no regrets - S.R

By lvrgirl47

27.7K 656 214

she made a dumbass mistake that turned into a love story More

christmas special ~ not apart of the storyline
being honest!


1K 25 4
By lvrgirl47

"let's head to the food court." bokuto skipped ahead as y/n spoke.

bokuto was holding hands with nachimi and y/n as he did. they giggled and laughed as they began skipping to. haru and konoha laughed at that sight as akaashi just smiled, shaking his head.

"they are so weird." konoha laughed. he had his eyes on y/n. he felt terrible. the past couple of weeks he had determined his feelings for her were romantic, he didn't wanna ruin this for her though. she needed someone who would be the missing pieces of her puzzle that she called life. so he, as he did before, kept quiet.

"you should tell her." akaashi nudged him.

"there's no point, she doesn't feel the same." konoha softly smiled.

"about her shoelaces?" akaashi lifted his eyebrows.

"uh yeah, she hates being told what to do." he laughed it off.

akaashi knew what he was talking about though.

"let's catch up." haru began jogging.

"konoha." akaashi slowed his pace for a second, catching konoha's attention.

"hm?" he hummed in response.

"i love you both. i have no say in what you do or don't do, but be careful. don't hurt yourself trying to make others happy." he patted his back and pulled him along as he sped up to resch the others.

konoha just smiled. deep down he was okay with it all, i mean yes it hurt, but he loved y/n too much to ever do anything to harm her. he loved her so much that it didnt matter whether or not they ended up together, as long as she stayed in his life, he could be happy. that's all that mattered.

"boba?" nachimi suggested.

"ooo yes." bokuto and nachimi walked to the boba stand hand in hand. bokuto didnt like nachimi in a romantic way. he saw y/n and nachimi as best friends, strictly. yes they were attractive, but so were all of his other friends. he knew of akaashi's feeling towards the girl, and he also knew of akaashi possessiveness. so teasing him was just too much fun.

akaashi watched as bokuto wrapped his arm around nachimi and kissed her forehead, her smiling endearingly at the older male.

"lets go to panda." y/n grabbed haru and akaashi as konoha walked to the pizza place across from them. "be right back." he dismissed himself.

as they all got the food they wanted they found a place to sit.

"should i text him?" y/n and nachimi were sharing food so they had sat next to each other.

"yes." nachimi responded to the female next to her.

4:24 p.m.

suna rintarou


where r u?

just got panda
you here?


atsumu sees you guys
god you're so fucking beautiful

y/n choked on her food. nachimi was reading their messages and laughed as she looked to see the boys heading this way.

"i knew that i smelled a nappy headed nigger." aran joked as he dabbed nachimi up.

"fuck you." she laughed.

y/n got up and hugged suna. he felt himself feeling more relaxed this time. it was definitely something he could get used to. "have a seat." y/n pulled the chair out on the other side of her out for him as she sat back down.

(they pushes two tables together at this point btw)
table arrangement:

bokuto nachimi y/n suna atsumu


konoha akaashi haru aran kita

as they ate, y/n and suna talked and talked and talked.

"they make me wanna throw a chair at them." nachimi mumbled to bokuto making him laugh.

"i know right. they're so cute it pisses me off." bokuto and nachimi laughed together once again.

"so you guys are staying at a cabin an hour away?" kita was feeling a little uneasy with the quick small talk. he felt like y/n's friends didn't like them and he didnt want that.

"yeah, you guys should come over tonight." nachimi smiled, leaving over the table a little. "there's one more bedroom and so many couches." she finished.

"that sounds fun." aran looked to kita as he spoke to see if it was okay.

"sure." he nodded.

"you guys should stay the night." bokuto suggested.

"yes." atsumu looked to kita just as aran did.

"sure." osamu and suna just nodded.

they talked for another 20 minutes before deciding to leave. nachimi gave kita the address and they were off.

"once we get there, y'all need to clean up." nachimi lectured.

"you sound like my mom." bokuto rolled his eyes.

"and just for that you and y/n are on dishes. konoha and haru are sweeping plus taking out trash. akaashi you're vaccuming." she instructed.

they were about 20 minutes away from the house. "why am i doing dishes?" y/n whined.

"because i said so. bokuto is helping so you should fine." nachimi shrugged.

y/n frowned and looked to bokuto to see him pouting.

they pulled into the driveway and parked. nachimi grabbed the bags from the back as everyone went inside. she brought them inside and set them on the dining table. "i'm gonna go to the mini mart up the street, i'll be right back!" she rushed out the door trying in a hurry.

y/n and haru were alone in the kitchen. bokuto went to the restroom and konoha was on upstairs trash duty as haru got downstairs, including the basement. "has mom contacted you?" y/n asked, washing a cup and placing into the other sink.

"uh, a little. why?" haru grabbed the trash bag and put it to the side as he put another trash bag in.

"oh. okay. i was just wondering." y/n's mother hadn't contacted her. she thought they were on good terms because when she left her mother has bid her goodbye and said she loved her. she was beyond confused and hurt. "its whatever." she mumbled.

trying to distract herself from crying, she ended up doing all the dishes, then drying and putting them away. she wiped down the counters, swept and mopped the floors.

nachimi came back and asked someone to help her bring the groceries in. y/n went with her to help, being the only one downstairs.

"y/n?" nachimi asked, as she grabbed multiple bags.

"yeah?" y/n grabbed the same amount.

"what's wrong?"

they walked in and set them down on the table. "nothing." she sighed.

"doesnt sound like nothing." nachimi walked back outside with y/n.

"there's a watermelon, and a 40 pack of water bottles left... is it your mother?" nachimi grabbed the 40 pack as y/n grabbed the water.

"she's doing it again." y/n looked to ther ground for a second before shifting her eyes back up. "it's fine for now. i'll be fine. i'll help you put the groceries away."

nachimi knew y/n was lying. she always lied about being fine in the situations of her mother. she had explained to nachimi before that no matter what her mother does she feels beyond terrible for ever getting mad or upset with her, because she has done so much for her family. nachimi sighed and resumed helped y/n with the groceries.

to the hyogo boys...

"THERE'S AN INDOOR POOL!?" atsumu was beyond happy. he was hanging with his friends and went to the mall, now he was going to a vacation home with so many things to do.

"nachimi said her aunt and her uncle are rich or something like that."

the boys were on the highway on their way there. aran was driving for kita since he drove to the mall and kita gave aux to suna, not trusting atsumu not osamu since they loke to argue about it.

suna listened to anything and everything, but country. he wasn't sure what to play, feeling like his friends would be uncomfy with some of it. "i'm playing the weeknd and if you don't like it suck my dick." suna spoke. he played die for you. it was one of his personal favorites besides after hours.

the ride was mostly chill. as they pulled up, they were shocked. the cabin was big as fuck. yes, nachimi explained it a little on the phone with kita, but her words never mentioned the size of the house.

"woah." atsumu gawked.

they parked and slowly made their way to the door. suna's nerves were acting up again. he wasn't scared just anxious. he couldn't lay his finger on it. kita ran the doorbell. they looked like little girls selling girl scout cooking.

nachimi opened the door with a grin. "hi! come in, come in. you guys can set your stuff wherever. make yourselves at home." the inside was lavish.

suna looked around for y/n but it was just nachimi in the area.

"your girlfriend is in the basement playing air hockey with haru." nachimi teased.

"thank you— girlfriend?" suna raised an eyebrow.


nachimi led the boys down to the basement. it was huge. it was an open space. they could see the pool and hear bokuto and konoha splashing around. there was a mini bar, air hockey, a pool table, dart boards, a mini basketball game with two sections (the ones you could find in an arcade),couches, and a huge tv with an xbox one.

"that's the pool, and there is a bathroom in here and there to change." nachimi smiled before walking towards the mini bar.

"YES! TAKE THAT YOU WHORE!" y/n threw her hands in the air, she had beat haru in an intense match of air hockey. she danced around him while flipping him off.

"stop." haru slapped her hands away.

"suck my dick, pussy." she laughed.

suna smiled at the sight. he thought she was beyond adorable. y/n stopped what she was doing and saw him, making her grin grow bigger. "rin!" she rushed to him and hugged him.

"hi, gorgeous." he rested his hands on her waist. he may have looked calm but his hormonal teenage brain was quaking. she was wearing a swimsuit that made her look beyond words could describe.

"you gonna swim?" she asked pulling away, leaving her arms around his neck.

"yeah, lemme change. meet you there?" he smiled.

"yeah." she boldly kissed his cheek and skipped off to the pool. nachimi behind her with a margarita in her hand.

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