a dragons journey into a new...


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(portal x dragon maid) hi this is my 4 original story^^ If youre reading this thank You very much for youre s... More

Welcome too aperature science departament part 1

testing room number 2

22 0 0

"as kanna made IT out of the elevator She was fully prepared too see what was behind the metal as She finaly step out of the opening metal doors her excitment was quickly demolish when he took a first glance in the room"

"In The room the only thing that was remotly eye catching was the big red button and the box itself around the
button ".  


"As She proced too walk back into the elevator suddenly the elevator doors would close in blinding speeds who ever runs this facility  clearly dosent like quitters

(Glados)You shall proced with the test at hand. The aperature science devision center dose not oblige with testers walking mid through there session proced with the test

(Kanna)i..dont..like i dont wanna! ..i wanna go home!

(Glados)You shall be freed once the test îs complicated

(Kanna)..i am not completing IT!

(Glados)then You..stay until ya do otherwise

"As the Young dragon gritted his teeth in frustration She would see a tiny hole in one of the walls"

"As She quickly aproached the wall She would notice the piece of the wall could actualy be destoryed on the outside with extreme force"

"Kanna without hesitation would start punching the hole was tiny pieces of metal would fall with each punch"

"As the cameras were keeping in eye on the room one of the cameras would notice the littel dragon girl trying too punch through the broken hole"

"As such before She could continue any longer the robot Voice would suddenly appear again this time with more serioase voice almost sounding mad "

(Glados)do You have any idea how expensive those walls are If i were You i would stop now and not go any furthe-r

"But it was already too late the hole was complelitly broken much too She shock of the robotic voice "

(Glados)dont You dare climb any further put one step on the other side of the wall and youre in big troubel-(her voice was now Deep as it looked like it tryed too sound intimidating)

"Kanna would respond too the robotic voice request with middel finger"

"As She proced too enter the hole regardless of the consequences "

(Glados)You..will regrett that -(as the robotic voice would turn off)

"As kanna stepped out of the wall She would be shocked too figure out how different this room was from the ones where She was previosly in the difference was day and night"

"The room was dirty full of all kinds of bacterias. As She looked around She coundt help herself not getting gross  out but as She walked and walked She would notice a white metal door right infront of her"

"Having no where else too go She would proced towards the door as She would notice the door had no handle"

"As She pushed the white metal door She would notice that inside the room  there was big computer and right next too IT a bunch of files all quiet organized almost looking they werent touched in a while "

"As kanna made her way towards the computer She would notice that the list was full of all kinds of test subjects exacly like her most of the the list had Red crosses among them except for  one"

"One that caught her attention was the  one right below the first Red cross one.That one was different IT dint had Red cross on it in fact IT was rather green "

"Kanna quickly checked hers as She Ran through the list noticing that hers was green as well"

"She would quickly realised that She wasnt Alone in the facility"

"She quickly got off the computer noticing in what room the other test subject was in "

"IT was room 4"

"She quickly started running through out the inside of the facility seing many and many rooms with all kinds of different numbers each off them leading too a different testing room"

"Until She would finaly reach the Door that let towards the room with number 4 on IT"

"She quickly opened the door stepping inside preparing too meet this unknown person that got in the same  terribel situation that She was in "

The End

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