
By Rui__Night

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In this story dipper got in a car accident before going to gravity falls with Mabel. In this au, dipper never... More

Chapter 1: Summer begins.... (This has been edited along with the title.)
Chapter 2: Gobblewonker (This has been edited)
Chapter 3: Wax Stan (Has been edited)
Chapter 4: Gideon (Edited)
Chapter 5: First Encounter (Edited)
Chapter 6: Gideon rises (edited)
Chapter 7: Scary-oke (Edited)
Chapter 8: Into the Bunker (Edited)
Chapter 9: Golf war (Edited)
Authors note
Soos and the real girl

Chapter 10: Sock opera (Edited)

422 12 0
By Rui__Night

In the middle of the night before the episode begins:

Dippers pov:
"Alright, since soos fixed this computer without asking what it's for, we might be another step closer to getting ford back" I said to my grunkle, we saw as the computer as for a password, "dangit, knowing my brother it could be anything" grunkle stan said facepalming, "don't worry, grunkle stan, I think I know what it is!" I said as I typed the name stanford into the computer, [access granted] said the computer, Stan just stared at me while I looked over at him. "It was a guess...?" I admitted.

Time skip to when dipper goes to the library with Mabel.

Dipper's pov:
{piano music} "Jake do you hear that?" Mabel asked, "yes" I said as I looked up from the book I was reading, then I heard someone singing, "🎶All my life I've been dreaming of a love that's right for me, and now I finally know her name, and it's🎶... sing it with me kids...🎶Literacy🎶" a guy sang with some little kids, "I finally understand what all the buzz is about reading" said a bee puppet, then another puppet showed up "give me some of that honey" said the book puppet as they kissed the bee puppet, the guy was cute but not my type, then I looked at Mabel and realised that she definitely liked the guy, then Mabel pulled out the picture book to a page about a beating heart and said "ba bump ba bump", "oh no, not again" I whispered facepalming, I thought back to the incident with mermando. (Laughter and applause) "thank you, thank you" said the guy, "just when I was getting over mermando" said mabel, (mermando was another guy dipper thought was cute but not his type as dipper doesn't want to date someone he deems cute, he wants to date someone his sister wouldn't want to date, but he also wants his sister to get along with the guy) "of course, you show up at my doorstep" Mabel said, "Mabel, calm down, you look like a lost puppy" I said "🎶and that's why we don't stick our hands in🎶...🎶[kid's singing] other people's mouths" said the guy with the puppets, "hey, I'm Gabe benson, y'all, goodnight!" said Gabe, "hey good job today you guys" said Gabe to his puppets, "you were late on your cue" said the book puppet to the bee puppet, "what?" Said the bee puppet, "hey. hey. Be good to each other, we're all stars" said Gabe, while behind him mabel was posing on a rollable bookshelf, "hey guess, who's Mabel, I am, Care to learn more? I bet you do. You like to learn." Mabel said and she chuckled then she fell and screamed which earned Gabe's attention, "and I'm up" said mabel after she got up, "oh hey, I'm Gabe, master of puppets, nice to meet you" Gabe said, "your amazing, so are those puppets" Mabel complimented, "really? A lot of people think puppets are dumb or just for kids or something" gabe said "are you kidding me? I'm puppet crazy, people call me puppet crazy Mabel" Mabel said, "really? People used to call me puppet crazy Gabe!" Said gabe, "so when your next puppet show?" Gabe asked, "my huh?" Mabel said confused, "soon" I said stepping in to help, "and who are you?" Gable asked, "I'm jake and I'm her bodyguard & helper for her shows" I said, "wow, you have a bodyguard and a helper! That's amazing! You must be a great puppeteer if you need a bodyguard! You must be such a pro!" He said, *awkward chuckles* (from Mabel) "pft- yeah" Mabel said "so what are the details" gabe asked, "listen, there are too many details to even get into it right now, so I suggest just waiting for the show" I said,

-time skip-

Mabel's pov:
"Jake, why did we lie!? I don't know how to write and compose a sock puppet rock opera with lights, original music and live pyrotechnics by THIS Friday" I said while freaking out and pacing around my room, "mabes, chill I got you" Jake said handing me a script, ideas for lights, music and puppet designs, "thank you, thank you, thank you" I said taking the papers and then tackling him in a hug. After Jake agreed to help me, I started shouting "this guy! He's number one!" Then we decided to leave, I noticed Jake looked over his shoulder, I shrugged and kept walking.

Dippers pov:
(I sense something)
So I turned around and saw nothing, so I just walked with Mabel outside.

Third person pov:
Dipper & Mabel had no idea bill was floating behind them as they left the library.

: montage music as dipper & Mabel buy and make the puppets:
(Dipper is better at using a sewing machine than in the show)

-more montage music as they put the finishing touches on their puppets-

Mabel's pov:
"All right, the play is going to be called Glove story-A sock opera." I say then waddles walks over to me, "just a warning, people's eyes will get wet, 'cause they'll be crying from laughing, from how tragic it is." I say with a serious face while clenching my fists, " sounds great Mabel" said Jake with a smile, "Time to roll with Mabel's craziness, it's what makes life worth living" Wendy said to Jake, while I started singing ~Puppet boy, puppet boy, You're the boy I Love~ (they all sang love together) then grunkle stan walked in saying "not even gonna ask." Then he walked away.

-time skip to hours later-

Third person pov:
Mabel put the Mabel puppet on her bed post and turned off her lamp, then snuggled into her bed that was covered in puppets, she then said "Goodnight, my babies." Then she picks up the boy puppet of the boy she likes (Gabe) and moves it to kiss her puppet while making kiss noises. Then says "Soon, Gabe Benson" as she strokes the puppet.

-Meanwhile with Dipper & Stan-

Stan's pov:
"Kid, do you really think..... this is gonna work?" I asked dipper, "yes, grunkle stan" he replied as he opened the laptop, so we could see what my brother was hiding
-hours later after searching through the whole laptop-
Stan's pov:
After hours of searching through my brother's laptop, we found out everything. The plans, his muse? Documents about weirdness and something about doomsday....

Dippers pov:
"Grunkle stan, there had to be a reason why grunkle ford hid all this and told you to get away from here, and now we know what that reason was!! It was BILL CIPHER" I shouted as I thought of flailing my arms around, "kid it's going to be ok" grunkle stan reassured with a smile, "but-" I started but was cut off, "no buts Dipper" Stan interrupted "Ok, grunkle stan, holy! is that the time?! We should have been in bed hours ago, It's almost 3:30!" I exclaimed almost passing out, luckily grunkle stan caught me before I fell to the ground.

Stan's pov:
"Don't worry kid, I'll get ya to bed, before your sister finds out that we were awake most of the night" I mutter as I walk with dipper passed out in my arms, I opened his door & put him in his bed, then walked out the hidden room, closed the door & went to my room to get some sleep.

The next morning

Third person pov:
Stan was reading the newspaper & drinking some coffee, then Mabel put the 'puppet Stan' in his face "Hey, I'm puppet Stan" she exclaimed while moving the puppet's mouth, then stan replied "still ignoring this" then dipper walked in "morning Mabes, Grunkle Stan" he said, "Hey Jake, wanna try some Mabel juice? It has plastic dinosaurs in it!" Mabel said to dipper, dipper looked at it mortified, as Mabel made him try it before, while he was still 'dipper', Stan then proceeded to speak "it's like if coffee and nightmares had a baby" while stan was disgusted, "NO, thank you Mabel, I think I'll just have some coffee" dipper replied almost shouting as he went to make his own coffee.

Dippers pov:
"Hey Mabel, wanna give the puppets to the production crew?" I asked as I drank my coffee, "yes" Mabel screeched while her eyes glimmered with excitement.

-when candy & Grenda showed up-

Dippers pov:
"we read the script, very emotional" candy complimented, " I cried like eight times" Grenda said honestly, then Gabe showed up wearing roller skates "hey ladies" he said, as I rolled my eyes, "Gabe!" Mabel shouted happy to see him, "I was just blading by, helps me dry my ponytail after a shower. Aah. Aah." Gabe said as he took off his helmet and shook his ponytail, "hoppity-boppity" Grenda said, "I must take him away from Mabel" candy said in Korean, "candy, don't be mean" I joked, which caused candy to stare at me while shocked. "it's so great to see you" Mabel said as she ran up to Gabe while candy & grenda looked at me and Gabe like we were eye-candy. "I was just working on the world's greatest puppet show, It has puppets" my twin said happily, "your passion is so refreshing Mabel, unlike the girl from last night's puppet show. Single stitch on one puppet and cross stitch on the other. I was like uh-huh." Gabe admitted unimpressed, Mabel was dumbfounded, "cross...huh?" She said, "don't worry about Mabel, all of the puppets have the same type of stitch and if they don't then blame soos" I said interfering, "ah you again, Mabel's uh?" Gabe said, "bodyguard & helper" I barked making sure that he never saw me roll my eyes, "you guys look pretty sweaty, you should really take your shirts off. Right? Aren't we all thinking that?" Grenda said, "don't mind the production crew" I said to Gabe, "later, ladies" gabe said as he left, "I am not a lady" I growled and I went back to fix everything so Mabel has a chance with this guy, "don't worry, this crew can handle it" grenda reassured me that everything will be fine. "how many eyes does a face have again?" Candy asked, "two eyes, candy" I replied, "I got it, I got it" soos shouted holding onto the back of the equipment that had been put into the car wrong, so I went to fix that then the equipment fell off triggering the car alarm. Soos fell face first onto the ground then he said "I'm not okay" I take a deep breath and turn to Mabel. "Comet, don't worry, just go over the script for the show, and I'll take care of everything else, ok? Good, now then off you go" I said pushing her back inside with a script so that I can fix everything.

Mabel's pov:
"Ugh, I can't do this, he is going to find out that I lied and he's never going to speak to me again!!" I said as I was in sweater town, "well, well, well look at you shooting star, looks like you need some help" said the triangle guy, I came out of sweater town and said "no, I don't need your help, I have Jake to help me!" I shouted, "oh, shooting star, Jake isn't going to be with you forever but I can make that happen, I can make Jake love you, all I want in return is a small favor" he said, "just a small one?" I said looking at him wondering how he is going to make Jake love me, "that's right, shooting star" he said, he then stuck out his hand, "deal?" He said, "deal, so what do you want in return?" I asked, "a puppet" he smiled eerily, "ok? Which one do you want?" I asked, "Hmm. Let's see. Eenie meenie mynee...YOU" he said as he ripped my soul out of my body and took my place!!!

Dippers pov:
Oh my holy name! Mabel is POSSESSED by a demon, hmm probably bill..... Better think fast before he notices me. "hey, Mabel. I thought we could use the journal as a prop in the show, great idea right?", (Dipper can hide his thoughts from bill) "yeah, amazing idea" bill replied, "wait, No! Jake don't listen to him! That's not me!!!" Mabel yelled, I heard my sister but pretended I didn't notice that she was possessed by bill or that she was in the mindscape. "no, wait, STOP!" She pleaded as the she phased through the car.

Bills pov:
"Ha, welcome to the mindscape, kid. Without a vessel to possess, you're basically a ghost." I explained. "oh, hey, Mabel. There you are." Question mark said, "what up, Mabel?" Ice bag asked, "soos, Wendy, please help me!!!" Shooting star begged, "we're headed to the theater." Question mark said, "let's get you there quick as you are the one performing" ice bag joked, I chuckled, "anything for you, red" I smirked as I got in the car and fastened my seatbelt, "I'm gonna stop you, Bill Cipher!!! I'm going to find that journal before you do and I'm gonna stop you!!" Mabel screamed "but how can you stop me if you don't exist?" I informed smiling then I started to laugh.

Mabel's pov:
"Bill? BILL!" I shouted as I looked for the Dorito that stole MY body, "I have to get my body back so I have a chance with Jake or Gabe!" I said, (Wendy, Soos & JAKE! he can help me! Oh wait, he can't see me...Idea! I'll go find a sock puppet to use!) I thought to myself, "Hey guys, good to see that you all made it, ah don't you just love the theatre?" Bill asked, "are you kidding me! I would never miss whatever this is." Grunkle Stan said confused and smiled supportingly, then Jake changed the way he was sitting "since when have you loved theater Mabel? I thought you preferred to look at boy band videos?" Jake stated, (did he figure it out! Does he know that's not the real me!) I watch the interaction. "Anyway, Jake, where'd you put the journal again?" Bill asked, "it's a prop for the big wedding scene, but we still need a reverend thought, oh I have an idea, I could be the reverend" Jake said, "wonderful idea, Jake" bill said with a wink, "well then let's go" Jake said, "oh, no wait, JAKE!" I shouted as I followed them to the dressing rooms.

Dippers pov:
I checked the audience to see if gabe arrived to see Mabel's puppet show. [grenda] The show is about to begin. Please turn off your cell phones, unless you're texting me, cuties. I heard people clapping, as the curtains opened, "gather around & let us sing about a girl who had almost every thing." Candy said then she wheeled offstage with her piano as a sock puppet of 'dipper' Pines said "Look it's mabel" as a Mabel puppet shot threw the floor and shouted "hey there!" Afterwards a soos puppet showed up, "did you say stable?" It asked as a puppet of grunkle Stan walked on and said "no, he said Mabel." Then the Mabel puppet shouted "ok, hit it boys!" And all the puppets started singing "Who's that girl with the pig and braces? She puts smiles on everyone's faces" as demon possessed mabel sang, gabe leaned forward shocked and impressed at her work, "when she's around, you're never bored! I am a mayor" said a mayor puppet holding a Trophy he sang then continued "I give an award!" "Thank you mayor it's true, I'm great but the perfect girl needs the perfect mate" as she stopped singing a gabe puppet appeared "Hey, what's up? I'm Gabe" it said, the Mabel puppet looked shocked "wha?!" It said. I was backstage speaking to grenda "hey Grenda, where is the book, I'm using for the wedding scene supposed to be?" I asked checking on 'Mabel' "it's up in the wedding cake but that doesn't come down until act 3, so calm down Jake" she replied pointing to the cake, "ok thanks grenda" I smiled, crap what if bill saw and heard what me and grenda were talking about! I saw Mabel's spirt try to warn grenda about the fake her but failing miserably, "hey, listen, have you seen Jake?" She tried to ask grenda, "hmm" grenda replied thinking she was hearing things, "what did bill say? I can't be heard without a vessel? Where would I find a...oh that works" she said out loud, "finally we're together" the Mabel puppet said, "I'm sorry Mabel but I have to go fight...in the war" the gabe puppet declared then it started screaming, then it showed him fighting a giant spider puppet thing? "I'll wait for you, Gabe" the Mabel puppet said, as my puppet showed up " don't worry Mabel, I'm sure he'll be back for you" as my puppet (the dipper puppet) hugged her puppet, the curtains then fell as grenda spoke "our intermission has begun. Mill about." The crowd then got out there seats and started murmuring, I went to my dressing room, "wow, so far really good" I said to myself, "just 36 more musical numbers and the show will be finished" I said as I went to drink from the water fountain when I saw the Mabel puppet, "psst, Jake" it said, wow Mabel original I almost spat out my water in fake surprise as I knew it was just Mabel, "woah, did it come to life? The puppet books didn't say anything about this!" I muttered as I walked around the puppet 'examining' it. "Jake, it's me, Mabel. You need to help me!" The puppet exclaimed "wait, what? Mabel?!" I pretended to be shocked, "but you're a sock puppet?" I questioned, "Jake listen to me, Bill tricked me! He stole my body and he's after the journal! You have to find the journal before Bill destroys it! It's the only hope I have of possibly getting my body back!" The puppet bellowed, "well that makes a lot of sense" I mumbled to myself, "well that's a problem as his cue's coming any minute!" I stated, I heared knocking on my door, the door then opened "hey I'm looking for Mabel? Do you know which dressing room she's in?" Gabe asked, "on the left side of this one" I said, "thanks man" he replied, then he knocked on 'Mabel's door', I listened to their conversation just in case bill messes up her relationship with Gabe, "hey, Mabel do you have a moment?" Gabe asked, "blonde..." bill muttered, "Mabel it's clear to me now that you really love puppets, i mean you went whole hog and if you stick the ending, well, maybe later you could join me for a biscotti" Gabe said smirkingly, "you drive a biscotti?" Bill amusingly asked already known gabe owned one. "I'll be waiting mabel" Gabe assured the demon possessed girl, and left the room, he made eye-contact with me, I looked at him then told 'mabel' his cue was coming up, "Jake, we have to get the journal or I'll be a sock puppet forever!" Mabel cried, I nodded in agreement then went to go get the journal so Mabel could finish her play.

Third pov: "Gabe your back from the war!" the Mabel puppet excitedly yelled, "Yes I am, wanna kiss and sing at the same time?" the Gabe puppet suggested, "okay" the Mabel puppet replied, then they started kissing, then Jake runs up the ladder to get the journal from the wedding cake, he climbs over the bar & reaches for the journal "come on, just a little closer" he mumbles, he almost falls but thinks quickly grabbing the bar & pulls the rope holding the wedding cake towards him but ends up falling into the cake by accident, thankfully he is back up with the journal in his hands, (Mabel is controling the puppets) "ok, focus dipper, you have to find a way to get mabel's body back" he muttered under his breath, "oh-ho but why would you want to do that?" Bill asked smiling, "Mabel-bill.... Bill-Mabel... Mabill? Bilbel?" Jake pondered aloud, "shush, you wouldn't want to ruin the show" Bill whispered amused, "whoops" bill let the rope go, Jake covered his mouth keep from screaming, "it's slipping" bill said as he grabbed the rope, "how's about you hand that book over?" Bill asked smirking, "no" Jake replied glaring at him, "give me the book or the play is ruined" bill threatened, Jake smirk then a flash of blinding light, bill let the rope go & tripped backwards, dipper quickly went into angel form, grabbed the rope & landed on the platform then quickly transformed back before bill saw his true form (as dipper had erased bill's memory of seeing his true form and everything about what happened while in his true form) he then tied the rope to the bar and climbed down the ladder with bill chasing him, "I'm giving you away. You are a woman now, waddles the rings" the Stan puppet cried, as a pig showed up with the rings, Jake then showed up onstage and used the journal as a prop, "Mabel do you take this man to be your husband in sickness & health?" He asked, "I do" the Mabel puppet said, " Gabe, do you take Mabel to be your wife, in sickness & health?" Dipper rushingly asked as he saw bill running to come on stage, "I do" the Gabe puppet said, "you are now married" dipper stated as he ran offstage, the cake was then lowered and the puppets partied and congratulated the couple, and then finished with a song, and the fireworks went off "the end" candy screeched as she rushed on and off the stage. Dipper managed to trick bill into getting Mabel's body to sleep which kicked him out and allowed Mabel's spirit back in, they saw him possess the dipper puppet, "this isn't the last time you'll hear of me! big things are coming, you can't stop me." bill declared. Jake stood on the puppet, "leave cipher", they weren't sure but they thought bill left. Then they all went onstage as music started, signalling this was the end and time for the bows, "here's the crew that made this production possible" a voice said through a speaker, and then wendy, soos and the others (basically everyone that helped make the show), they all bowed and the audience claps, the audience stayed for the wrap-up party and Mabel & Gabe had went for a ride in his biscotti, when Mabel came back she had tears in her eyes, she told Jake "I'm sorry for obsessing over some dumb guy all week, when the dumb guy I should've been with was you..." she was crying, "woah, mabes what happened?" He asked, Mabel found out Gabe was a jerk who liked to kiss his puppets. This both disgusted and infuriated Jake, the disgust over the fact the guy kisses his puppets, and anger because the guy hurt his sister. He took a deep breath to attempt to calm down and said "let's get you home so I can bandage those wounds, sound good?" Mabel nodded, "Mmhp" Mabel replied wiping her tears.

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