At Worlds End (Thor) | Natash...

By Lesbian_Deadpool

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This Drink... I Like It! ANOTHER! --- After receiving a medal for your involvement fighting against Whiplash... More

Part One: Coulson's Roundup
Part Two: Heavy Lifting
Part Three: Thor's Devastation
Part Four: Bonding With Co-Workers
Part Six: Glowy Cube

Part Five: Fighting Alongside God's

160 11 0
By Lesbian_Deadpool

Warnings: A fight. That's really it ig

Summary: It was just a normal stake-out, but it never stays that way, does it? 


This was a traditional stakeout.

Sat in a car. Seats leaned back. Sipping a coffee in to-go cups.

Just like all the cop shows.

With Clint in the driver's seat, eyes intent on the group serving and waiting for breakfast. As more agent's gathered upon nearby rooftops, equipment being used to hear what they were saying, relaying it back through the radio of the car.

"I could go for some breakfast right about now."

"You and me both, Barton."

All it took was a glance. Just one, in the wing mirror, for you to spot something akin to a tornado, jutting straight down into the world before it quickly receded up into the clustered clouds as if it were never there in the first place.

"Did you see that?" you questioned urgently, spinning to look around your seat, back to where the occurrence had just happened.

"See what?" Clint asked, copying you, before intently watching your shocked face.

"That tornado-looking thing, about sixty, sixty-five miles away from here, right there." You pointed in its direction.

"I didn't see anything." Clint shook his head. "Did you get enough sleep during my lookout duty last night?"

"I... I don't know..."

Maybe you did just need more sleep.


"Okay, you see then, right?"

Following your pointed finger, Clint spotted four armoured people striding up the centre of the road.

"Yeah. Yeah, I see them."

"Please tell me there's a lord of the rings convention they're going to and that there's not four more Thor's."

"I hate to break it to you-"

"Oh, man!" You threw your head back into your seat.

"Hopefully, you won't have to fight these ones."

"Good, because that girl looks like she could kick my ass."

You and the dirty-blonde man had the same curious, gobsmacked looks upon your faces as you watched their return to the once car showroom.

"This is..."

"So weird," Clint finished for you.

"Thor," came through the radio, "Your father still lives."

"Oh... this is not gonna be good."

What you didn't know, however, was just how bad it truly was gonna be.

Barton believed you now.

What you saw before.

Now that he saw it with his own eyes.

That verticle tornado before it disappeared back up into the sky.

Only this time, it was much bigger. A distant echoed bang of something colliding with the earth sent ripples of dust, sand, and dirt for miles.

"Was that a bomb?"

"I don't think bombs act like that," you informed him, "At least not any of the ones I've seen. And I've seen a lot."

Your eyes were glued to the area where the tornado had once been. Fear spiking in your chest when you suddenly saw fire and things set ablaze.

The walkie-talkie crackled to life.

"Everybody, back to base, now."

"Like fuckin' hell!"

Clint didn't have time to stop you before you jumped out of the car, watching as you rushed towards the group gathered in the centre of the road, leaving him no choice but to follow you.

"Wait, were you watching us?" Jane asked when she spotted you two jogging up to them.

"Of course, we were," you replied as if she were crazy to think otherwise.

"Oh, this is marvellous." Thor smiled your way, turning to his gathered friends with a hand outstretched towards you. "They gave a worthy battle against me."

"Thanks." You nodded, "I'll take that as a compliment from someone who made me bleed."

"As you should," he said, not catching your sarcasm.

Just then, a far-off explosion sounded from where the tornado was previously seen, cutting the lighthearted atmosphere away, Thor's smile falling along with it as the man turned back to Jane Foster.

"Jane, you have to leave."

"What are you gonna do?"

"I'm staying here," he told her assuredly.

"Thor's going to fight with us!" the burly ginger man spoke excitedly.

"My friends." The blonde rushed up to the people who seemingly came out of nowhere. "I'm just a man. I'll only be in the way, or worse, get one of you killed."

"Oh yeah, thanks. Compliment me on being able to fight you, and then act like you can't fight."

"Yeah, 'just a man' who acts like they're on steroids," Clint quipped, siding with you.

"Thanks, man."

"I am not compared to what I used to be." Thor shook his head at you.

"Well, mark me up as glad that I didn't have to fight you like that then."

The man practically ignored your words in favour of gesturing to the civilians lining the streets and buildings.

"But I can help get those people to safety."

"Well, if you're staying, then so am I," Jane said, stepping up towards the man.

"Okay, can we hurry this thing up?"

"I agree," the blonde spoke, nodding at your words, "We'll need some time."

"You'll have it," the other blonde called after Thor, following as they began evacuating the town, you turned to Clint.

"You got your bow on you?" you asked, referencing your discussion about it the previous night. Not bothering to ask him to gather up the other S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, knowing that they would be speaking off back to base right now.

"Yeah, it's in the trunk." He jabbed his thumb back to the car you had previously used for your stake-out.

"Okay, get it. Help these guys evacuate the civilians. Then get up high and do what you do best," you instructed, instinctively taking the lead between the two of you, even with his higher ranking, "I'm gonna stay down here and fight with the... God's?" you finished off with a questioning tone, not knowing what else to call them.

"You got it, Searge," Clint said with a teasing grin before he ran off, knowing it would annoy you.

"Come on, Darcy. I'll make sure nothing happens as we get people out of here."

However, you didn't have long before something did, in fact, happen.

Darcy found a dog.

So, while everyone was running for their lives, the woman held the small dog to her torso as she walked down the path. Trying to console it for herself more than anything.

You only left her for ten seconds to help a kid into a bed of a truck as she ran to warn the pet shop owner.

Now, you realize that was your first mistake.

"It's gonna be okay. Don't be scared," she cooed the puppy in a fearful voice herself, "I'm not gonna let the big, huge monster step on you."

"Darcy, did you steal a dog?" you asked, jogging up to her as crashes came closer and closer to the town.

"It's my dog. He was all alone."

"It's got a collar on."

"He was still alone."

Before you could say anything else, the woman rushed forward, stopping a car from driving past her.

"Hi, can you take my dog? His name's Baker. I just names him ten seconds ago. Be careful. I miss you!" she called after them as the man drove away with the dog in his arms.

"Okay, that was all very sweet and all-" A sudden explosion sounded in the town, followed by the crashing of glass. "Okay, that's my queue! You get to somewhere safe, okay?!"

"Yeah!" Darcy nodded to you once, fear in her wide eyes, turning to run away from the commotion.

"Barton? Update me. Where is this thing?"

"Center of town," he gasped, sounding like he was running, predictably upon rooftops, "The four stooges are heading that way."

He reminded you of Tony with his quip about the "Gods".

You wished the metal-encased man was here right now, knowing that it would make your life a hell of a lot easier.

What I moss?" you asked, with your pistol drawn. The sword-wielding woman ordered you all to distract the creature and then proceeded to walk off.

You still didn't know what you were up against.

It could be a being with three heads and a tail for all you knew.

Then it stepped out from the dust. Showing itself for what it truly was.

A giant metal, man-shaped suit. With spikes along its shoulders and down the sides of its arms and thighs. Fists the size of hood caps, hulking at around twelve feet tall. A firey glow raging within.

"Oh, not again!" you practically whined, "Why is it always giant metal things?! Why am I always fighting giant metal things with a gun?!"

Maybe this wasn't the best time for you to complain about the similar situation you were thrust in. Once again.

But did that stop you from doing it anyway?

Fuck no.

"First, it was Obidiah, but I didn't fight him. Then it was whiplash. Now it's this thing!"

From its open face, a blast of fire shot at the gas station, blowing it up and sending flames to cover the road in the centre of town.

"And it breathes fire! What the hell is that thing?!" you yelled from behind your cover or a destroyed car.

"It's a Destroyer!" the Asian man informed you.

You watched the man, in silence, for a few moments before, "Are you fucking kidding me?"

"Okay, maybe they are Gods," you said, still behind your cover, as the two men threw the burly ginger man at the Destroyer like it was nothing.

"For Asgard!" he yelled, sailing through the air. His words cut off with a huff as the Destroyer stopped his assault. Sending him flying even further. Landing harshly against a blazing car.

"Oh, fuck me."

Breathing deep through your nose, you popped up, raising your gun towards the target like you have done countless times before. Popping off four rounds into the giant machines, metal skin. Each one of them ricocheted off with a tink.

Its mouth opened, getting ready to fire a blaze at you.

But it didn't have the chance. As just at that moment, an arrow came whizzing through the air and into its open face.

The Destroyer gave no reaction of stopping.

Instead, it turned to where Barton was crouched upon the roof of a random building. Shooting the blast that was initially meant for you at the man.

"Barton!" you shouted at where debris now flew through the air, smoke and fire surrounding it. Raising a finger to press the comms in your ear, you tried again, "Barton. Copy."

"I'm okay."

A rush of cold relief washed over you at his voice and words, quickly gaining your bearings back.

"Arrows and bullets ain't gonna do anything to that things. Get your ass down here, and keep the remaining civilians as safe as you possibly can."

"Roger that, Sarge!"

"One more time, I swear."

Holstering your pistol and gathering as much courage as you could muster, you stepped out from behind your cover. Joining the Gods in the centre of the road once more. All the while, that thing came closer and closer, heading straight for the man lying upon the car, its face opening.

Just as you were about to shout or shoot, to distract the thing from inevitably killing him, the woman jumped from a building. Spear in hand, lodging it right through the back of the beast's throat and into the tarmac below. Its fiery glow flickered out as she smiled smugly.

"Yeah, girl!" you celebrated the badassness of the strange woman, arms raised high up into the air.

But you spoke too soon.

As right after the Destroyer rose its head, fire renewed deep within it, morphing its body to littering twist around and face the woman. Her no longer standing on his back, as it had transformed into its chest.

"Oh, what the hell?"

The two Gods by your side shared a nod, rushing forward to pull the man from the wrecked car.

"Hey, where you goin'?"

Things went to... well, shit, after that.

You had volunteered to take the injured man yourself, hoisting him up into your arms as the other two rushed to help their other partner, who had been blasted across the road by the beast. It sent yet another explosion between the tree, sending them -and yourself and the man in your arms- flying.

Quickly, you regrouped with Thor and the other warriors, passing their friends off to them.

"You must return to Asgard. You have to stop Loki," Thor told the three men as you panted beside them, silently checking in with Clint, who crouched with the scientist and their intern behind the Gods. Gaining a nod in return that none of them was injured.

"What about you?"

"Do not worry, my friends. I have a plan."

"What's your plan, Thor? Death?" you remarked sarcastically as his friends retreated back to their home.

Gaining no reply from the man caused worry to spike inside of you. Quickly moving to follow after him, you spoke, "Wait. Your plan's not actually 'death', is it?"

"No, no." He placed a hand on your chest, stopping you from following him. "You must stay here. Protect your friend and mine. Get them to safety."

"You still didn't answer my question."

Thor looked deep into your eyes with a bittersweet smile, telling you all you needed to know.

"You would have made a great warrior, if you were born in my realm. I would have been proud to change into the most dangerous of battles with you by my side. But, I am afraid this is one battle I must fight on my own."

"I can help."

"You can." He nodded. "By helping them."

You followed his line of sight towards the four gathered on the road, surrounded by Thor's helping friends. Seeing their worried, fear-filled eyes. And that's when you realized that he was right.

So, with a nod, you backed away and jogged up to the group.

"What's he doing?" Clint asked as soon as you got near, making your way to the rundown lab.

You shook your head. "Nothing good."

"Wait," Jane said, making everyone pause and watch as Thor strode over to the metal being.

"We should really get to cover."

"We can't just leave him out here," Jane argued back.

With a sigh, you turned to watch on with the group.

"What is he doing?"

Clint looked to you, a silent question in his eyes. You shook your head, silently telling him not to say anything.

She would only try and stop him.

"We should get inside," the man tried to prompt, only for it to fall on deaf ears.

For a second there, you thought the Destroyer was about to blast Thor's pretty face off with its own. But as the plates moved back to cover the flames in its core, that worry was washed from you.

Relief came soon after when it turned to leave. Only for it to escape you when it harshly swatted Thor through the air, a crack of bones could be heard from the hit.


"Jane!" You rushed to grab the scientist but were too late. The small woman was already too far away, almost to Thor's side.

You watched on as Jane hovered over this man, brushing her hand against his blonde locks. The woman shook her head as Thor flopped back against the ground in a way you had seen far too many times.



You startled slightly at the familiar voice sounding through your ear.


"We're-... Spike-..."

"Coulson, you're breaking up on me."

"H-... It-... Way-..."


The sound of something whooshing through the air made you turn to find the cause. It reminded you far too much of a missile to be comfortable."

A small black dot flew up in the sky, a steam trail following it, clearly heading your way. Little shocks of lightning crashed through the sky, with rumbles of thunder following it.

"Jane, get the hell out of there!"

"Jane!" yourself and Eric yelled at the same time, both rushing to pull the woman from Thor's body. With the brunette protesting the whole time.

"If you stay here, you die with him," you told her, with your hands under one of her arms, hearing her up from her knelt position, "Now, get your ass up."

You moved away just in time, looking back to find that it wasn't a missile at all.

It was, in fact, the unmovable hammer. Flying its way into Thor's open palm, arm now raised into the sky. Lightning struck once it landed, encasing the man standing with the hammer raised high above his head.

"Oh. My. God."

You followed Jane's words with a statement of your own.

Well... more like a question.

"What in the shit?!"

Such a way with words.

The hammer flew out of the man's grasp, hitting the Destroyer in its face before it could blast him with its flames, soon being knocked to the ground as the hammer collided with the back of its shiny metal head. And back into Thor's awaiting hand.

"How is he suddenly dressed like the renaissance regulars over here? Does lightning make clothes now?!"

"It is if you're Thor!" the burly man called over to you.

"Right." You were so out of your depths with this. And you had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time you would feel that way.

Dark wind began to build around the two, slowly growing to form a large tornado. Black clouds surrounded it in the sky, illuminated by the zaps of lightning striking within.

Finally, the group jogged to the lab, shielding their face from the biting wind. As Thor flew up into the clouds, the Destroyer was forcefully pulled up with him as the stagnant tornado grew harsher and harsher.

"Okay, he can fly now. That might as well happen."

"This is insane," Clint remarked from beside you.

"At this point, I think this is just my life now. Filled with flying men."

The explosion was high enough that you needn't worry about the blast radius hurting anybody. And yet, you still moved to protect them, keeping a keen, watchful eye on the Thor-made storm, for any instance that you needed to throw yourself over the ones without Godlike powers and strength in order to protect them.

"What the fuck was that?!" you yelled as Thor walked up to Clint, the scientists, their intern, and yourself.

"So, is this how you normally look?" Jane asked.

"More or less."

"What the fuck?!"

"It's a good luck."

"What...?" came out in a whisper now.

"We must go to the Bifrost site," Thor spoke to his friends, "I would have words with my brother."

"Meaning you're gonna kick his ass, right? Right?"

"I would." Clint nodded, agreeing with your question.

"Excuse me." A voice you recognised made you turn with your arms up and wide.

"Coulson! Glad you could make it, buddy! Ya' missed the party."

"Donald?" he asked the blonde.

"Dude, that's Thor." Your face fell as you started to come to terms with what just happened, shock moving to cover it now. With your finger pointed towards the hammer-wielding man, you turned to Clint, only to find the same shock clear as day, upon his face. "It's Thor. The Norse God."

"What the hell is going on in the world?"

"I don't know!"

"I don't think you've been completely honest with me."

"Know this, Son of Coul."

"What?" you uttered, confused.

"You and I, we fight for the same cause, the protection of this world. From this day forward, you can count me as your ally, if you return the items you have taken from Jane."

"Stolen," she corrected.

"Borrowed," Coulson informed, "Of course, you can have your equipment back. You're gonna need it to continue your research."

"Would you like to see the bridge we spoke of?" Thor questioned Jane.

"Uh, sure." She gave a happy noise when Thor pulled her into his side.

"They're gonna fuck," you muttered, leaning over to Clint, so as only he would hear.


"Wait, I need to debrief you!" Coulson tried, but they were gone, already sailing up into the sky.

"I don't think you're getting that debrief, Son of Coul," you finished, copying the way Thor spoke. Suddenly a groan broke out from you at your realization. "Oh, no! The mission report for this is gonna be hell."

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