Family after death: 8 is fate...

By river_author

1.9K 104 15

After taking in both Felix and Jeongin, Chan and Minho thought their family was complete. But when Chan's fri... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 5

125 6 1
By river_author

"Honey have you packed all your stuff? We have to leave for your uncle in 10 minutes."

"Almost! But I can't find my blanket!" Hyunjin looks under his bed while answering his mother, really wanting to find the blanket he has been looking for. Sure he didn't need the blanket but it's the special one his mom made for him when he was a little kid.

Sana sighs, making her way up the stairs. Hyunjin had put the blanket in the washing machine two days ago so that it would be clean by the time he was moving to Chan but it seems like he forgot he did. "Honey, it's in the dyer remember?"

"Oh yeah!" Hyunjin runs out his room, running to the side bathroom where the dryer is located. He grabs the now dry blanket.

Sana chuckles as she makes her way back down. "Hurry up Jinnie!"

"I'm done! I will bring my bags down in a second." Hyunjin grabs his backpack and suitcases, bringing them over to the staircase. He looks down for a second, wondering what the best way of doing this will be.

"Don't carry both of them at the same time please, knowing you, you will fall down."

Hyunjin turns around to see Tzuyu standing behind him, she grabs one of the suitcases helping Hyunjin carry them down.

"Thanks mom."

"No problem kiddo, now you better give me a big hug before you go." Tzuyu opens her arms for Hyunjin after they put the bags into the car. She wasn't about to join Sana and Hyunjin to Chan's place as she has to go by her work place before tomorrow. Hyunjin hugs her quickly, going to miss her while she and Sana go on their work trip.

"Wait! I forgot the present I bought Jisungie!" Hyunjin quickly runs back into the house, making both his mother's laugh. Neither of them surprised he forgot something, luckily they put a key to the house in his bag as well if he forgot anything else so that he could always come and get it.

Hyunjin runs back to his room, looking around for the crystal he bought for Jisung. He was so happy he was going to visit Chan's again, he couldn't wait to hang out with Jisung again. He wasn't sure if the other liked him but he tried to ignore the feeling, he really hopes that Jisung likes the present he bought him. After grabbing the present he runs back down the stairs, nearly tripping and falling down.

"Jinnie be careful."

"I am okaasan." Hyunjin smiles brightly at his mothers. They both shake their heads, Sana gives Tzuyu a quick kiss on the cheek before heading out the door. Tzuyu gives Hyunjin another hug, going to miss him.

"I love you Jinnie, be good for your uncle."

"Of course mom, love you too. I will miss you." Hyunjin pouts, not wanting to let go yet. Sure he was excited to see his uncle but he was sad that he had to leave his mothers for a while.

"We will try and write to you every week honey and we can always call. Now have fun okay?"

Hyunjin nods, letting go of Tzuyu. He waves at her as he leaves the house, getting into the car.

"Ready to go?"

Hyunjin nods, waving at Tzuyu one last time.

 Chan looks up from his phone after seeing Sana's message to him. Minho frowns, giving Chan a questioning look.

"Sana is on her way. So she and Hyunjin will be here in 30 minutes."

Minho hums, looking back at the book he is reading. He wasn't all to worry about them arriving, as Felix and Jeongin seem to be really excited to meet Hyunjin.

"How long will that be hyung? I really want to meet him." Felix looks up at Chan, putting down the tablet he had been coloring on.

"A bit longer than an episode of SKZ Code."

Felix nods, going back to his drawing. Jeongin nods as well, currently watching the newest episode of SKZ code. Seeing as he just started he would know what time Hyunjin would arrive.

Chan stands up from his chair. "I'm going to talk with Changbin."

Minho nods, watching Chan leave the living room. Changbin locked himself into his and Jisung's bedroom after finding out that Jisung was at BamBam's because Chan and Minho had ignored the younger. He was angry with the both of them for putting someone they never see before their own 'son'.

 "Here you go Minho-ssi, on your way to the dance studio I assume?"

"In a bit sir."

"Can I help you?"


"You have been staring at me since I entered this café, so what's the deal with that?"

"Oh uhm I'm sorry, didn't mean to. A bad habit."

 Chan knocks on the door, waiting for Changbin to answer. He hears Changbin pause the show he is watching before he hears Changbin telling him to come in.

"Hey Binnie." Chan enters the room, smiling at the younger boy.

Changbin stops himself from rolling his eyes, not wanting to be rude to his hyung. Chan sits down on Changbin's bed, looking over at the boy.

"What do you want hyung?"

Chan sighs. "I just want to talk, Binnie."

"Sure, let's talk about you losing your kid because you were too focused on doing something for a basic stranger."

"Bin I..."

"You what hyung? You were so focused on making the perfect room for Hyunjin that you forgot about Jisung. Apparently even after he clearly showed that he was upset about something. He ran off and you gave him 'space'? It's Jisung, you don't need to give him space, you need to be there for him. Have you not learned in these years?" Changbin looks up at Chan, immediately feeling bad for what he said. "I'm sorry hyung, I just..."

Chan shakes his head. "Don't apologize Bin, you're right. I was too focused on making the room and forgot about Jisungie even though he had a nightmare this morning. I'm failing as a father figure to you boys."

"No, don't say that hyung. You're a great dad to us, it's just Jisung needs more attention and care, you know this..."

Chan bites his lip.

"Hyung trust me, you're the best parent me and Jisung have had. And you're doing such a good job with Felix and Innie but they don't have the past me or Jisung had, they luckily don't have the same trauma. Sure Felix had his time with his uncle and Innie with Jisung's dad but it's not the same and I don't want to down play what they went through but it's different..." Changbin looks down at the ground. He never really talked about his own past but he knows he should be more open about it and this is a starting point.

"I know Binnie. I'm sorry, I truly am."

Changbin stands up, walking over to Chan. Chan pulls him onto his lap, hugging Changbin closely. "You're the best dad ever hyung." Changbin mumbles.

"You're the best big brother the boys could wish for." Chan rubs Changbin's back, smiling slightly. He is happy that Changbin is starting to open up after all these years. Sure he knew most of the basics that have happened to the boys but both Changbin and Jisung haven't told Chan even half of it and he isn't going to force them to tell him. He has talked with some of his older friends when he first took the boys in and they all advised him to give the boys time and if it takes them 5 years or more he doesn't care, he still isn't going to force them.

Changbin pulls away. "When will Jisung come back home?"

"Somewhere tomorrow, BamBam is really angry with me."

Changbin chuckles. "Deserved."

Chan gives Changbin a playful glare. "Oh and Hyunjin will be here in like 20 minutes."

Changbin just nods, sitting back on his desk chair. "Want me to come down?"

"If you want to, it would be best just to all meet at once." Chan stands up from the bed.

Changbin closes his laptop, standing up as well. "Sure, I will be there in a minute."

Chan nods, leaving the bedroom. Giving Changbin time to do whatever he needs to do.

Jeongin runs to the door the moment the bell rings, not giving Chan nor Minho to time to get up and follow him. Jeongin opens the door, smiling brightly at Hyunjin and Sana who look at him confused.


"Uh hello?"

"You're Hyunjin right?" Jeongin tilts his head to the side, leaning closer to Hyunjin.

Hyunjin nods, not sure what is going on. Sure his moms told him that his uncle had more kids now but he is still surprised to see this kid being so excited to see him.

"Channie hyung! Minho hyung! Hyunjin and his mom are here!"

Chan sighs as he enters the hallway. "I can see Innie. What did I say about just opening the door though?"

Jeongin pouts. "Come on hyung, I'm 15 I can open the door."

Chan ruffles Jeongin's hair before looking up at Hyunjin and Sana. "Hey glad you made it here safely." He lets out a laugh when Hyunjin runs over and hugs him. Chan wraps his arms around the younger boy, hugging him back.

"Thank you so much for letting him stay here for a while, I don't know what we would have done without you Channie."

"No problem noona, he can stay for as long as you and Tzuyu are gone on the business trip."

"Thank you again." Sana looks over at Hyunjin, who is trying to move away from Jeongin who has been asking a lot of questions. "Jinnie, behave okay? I don't want your uncle to call me and tell me you have been misbehaving."

Hyunjin quickly shakes his head. "Of course not okaasan, I will listen to Chan hyung and his boyfriend. Good luck with work, I'm going to miss you." Hyunjin hugs Sana, who kisses the boy's head.

"I'm going to miss you too honey." Sana lets go, having to go back home now. "We will call you once a week okay?"

Hyunjin nods, biting his lip as he watches Sana close the door behind her. Sure he was excited to see his uncle again but now that he is here and sees his mother leaving he feels slightly sad.

"Hey it's going to be fun Hyunjin, they will be back before you know it." Chan smiles at the 16-year-old, hoping it cheers him up slightly. "Let's go to the living room so that you can say hi to everyone."

Hyunjin nods, letting Jeongin drag him into the living room. Chan chuckles, carrying the suitcases the boy brought with him. 


"Felix hyung! Changbin hyung! This is Hyunjin."

Felix looks up, giving Hyunjin a shy wave while Changbin shakes his head.

"Innie I have met him before."

"You're the scary guy."

Changbin frowns, not getting what Hyunjin ment but he could careless honestly.

"Bin hyung isn't scary though? Why would you say that?" Felix pouts, giving Hyunjin a confused look.

Hyunjin shrugs. "He was scary when I met him. He would glare at me a lot."

Changbin rolls his eyes, getting up from the couch. "I'm going to my room."

Minho sighs, standing up as well. He wasn't going to follow Changbin, knowing that the boy just wanted to be left alone for a bit. "Hi Hyunjin, I'm Minho Chan's boyfriend."

Hyunjin bows slightly. "It's nice to meet you, thank you for letting me stay."

Minho smiles at him. "No problem, boys introduce yourselves while me and Chan bring Hyunjin's suitcases to his room."

Felix and Jeongin both nod, smiling at their next target.

"He is upset Chan and probably worried about Jisung. I'm sure he will love Hyunjin like he does with the other three." Minho puts the suitcase down on the floor, looking over at Chan.

"But what if both of them will keep disliking him and Sana and Tzuyu don't come back anytime soon? I don't want to kick Hyunjin out but I also can't force Changbin and Jisung to keep living with him." Chan looks at the ground, not sure what to do now.

"Come on Chan, that's not something to worry about right now. You have to give them time, then if things don't change we will think about what to do but for now let's just see what happens."

Chan sighs, knowing that Minho is right. They should just see how it goes, maybe it will go just fine and he is worrying about absolutely nothing. "Yeah, you're right."

Minho chuckles. "Of course I am. Now go order some food while I go see what's up with Binnie."

  Minho quietly opens the bedroom door, not wanting to scare Changbin. He frowns when he sees that no one is in the room, even though he is sure that Changbin went to his and Jisung's bedroom and not somewhere else. "Binnie?"

He looks around, smiling when he notices a black tail coming out from underneath Jisung's blanket. He quietly walks over, lifting the blanket off of Changbin. "What are you doing Binnie?" Minho chuckles as he picks up the black cat, who hisses at him. Minho pats the boys head, holding him close. "You're missing him already? You saw him this morning Bin, he is still coming back."

Changbin hisses again, turning his head away from Minho.

Minho chuckles again. He thought Jisung with separation issues but it seems like Changbin has difficulties with it as well. "He will be back tomorrow Binnie, do you want me to call BamBam hyung so you can talk to Jisung?"

Changbin stays silent for a second, needing to think it over. He purrs as he looks over at Minho with his cat eyes. Minho smiles, petting the boys fur again. "Alright, I will call him after dinner okay?"

Changbin purrs again, pressing his head against Minho's hand. Minho lets out a laugh, continuing to pet Changbin. 

"You're a dancer right?"

Hyunjin nods as he sits down on the couch with Felix and Jeongin on either side of him. They both had introduced themselves and told him all three of them went to the same school, Felix even having had the same dance classes as him before. He didn't really recognize the other though. He also learned that even though Felix and Jeongin are the same age currently, Felix is older, turning 16 in September. It turns out that Felix is only a day younger than Jisung is and that made Hyunjin laugh. He never pictured that the 12-year-old he met and called his friend those years ago would become an older brother to someone.

"Do you like meat?"

Hyunjin frowns, nodding his head.

Felix pouts. "Why does everyone like meat? It's not fair."

"Why? You don't like meat?"

Felix shakes his head. "Don't like the idea of animals getting hurt."

Hyunjin almost coos, finding that the cutest thing ever. "I don't eat fish though, for obvious reasons."

Felix and Jeongin look at him confused. "It is?"

"Yeah? Why would I eat fish if I'm a merman?"

Felix and Jeongin's eyes widen, Chan hadn't told them Hyunjin was a supernatural like them. So neither of them had a clue that he was a merman.

"You're a merman?!"

"Like for real?!"

Hyunjin nods his head, biting his lip. "Do you have a problem with that?"

"What?! No of course not! That is so cool. I always wanted to meet a mermaid." Jeongin smiles at Hyunjin brightly, bouncing up and down on the couch.

Felix nods as well, being just as excited as Jeongin. "My mom always told me stories about mermaids and merman, telling me how pretty and sweet most of them are. She is right, cause you're really pretty."

Hyunjin blushes. "Uh well thank you Felix." Hyunjin suddenly frowns, remembering the present he had in his pocket for Jisung. "Hey uhm, where is Jisung?"

Felix and Jeongin look at each other, not sure what to say right now. Luckily for them Chan enters the living room, wanting to tell them that the food is nearly there and that Jeongin has to set the table.

"He is staying over at BamBam's right now, he will be home tomorrow."

"Oh..." Hyunjin looks down, having a bad feeling about this.

"Foods nearly here, Jeongin it's your turn to set the table."

Jeongin pouts. "Hey not fair, it is Jisung hyungs turn."

"Is he home right now?" Chan raises an eyebrow at the youngest, who shakes his head. "Now then, go set the table please."

"Fine." Jeongin walks off to the kitchen with a pout on his face, not happy he has to set the table. He much rather spend more time hanging out with Hyunjin.

"Food's here!" Chan yells after closing the front door. He chuckles as he hears people running to the kitchen. He ordered some fried chicken, knowing that all the boys will like it even Felix. He didnt eat much meat but Chicken would be fine for Felix, sometimes. He makes his way to the kitchen, happy to see that everyone is there when he enters.

"What did you buy?"
"Fried chicken with fries and salad."
All boys nod, while Minho places the drinks down on the table. "If you need something else Hyunjin let us know okay?"
Hyunjin nods, thanking the man for the food.

They all enjoy dinner, Hyunjin, Felix and Jeongin talking about school and all the supernatural things they could do while Chan and Minho discuss letting Jisung go to school once. Changbin just quietly eats his dinner, wanting to be done faster so he could go and call with Jisung.

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