The return of the Older Sitri

By Jedisage

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Satoshi Sitri was the oldest brother of the Sitri siblings also one of the top devil General in the devil arm... More

Bio (updated)
Peerage and servant (update/changed)
Harem (updated)
Harem #2 (updated)
Prologue (updated)
A/N: Quick question
Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter Five
A/n: Fun facts about Satoshi
more servants/harem girls added
Chapter six
Quick Random question
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
One more Maid for Satoshi
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
A/n: Satoshi and Tsukiumi son and Daughters
A/n: Satoshi's Apprentices/students
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter seven

4.5K 74 8
By Jedisage

Satoshi's Pov 

I was sitting in the living room of my families mansion going over a plan to rescue the girls that where being trafficked with my wife, Shizuku, Eleonora and Lu Ming. They were onboard to help.

"So how are we gonna do this?" Eleonora asked

"We need to plan this by ear we can't go in without a plan and put the girls in even more danger." I said

"What should we do?" Lu Ming asked

"We know that the women are being moved tonight I think we should follow  them that will lead us to the rest of the women." I said

"I agree. Eleonora said 

"Then the plan is this we sneak on to one of the trucks and we ride right to were the women are being held and bust the whole operation open." I said 

"Husband I think you are the best at coming up with plans." Tsukiumi said who was serious like I was in rescuing the girls. The plan was all set and all we had to do was wait until tonight and sneak on to one of the trucks. That night everyone was in place Lu Ming and I where in position in the alleyway where the truck was suppose to arrive  Eleonara was with Tsukiumi posing as one of the girls that where being traffic in. The trucked had just pick them up and was taking them to a large building near the docks. After passing several checkpoints the truck drove into the garage of the building while we followed close behind like shadows.  Once the truck had stopped the driver opened the door and was approached by two armed men.

"Took you long enough the boss is getting upset and you know how he get's when he's kept waiting." Said one of the arm gunman.

"Yeah I know but we had two late newcomers that I think the boss would like." Said the driver before walking to the back of the truck and opening the back before Tsukiumi blasted him with her water magic.

"What the hell?" The gunman asked before he and the other gunman where knocked out.

"Good works ladies.  you all know what to do Lu Ming and I will sneak into the upper floors to find the leader of the operation Tsukiumi, Eleonara, and Shizuku will find out where the girls are being kept and get them out let's do this." I said

"Understood my lord." Lu Ming said before the five of us split off. Lu Ming and I searched every floor staying out of site of the guards and camera's that where on each floor.

"Hold Up Lu Ming." I said hiding behind a wall seeing to guards walk by not noticing us.

"Man what I would give to get something to eat right now." Said one of the guards

"Me to I didn't eat anything all day and I'm starving." Said the second guard.

"After this I know a nice a nice pizza spot that has the best wings you can die for." Said the first guard

"Now your speaking my langue." Said the second guard while laughing while walking down the hall.

3rd person pov

Tsukiumi, Eleonara and Shizuku fought their way through a group of guards that where guarding a room where the women where being held. After busting down the door the three of them walked inside to see the traffic girls in cells scared for their lives when they looked at them.

"It's okay where getting you out of here." Tsukiumi said right before the alarms went off.

"Looks like our Lord had gotten the enemies attention best to get these girls out of here." Eleonara said which the others had to agree. Quickly they freed the girls and rushed out of the room. Meanwhile Satoshi and Lu Ming where fighting their way to the main office to confront the leader of the group. Inside the room the leader was sitting on his throne with Diao Chan standing next to him which she didn't like.

"What is going on out there?" Doug Zhao asked before the doors burst opened and Satoshi rushed in.

"That will be us." Satoshi said swords in hand

"Annoying insects you dare burst in here and try to take away my paradise?" Dong Zhao asked

"I take your the one who is trafficking and kidnapping helpless girls to build your own twisted harem?" Satoshi asked

"And what of it you won't be alive to tell anyone about it." Doug Zhuo said before he summons several lessor warrior demons to attack them while he made his escape with Diao Chan.

"My lord I got this you get the pig." Lu Ming said.

"Be careful." Satoshi said running after Doug Zhuo before he escaped.

Satoshi Pov

While I was running after that fat bastard I thought to myself he's wasn't getting away form not by  long shot but I remembered something the women that was standing next to him mouthed a few words to me telling me to help her and save her and that's what I was gonna to do. The alarms where going off and guards where everywhere some trying to block my path but I cut right through them running up the stairs to the roof to see the fat guy still holding on to the women.

"Let her go you fat freak." I said while the guy just laughed.

"You to late this little beauty here is all mine." The guy said

"I was never yours so let me go." The women said trying to get free from the guys grip.

"You are mine and mine alone." The man while the women was still trying to get free before she pulled out a small blade and stabbed him in the arms causing him to let go of her arm before she rushed over to me.

"Please I don't want to go back to him." The women said.

"It's okay I protect you." I said.

"You think you can protect her from me I'm the great Doug Zhuo and you will not ruin my paradise." Dong Zhuo said before his body started to glowed before he transformed into his true form which was a giant big like monster.

"I will crush you like the bug you are." Dong Zhuo said wielding a giant club mace and swung it at us but we jumped out of the way.

"Best get to safety it's not safe here." I said to the girl

"No I wish to fight you helped me now I help you." The women said pulling out what seem to be a whip.

"You dare raise your weapon against me Diao Chan? Then I will have to teach you your place." Dong Zhuo said with a snarl.

"No you will not. I Satoshi Sitri will sentence you to oblivion." I said

Dong Zhuo growled and lunge and swung his club mace again but I just dodge out of the way while the women who was called Diao Chan used her whip to land several blows on the over sized pig but he just laughed it off like it was nothing.

"You can't hurt me I'm unstoppable." Dong Zhuo said raising his weapon and hit the ground causing more lesser demons to show up.

"More of these guys?" I asked

"Allow me to take care of these." Diao Chan said.

"Show me what you got." I said while Diao Chan rushed towards the lesser demons and attacked them with her whip. Her style of fighting was very beautiful to look at like a dance. What Ireally surprised me was when she started to spin around causing the demos to be sucked in and whipped around before they went flying.

a/n: Like this

The lesser demons where complete gone and it was just Dong Zhuo who at this point was stomping his foot upset that Diao Chan had just wiped out his demons.

"I kill you both!" Dong Zhuo said before he raised his club but I rushed in and slices his arm off causing him to  stagger back and scream in pain when he his left arm was not there anymore.

"You bastard." Dong Zhuo said before he charged and tried to impaled us with his horns but Diao Chan and I slide under him while Diao Chan wrapped her chain whip around his legs causing him to fall before I delivered the final blow by jumping into the air and summoned energy into my blade and fire at Dong Zhuo hitting him while he yelled in pain.

"Your done Dong Zhuo." I said.

" paradise." Dong Zhuo said before I encased him in ice that he can't break free from. I looked over at Diao Chan and smiled at her.

"We should get out of her." I said

"But what about him?" Diao Chan asked.

"I have some people come get him but in the mean time the others are already done getting the rest of the girls out ." I said opening a portal and teleported us outside the eyesight of the police that swarmed the building. 

"My lord are you hurt?" Lu Ming asked

"No I'm not but thank you for asking." I said

"All the girls have be freed and are taking to the hospital to get checked out." Shizuka said

"Good work ladies." I said

"Excuse me put may I ask who are you?" Diao Chan asked

"Oh where are my manners. My name is Satoshi Sitri and I'm a devil along with my wife and queen Tsukiumi, My pawn Shizuku, my servant Lu Ming  and my knight Eleonora." I said. Diao Chan was a bit taken back for all of this but she was calm.

"So there are more devils like you around?" Diao Chan asked.

"Yes. still you handle yourself  pretty well back there. I see a lot of potential  in you and would like to offer you a place at my side as one of my pawns but the choice is yours I won't force you to become a devil if you don't want to." I said while Diao Chan took a moment to think on this.

"I have no where else to go and I would like to join you Satoshi-Sama." Diao Chan said before she took the pawn piece and placed it near her chest before it went into her body.

"Welcome to the family Diao Chan." I said

"Yes Welcome to the family." Lu Ming said

"Thank you all." Diao Chan said.

"Now let's get out of here." I said before summoning a portal and teleported us back home.

(a/n: Hope you all like this chapter let me know what you think in the comments below. Until then stay frosty)

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