Family after death: 8 is fate...

By river_author

1.9K 104 15

After taking in both Felix and Jeongin, Chan and Minho thought their family was complete. But when Chan's fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 7

115 7 0
By river_author

(3 times Jisung and Hyunjin fight, the last one ending in a hospital visit and Jisung getting send away for a month.)

It quickly became clear that Jisung did not like Hyunjin, who started to dislike the other as well as time passed by. He tried his best to be nice to Jisung but after three weeks of either being ignored of getting an insult thrown at his head, he was done. It started with throwing small remarks back at Jisung when the other made a fish joke but now here they are on the ground of the living room, with Hyunjin pinned underneath Jisung.

"Get off me, you're heavy." Hyunjin tries to push Jisung off of him.

"Not heavy, you're just weak."

Minho sighs as he enters the living room and sees the scene in front of him. He picks Jisung up, placing him down on the couch giving him a quickly glare when the boy starts to protest. He holds his hand out to Hyunjin, helping the boy stand up. "What happened?"

"That asshole stole my book."

"He just jumped me."

Minho rubs his temple, already done with this bullshit. Sadly, Chan currently was out with Changbin and Jeongin so he had to deal with Hyunjin and Jisung fighting while also having to take care of an ill Felix. "I don't have time for this. Hyunjin give Jisung's book back, Jisung don't jump Hyunjin."

"I don't have his book though."

"Yes you do. I literally saw you walking around with it."

"I really don't have it. You're just imagining things. You're crazy."

"Yah! I'm not crazy." Jisung stands up again, hair glowing red as smoke comes from his hands.

"Cut it out. Hyunjin bedroom now, I will be collecting your electronics in a moment."

"But hyung."

"Now." Minho's eyes flash gold, making Hyunjin quickly walk off to his bedroom muttering something about how unfair life is. Minho turns to Jisung, taking a few deep breaths himself before he can help the boy calm down. "Deep breaths Jisung, I need you to calm down."

Jisung listens, slowly calming down to the point he is no longer smoking. His hair is still slightly red but not as bright as before.

"Do you feel like you're going to lose control?"

Jisung shakes his head. "No."

"Okay, then I want you to go to your room as well and turn in your electric devices as well. I will go look for your book after I check up on Felix."

Jisung just nods, knowing not to fight Minho when the older is clearly irritated. He walks off, giving Minho a minute to breath. 

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

"Can you just shut up?" Hyunjin glares at Jisung, who is humming a random song while making himself some lunch. Hyunjin is trying to do his homework but can't focus with Jisung humming that stupid song.

Jisung just ignores him, continuing to hum the song making some fairy bread.

"Jisung, stop humming. I'm trying to do my homework." Hyunjin throws one of his pencils at Jisung's head. Jisung ducks, making the pencil knock over a glass by how hard Hyunjin threw it at Jisung.

"Hey what was that for?" Jisung turns to Hyunjin, taking his earphones out.

Hyunjin rolls his eyes. "Could you stop humming? It's distracting."

"How is humming distracting?"

"I'm trying to focus and you're being loud, so just stay quiet."

Jisung shrugs, putting his earphones back in as he continues making the bread. Hyunjin tries his best to focus on his homework but Jisung starts mumbling the lyrics of the song he is listening to. Hyunjin takes a deep breath, writing down the answer to the question.

Jisung sits down in front of Hyunjin, slowly eating his fairy bread. He leans over to see what homework Hyunjin is making, accidentally spilling some of his food over Hyunjin's book.


"What?" Jisung looks at him questionable, wondering what he did.

"You made a mess of my book."

Jisung frowns, looking down at Hyunjin's book. "Oh sorry." Jisung brushes the bread crumbs off the book. "Fixed. So what homework are you doing?"

"Just fuck off and let me do this in peace."

Jisung pouts but sits back down in his own chair. He continues eating his fairy bread while letting Hyunjin study in peace, for now.

After a while Jisung leans over again, pointing at a question with a questionable look. "How do you answer this?"

Hyunjin sighs, looking over at where Jisung is pointing. He quickly slaps Jisung's hand away when he sees smoke coming from the book. "JISUNG!"

"What?" Jisung frowns, confused.

"You burned my fucking school book."

Jisung looks down at the book. "Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to." Jisung frowns, finding it weird he didn't even notice that he used his magic. It had been happening a few time before this week, where he would accidentally burn things or drop a bunch of water on things without meaning to do so.

"You better hope my teacher doesn't get mad at me." Hyunjin takes his books, leaving the kitchen to get away from Jisung.

Jisung pouts at his failed attempt to be nice to Hyunjin, even though it wasn't really his own fault. 

~~~~~~time skip~~~~~~~~

Jisung walks into Chan's office without knocking, sitting down on the chair in front of the older his desk. Chan frowns as he sees Jisung sitting in front of him all of a sudden. "Ji? What are you doing here?"

"When is Hyunjin leaving?"

Chan just blinks, not having expected Jisung to ask that so suddenly. "What?"

"When is Hyunjin leaving?"

"Why do you ask?" He knows he will regret asking that question, knowing full well that Jisung wants Hyunjin to be gone. Somehow even after like six weeks the boys still didn't get along.

"Because he has been here for six weeks, aren't Tzuyu and Sana noona coming home soon so they can take him back?" Jisung looks at Chan, waiting for an answer.

Chan's runs his hand through his hair, trying to figure out how to answer Jisung's question. He knows Hyunjin has been here for a while now but he also hadn't really heard anything from Sana or Tzuyu about when they will be coming back. "I don't know Ji, Sana and Tzuyu are still away for their work."

Jisung frowns, not liking that answer. "Can you send him somewhere else?"


"We don't have space for him. He needs to go hyung."

Chan sighs, getting up out of his chair. "Don't say that Jisung, that's rude."

Jisung rolls his eyes. "But hyung."

"Jisung no. Hyunjin is staying here till his moms come back, you and him just need to learn how to get along."

Jisung stands up as well, frowning. "This isn't fair! Why do you care so much about someone you barely know?!"

"Jisung, I need you to calm down." Chan lays his hands on Jisung's shoulders, noticing his hair turning a mix between purple and red. He ignores the electric shocks coming from the boy, needing him to calm down before his magic gets out of control.

Jisung pushes Chan's arms away, stepping back. "Get off me."


Jisung shakes his head, running out of the office slamming the door shut.

"Shit." Chan quickly leaves his office to goafter Jisung, as he doesn't want anyone to accidentally get hurt. He looksaround the store before making his way up to the house.

"Hey watch where you're going." Hyunjin frowns when he gets a shock from Jisung, who bumped into him in the hallway leading to the backyard.

Jisung just ignores him, trying to make his way to his hiding spot in the garden so that he wouldn't hurt anyone. He knows he is about to lose control and even if he doesn't like Hyunjin, he doesn't want him to get hurt by his magic.

"What no snarky remark?"

Jisung tries to leave the house but Hyunjin grabs his arm, not understanding what is going on. "Let me go, I don't want to hurt you."

Hyunjin rolls his eyes, thinking Jisung is just threatening him to scare him. "As if."

"Hyunjin I swear, I don't have..." It's too late, Hyunjin gets slammed into the wall behind him while Jisung covers his ears falling back to the ground, somehow managing to get out of the house as he got slammed back a bit as well. He pulls his knees to his chest, trying to take deep breaths to make the force field surrounding him smaller.

"JISUNG!" Chan quickly runs over to where he heard the loud bang coming from, worried that Jisung hurt himself on accident. What he didn't expect was an unconscious Hyunjin laying on the ground by the wall. Chan looks over to see Jisung surrounded by his own force field holding his head. He kneels down to the ground, calling out for Minho.

"Holy shit what happened?"

"Just take Hyunjin to the hospital, take Felix and Jeongin with you please. I will try and get Jisung to calm down."

Minho nods, carefully lifting Hyunjin up. Felix and Jeongin were already there, watching in shock. He quickly guides them out of the house and to the car. Driving off to the hospital while calling Wooyoung to let him know they are on their way.

Chan slowly approaches Jisung, not wanting to make any sudden movements that could trigger his magic to go off again.

"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to hurt him." Jisung looks up at Chan, with tears falling down his face. He really meant what he said, he never wanted Hyunjin to get hurt.

"I know Sungie, I know. I need you to take deep breaths, please." Chan tries his best to get as close as possible but he gets pushed back by the force field.

"It's not working hyung, please do something."

Chan whines, hating to see Jisung like this. It had been so long since he lost control like this. These are the worst to deal with as he can't get close to the boy and comfort him by holding him and letting him know that everything is okay. All he could do was stand by and watch in the hope that Jisung tires himself out quick enough.

"Hyung please make it stop."

"Just deep breaths Jisung, deep breaths. Try thinking of happy things." Chan bites his lip, taking out his phone to quickly text YoungK and BamBam that they have to come over as soon as possible. "I'm here, I'm not going to leave you okay? I need you to calm down."


"I'm here Sungie. I'm here." Chan watches as Jisung cries, unable to go over and comfort him.

"Chan what happened?" YoungK runs over, seeing Jisung lay on the grass passed out while Chan lays a wet towel on the boy's head.

"He lost control, code 9 as him and Bin would call it..." Chan's eyes don't leave Jisung, worried about the kid.

YoungK frowns, kneeling down next to Jisung. He flinches as the younger gives him an electric shock when he touches to boy's arm. "He is static?"

Chan nods. "He has been all over the place with his magic the last two to four weeks. Not sure when it started but somewhere around the same time as that Hyunjin joined. This is the worst that it's been though."

YoungK hums, moving his hand around above Jisung's body. Doing a quick magic body scan to make sure the younger isn't injured anywhere. He frowns when he moves his hand over Jisung's heart, getting a tingling feeling. "Has he been having nightmares again?"

"Yeah, it went well for a while but he has had one a week I believe. Not fully sure though."

YoungK nods, moving his hand back to his side. "I know you will disagree but I think it's for the best if..."

"You're going to take him away?" Chan's eyes widen, not ready to lose Jisung.

"It will be for a month, he can come and stay with me. That way I can monitor his magic and help him control it while he also gets to interact with other witches his age." YoungK leans back, looking Chan in the eyes. He knows that Chan doesn't want Jisung to leave, he definitely knows that Jisung will be against this and will hate him for probably the rest of his life but he honestly thinks that it would do the boy good. "You have to decided Chan, we both know that he himself won't agree."

Chan sighs, running a hand through Jisung's hair. "When do you want to pick him up?"

"Tomorrow. That way he can't run off or do anything."

Chan looks down, nodding his head. He already spoke with Minho about this and if it had to happen the two of them decided that YoungK was the best person to trust with their Jisung. "He will lose control again when we tell him..."

YoungK shakes his head. "I blocked his magic for now, it's a simple block that will be easy to break but he needs a break from his magic right now."

"Thank you."

YoungK smiles at Chan. "No problem, I will stay here today and help you out." 

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