A Love Among the Greenleaves...

By timeladyjamie

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The story of a Sindar and Silvan elf that began among the trees of Greenwood the Great and now only remains a... More

Chapter 2: A Battle with Grief
Chapter 3: Birth of a Greenleaf
Chapter 4: Desperation in the Forest

Chapter 1: The Blossoming of Love

63 4 3
By timeladyjamie

A Love Found Among the Greenleaves

Chapter 1: The Blossoming of Love


It had been some time since the Silvan elves accepted Oropher as their King of Greenwood the Great, having established what would be known as the Woodland realm. The Wood elves were starting to progress thanks to the influence and help of their new kin, both teaching the other new things about their own from languages to culture.

Ethiriel's parents were assigned to work under King Oropher's council to help him better understand the lifestyle of the Silvan as a representative. In turn, their daughter was entrusted to be a friend to and help Prince Thranduil in return since they were around the same age.

However, he didn't see her arrive at Amon Lanc with her parents. "Where is your daughter?"

At this, Ethiriel's mother, Elbereth, bowed. "I'm sorry about our daughter, my Prince. She was supposed to come with today, but... you will find her hiding in the deep part of the forest."

Ethiriel had argued with her parents about the new found responsibility they sprung upon her, which made it feel like she would have to babysit the Sindar prince when instead she wanted to just be free in the Greenwood and have nothing to do with politics.

With that, the prince made his way to the place he could find her, spotting the stubborn brown-haired elleth sitting up in a tree, speaking in a language he didn't fully understand, but could only guess to be Silvan. He wasn't fluent in it yet, but it was a work in progress just as with the Silvan elves learning the Sindarian language.

He was about to speak when she beat him to it. "Of course you found me." She chuckled, jumping down from the tree root right in front of him. "Let me guess; my parents told you where I would be?"

"You would skip out on your Prince when we were supposed to meet today for our first lessons?" Thranduil reminded her firmly.

Jumping down from the tree roots, Ethiriel stood in front of him, giving him a small smile. "I'm sorry, my Prince. I came to speak with the trees."

Thranduil raised an eyebrow. "Speak with the trees?" He repeated.

This caused her to giggle. "This is where we learn our first lesson. My parents say that as Silvan elves, it is important for us to be one with nature. Our ancestors have taught the trees to speak to us, but only if you listen and take the first step in reaching out towards them."

The Prince watched as she raised her hand against the tree's bark, speaking in Silvan once again. He felt the wind blow through his golden hair and heard the tree's moan, as if having a conversation with her. "What did you say to them?" he asked.

She chuckled. "I told them that we are learning lessons today and asked them what would be the best way to approach." And if she could find a new place to hide next time where she could escape these responsibilities.

"And what did they say in reply?"

A conflicted look briefly passed across her face. "They say we must endure, something good is sure to develop from the company."

However, Thranduil could tell from the brief look she had on her face that she didn't feel quite right about spending time in his company. This made him question it. "Have I offended you in some way?"

Ethiriel shook her head. "No, my Prince."

There were still barriers for them to cross so they could understand each other, not just as Silvan's and Sindar elves, but as individuals. Thranduil knew his father and her parents had assigned to be a friend and guide, just as he would be towards her, but for some reason, it wasn't going off to a great start for Ethiriel.

But he couldn't quite blame her. After all, they were still strangers and didn't even know each other yet. As Prince of Greenwood the Great, he would have to get to know his people, so Thranduil knew the first step would be with her.

"You can be honest with me." He said softly, a small smile on his face. "What is on your mind?"

She knew she was talking to their prince and had already introduced herself in the rudest way possible. So if she was to tell him the matters on her heart, would it make things worse?

She gulped, taking her chances. "It is nothing personal towards you, my prince, but I don't wish to be a servant." He raised an eyebrow at this. "This...arrangement my parents have put upon me...I don't feel it is right."

"I understand." He replied, nodding his head. "But how would you feel if I told you I don't see you as a servant, but as a friend?"

Surprise passed over her face, seeing a form of silent understanding pass between them as she smiled. "I wouldn't mind that. I've never been friends with a prince before."

"Then I think we should follow the trees and your advice by taking the first step and enduring in growing this friendship."

And with that, they both decided to start over in getting to know each other.

"Hello, I'm Prince Thranduil."

She bowed with a warm smile. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness. I am Ethiriel of the Greenwood. I will be your friend and guide."


The Feast of Starlight was a tradition celebrated among the Silvan elves and now something shared with their new Sindarian rulers. Tables of food and drink were set up outside the forest, music was playing all around as elves joined in to dance, and cheer was everywhere as it invited the animals and trees to sing along.

King Oropher sat at the high table with Elbereth and Callon among him. The parents were watching their children conversing with each other in the crowd, dancing along to the music as Ethiriel explained the festival to the prince.

"They seem to be getting along splendidly lately, don't they?" Oropher asked, watching his son carefully.

Callon nodded, witnessing the smile on his daughter's face. "At first, Ethiriel had us worried, but I don't know what happened to make her change her mind. It is good, nonetheless."

"I haven't seen Thranduil this happy in a long time." The Elvenking muttered, remembering back to their lives before Thranduil's mother passed away and before the destruction of Beleriand. He had started to see his son's smile fading along with the few Sindar elves that followed him, but now since merging with the Silvan elves, things seemed to be looking up.

Knowing of their kings and prince's past, Ethiriel's parents consoled him. "It must have not been easy going through what you did, but be assured my King, we are grateful for your leadership, guidance and friendship."

Oropher nodded in agreement. "As are we."

Among the crowd, Elirieth was finishing explaining the festival to the Prince. "And the point of Mereth Nuin Giliath is to honor the stars Eru created and of which we were born under, hence, at the end of all the nights celebrations, some of us will lay under the stars and soak up all the light they can offer."

Thranduil's blue eyes sparkled with awe. "I see now why my father was so interested in us returning back to the old ways."

"Would you like to see how I celebrate it?"

He nodded and not long after, found Ethiriel grabbing his hand and pulling him along with her, forgetting the pretenses of him being her prince. Running through the forest, away from the sounds of the festival, he was surprised to find her bringing them to a small embankment with a river.

"Alright, stand there and close your eyes. I'll tell you when to open them." She giggled.

"Okay...?" There was some slight question in Thranduil's tone.

"What's wrong? Do you not trust me, your Highness?" He heard her voice whisper out before him, as if she were among the trees again.

He couldn't help but chuckle. "That's not it. I'm just wondering why I have to close my eyes if all you're going to do is jump among the trees. I've seen it all before."

Now she was somewhere else entirely. "I can assure you that you haven't seen this yet. Besides, it will ruin the magic us Wood-elves are fond of."

Thranduil sighed. "Very well, impress me then."

"Okay, you can open your eyes now."

And when he did, Thranduil felt his breath was suddenly taken away from him at the sight before his very eyes. Ethiriel was jumping before a waterfall as the starlight shined upon her, droplets of water forming a circle around her in the air as greenleaves followed behind her in the wind. She looked ethereal, with a glow upon her, like a princess of the Greenwood coming to grace him with her presence.

It was then when the Prince felt his heart skip a beat, understanding the feelings coming before him. At that moment, he had finally realized he had fallen in love with his friend, admiring not only her beauty, but her stubborn and kind personality. The person who had a deep love for the forest and gently explained the Silvan ways to him, the very elleth that would talk with the trees and danced along with greenleaves as they moved to her every beck and call.

Seeing how speechless he was left, Ethiriel landed in front of him as she had the first day they met years ago, but now things were different between them and it would be again.

"What?" She laughed nervously with that smile that warmed his heart. "Did you not like it?"

However, the prince remained frozen, causing Ethiriel to start worrying and reach out, grabbing his hand. Thranduil snapped out of his trance, glancing down to their hands intertwined before they both looked into each other's eyes with a new understanding, seeing right into one another's fëa and sensing the bond between them.

They were turning fifty soon. It only made sense they would be drawn to each other in such a way, not only because they had become close friends, but because most elves were expected to marry at this age.

And they were both finding they felt the same way towards each other as they slowed leaned closer until there was no space left, arms now embracing the other, going in for a kiss of agreement to this union. There would be no fear, for the love between elves was forever. but yet...Ethiriel bit her lip, pulling away.

It was best if she left now before things got more difficult for them and they found themselves falling too deep into this with no way to get out now.

"I'm sorry. I hope you enjoy the rest of the festivities, your highness."

The words were meant to be warm, but instead, they left Thranduil suddenly feeling cold and empty as he watched her jump among the trees, leaving him to stand there alone in the starlight, wondering what had gone wrong.


After that, Ethiriel had not shown up in the palace or anywhere near Thranduil's side. Oropher had asked about her and all her parents could do was apologize for her absence and explain that she had gone to see relatives somewhere else.

However, Oropher had started to catch onto his son's change, noticing a sadness within him and one day when he caught him sitting beside a window, staring out at the elves below, the King finally questioned his son on it. " Ioneg , what happened between you and Ethiriel?"

Thranduil didn't even turn to look at his father, replying with an icy coldness. "Nothing happened."

Oropher sighed, going to join him in a chair across the way. The Elvenking leaned toward him, his silver long hair catching his son's attention so he finally looked at him. "You may be able to fool everyone else by hiding behind that wall you built, but you can never fool your adar , henig."

And with that, his icy blue eyes started to shake like a dam of water waiting to break free.

Noticing the tears threatening to fall from his son's eyes, Oropher realized what was going on. It was written perfectly on his face and with the absence of Ethiriel's presence. "You have fallen in love with her, and she has with you, but yet, she has rejected the union."

Thranduil nodded slowly. "I'm not sure what to do, Adar ." This was the first time he had ever landed in a situation like this.

Oropher reached out for his son's hand, trying to comfort him. "I suspected this might happen, but I thought you both had worked past it and become close."

The prince's eyes went wide. "What are you trying to say, father?"

"In order for us to finally become one and merge with them, I thought it would be best for you to befriend a Silvan elf, become close and learn from one another, and then someday take over as King and Queen of the Woodland Realm." Oropher explained.

Thranduil burst from his chair in shock, narrowing his eyes as he realized they were just pawns in his father's plans. "But you didn't plan on the possibility of her rejecting such an idea? Of rejecting me ." he spat.

"I did this for your future." Oropher told him. "You are about to be fifty and someday you will take my place as King. You can't rule alone."

The prince couldn't help the bitter chuckle that came forth. "And yet, you ensured it, Adar ." He slumped back into his chair, hiding himself among his hair as he looked down at the ground.

It was no wonder she felt the same way as him, but pulled away and didn't dare show her face around him again. She was trying to ease them both the pain of the truth that they were both pawns in a game of politics, brought together, but not by their choice.

Maybe she had felt used the whole time. Her words from when they first met started to echo in his mind, only confirming his thoughts.

"It is nothing personal towards you, my prince, but I don't wish to be a servant. This...arrangement my parents have put upon me...I don't feel it is right."

Even after all this time, after how close they had become, did she still feel this way?

Thranduil, however, in that moment, felt something tugging at him to look outside the window. As he gazed up slowly, he noticed someone suddenly pulling back, having watched and heard everything that happened.

He bolted up, opening the window quickly to find Ethiriel sitting upon the tree, staring back at him with a hand covering her mouth. She was trying to conceal the sobs erupting from within her. Just as he started to reach out towards her, the brown-haired elleth quickly fled.

"ETHIRIEL!" he shouted, wanting to explain everything to her.

However, she didn't stop to look back towards him, just continuing to run into the forest she called home.

Clutching the window sill with frustration and heartbreak, stuck between wanting to chase after her and stop himself from doing so, it was his father who finally spoke. "I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't mean to hurt any of you."

"She thinks I'm using her, that I think of her as nothing more than a servant all because she is a Silvan." Thranduil growled.

"But you don't feel that way, now do you, son?" Oropher asked.

"I never have." He replied. "I love her with my very soul. I-I think I always have since the day I met her."

"Then set things right, my Prince."

Without another thought, Thranduil started to track her down, looking in every place he thought she could be hiding in until he found her, sitting among the trees and speaking to them. However, this time, he finally understood what she was telling them.

I'm in love with a prince who stirs my heart and awakens my very soul, but I think he doesn't feel the same way about me, at least not how I've come to feel about him. I'm probably nothing more than a lowly Silvan elf to him.

However, it wasn't the trees that answered her back, for they didn't need to, but the prince himself.

"No, because it doesn't matter if you're Silvan or Sindar, you mean so much more to me for who you are, Ethiriel." She turned to glance down and spotted him looking up at her.

Jumping down, she was speechless, watching him this time. "Your highness?"

"Call me Thranduil."

She tried the name out on her lips. "Thranduil."

His heart sparked with joy, reaching out to lightly touch her cheek and then move her hair behind her ear. Ethiriel blushed from the contact before melting right into it. It felt right. It had always felt right, being by his side at least.

But yet, she couldn't. They couldn't be a part of this game unless it was by their choice.

Seeing how she was pulling back, Thranduil begged. "Please...let me explain. Once I have, if you still feel it is best to go, then I won't stop you and we never have to see each other again."

Ethiriel paused, turning to listen quietly.

"I don't know how much you heard of the conversation between me and my father, but I want you to know I never knew of his plans. Everything I feel for you is genuine of my own accord and free will." Thranduil grabbed her hands. "I love you, Ethiriel, and I can't imagine anyone else I wish to spend the rest of my days with than with you. I need you."

Before she could speak, Thranduil leaned in, enveloping her in a passionate kiss. The greenleaves started to twirl around them in the air, surrounding them in a protective circle of their own, like a message from Eru himself.

Feeling Ethiriel finally start to give in, accepting the bond between them as their souls ignited and illuminated from their love among the greenleaves.

The only reason she pulled away this time was to tell him something important. "I, in turn, love you, Thranduil Oropherion, the prince who has stolen my heart and makes my soul blossom like the plants of Greenwood."

"Then let's keep them blooming." He kissed her hand gently before glancing around at the greenleaves twirling around in the air among them. "Is this your doing?" He asked her with a playful smile.

Ethiriel shook her head. "No. I mean, I do have a fondness for Greenleaves, but all I know is that this has been happening ever since I met you."

"I think they're trying to tell us something."

She cocked her head at him. "And what's that?"

They were quiet for a moment, just listening to the sounds of the trees and the wind.

You must endure, something good is sure to develop from the company: a love among the greenleaves that will never fade away.

A year later, they were married and a feast was celebrated, bringing both Silvan and Sindar together, ensuring the Woodland Realm for centuries to come. Within that time, Ethiriel started to accept a life of politics, learning how to be the Princess of the Woodland Realm for her people with the help of her husband, father-in-law, and her parents.

It seemed everything would work out well, but there was an enemy that would soon change things, as King Oropher could no longer ignore the threats.



Mereth Nuin Giliath - The Festival of Starlight

Adar - Father

Henig - My Son


BTW, the Greenleaves are totally a foreshadowing to Legolas of course. Reminder that this is a short story, so things will progress here and there quickly. Let me know your thoughts below. Everything is pretty much taking place during the Second Age so far.

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