The Strangest Thing

By AlyxMLaughs

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Stranger Things Fan-Fic (Will follow the S4 Timeline). Some Triggering topics may be mentioned. It's finally... More

Chapter One: The Favor
Chapter Two: The Woods
Chapter Three: Secrets
Chapter Four: Family Video
Chapter Six: The Boat House
Chapter Seven: Brainstorming

Chapter Five: The Break In

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By AlyxMLaughs

I sat back, allowing myself to melt into the chair. My body felt like Jell-O and my stomach was in knots. I had never been so confused in my entire life, not until today. Max had finished talking at least 10 minutes ago but I still just stared blankly ahead trying to process what I'd been told. Robin gave my shoulder a squeeze while Dustin and Steve shared concerned glances. Max simply crossed her arms and looked away as if she didn't want to believe it either.

"Y/n I know a lot of information just got dumped on you but uhm, how are you holding up?" Steve asked nervously.

"I-I'm not sure." I answered honestly.

Because I genuinely had no idea how to feel or what to think. The fact that I was just told that there was an alternate dimension where there are creatures that eat people and some that can control the minds of others was in truth, unfathomable. On top of that how am I supposed to believe that a 14 year old girl with mind powers has secretly saved this town from destruction on multiple occasions from not only these creatures, and the Mind Flayer dude, but also The Russians!

I've lived here almost my entire life, how is it possible that I didn't know any of this! They must be lying.

I looked at all of their faces, analyzing each one of there expressions and they all looked about as serious as a heart attack.

Okay, so there's no way they're lying.

I sighed, "So how does all of that relate to Chrissy and Munson?"

"Well Max said the lights went off at her place and right after was when Eddie ran off scared, like something else had attacked them." Dustin whispered.

"And lights have flickered whenever El would use her abilities right?" I asked still trying to digest the information.

"Well yeah, but like it's also happened when something from the Upside Down has been around too." Max chimed in.

"So you guys think that it's possible Munson didn't kill..." I hesitated.

"Y/n, I know Eddie and he couldn't do this, it's the only explanation." Dustin looked at me with pleading eyes.

I didn't want to believe Eddie could do this either but how could I ever believe that some other worldly creature murdered my best friend?

"Look this is all getting kind of intense for me right now. I think I just need to go home and think." My anxiety was starting to take over my whole body, it felt like every inch of me was shaking.

"Yeah, I think that's a good idea." Steve said kindly.

"Are you sure you can drive home like this?" Robin looked concerned.

"I don't mind driving her." Steve offered excitedly.

Robin shot daggers at him with her glare. If I wasn't about to keel over from stress I might have found it almost comical.

"I'll be fine." I tried to fake a smile to ease her mind.

I collected myself as best I could and left the store. I was about a foot from my car when I heard someone calling my name.


I turned around to see Dustin following me out of Family Video.

"Dustin, I'm okay really. My house isn't too far." I tried to make myself sound as put together as possible.

"No it's not that. I just wanted to say I know everything we said sounds crazy but it's the truth." Dustin assured, "I just want you to know that once we get a hold of Eddie and find out what happened we will stop this."

"Thanks Dustin."

"And y/n I'm really sorry about Chrissy."

Dustin's kindness made my eyes well up. I wanted to hug him and thank him again but the words just wouldn't come out and I couldn't will my body to move so instead I gave him a wry smile that I hoped would convey how grateful I was. It must have done the job because Dustin returned my smile with a silly toothy grin of his own.

I sat in my car and watched Dustin walking back to the video store through my rear view mirror. There wasn't a single thought in my mind and my emotions were all screwed up, it felt like I didn't feel anything. I drove home on autopilot, when I pulled into my driveway I was shocked that I'd even made it. I took one last deep breath before getting out of my car. As I approached my front door I noticed that it was slightly open.

My parents aren't supposed to be back for another week.

Each follicle of hair on my body stood on edge. The shiver that traveled up and down my spine was relentless. I debated on my front porch whether or not to walk in for what felt like an eternity but I finally grew some balls and said fuck it. I crept into the house as quietly as I could but my front doors hinges squeaked as I shut the door. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut hoping and praying that whoever or whatever had been in my house had already left or didn't hear that. I held my breath waiting for some sort of indication of life but nothing.

Oh GOD, could it be one of those demo- whatever's the guys were telling me about?

I tried to calm my mind but at this point it was racing. My heart was beating so loud I thought I might hear it explode. If it was a person in my house I might be able to handle it but an inter dimensional monster animal, I'd be toast. I made my way to the kitchen and grabbed the biggest knife I could find out of the holder, checking each room. Nothing. It was time to check upstairs. I gripped the knife tightly in my sweaty palm, ready to use it if need be. I went room by room checking each closet, bathroom, even under each bed but there was not a single thing out of place.

My heart finally stopped thumping by the time I'd made it to my room. I quickly flung open the door and to my surprise there was someone on my bed! I recognized his long wavy hair almost immediately. Here was EDDIE MUNSON laying on top on my perfectly clean sheets in his grimy clothes from the day before. He didn't wake up in the slightest as I'd entered the room, knife still in my hand. If what the guys told me back at the video store was true then I really wasn't in any danger but if they're lying and Eddie did kill Chrissy then I could be his next victim. I couldn't take any chances by dropping my only weapon.

"Hey shithead! Wake up!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. There was no time for fake niceties, this was life or death.

Eddie jolted awake, the fear on his face clear as day and as soon as he took notice of the knife in my hand any little bit of color he had left completely drained from his face. He sat up in my bed staring at me all wide eyed as if I was the alleged murderer here.

"Y/n let's not make any rash decisions babe." He stuttered.

"Don't call the emotionally unstable girl holding a knife babe, it might not end well for you. How in the hell did you get into my house Munson!" My shriek was piercing even I was taken aback by how loud I could be.

"Okay okay. I used the spare key under the fake rock in your front yard, the one you used to use when you forgot your key. I remembered you had one there from back when I used to come over and plan campaigns with you." Eddie spoke softly and calmly holding his hand up ready to defend himself should I chose to use the knife.

I couldn't believe he'd remembered where the spare key was. He hadn't been to my house since we'd had our falling out but he still chose to come here, why?

"Look I know I shouldn't have broken in but I-"

"Shut up. Why'd you come here and don't give me the whole I didn't have anywhere else to go spiel." I interrupted.

Eddie's eyes darkened as he pulled his knees up to his chest. He looked small and frail like a child when he scrunched up like that, I almost felt sorry for him.

"Well I genuinely didn't have anywhere else to go but aside from that the memories I have of being here in your house with you are some of the happiest and safest memories I have. Last night I was driving around scared out of my mind and the only place I could think of to go was here." I saw a single tear stream down his cheek but he quickly brushed it off.

I felt a twinge of pity or maybe even empathy for him. Eddie and his uncle had a great relationship but his uncle worked a lot and being home alone was something Eddie hated. He would tell me all the time about how the trailer park wasn't the safest place to be alone. Meanwhile I'm here alone without my parents for 2 whole weeks and my safety never even once crossed my mind well, until today of course. Dustin was right Eddie couldn't have hurt Chrissy. I know him and he seems absolutely terrified but if that's the case then that means what they told me back at the video store is the truth and that seems much scarier. I sat next to Eddie on my bed placing the knife on my nightstand.

"Can you tell me what happened? Is Chrissy really..." I looked into his sweet brown eyes as mine welled with tears.

Eddie looked down and squeezed himself tighter into his little ball. I'm not sure I even wanted to know what happened but maybe if Eddie could give me some information I could relay it to everyone back at the video store or bring them here to talk to him themselves.

Just as Eddie opened his mouth to say something I heard banging coming from downstairs. It sounded like whoever was at my front door was ready to break it down.

"Seriously Y/n you called the cops on me?!" The terror in Eddie's voice was almost palpable.

"First of all you broke into my house, if I did call the cops I'm totally well within my right! But I didn't, if it is the cops though they're probably here to talk to me about Chrissy which means you've gotta hide. Stay here." I commanded.

Eddie just nodded still not saying anything. The banging got louder and quicker so I rushed down the stairs to answer the door. To my surprise when I finally opened it no cops were staring back at me. It was Jason, Chrissy's boyfriend and his friends from the team. They all piled into my house one after the other including Lucas, the freshman I talked to at the party. I closed the door once they were all inside.

"Y/n did you hear? Chrissy was murdered." Jason's eyes were bloodshot, I wasn't sure if it was from all the drinking last night, or crying, or a combination of the two but he looked like an absolute mess.

Just with him saying those words the tears began flowing. I was still grieving her too even though I knew I needed to stay strong to help stop whatever it was that killed her. Jason grabbed me by the shoulders and squeezed so tight all my muscles tensed.

"They said she was with that freak Munson! I know she wouldn't be with him, you know she wouldn't be with him at least not on her own! Him and those freaks from his satanic club must have forced her to go with them." Jason was shouting at the top of his lungs and the others were all loudly agreeing behind him. It was like he and his whole team were in a feeding frenzy. They were the sharks and Eddie was the chum. The only one who stayed silent was Lucas, he knew Eddie, he was in Hellfire, and if he spoke up he'd be in danger. Something caught my eyes on the stairs as Jason continued his monologue, him and his teammates backs still towards the stairs. It was Eddie he had the knife in his hand and was coming down. I shot him a panicked look and he quickly realized he should turn back.

"What are you-" before Jason had a chance to turn around I pulled him in for a hug.

"Thank you for telling me Jason. I hope the police find those freaks and make them pay." Using Jason's words felt wrong, dirty even but I knew I had to get him to pay attention to me so Eddie could make it back to my room without inciting a riot.

"Don't worry y/n, we're going to make them pay. The police can't do anything to protect us from freaks like him so we're going to protect you and everyone else in this town." There was evil in Jason's eyes. He had the kind of look that makes your blood run cold and let's you know he is dangerous.

"Jason man we shouldn't do anything too crazy." Lucas inserted quietly.

Jason glared at him before turning back to me, "stay safe y/n and let me know if you see that freak or his little cronies around."

I opened the door for them and as they all shuffled out one by one, Lucas and I shared a concerned glance. I mouthed "be safe" and Lucas whispered "you too" almost imperceptibly under his breath before I shut the door. Ever muscle in my body was finally able to relax as I heard Jason's car pull out of my driveway. The peace was short lived as Eddie made his way down the stairs, knife still in his hand.

"So I take it Jason isn't aboard the Eddie's innocent train, is he?" He feigned a chuckled.

"Munson please. You know Jason hates your guts so of course not and honestly half if not most of Hawkins is against you too. Which is why we need to find you somewhere else to hide." The irritation in my voice was clear. "Also can you put the knife down? What is with you!"  

"When I heard how loud it was getting I was worried you were in trouble. I sat in your bed looking at it until I felt this overwhelming guilt that if something happened to you I would never forgive myself. I couldn't just hide in your room and let you get hurt, not like how Chrissy got hurt." There was a real pain in his voice.

Eddie looked off into the distance as if he was recalling each terrifying moment he'd experienced since last night. My hand reached out instinctively to comfort him but I held myself back. I still couldn't bring myself to forget the way he treated me after I decided to leave Hellfire. There was no way I could be kind to someone who turned their back on me after we'd been so close. Even though we had our own sordid history Eddie needed me now and I was willing to help him especially if it meant I'd be able to bring Chrissy's killer to justice. I cleared my throat which seemed like enough to ground Eddie in the moment. He handed me the knife, our fingers brushing for no more that a millisecond but it was enough to send a shiver down my spine. I had almost forgotten that electric feeling I got whenever we'd touch. I wondered if he felt it too.

"So Munson you have any ideas of where else we can hide you?" I questioned because I sure as hell didn't know where to go.

"Well my buddy Reefer Rick is doing a stint in county. Poor guy, 100 grams is not enough weed for a 2 year lock up."

"Okay you're getting a little off topic here." I rolled my eyes.

"Right, well his house is empty until then and he has a little boat house that he usually leaves unlocked too."

"Perfect." I grabbed my keys and began heading for the door when I realized Eddie couldn't just walk out of my house when he's a wanted man.

"Wait here." I ran upstairs and grabbed one of my moms scarves and a pair of her sunglasses. I handed them to Eddie gesturing for him to put them on.

"Well tell me do I look pretty?" He smirked.

Classic Eddie never able to take anything seriously. I rolled my eyes again before leading him out of the house.

"Next stop Reefer Rick's" Eddie announced as he clicked his seatbelt.

I nodded, making sure to reverse into the street at full speed my foot barely coming off the gas as I sped us to our next destination.

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