The Mighty Force

By tylerstormx

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Four siblings born from a distant planet were sent to Earth when their father, Caldor, was executed by the au... More

Authors' note
Chapter 1 Caldor's Decision
Authors' Note
Chapter 2 Grown Up, Caldor's children
Chapter 3 Grown Up, Caldor's Children Part 2
Chapter 4 Heritage
Chapter 5: Manifestation
Chapter 6: Seth Ex Savage
Chapter 7 An Unexpected Encounter
Chapter 8 The Embodiment Of Decomposition
Chapter 9 A Destructive Battle, Diana Vs Dan
Chapter 10 Gordon initiates an attack.
Chapter 11 The Knight Of Bloodshed
Chapter 12 An Extraterrestrial Attack
Chapter 13 A Ferocious Adversary
Chapter 14 The Firstborn, Meet Your Eldest Brother
Chapter 15 A Big Battle Insues
Chapter 16 Adding Fuel To The Blaze
Chapter 17 Is Blood Thicker Than Water?
Chapter 18 The Beggining Of A New Alliance
Chapter 19 Seth's Persuit
Chapter 20 Kendall Coleman
Chapter 21 Unprecedented, A Duel Breaks Out
Chapter 22 Follow Your Moral Compass
Chapter 23 Escape Seth's Ship
Chapter 24 An Intimate Session
Chapter 25 Hail Of Tragedy
Chapter 26 Hail Of Tragedy Part Two
Chapter 27 A Devistating moment
Chapter 28 The Turbulent Storm Continues
Chapter 29 Self Introspection
Chapter 30 Regrouping: Coming To Terms With The Past
Chapter 31 An Attack At The Time Square
Chapter 32 An Eye For An Eye
Chapter 33 A Light In The Darkness
Chapter 34 A Powerful Bond
Chapter 36 Your Greatest Strenght Can Be Your Downfall
Chapter 37 United We Stand
Chapter 38 It's Not The End of The Road
Chapter 39 A Looming Threat

Chapter 35 An Iron Body

35 7 14
By tylerstormx

On the battlefield, Diana flew with great speed. From behind, She was accompanied by floating objects. The objects were engulfed by a spherical wine-purple aura. There was debris from wrecked motorcars, mailboxes, trash bins, and much more.

To magnify the impact of her attacks, she slightly increased her power's decay rate. The matter of the objects began to wear out. She directed her hand toward Seth, thereby launching the objects at him.

"Not this again, don't have something new in your arsenal?!" Seth bawled with annoyance.

He fired another set of heat vision rays and incinerated the falling objects, Diana flew toward him and instead of attacking him from the front, she circled him and attempted to land a turning kick from behind. This time, she coated her hands and feet with a purple aura for a more devastating assault.

Quickly, from where he stood; Seth turned around and blocked the kick with his wrist. Though he blocked her attack, somehow her attack still connected. As a result, the fabric of his sleeve wore out. He looked at his wrist and gritted his teeth, infuriated by the prospect of that attack.

"You're powers are getting on my nerves!" Seth bawled.

She smiled and said, "Come now, you did ask if I had something new in my arsenal. Why are you complaining?!"

She propelled herself from his wrist and stood on her feet. Swiftly, with profound speed, she landed a barrage of kicks on different sections of his body. She performed this maneuver in seconds. She kicked him on the lower side of his leg, on the thigh, and finally on the kidney zone. Seth groaned in response to the unprecedented combo attacks.

She rotated and attempted to land a turning kick toward his jaw. He grabbed her heel and smirked, "Nice try," he retorted. He seized her foot and hoisted her, he then tossed her away. After doing so, he looked down at his hands and realized that even though he had managed to get rid of her, it had not been without a price. The flesh of his palms gradually peeled away.

"Damn you Diana!" He snorted childishly. As he looked ahead, Sam stood afloat and stretched his hands at him.

"What is he doing, I thought that he'd fire one of his ultraviolet beams?" He pondered.

The moment that Sam unleashed a shimmering light from his hands, he concluded what he was doing.

He placed his hands together in front of his countenance to block the attack. It would seem that Sam released an ultraviolet ray at him. Fortunately, his foresight saved him as he would've been blinded by that ultraviolet ray.

Sam smirked, admiring his brother's foresight, "Classic Seth, he blocked my attack. I wouldn't expect anything less."

He flew to Seth and fired multiple disc-shaped ultraviolet blasts. Seth removed his hands from his wrists and saw the incoming attacks. He formed a shield with his right arm and deflected the discs. 

With his foe distracted, Sam landed a powerful strike toward his countenance. Or so he thought, as Seth sidestepped him by moving to the side and chopped on the neck while he flew past. He was gobsmacked when he realized how quick his reaction speed was.

"Impossible! I had where I wanted," he muttered as his eyes widened.

Seth chopped him on the neck, thereby taking him out as he collided against the ground. As he lay face-flat on the ground. Seth approached him and stood behind him. He raised his foot and enabled spikes to grow under it. He shoved his foot on Sam's right shoulder blade and applied more pressure to the stomp.

Sam shrieked in agony as a searing sensation pierced through his flesh. Seth raised his foot and stomped him on the right shoulder plate again. A crimson stream gushed out. When he removed his foot from his shoulder blade, the spikes went back and his foot was ordinary again. He circumnavigated him and halted in front of his face. 

 He stood in front of his younger sibling. Raising his head, Sam looked at his opponent. Seth was greater in height than him, looming over him like a mountain while Sam was down on the ground.Helplessly, he put his hand on Seth's boot and grabbed it. A world of misery and fatigue subdued him. Then Seth grinned, much to his delight.

"I pity you brother, but I'm not surprised by your current state. You conducted yourself poorly, perceiving yourself to have greater knowledge than me. Truly, you knew nothing. You're a failure, and you blindly lead the others to their humiliating defeat!"

Seth took a few steps back, he charged at a helpless Sam and punt-kicked him on the head. He was knocked out by the intensity of that heinous kick

Gordon appeared from behind and stabbed Seth with his pocket knife. Seth groaned in agony and turned around with terrifying speed. By doing so, he attempted to clobber Gordon with a punch from behind.

Instead, Gordon blocked the attack with his right wrist. That's as far as he could go as his left arm was still injured. Seth grabbed Gordon by the scruff and pulled him closer. He struck him with a knee attack on the solar plexus. The attack was so intense that blood gushed out of his mouth. He raised Gordon by the stand of his hair.

"Gordon, Gordon, Gordon. You are a curse to our family. You've always been and you'll continue to be until you depart the physical realm. I'm glad that I will be the one to have claim over your untimely death!" Seth said, smirking to himself.

He shoved the latter to the ground and forcefully buried his face deep into the tarmac. Subsequently, he then stepped on his skull, driving his head further into the crust.

"Yes, suffer, suffer you miserable flea!"

The pothole that Gordon's skull carved was filled by a crimson fluid. From behind, Diana propelled a wine-purple projectile attack at Seth. Though the attack knocked him off his feet, it slowly ate away through some sections of his suit, like his chest and wrist regions

When Seth stood up, he glanced at Diana who held her fists in a fighting stance. Though her spirit was eager to fight. Her body said the opposite. She panted heavily and narrowed her brows intensely at him.

He slowly approached her and smirked, "You've fought well and we both know that it's time to call it a night. Sam won't be getting up anytime soon, Gordon could be drowning in his blood for all we know. You might as well just surrender and help me carry the others to a private location."

"Quit! Is that how lowly you think of me? I'm not going to quit and I'll continue fighting until I draw my last breath!"

She coated all of her limps with her aura, and she then flew at him. Though she did that, Seth shot her with a powerful heat vision. She fell to the ground instantly after that dreadful attack. She held her shoulder while blood seeped out.

"I'm sorry it had to come to this," Seth said as he approached her and crouched, Though she was conscious, the thought of experiencing humility was a distasteful dish on her part. She loathed it. There was also a sensation of excruciating pain spreading across her arm because of the heat vision

Seth looked up then and noticed a flicker of light in the distance. It could have been misinterpreted as a star glimmering from the sky's horizon due to its distance. Seth's eyes narrowed as he examined the light, and it got larger by the second. 

Then it became clear that it was not a star, but rather it had physical features similar to a meteor. Then, after a brief period, it turned out to be Dan. A blaze enveloped him, and Harrison leaped several times beneath him. They've kept a single destination in mind despite using diverse modes of transportation. And that destination was where Seth stood.

"So they've recovered, a resilient bunch. But it's too late," he reflected and stood up. While he did that, Diana tossed around to face from his back

He directed his hand to the two, and as he did that, Diana stretched her hand toward his back and fired a projectile attack on him. The pressure wave propelled him forward. When his body kissed the floor, he crawled up to his feet with irritants. 

Dan fired a powerful heat blast at him once he recovered from her sister's assault. The heat blast launched him mercilessly at a larger distance away from the others. He landed on his back and groaned much to his affliction, the blazing heat left a brunt wound on his chest as smoke emanated from there.

"Hmmm Diana, you are a slippery one. You knew that I'd still have the edge, hence why you attacked so that I could drop my guard. Very clever," He said, grinning to himself with admiration.

As he glanced at the crescent moon, his reflection was short-lived as a furious Harrison descended to him from great height. Above his head, the latter carried a motor car and directed it toward Seth who lay still on the ground. To get to that absurd height, the young lad carried the motor car above his head and leaped from where he stood to his older brother's direction.

 While he descended with extraordinary speed downward, Seth's eyes ignited red. But before he could fire his heat vision, the latter had closed the gap between them and forcefully hammered the vehicle into him. 

Harrison turned his back against the wreckage and dusted off his hands. A smirk laced his features. At least, he took a bite from Vengeance, and it was fruit so sweet, the delicate flavor melted on his tongue. 

Harrison returned to the site where Seth brutally assaulted his family. There they lay, worn out like dry bones in a desert, helpless and defeated. Though Dan helped Diana up to her feet, the others were battered.  

"How are they?" Harrison inquired.

"They are in bad shape, I don't know if they have what it takes to continue fighting," Dan responded.

Harrison shook his head defiantly, "I don't wanna hear that. We can do this, we can still win this fight. It's not too late!" He clenched his fist with conviction.

While hair dark hair clumsily blanketed her head as she glanced at the ground. Diana raised her head and brushed her hair aside to see clearly. Since she wrapped her arm around Dan, she sought for strength to stand on her feet. 

"I agreed, let's continue fighting. It's not over until we say so," she grinned to herself as she removed her arm from Dan's shoulder and stood on her feet.

Harrison nodded and approached Sam while Diana approached Gordon. The two sought ways to revive and inspire them.

"Sam, Sam, Sam! Come on, wake up. The fight ain't over yet," He shouted urgently.

He opened his left eye and responded, "Harri... Harri...Harrison is that you," he said with a smile and stroked his cheeks.

"Yes, it's me," the young lad responded.

"I'm glad that you made it..." 

Harrison interrupted him while he spoke, "I'm sorry to interrupt you but we don't have long until Seth recovers."

"I'm out, I don't know if there's still any fight left in me," He responded.

"Yes, there is. You just need to dig deep. Find the last reserves and fight. Otherwise what we fought for would've been for nothing! This is our last chance and we can't waste it!" He exclaimed with urgency as he held Sam's hand tightly.

Sam looked up at him and smiled, "Atta boy." The young lad smiled back at him in response.

Eventually, the Mighty Force and Gordon stood on their feet. They positioned their gaze to where Seth would emerge from. They transitioned into their fighting stances with their fists held out in front of them. As usual, a wine-purple aura coated Diana's fists, while two flames burned intensely around Dan's fists. Meanwhile, Harrison's fists formed into giant gauntlets of rocks while Sam's hands formed ultra-violet discs underneath his palm. Gordon then took out a pocket knife and also stood in his fighting stance.

Then from far away, Seth leisurely strolled toward them and clapped his hands. Once he stood a few inches closer, he spoke, "Marvellous, truly Marvellous, the whole family is here and for the final round I might add..."

As he spoke, he walked even closer to them, crossing their strike zone as they agitated, "Before we begin, I'd like to show you something." 

The four looked at each other in bafflement as they wondered what sadistic thought crossed his mind. Seth ripped the cloak off his back, as well as the torn garments that garbed his torso. The five feasted their eyes on his phenomenal physic. His pectoral muscles and six abs bulging out, his biceps large and firm as a cluster of veins crossed them.

He spread his legs slightly apart and clenched his fists, an emerald aura coated his body as a powerful pressure wave exerted from his body and roared violently in their direction. The pressure wave blew the tufts of their hair in a backward direction while their skins were tempted to blow off their skulls. His eyes developed a dark shade of green while large crystal spikes sprouted from his wrist until the region of his shoulder on both of his arms.  The latter then grew taller and developed more muscles in his leg and bicep regions.

More spikes grew from his back region up until his spinal tail. He looked at the five and smirked. The aura around his body dissipated. 

"Behold, my iron body. My skin is now hardened with crustal matter. Now that we've all reached our tether, I thought that it would be generous of me to show you the peak of my power. I have rarely used this form and I'd like to test it out on you!"

Seth cackled while dread seeped into the five's weary souls.

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