Mitchells you're next" Ms. Martin pointed to my right.

"I read Unbroken and my favorite part of the summer was driving around town with this amazing girl even though she has horrible music taste" Jake smirked.

"Does this girl have a name?" Ms. Martin asked.

"Let's just call her mystery girl, but she's pretty amazing" Jake smiled and whispers erupted around the classroom. Talk about Jake's "mystery girl" would spread pretty quickly I had no doubt about that.

Sure enough later that day in the lunch room while Paige and I were in the lunch line I overheard some girl claiming that she was Jake's "mystery girl" and making up some story about the two of them hooking up after the end of summer party. Paige and I started cracking up because we both knew Jake was with me that night and nowhere near whoever this girl was.

The last bell was a relief, I didn't mind school, but the first day was always exhausting.

Paige and I headed down to the locker room to get ready for volleyball tryouts.

When I came out of the locker room a hand closed around my wrist and pulled me into the equipment room.

Jake was already wearing his football pads. I took his helmet out of his hand and put it on him before lightly slapping him on the back of the head.

"What was that for?" Jake exclaimed.

"That was for the whole 'mystery girl' thing. Now that's all everyone is talking about" I threw my hair up in a ponytail.

"I thought I was being cute" Jake threw his hands up in the air in frustration.

"It was cute, but now every girl is going to try and convince people that they're that girl and they're never going to leave you alone" I insisted. I wasn't mad, just worried that this was going to turn into a huge mess.

"Shoot I didn't think about that" Jake groaned.

"Hey bud don't worry I know thinking is hard for you" I teased.

"You think you're funny don't you?" Jake tickled me. Don't be fooled by the movies, most normal people don't look cute when they get tickled. I spaz out and flop around like a fish and completely embarrass myself.

"Jake I swear if you don't stop tickling me I will kill you" I struggled to get the words out as I gasped for air.

"Only you could make a death threat sound adorable" Jake laughed at me before putting me down.

"Hey I can be intimidating if I want to" I insisted.

"Sure, keep telling yourself that babe. Are you coming to my game on Friday?" Jake kissed me on the forehead.

"I have my last tryout that day, but I'll be at your game as soon as it's over I promise" I kissed him before I headed out the door.

"Hey Kayla" Jake called after me.

"Yes?" I poked my head back around the door.

"Good luck today" Jake smiled.

I ran over and gave him a quick kiss before I ran into the gym feeling more awake than I had all day.

Some people get energy from coffee, soda, or five hour energy. I swear none of those could compare to how I felt after spending five minutes with Jake.

I don't normally post my update schedule on each individual chapter but if you follow me then you know I tend to post about it on my wall.

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