The Rookie

By novisvia

561 24 19

Ace Wilder is a what you would call a shy introvert, although the one thing that can bring a smile to his fac... More

1 - The Last Inning
2 - I Was Scouted?
4 - Don't Look At Me..
5 - One, Two, and Three
6 - Mission: Introduction
7 - Yawning Tiger
8 - A Strange Morning
9 - Everything's Alright, Right?
10 - A Glimpse Into The Glaring Man's Past

3 - I Wasn't Told About That

60 3 4
By novisvia

Ace Wilder's POV

The light from outside came through causing me to squint my eyes as I turn my head. I noticed the cab's seats were well worn down and had a decent amount sun damage inflicted onto them. I leaned my body forward, resting my head onto the front passenger seat as I close my eyes. The light from outside flickering my eyelids red and orange. Slowly grinding my teeth together while I tap my feet to the beat of the song the cab owner has playing. The atmosphere, despite being with stranger, was overwhelmingly unusual that it was slightly comforting or more so relaxing.

I move my hand onto my lap clasping onto the other. I glance down at my cellphone, checking the time. I hadn't been given a time to be there, I am early by a day so I can get settled into the dorms. Sitting my phone down, the pamphlet that was now crinkled and ripped in some places, laid next to Mr. Klein's card. I had read and looked at it so much that it now only looks like trash. I close my eyes again hoping to get some sleep before arriving to calm myself down.


My parents walked in the house before me, I sat my bag down at the door and took my shoes off, "I'm going to go change."
Before I could rush myself into the bedroom, my mom grabbed my arm causing me to fall back leaning against her. I quickly stabilize myself, my eyebrows slowly slanting upwards.

"I think you should consider it. Consider that scout's offer." her voice was soft and almost delicately reassuring. I knew I couldn't ignore or tell her otherwise. I just nodded as I leaned my head down slightly, looking at her through my hair. She hugs me tightly, her embrace was warm and soothing. I push her away softly before looking away as I felt my face warm up. She laughs at me, patting and messing up my hair, "Go shower now, tomato."

My eyes widen, the warmth on my face quickly rushing down my neck as I rush into the bathroom which was the nearest room. Running some cold water from the faucet, I splash some onto my face instantly cooling me down. With the water still running I hunch over the bathroom counter, dazing into the flowing water. In a swift motion, I shut it off and leave the bathroom moving toward my room. Out of the corner of my eye, I spot the pamphlet and card sitting on the table. Turning around I walk into my room.

• • •

After changing I leave my room, immediately I notice my mom on her laptop with the pamphlet next to her. Looking up at me, she beckons me over to her and I then walk over to her, sitting next to her.

"Elk Winter Baseball Boarding Academy for boys. It's a highly prestigious school with the baseball team being the fourth highest youth team." Despite knowing she wasn't looking at me, I just nod, "Although it's expensive, I believe it would be worth it."

"No, thank you." my voice came out weakened. My mom snaps her head towards me, her mouth opened in shock. She quickly smacks me in the back of the head in a fast motion, reactively I rub my hand over it as to soothe it.
"Ace, you deserve it. You never told me anything about your old team until the car ride here. I feel like I failed you. Oh and don't you dare say anything about not being good enough to attend such a school. I know that you sneak out every night since you were young to throw balls at the concrete wall outside, I reckon you've trained harder than anyone on that horrible team." her voice came out sharp, as she looked directly into my eyes.

I place my forehead on the table, "I don't know."


"Sir..!" My eyes widen as I flinch away from the hand shaking me violently. I exhale loudly once I had realized it was the driver, I quickly glanced around, "We've arrived at Elk Winter Baseball Boarding Academy."
I hurriedly gather my loose belongings on the seat and retrieved my luggage from the truck of the car. There wasn't much of a goodbye, he had left as soon as I was done getting my things. I looked down as my pitching hand, rubbing my fingers together to feel the callouses that have formed after years of practicing.

I squat down holding onto my suitcase for support. Now that I'm not in the cab anymore, everything I was suppressing was coming out. Still squatting, I lean my head on my bag to contain the dizziness. Reaching up to my ear, I started fidgeting with it.

"Hey, are you alright?" A bright, raspy voice filled the silence. Practically snapping my head around, I unconsciously frown at the stranger, "Woah there, I'm Landon Millstone, sophomore."

"Ah..Ace Wilder, I'm...ⁱ'ᵐ ᵗᵒᵒ." My voice came out high pitched and unsteady, becoming almost silence. Why am I like this, even though he seems nice, I can't bring myself to be normal. His deep chuckle made me glare over at him, noticing that he was waking towards me.

"Well, lemme help you. You're new here, right? I've never seen you before at least." He grabs my suitcase, extending the handle to it while looking down at me. I nod up at him, looking at him with a perplexed gaze,  "Let's get you into the dorm then!"

He had a wide and radiant smiles. He started walking towards the building that I've seen on the pamphlet thousands of times already, the west wing dorm building. I quickly stood up and trickled behind him slowly, making sure I don't walk ahead of him. As soon as we entered, I noticed how many people were there already. The hallways had people running around and laughing. He took me to the front desk, he quickly looked through a binder, "Room 301. I'm the dorm manager, so I have to go for now. Good luck with your roommates!"


That's when it hit me.

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