Help Wanted (A FNAF: Security...

By nightmare597

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*SLOW UPDATES UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE* Being a private investigator had its perks. You could choose any cases y... More

Chapter 2 The Bizarre Nightmare
Chapter 3 The Nightshift
Chapter 4 The Mysterious Rabbit and The Stubborn Bear
Chapter 5 Confused Feelings
Chapter 6 Lost and Found
Chapter 7 Reincarnated Friends
Chapter 8 Worrisome Behavior
Chapter 9 Back to Your Roots
Chapter 10 Startling Discovery
Chapter 11 The Unseen
Chapter 12 Midnight Thoughts

Chapter 1 A New Case

977 25 4
By nightmare597

Key: (Y/N) = Your Name
         (L/N) = Last Name
         (H/S) = Home State/this story takes place in America, but feel free to use the city you're in if you live in a different country!/

"Please, you've got to help us." It was quite. Their case was pleaded and all you could do was sit there listening. The twist and turns of the whole thing was chilling making you hold your breath in anticipation for what they were going to say next.
"This is more than just a missing person case. We tried the police but they won't listen to us."

You folded your hands together looking at the people sitting in front of you. Their anxiousness radiated in the air. They fiddled with their hands and their clothes in means of distraction.

"Do you have a picture of this developer?" You spoke finally. The silence was like knives piercing the air. They all shook their heads.

"They made us delete and wipe our tech of any traces of her." The person talking the most was a timid woman. She stood up amongst her peers to stand before you at your desk.
"I know it sounds crazy, and like we're all loosing our minds. But Fazbear entertainment is not who they say they are. The fact that they opened that mega pizzaplex worries me. You have to find her, please. I'm not asking you to expose the dark truths of the company. We just want our friend back."

You paused in thought staring at the grainy wood of your desk. Sucking in a deep breath you closed your eyes. This was the most interesting case.

"Okay," your voice echoed back to you, "I'll take the case."

The memory was still so fresh in your mind. Repeating itself with every step you took inside the mega pizzaplex. Security was dense, but you wanted to play it safe. Getting a job here seemed like the best option.

The day you gave your resume in, was they day they wanted an interview. It was like most interviews, nothing special, except one thing.

"Okay miss (L/N) last questions." The man before you grinned clasping his hands together in front of him. You nodded eagerly offering a smile.

"Of course go ahead." You remained open.

"Who's your favorite animatronic?" He laughed.
"I know it's a bit odd but the company requires me to ask. Just so we can get a better idea of how you are as a person."

"Oh," you laughed a bit with him, "that's easy. I'd have to say Freddy. I know that's traditional, but he's just the cutest to me."

"I wonder what he'd say if he heard you say that." The interviewer laughed a bit more writing your answer down.
"Okay, and you having an interest in this job has nothing to do with the fake news about all those murders and those horror games we never signed off on?"

You were quite gazing at the man before you. What an odd thing to ask. But you answered with a lie. A lie he believed.

So here you were now, walking the plush floors on the second floor of the ginormous building. This was life now, at least how life was the past 2 months. It was almost boring, but every moment still kept you on your feet. You had leads to look for.

When those game developers came to you for help in finding their missing friend, they had hope. You're not about to disappoint them.

"Excuse me." A parent stopped you, causing you to skid in your tracks turning to face them.

"Yes?" You smiled.

"Do you happen to know where the closest bathroom is?" The mother patted her child's head.
"Someone didn't go when I told her."

You gazed down at the little girl who played with her dress staring up at you. You continued to smile but grew softer. You showed them the way earning thank you's as they rushed inside to the stalls.

Most customers weren't so nice, dealing with the general public should have been the hint to that. But you work with a very select few people, with an unspoken respect already built for you.

Here there was none. You've had parents cuss you out, upset that when one of the glamrocks malfunctioned and couldn't show up to a party, as if the whole problem was your fault. You've had them complain about food, music, prices of souvenirs. People would complain about anything really and find a way to get mad.

Though you have to say you think the worst you've had it is when you've had to escort a Glamrock. Your job description was vague. You're a floater meant to bounce around to where they need you in the event of an emergency. With that said you had title of handler for any of the animatronics.

The group themselves weren't that bad, Monty did have a temper but it was nothing you couldn't handle. Roxy was defensive of you, rushing to fight an adult who's scoff at you, she was a little bit of a handful. Chica was super talkative the whole way. And her hugs were bone crushing but they were her thank yous for being so nice. Freddy was the sweetest of them all. Kind and patient. (But the worst to escort.)

People always flocked when they saw the glamrocks. Demanded pictures, autographs, the works. Of course you're all on a schedule and when they walk around like that they had to be somewhere.

People didn't listen. Freddy was the worst to walk, simply because he was too nice. He was too kind always saying he'd sign next time and take time to hold a kids hand as everyone walked with him. It was so sweet, but parents always wanted more.

People got so violent when you told them no on top of it. Some parents tried to attack you and trample you. At least all the glamrocks liked you well enough, they always protected you until security escorted the parents out and made everyone back away so you could all make it to where you needed to go.

You sighed stopping at the cardboard cut outs that liked the hall. Roped off, for display only. You wondered why they were there really, along with pieces of previous franchises through the year.

You didn't know very much about the company nowadays. Other than it's past. After being presented this case you delved and researched about the company's history. There were murders. Rumors of child kidnappings. Multiple restaurants and attractions burned to the ground. Leaving nothing but ash.

The past was messy, mostly rumors, there was no real evidence that it all happened aside from a real police report every so often. But the most unsettling thing was that the company was quite after the final pizzeria burned. No news, or anything. Until suddenly these video games popped up. One after another a game series called Five Nights At Freddy's began to flood gaming stories.

They were cryptic, not just a horror game but a mystery. There were a lot of theories, people all coming together to solve the clues. Then they released a VR game and an AR game. The VR one, was the most special out of them all. It was the game developers of the game Help Wanted that were asking for your help.

The game itself was fine. It poked fun at the past games saying the man who made them was a lunatic and had made them in hysteria. It was from there the company grew. Rose to the top and claimed their place back on the pillar of businesses.

The CEO of Fazbear Entertainment was open about his fascination with the past restaurants and attractions. Placing remnants of the old places here in the mega pizzaplex. But other than that there was nothing negative written about him, or the company now.

That's what was unsettling. That's what led you to be cautious walking these halls. You didn't know much about the company now. When there's nothing bad to be said about a company, not even in the slightest, they're normally trying to cover something up. Hide the gruesome truth of something.

Though, thinking about hiding the truth, what was even odder was you were welcomed here amongst the fellow employees. They did a background check on you, they looked through previous jobs and positions. They knew you were previously an officer down in (H/S)PD and despite the question of asking if you wanted the job due to its mysterious past you still were accepted.

You're wandering at this point. Having no clear direction just walking amongst the crowds of people. Your mind was ticking, pondering over everything you know, everything you don't know. Things you needed to know. There's more than meets the eye to this case, and to find the truth of it all you needed more to go on.

There was something here that could lead you to that. if only you had an opportunity to find it. Playing it safe was such a tricky game.

"Hey (Y/N)." Someone called to you by name. Making you stop in the sea of people wading to the side to see who called. You could see her up ahead. Stopped to the side, arm up as a beckon for you to follow. (The nightshift guard had called for you. Which meant it was almost time for closing.)

Vanessa was another oddity of the pizzaplex. You've heard other people gossiping about her. Managers even gossiped. They say she wasn't supposed to have this job, but someone higher up on the pillar wanted her here as a night guard. Even if she had no prior experience.

She was quite, closed off, the kind of person that would glare at you if you interrupted her. But she was okay. At least you thought so. One concerning thing was she wasn't easy to get a read off of. Most people you could tell what they were thinking. From they way they glanced to the way they stood. They were obvious. She was not.

But you liked to consider her a friend. She was the only one in this whole place besides an animatronic that earned that title. She was a bit finicky at times, but over all a good person. You could see that. Maybe that's why the two of you clicked. Neither of you are where you're supposed to be.

"Hey! Sorry, I was kinda lost in thought there." You laughed as you reached her. She just smiled but didn't share your enthusiasm.

"I could tell." she was blunt too, did you mention that?
"I didn't call you over here to chat though. I actually need to talk."

"Oh, what's up?" You frowned a bit. Must be serious.

"Schedule change again." Vanessa crossed her arms irritatedly.
"They just can't seem to get that thing right. Someone has been trying to get ahold of you on your fazwatch but you won't answer. So I came down in person to let you know there's been changes."

"Damn!" You looked at the watch on your wrist pressing the touch screen to see what you've been missing.
"I didn't even get a notification. I swear this thing is busted sometimes."

Your fingers danced over the smooth surface finding the schedule. Your eyes skimmed over each item, seeing that you had missed a hand off appointment by 5 minutes. How long ago did they change the schedule?

"It's annoying. I get it." Vanessa shrugged in response.

"I've got to run to Fazer Blast, I didn't realize I had a switch off to make." You looked up at Vanessa smiling again.
"Talk to you later?"

"Yeah," she nodded, "you're about the only person I talk to anyway."

You laughed taking it as a work joke. (Though knowing her it had to be some kind of truth. She looked sad sometimes, her eyes were always sunken in like she hadn't slept in weeks and her hair was always messily pulled into a ponytail. You knew something was going on, but it wasn't your place to ask. She'd tell you if she wanted you to know.)

You couldn't stay too much longer though. Having to tell her goodbye and racing down to the attraction.

That's another thing to think about. This job. It was more demanding than it looked. All this rushing around, last minute schedule changes. It's no wonder they're having a hard time hiring people. There's barely any structure.

Your feet pounded against the floor, in a rush to make it towards the laser tag game. You could hear loud commotion. Various people talking all at once all over each other. One name stuck out amongst every sentence. They all demanded Freddy's attention.

You saw the crowd now. Large and almost bursting with how many people were there. Hands out desperate for a picture or an autograph. In the middle of it all at the backdrop for Fazer Blast Freddy stood there. Hands out motioning for people to step back, a kind smile on his face with an apologetic gaze.

"I am very sorry everyone, but I cannot take pictures with you all at once." Freddy was too kind, trying to maintain some kind of order.

Now you slid through the crowd, nimbly brushing past parents to reach the center to Freddy. You made a mental note to get upset at the handler that just left him here. Turning to face the crowd you held your hands up calling attention to you.

"Freddy appreciates all the love and attention, but let's give him some space!" You called over the crowd, trying to get them to back up at least a little more to give the big guy some room. Parents yelled and berated you from the crowd.

"Get out of the way! My little Timmy is getting his picture with Freddy!" A mother snapped at you. Seeming as though she was about to shove you backwards. You braced. She shoved you, only scooting you back partially.

"That was not very nice. Please do not touch the staff in such a manner." Freddy leaned down over you, pressing his hand into your shoulder gazing at the lady. For a moment she stared, something flickering in her eyes. Maybe it was fear. Maybe it was embarrassment. You couldn't tell. The crowd didn't seem to care roaring with anticipation to have pictures with Freddy.

"I understand your frustration," you patted Freddy's hand as a way to say let go that you were okay, "but if you'd like to have more one on one time with Freddy please bust customer service. There you can purchase a photo pass."

It was just a script you'd follow. Sometimes it worked sometimes it didn't. This was one of those times it didn't. The crowd grew agitated.

"Please everyone, we can take pictures with one another later!" Freddy was trying to calm them down. Soothe them to relax with out making anyone more upset. It was sweet but it never worked.

"Please stand back." An automated voice blared through the crowd. Security bots rolled in, all of them pushing the crowd keeping them from reaching you and Freddy. They repeated themselves multiple times.

"Come on." You motioned for Freddy to follow you quickly ducking out of the way of peoples sights. You had a schedule to keep and that ate at least 5 more minutes of time!
"If we hustle we can still make it to the birthday party at 6pm on time."

You almost wanted to run. Speed walking down the hall trying your best to avoid people. Freddy followed along taking longer strides meeting your pace.

"Thank you very much for the assistance, I do not know where that crowd came from. It is like they appeared out of no where." Freddy smiled kindly down at you.

"I didn't do very much, we got lucky with the security bots." You laughed turning to look at him. He seemed to be thinking his eyes gazing intensely at you.

"I called for them," he spoke finally,"that woman should not have pushed you."

You smiled a little turning to watch your step in the hallway. The animatronics were fascinating. They were like people. With thoughts and feelings and preferences. They had opinions of their own.

"Thanks big guy," you picked up a stray empty cup on the way to toss it in the next trash can, "how are you holding up though? Any scrapes or scratches?"

Your concern made Freddy smile, a different kind of smile he saved only for you. (You've noticed.) His ears wiggled are the top of his head, a sign he was happy, before he answered you.

"I am very well, thank you! As far as I have detected, no such damaged has been caused to my shell." Freddy hummed. His head tilting to the side.
"I detect you are not in the same condition though."

You glanced at Freddy. Another interesting feature on these animatronics. They could sense things, heart rate, sickness, worry, things like that. One look at you and they would know if you needed medical attention or not.

"What makes you say that?" You pushed up the sleeves of your uniform.

"I detected severe stress in you. It does not seem good for you, perhaps after this party you should rest." He sounded worried. He was just like a real person.

"I'll be fine," you smiled a bit, "thanks for worrying freddy."

"I will always worry about you (Y/N)." Freddy muttered softly. You chose to ignore it.

"Come on let's go. We don't wanna be late! We really gotta get a move on." You began to lightly jog hoping to make it on time to the party. You did not want to deal with another agitated parent today.
Home! Home sweet home!

You gasped happily as you collapsed into bed. Face hitting your mattress as you let your body relax. Work was exhausting like every other day. Just another typical day. No new leads. No hints. Nothing but the normal fast paced work day at the pizzaplex.

You groaned lifting your head up. Resting it to the side against your pillow. It's been 2 months why can't you find an opportunity to poke around. Maybe it's because you're playing it too safe. Trying to make sure you didn't get caught with your nose in places it shouldn't be. Still you can't work too long on this case.

You rolled onto your back staring up at the ceiling. Your mind wandered over what you knew about the case and it's missing pieces. Then it sleepily wandered towards Freddy.

The two of you have been the closeted out of all the glamrocks. You're not sure what it is, maybe it's because he's always been your favorite. But there was something that drew you to him. He obvious felt the same. Going out of his way to talk to you. He was sweet.

You can't think too much longer on the subject though. Sitting up you groaned. Fishing your phone from your pocket to toss it onto the night stand, standing up stretching.

I have to get a shower before bed.

You cringed at the thought dragging your feet to the bathroom. Your phone laid abandoned not to be touched for the rest of the night.

It buzzed while you were in the shower with a notification that would go unseen until tomorrow morning.

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