Francis Forever (Oneshot seri...

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I am literally so smart with the title of this book (mitski fans would understand) anyways here are some stor... Meer

Requests/Author's Note (very open)
Tutor Sessions

Prank Wars

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Gender Neutral (Meaning the Main Character can be seen as a girl, boy, or whatever you want who cares)

As I waited in the lunch line, I suddenly felt a rush of coldness take over my body, jolting my shoulders up in response. Someone had dumped a bucket of ice cold water on me, and I knew exactly who it was.

"I swear to GOD Wilkerson, I will make you pay for this!" I barked as the blonde haired boy ran further and further away from me. Honestly, I don't know what it was but he always made me extremely furious, even if he was just standing around doing nothing.

Actually, I think I might have a tiny clue on what it is.

Back during freshman year, I remember there was a particular blonde haired boy that would sit behind me in class. Francis Wilkerson, the boy who caused trouble everywhere he went. During class he was extremely distributive, in the halls he stood out, and outside of school he was always getting into some sort of trouble. I even saw him in the back of a police car once while I was walking home from school.

It used to not bother me much back then, it's not like I was the perfect kid either. I would sometimes pull harmless pranks on people just when I felt like it. I honestly get it, like you only live once, so live your best life!

I have spoken to him a few times before that day. He would ask me questions that were class related and sometimes said hi to me in the hallway. I used to not mind him back then and he was genuinely nice to me. So what happened?

It all began when I was talking to someone in the halls. But this isn't just some random person, this was (R/N)(L/N), someone who I had a massive crush on for a very long time. I had been trying to make a move on him, but there wasn't an appropriate time to do so until that very moment.

It was important that everything went according to plan. If I had messed everything up, I would've crawled into a hole and slowly rot in it until I died. Luckily, that didn't happen since everything was going smoothly. I was having a decent conversation with the guy, and it even seemed like he was into me! Can you believe it?

This is when everything went downhill. As I was about to ask for his number, I heard a crack and saw he had jumped a little. I looked at the back of his head and saw someone had thrown an egg at him! What the hell? I looked behind him and saw him.. Francis and his goons laughing at what they had done to (R/N). The audacity of some people!

I felt rage take over my whole body. "What the hell do you think you're doing?" I shouted. The grins on their faces dropped, and just like that they began running away. I didn't bother to chase them since (R/N) was still with me.

"Are you okay? Do you need some napkins?" I offered as I began opening my bag to look for some tissues. "Ah," He begins, "There's no need. I'm gonna excuse myself to the washroom." And just like that, he left and never spoke to me since.

When I got home that day, I couldn't help but think about what had happened. If that egg didn't hit him, would he have given me his number anyway? Why did Francis throw that egg at him? If things went differently, would I be on a date with a super hot guy right now?

I finally came to a conclusion that Francis was at fault for the whole incident. He was always bringing trouble with him. He ruined everything for me.

I stupidly came up with an idea to get back at him. Since I had a history of pulling some pranks, I decided that I would do one on him. I decided on pulling a prank where I called his parents and told them that I was pregnant with Francis's baby and he was kicked out of school. Long story short, his parents were not happy with him and he eventually found out it was me, and he was not happy about it.

The next day at school, Francis confronted me, "Were you the one who told those lies to my parents? That's so not funny!"

I snicker, "Yeah, I was the one who told your parents. What about it?"

"You will pay for this. I will get you back!"

"Ok, bet." I say, declaring a prank war between us.

I honestly don't know why I did it, I should've just walked away if I knew the next year would be one hell of a shit show for the both of us.


Hidden items, prank calls, ruined plans, unexpected scares, rumours and many more were used during the prank war. He had many good ideas that were perfectly executed. Since I was an amature prankster, I couldn't keep up with it. But the whole school was aware of our war we had so I kept going on to save the embarrassment of being the one who lost in a prank war.

There were many times where I just wanted to call it quits. But I stayed motivated and kept fighting. I stayed up many nights planning the perfect prank but just ended up being mediocre. I have to admit though, he was extremely creative and came up with things that I would've never been able to even think of.

I spent another night with a pen in my hand and a notebook that was left open on an almost empty page that read "Ways to get back at Francis". Just thinking about getting back at Francis kept me motivated and made me get out of bed easily during the mornings. I kept clicking my pen against my head hoping it would give me an idea on how to prank him.

But I suddenly came up with an amazing idea. Imagine this, being stuck in a tight spaced room with tiny bugs crawling all over you. Horrible right? And the best part is, I would record the whole entire thing just to look back at for laughs. This was probably the best idea I had ever come up with ever since the war had started.

The plan was to get a cute girl to lead him into the janitor's closet at school to make out, talk, whatever. Meanwhile, I would crawl into the vents and dump a bunch of bugs that I bought from the school weirdo.. this was going to be the best prank ever!

On the day of the prank, I went to the janitor's closet to make sure that the door would only open from the outside and couldn't open it from the inside. Once I had finished my job, I stupidly closed the door and locked myself in. Great going.

I banged on the door and screamed, "HELP PLEASE SOMEONE HELP! I'M TRAPPED!" But no matter how loudly I screamed or how hard I banged the door, no one could hear me. I knew I was going to be trapped there for a very long time.

But suddenly, I heard the door open. The mystery person walked in and before I could tell them to not close the door, they closed it.

"You stupid idiot! The door only opens from the outside!" I screamed and hit the person who turned out to be Francis.

"(Y/N)?! What the hell are you doing here?!" He shouted. I kept quiet. Gosh, this was so embarrassing. My prank had failed and couldn't be saved and now I'm trapped in a small closet with the one person I hated the most.

"Honestly, why are you so stupid." I whispered to myself as I looked around to see if there was any other way to get out of here as soon as possible.

"Is that insult directed towards me or you? Last time I checked, YOU'RE the one who started the prank war and YOU'RE the one who got us trapped here in the first place!"

I scoff, "I only intended on getting back at you for the time you threw that egg at (R/N)! I didn't know it was going to get this far! But why are we putting the blame on me? You're the one who ruined everything!"

"I only threw that egg at him because I like you!"


All this time, he had a crush on me?

After he realised what he had just confessed, he began to explain himself, "I can always talk to girls without any trouble, but when it comes to you it becomes so difficult to even spit out a hello! I knew (R/N) was going to ask you out and I just couldn't let him. So I may or may not have threatened to beat him up if he ever went near you."

It all made sense now, the reason why (R/N) didn't talk to me ever again was all because of Francis and his little crush on me.

I should be mad, but I was sort of relieved? It felt good to know the reason behind all of this. But still, I should be mad. But the next thing that happened I swear I didn't do. I had lost all control of myself and got possessed by a ghost or something. .

I leaned in and I kissed him. Like, full on lip to lip contact. After realising what I had just done I pulled away, feeling blood rush up to my cheeks and ears. I wanted to crawl in a hole and die. But he leaned back in and we were suddenly making out. I placed my hands on his cheeks for more as he placed his hands on my hips (this is so awkward omfg😀).

My cheeks were on fire, my stomach filled with butterflies, and my body felt weak. Who would've thought I'd be trapped and making out with the one person I have been fighting with for the past year? But still.. Everything felt right in that moment.

After a while, we heard the door open and we quickly pulled away from each other. I looked him in the eyes, about to say something, but I ran out the door and went home.

That night, I laid in bed thinking about what had just happened back there in the closet. Why did I kiss him? It's Francis of all people! You know, my sworn enemy? And to think that he actually had a crush on me this whole entire time. It's insane! This whole thing is insane. I'm probably going insane, that's what it is.

The actions I pulled today made me frustrated because I just could not figure out why I kissed Francis, and why I made out with him as well. I tried to sleep that night but the one thing that was on my mind was him.

After the weekend, I tried to avoid Francis as much as possible. He did come up to me multiple times but I ended up running away from him.

As I was walking in the hallways, I felt someone grab my wrist. Before I could pull away, I saw the person was none other than Francis himself. I froze.

"Why are you avoiding me?" he questions. "Did I do something wrong?"

"Could you let go of me? Teacher's gonna think I'm ditching if I don't head back." I say, still trying to break free from his grasp.

"Oh come on, if I did something wrong, you can talk to me! Just tell me what's wrong!"

I started getting irritated with him for not letting me go. I raised my voice, "My problem right now is you not letting go of me! Can't you just leave me alone? God, why are you such an annoying burden I have to take care of!" He opened his mouth to say something again, but instead finally released his hand away from my wrist. He groaned in frustration and walked away.

I felt bad for raising my voice at him and calling him a burden, but I needed to be alone with my thoughts for a while. Too much was on my mind, and the last thing I needed was to even be in the same room with the person who caused all of this.


After my last interaction with Francis, the prank war was finally over. I was relieved to know that I wouldn't have to worry about someone dressed as a killer chasing me around the school or receiving 100 pizzas on my doorstep ever again.

I stopped talking to Francis. Even though we were barely even friends, it just felt weird that we weren't at each other's throats all the time. It sounds crazy, but I just.. missed talking to him.

Some days we walked past each other in the hallways like nothing had ever happened between us. It drove me crazy

It got worse when I saw him talking to other people in the hallway. Them getting all close and personal with him.. I have never felt this much jealousy in my entire life before. Why am I even going nuts over this guy? I'm the one who decided to act like he never existed in the first place.

I had called up a friend just to rant about what had been going on with me. Talking to someone about all of this was something I definitely needed.

"After we got locked in the closet together, we made out with each other and I just can't figure out why." I explained as I laid down on (F/N)'s bed. (F/N) just hummed in response as they continued doing their homework.

"After that day in the locker though, I ignored him and called him a burden when he tried to talk to me. I feel extremely horrible about it. And even though I don't want anything to do with him, I miss talking to him a lot. I don't know why, I don't even like the guy."

"Oh but you do, you do like the guy." they respond with a laugh.

"What are you even talking about? I don't! He is just so not my type." I defended but they laughed even harder.

"Oh come on this is why you are so frustrated with your thoughts. You obviously have a massive crush on the dude, you just refuse to see it!"

I stayed quiet. Could that really be true? I like Francis back? But how is that even possible?

"Ok, think about it. You do think about him a lot right? You do get jealous when he's talking to other people right? Then you like him!" They explained.

Oh my god. They were right. I do have a crush on Francis.

"Shit!" I stood up from the bed and began to panic, " What should I do?! How do I make things right with him?"

"Talk to him. I'm sure you two can work something out." They're right, the only way I can live my life in peace again is if I talked to Francis and made things right with him again.

I began packing my things and started getting ready to leave (F/N)'s house. "Wait!" they protested, "you're gonna do it, like right now?"

"Yes." I respond, "if I don't talk to him now, I don't know when I ever will. I need to do this."

"But it's 1am.. He's probably fast asleep by now."

"Guess I'm just gonna have to take my chances. Cya, thanks for talking to me." I climbed out of their room through the window and began walking to Francis's house.

After a couple of minutes, I had finally reached his house. I went to his bedroom window which wasn't hard to find since I had visited here a couple times before during the prank war.. I had noticed he was laying on his bed peacefully sleeping. I didn't want to wake him up, but this was for the sake of my own sanity.

I lightly tapped on his window.. and no response. I tried again and still.. No response. I tried a different approach and knocked instead which jolted him awake. Francis looked at the window with sleepy eyes to see where the source of the noise came from. Once he realised I was there, he walked over to the window and opened it.

"Well well well, came here to put a raccoon here again?" he asks with a groggy voice. I sigh, "I'm sorry for waking you up at this time, but can't I just explain myself?"

"Seriously?" he asks, "at this hour? Couldn't it wait until the morning? You know, you're being a real burden to my sleep schedule right now." Oh haha. He was referring back to our last conversation.

"Could you not be a dick right now? I'm trying to tell you something important! God, why do I even like you"



"Hold on, did you just say you like me?" he asks. Well shit, I wasn't planning on telling him like this, but since the truth already came out, there's no turning back.

"Yeah" I breathe out, "I guess that's one way of saying it. I just figured that out recently and needed to get it off my chest."

I waited for his response but there was a moment of silence between us. I began to panic a little and looked at him. We shared a moment of eye contact, just a moment of us staring into each other's eyes. I got lost in his blue orbs (I forgot what his eye colour is forgive me) but snapped back to reality (oh there goes gravity) when he placed his hand on top of mine.

"Sorry, it's just," he pauses.

"I've been waiting for you to say that for a very long time now. I like you too (Y/N)."

I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding in. I grabbed his hand and leaned in to peck his lips with mine.

"I'm sorry for pranking you. I should've just spoken to you like what we are doing right now. Would've saved us a lot of time."

"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have started the prank wars in the first place."

I kiss him again. Everything felt so right in this moment. I couldn't stop smiling.

"Okay but, are you gonna keep letting me make the first move or are you gonna do something?" I tease.

"Oh I was planning on making a move! Like right now." He grabbed me and brought me into his room. Whatever we did that night is up to your imagination because the writer has been trying to finish this chapter for 5 days now and is now finally finished.

**EDITED 1x**
Again, I finished writing this late at night and I am now exhausted

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