Restart of GOD Tempest


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It's been already 25 years since the great tenma war ended with the victory of The octagram and tempest over... More

Return of God Tempest
STORY ORDER (Table of contents)
CHAP7: [Ogre]
Intermission: [MILIM'S WARNING]
Concept Explanation.
Author-kun Message.
Intermission: [DL Biggest Fear]
To my readers...................
ENT: 3rd Round
Intermission : World Recognition


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In Farmus....................

The Kingdom of Farmus, were in a huge state of conflict. After their ambitions being crushed by the new city of monsters, it's time for them to pay for what they have done. Unfortunately for them. The leader of monster sent one of his men to take care of this situations Something even more horrible lay before them. Their King was in a disgusting state. He was devoid of his limbs, he underwent mutations on his remaining parts. He had become a monster. They ordered to call a healer to try to restore the king to his original form.

"I am deeply sorry your highnesses but I-I can not heal his majesty". The healer said.

"How is it possible. Even holy magic can't heal the King?. Is he even alive". One of the Lord ask.

"Yes, his majesty is still alive. But there are no incision marks on him. I-i-it is if this has been his majesty form from the begining. As if, the fundamental principles of his body have all been rewritten". The healer said.

"Regular magic won't work on him" A young man said. He his known among the people of this meeting. He is one of the strongest person in their military force. He was one of the three otherworlders who had been summoned to fight for them. Shogo Taguchi.

"You are back Shogo. It seems you are fine" The Lord Muller asked.

The Lord Muller, was probably one of the most rational and open-minded among the lords. He always took the time to listen to what everyone was saying before making decisions. In Shogo's body was Farmus' protective mage, Razen. Razen really appreciated him for his behaviour. So He used to act calmly in front of him.

"Yes I am fine thank you for your concern Lord Muller". Shogo responded.

"Shogo. What Really happened during our military invasion". Another Lord asked.

"Listen to me your highnesses. What I am going to say, you will surely not believe me but it's all true. I am actually Razen, the wizard protector of Farmus. Our Military forces, was annihilated by the Storm Dragon Veldora." Razen said.

"The S-s-Storm Dragon, Impossible the wester church has declared that the Dragon has been exterminated." One Lord said.

"Y-yes that's right and how can you be Razen-dono, are you just trying to find an excuse to your inefficiency.". Another one said.

"I Know it's not easy for you to believe, it but it's true" Razen said.

"I believe in you Razen-dono. After all this information come for the man who used to protect our country for long time" Lord Muller said.

"I know some Lords here lost people important for them in this fight. But we made a huge mistake by attacking this nation. This war has resurrected the storm Dragon, and they all became a sacrifice." Razen said.

"But Razen-dono how did you survive. I mean are you strong enough to fight the Storm dragon?" Lord Muller asked.

"That's not the case. We was saved by the Lord of monsters". The main person who instigated this madness. Reyhiem the archbishop of Luminism.

"Reyhiem-dono? did you just heared what you said. How could someone saved you from the Storm Dragon?" A Lord asked.

"Kfufufu are you perhaps underestimating my beautiful and amazing lord." A more sinister person appear in the meeting room. Nobody was able to feel him. Even the highest soldiers in the meeting room couldn't.

"Who are you?" A guard asked in confusion, since this man appear from nowhere.

"Kfufufu I am nothing else than a messenger from my lord Rimuru Tempest. And I am here to heal your king and talk about discuss about your future policies." Diablo said.

"Even our Highest healer was not able to do it. And you think you can do it ?" A lord said.

Diablo then took out from his storage a full potion and spilled it on the king. All the person in the meeting stayed quiet. Slowly the King started to regain his original human form.

"Y-Y-You who are you ?" A lord asked in fear.

"Kfufufu me, I am nobody after all. I am the Loyal butler and the First secretary of my great Lod Rimuru-Sama."

"Y-your majesty a-are you fine. I mean we try everything but we couldn't heal you." Lord Muller said.

"Ah I-i am fine thank you everyone." The King respond.

<How is it possible, we try everything we could to heal the King but without success. And this man just with one potion succeed. I guess this monster country is really something we should be afraid of> the healer thought.

"Well Know King of Farmus. I have a message from my lord. I advise you to hear it." Diablo said.

<I'd like us to have Bilateral peace talk with our representatives one week from now. Before we ratify a peace treaty, I have prepared three paths for your country. First, The King abdicates and pays war reparations. Second, Submit to Tempest and become a vassal state. Three, Continue the war. I pray that you succeed in whichever path you choose>

"That's all from my lord. We will meet you in one week from now. So think carefully" Diablo said.

" W-wait One week is too short we need to gather the other nobles from the other Regio.........." a lord wanted to say but.

"Shut up". Diablo said while unleashing his domination Aura. "Do I have to remind you who was the first one to declare ware on the country of my master? I will not allow you to delay your reply. An answer falling outside these choices, is not allowed either or we will take it as a war declaration."

"H-h-hai." They all respond in fear.

"Now if you will excuse me. Please think about your response carefully Kfufufu". Diablo said. He then bowed in front of the nobles before he disappeared.

"We are in a huge crisis your majesty. How are we going to deal with it. We don't have a sufficient military force anymore to continue the war."

"Yes I know now it's time to talk toge............." The King wanted to say but he was interrupted by soldier

"I apologies for the interruption" The soldier said.

"How dare you interrupt us during this important meeting ? A noble said angered.

"Forgive me but this is a very important message from the Guild. There has been a major shift of Influence among the Demon Lords." The soldier said.

<With the death of the Marionette master, both the Beast master and Sky Queen relinquished their DL status joined the Ranks of the Destroyer. Consequently, the Ten Great DL turned to eight, and From now on, they Shall be known as the Octagram.>

"The number, don't add up. Who is the other one." Lord Muller asked.

"Yes it's now official and his title, reflects exactly who he is. He is called the "Chaos Creator" Rimuru Tempest. After the Leader of monsters defeated the Marionette Master, he became a demon Lord." The Soldier said.

"Whhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaaattttttttttt" They all shouted in the meeting Room.

In the Holy Empire of Ruberios..........

In the holy empire, Hinata was still under shock after what Luminous told her. She slowly started to realize in which kind of dangerous situation she is in now. She was extremely extremely angry with herself. She thought Rimuru probably already had a bad opinions of her. She hated herself for being so naive and believing anyone. This time, she had firmly resolved to offer him her most sincere apologies. After all, who would like to have two True Dragons as enemy.

In a secret place, where only the highest people know about it's existence, there are the supreme advisers of the Western Saints Church. The Seven Luminaries. At this time, they are trying to help Hinata to improve her fight. At this moment, they didn't knew which kind of monster they are facing. For Hinata, this training is just a waist of time. Even if she trains for 1000 years, she won't be able to scratch Rimuru.

She doesn't like the Seven Luminaries that much. She respects them, because they taught her a lot of things. The informations Luminous gave her, she didn't give it to the Seven Luminaries. So for them R. Tempest is just a newbie. But For Hinata, He was a monster.

"You have masterfully overcome our trials Hinata." One of the 7L said.

A/N: 7L = Seven Luminaries.

"But we think, you regard yourself to high. Don't think you will be able to win our God Luminous-sama Favor".

Without an answer, Hinata Left the place. She already knew which kind of cowards they were. After all, she received every intel she needed. And now she gathered the Ten great saints to discuss about how they will deal with this new disaster.........


The Ten greats saints, were divided in two categories, they were the Paladins, under Hinata's direct command. And they were the Holy Emperor's Imperial Guard. Hinata Sakaguchi is standing on the top of them. Their fame and exploits, were known throughout the West. They are the strongest humans. They are at the same time the pride of the Holy Empire. Gathered around a high table, Hinata and her subordinates started to discuss.

"Hello everybody. I hope you are all fine. I gathered you today to discuss about the monster country Tempest." Hinata said. "Litus could you please the intel you have?".

Litus is actually an Holy Knight and her elements is the water. She has a blond hair, and wear the traditional Holy Knights uniform. "Yes Hinata-sama the Main road to the Monster country is well maintained and many merchants were seen going in and out of the Monster Country. The concentration of magicules is extremely High. But the barrier of the country, prevent any form of danger for the humans. You can feel the magicules but it doesn't affect you at all."

"Is that all" Hinata asked.

"No Hinata-sama. The Demon Lord Rimuru gave the impression that he wanted peace with humans which he originally stated. I don't know about his real intentions. But he already had an alliance with Dwargon and Blumund." Litus continued.

"Do you see Veldora ?" Hinata asked.

"No. The entrance of the cave is forbidden. But Hinata-sama I really need to tell you this. There are some people with astonishing magicules inside them. I faced a girl and she gave me the feelings that even all of us could do nothing to her." Litus said.

"Ahaha what a shame for an Holy Knights to be afraid of some monsters. I understand, after all we let the birth of the new Demon Lord, no the "Chaos Creator. And failed to stop the resurrection of the Storm Dragon. Who was the one that let it happened ? I wonder."

"Show some respect to the captain Sare-dono". The HolyKnights of the light Reinard said.

"You got a problem, You classy knights are sure overconfident. Sare what if we gave them some lessons". The Holy guard Grigori said.

"Enough of that. Don't forget that the Holy Empire is also there. I will no tolerate any kinds of fight in this meeting". Hinata said while releasing her murderous intent towards everybody.

"Wooo I am so scared. Well I will share my intel too. Actually Farmus are in a really bad state. The Leader of monsters, give them some paths to follow or he will totally annihilate them." Saare said.

"Glenda, can I leave this to you. I mean you are the best when we talk about spy right?" Hinata asked.

Glenda was a woman and one of the Imperial Guard. She is a calculator and will use everything she can to remove herself from trouble.

"Oh Leave it to me Hinata-sama". She said while smiling evilly.

"Hinata-sama, the Storm Dragon was described as a very scary being with rampaging as the sole objective. But his return has had less of an impact than expected. We need to take care of it now bef..." The HolyKnights Fritz said.

"You don't have to worry about that. God Luminous bestowed us with a revelation. The Storm Dragon Veldora is the best friend of DL R. Tempest. The Chaos Creator shall not be interfered with at any cost at all". Hinata said seriously.

"I know that DL are untouchable. But I mean he is surely a weakling. If it is us the Ten Great saints, we will be able to destroy him." Sare said.

"Think about it Sare-dono. Do you really think a simple DL will come out of nowhere and have the title Chaos Creator? Something must have happened to him if he won that title. We really have to act with our brains first." Arnaud said.

<Arnaud I knew from the begining that you are trustworthy to be under me. You are really smart. If only the others could imagine which Kind of monster he is they will surely close their mouth. He has two of the strongest being by his side. But I will keep this for me. It's better if they experienced fear like I do.> Hinata thought.

"Well what shall we do? I mean even if we don't interfere with him, he already see you as an enemy." Grigori said.

"He is right Hinata-sama. Maybe he doesn't forget the fact that you tried to kill him." Glenda said.

"You are all probably right. But I need to check it by my own. That's why I will go to tempest and meet him. And to excuse myself too." Hinata said.

"Whaaat Hinata-sama it's too dangerous to go there by your own". Arnaud said.

"H-he is right his subbordinates can attack you." Fritz said.

"Calm down. I need to know what he thinks first. That's why I call one of the main who was in Tempest. You can enter Arcbishop Reyhiem". Hinata said. "I called you here to talk about the truth so explain us everything."

In an instant, the Arcbishop started to tremble and sweating hard. He remembered everything on the battlefield. Day after day, the memories of this massacre haunt him.

"I should r-really be wise. E-everything you know is totally false. It wasn't the Storm Dragon who annihilated us. It was just two persons. A giant beetle and an ogre woman. B-but that's not all. T-The DL R.Tempest then, summoned f-f-four individuals more scarier than the ogre and the beetle. H-H-He his da-dan-dangerous. Y-y-you can't even imagine." Reyhiem said while sweating and trembling. Everybody in the room became silent after hearing this story. How could 2 individuals destroy an army of 20.000 soldiers. The scariest part was the fact that it wasn't the DL itself.

"An army destroyed by two persons. So it wasn't him." Arnaud said.

"You are kidding me. So not only him, but his subbordinates too are dangerous. Hinata-sama you should really think first before taking a decision". Reinard said.

"Such a dangerous person. For now he wants to leave with the humans. We must really be lucky" Sare said.

The 7L said before appearing in the meeting.

"Y-Y-yes where is it.". He then took out from his pocket a blue ball."Hinata-sama the DL Rimuru has message for you".

The ball then started to bright and Rimuru appear.

<Hello Hinata. I don't have to present myself to you anymore. I guess you heared a lot of things about me. I want to meet you to discuss. You are free to take this like a revenge or everything you want but I need to see you. You can take your men with you. But if you dare again try to harm my people, Not only you but your country will be destroyed too> Rimuru said seriously

"Ehh this coward did he really think he can threat you? Hinata sama just give me the order and I will crush him for you." Reinard said.

"My man, are you sometimes using your brain. By what the Arcbishop said, his subbordinates only must be as strong as us. We are also talking about an DL. He also has the Storm Dragon by his side you dumb." Sare said.

"Ahaha now you are the one who are afraid Sare-dono. Hinata-sama just ordered and we are going to crush him for you" Arnaud said.

<Arnaud finally you are just dumb like the others I guess.>

"He his right Hinata-sama. If we didn't feel the aura of the Storm Dragon, that means he might be weak. So it's the best chance for us to attack. We can kill them." Fritz said.

"We don't need to go this far. I am just going to meet him and discuss. Arnaud prepare everything for our travel. We will start today."

"Understood Hinata-sama."

"Okay Guys Let's go..................."

In Tempest.

C: <Master, I really think acting evilly doesn't suit you at all.>

"Ehhh but the message was perfect. I mean to threat her a lot. Her mens will again cause trouble like in the last time. What a pain she is."

C: <Indeed Master. Should I kill her>

"Ciel you don't have to go this far. It was not her fault after all".

C: <Understood>

"Rimuruuuu please take care of meee" Velzard said while entering my office with a great smile. "You are always working. You don't even have time for your lover."

"Ehh, well you are right come here". Velzard then approache me. I tenderly placed my lips on hers. And with love we kissed for a long time.

"Excuse me for Interrupting at such a moment Rimuru-Sama, Velzard-Sama" Souka said.

"You just ruined everything but anyways" Velzard complained.

"Ahh don't take it like this Velzard. So what is about Souka."

"Again sorry for interrupting. I wanted to inform you that Hinata left the holy Empire and she is coming in Tempest."

"Understood". <Every executives, meet me in my office now................>

To be continued...................

Next chapter: [Hinata's Resolve]

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