Legacies: Next Generation

By xxxmultiversrogers

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Everyone knows the story of the original family called the Mikaelson and powerful witch family called the Ben... More

Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn
We're Being Punked, Pedro
Mombie Dearest
Death Keeps Knocking on my Door

Hope is Not the Goal

92 3 0
By xxxmultiversrogers

MG was in the woods, running from some creature late at night.

"Come on man, ima lovable virgin", MG says. "Its not my time".

Then there were loud footprints headed from him.

"Okay. Im gonna open my eyes, and everything's gonna be fine", MG tells himself. "Opening my es in three, two, one".

As he's counting he turns around.

After saying, "one", he opens his eyes when he sees a big gorilla.

"GRODD", he yells, as the gorilla yells.

MG then wakes up from his dream, panting, in his bed, where he sees the Flash comic book. As MG about to get up from the bed, he sees something in the corner of his wall, in this room, and starts to yell.

"Ahh, Ghostface", MG as he awakens from another dream.

So he goes to the kitchen, to get a blood bag, when Kaleb scared him.

"Boo", Kaleb says.

"Ah. Come on, man", MG says.

"Sorry, bruh. Too easy", Kaleb says.

"Where were you?", MG asks.

"Just got a little peckish", Kaleb says. "Went out for a midnight snack. We good?".

"Yup, all good", MG says.

"Good. Night, then", Kaleb says.
"Given our recent influx of monsters, the Sheriff and I have decided we need to take drastic action", Alaric says, as he hood a meeting at the Salvator School, which includes Sheriff Matt Donovan. "Please give him your full attention".

"Like Dr. Saltzman was saying, local girls Dana Lilien and Sasha Stoteraux didn't come home last night", Matt says. "Dana sometimes skip town for a few days to party, but this is a first for Sasha".

"Thank you, Sheriff Donovan", Alaric says. "Now while the knife is away with Dorian and things are quiet on his end, it won't hurt to assume the worst. If Dana and Sasha...".

"Dude, if you don't stop mugging me", Kaleb whispers to MG, who keeps looking at him. "You heard Ol' Blue Eyes. Dana has a history of running away".

"I saw you feed on her", MG says.

"Yeah, feed", Kaleb says. "Not kidnap, MG, I'm telling you...vampire to vampire...this ain't on me".

"...Now I'll need a few of you to volunteer to go to Mystic Falls High under the guise of an exchange program meant to improve relation between our schools, which, unfortunately, is necessary, given recent events", Alaric says. "Now I give you permission to compel them, to gather materials for locator spells, because any information we get will make all the difference".

"Well, I guess that I can set aside my differences with Dana for a day, because that is what hero's do", Lizzie says. "So...I volunteer as tribute".

"She battles one gargoyle, and suddenly, she's Mother Teresa", Hope whispers to the kid next to her.

"You're gonna be real embarrassed when I prove you wrong", Kaleb tells MG. "I'm in".

"Im in, too", MG follows.

"I'd like to help", Hope says.

"Is this meeting over", Lea announces.

"You don't wanna help?", Alaric asks.

"No", Lea says.

"Okay, well, meeting over. Meet at the bus in 10", Alaric says.
"Did they say anything about me?", Landon asked.

"No. Not yet", Rafael says. "Everybody's been talking about some missing girls from your old high school".

"Well, do you think they're gonna kick me out?", Landon asks.

"They gave you some clothes", Rafael says. "I think that's a good sign".

"From 1993".

"Come one, man. We have both been places where nobody wanted us before", Rafael says. You know the drill".

"Yeah, keep my head down, make myself useful, don't pick fights", Landon says.

"Exactly. We need today to go well, Lan", Rafael says.

"No, we need today to go perfect", Landon says. "Otherwise, I'm good as gone".

"Landon. You got a minute?", Alaric asks, walking by Rafeal and Landon's room. "I think you might be sleep use today".

"Um, yeah, sure", Landon says.

Rafael and Landon walks out the room when they see Lea walking past.

"Ms. Bennet. Bus leaves in 5", Alaric says.

"Mr. Saltzman. I said no", Lea says. "Hi. I'm Lea Bennet. I don't know if your remeber me?".

"I do. You were part of the welcome committee", Landon says.

"Yeah. I see your joining the other students. Good luck. And hopefully, you get to stay", Lea says. "Hey, wolfie".

Lea walks away before Rafeal could speak.

"No", Alaric says.
"Mystic Fall, we got claws. On the field, you'll hear us roar. rawr", the cheerleaders cheered.

The students who volunteered plus Landon went to Mystic Falls High, to find out what happened to the missing students.

"Sorry. Sorry", Landon says, as he bumped into Lizzie.

"I was making an entrance, mopehead", Lizzie says.

"Sorry. I just had a...a flashback to my freshman year here", Landon says.

"Girls are missing, so get your wedgie trauma in check or leave", Lizzie says.

"He's fine now. Let it go", Hope says.

"Okay, here the deal. Landon, you talk to any of the people you still know from when you went here", Lizzie says. "Hope, you try to not deliberately alienate the entire student body while the rest of us save the world".

"This isn't a contest, Lizzie", Hope says.

"You're right. Its a mission for a hero and her league of...whatever", Lizzie says.

"Yeah. Screw that. I work alone", Kaleb says.

"MG, I need your compulsion skills. Would you like to be the Robin to my Batwoman?", Lizzie asks.

"Actually, Batwoman doesn't have a Robin", MH says.

"Metaphor, nerd. Let's go, okay", Lizzie tells MG, leaving Hope and Landon alone.
Salvatore lunch room...
Josie and Lea were at the table studying and talking.

"You think Alaric will let Landon stay at the school?", Lea asks.

"No. Dad doesn't thinks he's supernatural", Josie says.

"A human can't be compelled unless their injestested with vervain and a supernatural can't be compelled. I think he's supernatural", Lea says. "It's interesting".

"You like interesting. My dad doesn't", Josie says.


Rafael sits next to Josie and across from Lea.

"You know wolves eat outside", Josie says.

"I'd rather eat with you two", Rafael says.

"I didn't see you at the assembly", Josie says.

"Kind of still figuring my way around this place", Rafael says. "Why didn't you ditch like Landon and go play detective?".

"Well, I'm actually working on offensive spells for class. They only teach defensive magic here", Josie says. "But I personally think that the curriculum needs to evolve".

"What?", Josie asks, when Rafeal look shook.

"Oh, nothing", Rafael says. "Im still trying to wrap my head around this being a normal conversation here".

"Got it. So...meaning your happy to be back?", Josie asks.

"I'll be happy when I know that Landon can stay", Rafael says.

Lea look at Rafael and Josie looking at each other. Of course, she wants her friend to be happy, but why did her friend like the same guy.

"Im gonna go. No point in me staying here", Lea says.

"Want me to come with", Josie asks.

"Don't bother. Kinda want to be alone", Lea says. "Have a good first day, Rafael".

Lea walks out the cafe, the same time the wolves walks inside.

"Bounce, witch. Rafeal and I need to have a little chat", Jed says.

"Soon as Josie and I are done", Rafael says.

"Actually, newb, I'm your alpha", Jed says. "You're done when I say your done".

"Well, would you look at the time", Josie says. "As fun as this hurricane of toxic masculinity is, I have to get to class".

"I'll walk you", Radars says.
"This is the senior hallway, where I spent much of my formative years stuffed in ever locker...except this one", Landon says. "That one doesn't open. On your left, you'll find the bathroom. It's where I had my first kiss with a toilet".

"Im sorry. Is it the fact I'm not openly hostile to you make it seem like we're back to being friends?", Hope asks.

"Uh, sorry. Just, I was going for effortlessly natural", Landon says. "But this is all just making me nervous. Like, the school and seeing Connor and being with you...".

"Shouldn't you be talking to anyone you know?", Hope asked.

"That's easier said than done", Landon says. "There is no way Dana's clique is talking to me unless you have a spell that will make me retroactively cool".

"Well, I'll talk to them, then", Hope says.

"It's even worse for you. Trust me", Landon says. "You have no idea how human high school work. You're the new girl. Might as well be radioactive".

"Im sorry. You look traumatized. Is this loser bothering you?", a cheerleader asks, walking up to Hope.

"He keeps trying to get me to buy his mix tape", Hope says.

"Gross. Well, we're going to lunch. You hungry?", the cheerleader asks.

"I can't believe you brought, Lea", Matt says.

"It's the only way, I can use mom bike. Even with a license and experience, he won't let me ride", Lea says. "Hopefully, he'll let me after today".

"I will", Alaric says.

"Anyway, jogger called it in", Matt says. "Yeah, the plates match. It's Dana's car. Think it's safe to say she's not a runaway".

"You said the creature were after a knife that you had sent far away", Matt says.

"They are. And I did", Alaric says. "This doesn't make any sense".

"Damn. It's Dana's body", Lea says.

"Actually, its starting to makes perfect sense", Matt says.

"What is it?", Alaric ask.

"Vampire bite", Lea says.

Matt went to do sherif things, while Alaric take a the moment to call MG....with Lea listening.

"Hello", MG says.

"I need to talk to everyone", Alaric says.

"We split up", MG says.

"Lizzie. I told you to work together", Alaric says.

"In order to conquer, we had to divide, Daddy", Lizzie says. "So, looks like you're gonna have to trust your own gene pool for once".

"Which one. The nice side, or controlling side", Lea says.

"Alright, enough. Look, I'm about to tell you three things, all equally horrifying, so I need you to keep your cool. Can you both do that?".

"Of course, no problem", MG says.

"Okay. One: Dana is dead. Two: A vampire killed her. Three: I just told the sheriff that we had nothing to do with it, so i we'd to know right now that I am right", Alaric says. "Have either of you heard anything about the vampires at our school feeding?".


"Nah, we're not supposed to, everyone knows that", MG says, trying not to lie.

"Okay, good. Lea will join you at the school. I will call you back, when I know more", Alaric says. "And I expect you to be wit Hope when I do".

"No, I'm not going to the school", Lea says.

"I'll let you take the bike", Alaric says. "After this is done, you can go, to her house, Lea. And whatever after that. Control freedom, as long as you do this, and keep your classes up".

"It's week three of the school year. I'm already ahead", Lea says.

"Their vampire bites, Ric", Matt says.

"If they said they didn't do it, they didn't do it. End of story", Alaric says.

"No, actually, it's just the beginning, because is I have to put a 17-year-old firming his body bag", Matt says.

"Trust me. You won't. Because Dana is missing", Lea says.


"She's gone", Lea says. "And now, I have to find her, before she kills someone".
"Let her go", Hope says, as her and Landon finds Kaleb, about to bite a female student.

"Dates over. It's not me, it's you. Now forget this ever happened and get back to class", Kaleb compelled, and she does just as told.

"Great. Hopes already here", Lizzie says.

"Thought we were cool, bruh", Kaleb tells MG.

"Don't "bruh" him. Second place or not, we know you killed Dana", Lizzie says.

"Wait, Dana's dead?", Hope asks.

"Dr. Saltman and Lea says they found her dead from a vampire bite", MG says.

"I didn't kill her, so y'all need to get the hell outta my face", Kaleb says.

Kaleb speeds away, but Lizzie stops him with her magic with the help of MG.

"Come on, guys. Let's go", Lizzie says. "It's hero time".

"To the Blondmobile", Hope says.

"Not so fast, Kaleb", Lizzie says.

"I told you, all I did was feed", Kaleb says. "Torture me all you want to, but my answers flagon a remain the same....because I didn't kill Dana".

"Uh, he's right", Landon says.

"What, so you're a mind reader now, Landon?", Lizzie asks.

"Call it a hunch", Landon says.

Landon points to the woods behind Kaleb, where he sees Dana walking out.

"We we're on the way to graffiti that mill at your school. It was a harmless prank", Dana says. "But then I got snatched. Next think I remember, I woke up in a ditch. So enjoy it while you can, Lizzie. I'm sure I look like crap".

Dana scratches her neck, when she then feels something.

"Oh, my god. What is that?", Dana asks.

"It's...someone help me out here", Hope says.

"It's the mother of all hickeys", Lizzie says. "You're fine, Dana. You're just a-a little slutty".

"I don't even like any of you. I should be talking to the cops", Dana says.

"I can't let you do that", Landon says.

"Ad somnum", Hope says, making Dana go to sleep.

"I mean, she can't let you do that", Landon says.

"So you didn't kill her? You freaking turned her?", Lizzie asks Kaleb.

"Turned her? You think I want to sit and listen to that for all eternity?", Kaleb asks.

"Well, someone did, meaning that we have transitioning vampire on our hands", Hope says. "So, what are we gonna do with her?".
Alaric and Lea were on the drive back to the school.

"You're quiet", Alaric says.

"Just thinking", Lea says.


"I told Hope. Everything I know", Lea says. "And she got mad that I lied. She basically told me, we weren't friends...or sisters".


"No, it's fine. I told her, because she deserved to know. But, I was ready to finally admit who I really am", Lea says. "I basically destroyed my relationship with Hope, Lizzie. I'm all alone".

"You have Josie", Alaric says.

"Trust me. I don't wanna get into that. I thought the summer was better. Travel the world with Caroline, come back in the summer, do a year of classes in three months. It was hard, but it was perfect. I was away from Mystic Falls, away from the memories of my mother. Now that I'm back, my magic gotten worse. Can't control anything, and now I'm having visions again", Lea says.

"You think a normal life is better?", Alaric asks.

"This is my normal, Ric. I just...I just want to have a human life. No supernaturals, magic knife. Just humans and their flaws", Lea says. "So, I been talking to Elena, and she says, Stephanie loves Mystic High. And if I were to transfer there, I would already have a friend".

"School just started. You want to leave?", Alaric asks.

"Would you be mad, if I said yes?".

After a quiet ride, Alaric and Lea finally makes it back to the school.

"Hey, is it cool I go to the mill. Wanna work on some spells?", Lea asks.

"Yeah. Go ahead", Alaric says. "Gotta make a phone call anyway".

Lea walks away from Alaric and he takes out his phone to make a call.

"Hello", the voice in the call says.

"Hey. We need to talk", Alaric says.
"Foster kid. I've been looking for you", Jed says.

"I'll catch up with you later. I got to get to class", Rafael says. "Look, uh, Jed, right? I don't want any problems".

"Neither do we. We just want to initiate you into the pack", Jed says. "Okay. The process is simple. You triggered your werewolf curse this month, which means you killed somebody recently. Maybe in purpose, maybe not. All you have to do, is tell us the story. That's our rite of passage".

"Yeah, I'm not really a pack kinda guy", Rafael says.

"You still don't get it, do you?", Jed ask. "You don't have a choice. You can either submit or you can bleed and then submit. It's your call".

Rafael tried to walks away, but Jed and his pack beats Rafael up. That was until Josie came.

"Hey", Josie says.

She puts her hand in the school wall, to get a little bit of magic to hurt the werewolves.

"I said hey", Josie says.
"You should tell her the truth. My guess is that she'd be psyched to be at a place like your school...I know I would", Landon.

The group was thinking of ways to tell or to not tell Dana that she was becoming a vampire.

"You're awful quiet over there, MG", Kaleb says.

"Im a feminist, bruh. I'm not gonna tell Dana what to do with her body, MG says. "Landon's right".

"Ugh, fine. Okay, but to be clear, she is not joining drill team", Lizzie says.

"Surgere", Hope says, to wake Dana up.

"Did I pass out?", Dana asks. "I don't feel so well".

"We know how you feel", Hope says. "And it's okay, you're just hungry".

"Anorexia was sophomore year", Dana says. "This is something else".

"You'll feed better after you feed. I promise", MG says.

"Oh, shut up. For real", Dana says. "Even thinking about eating make me want to...".

Dana then throws up.

"Oh, damn. What that girl eat", Kaleb says.

"I think her soul just got on my shoes. We", Lizzie says.

"I think Ima be sick, too", MG says.

"Is this normal?", Landon asks.

"She's puking her guts out", Hope says. "Literally. Dana! Dana!".

After Dana threw up her....guts...Dana was nothing but skin.

"Should we call your dad?", Hope asks.

"Why? So he can take another bullet for you?", Lizzie asks.

"No. Because whatever did this is not a vampire", Hope says. "It's got to be another monster from the knife".

"Well, maybe the monsters been right in front of us all along", Kaleb says, looking at Landon.

"What...? Are you serious?", Landon asks.

"Hey, non of this started happening until you showed up and stole that knife, which is exactly what the others monsters came here to do", Kaleb says. "You saying it's a coincidence?".

"Yeah. Yeah, yes, I am", Landon says.

"You believe me right?", he asks, looking at Hope.

"Got it. Say no more".
"Raf. Raf".

"I told you to leave me alone!", Rafael yelled.

"No, I can't do that. Not until you...".

"It's not safe", Rafael says.

"...no, just calm down", Josie says. "Close your eyes and breathe".

"Breathe", Rafael whispers.

"Just like me", Josie says.

Rafael slows down his breathing, with the help of Josie.

"Good. That's more like it", Josie says.

"Was that magic?", Rafael asks.

"No, just years of practice with Lizzie, I guess", Josie says.

"I didn't mean to scare you", Rafael says.

"No. You can't scare me. Hey", Josie says. "Hey. What scares me is that your dead if you don't submit. Hey, no, it's just the way it is".

"You're the one talking about making change, right?", Rafael ask.

"I meant adding an elective, not launching a revolution", Josie says.


"Jess an alpha, okay?", Josie says. "You're a wolf. Okay? That's just they way that it is".

"Josie", Rafeal says again, pointing to the spiderwebs in the Old Mill.

They went upstairs to looks, when they seen someone trapped in the cocoon.

"It's sash", Josie says.

Sasha wakes up scaring Josie, making her get causing in the spider web.

"I think I'm stuck", Josie says.

Rafael tries to help but gets stuck too.
After the group thinking Landon is behind the monsters he needed space. So he went to the school bathroom where Connor walked next to him......but didn't say a word. He just walked out. Landon does the same, and and when Landon walked out, then there was Connor following him to the middle of the school hallway.

"What, alright, come one. Let's get this over with. What's it's gonna be? Toilet bowl? Trash can? Bloody nose?", Landon asks. "Say something, you dick. No, you made my life miserable. You don't get to pretend I don't excuse".

Landon punches Connor but when he does, a part of Connor face comes off, and he turns into something weird, which makes Landon runs back to the others.

"Nasty.Yeah, so, I'm. I'm out of here", Kaleb says. "But a little piece of advice...Landon could be in there right now eating folks. So, I'll holla".

"Come on, guys. If it's not Landon what else could it be?", Hope asks.

"Spider. A big spider. And Arachne, if you want to be specific", MG says, holding up a page from one of his comics.

"This is nerd porn, not real life", Lizzie says.

"So we're dragons and gargoyles", MG says. "The writer bases her comics off of Greek lore. An Arachne was originally a beautiful woman who was cursed by a jealous god and turned into a giant spider. Uh, all it wants is to be human, so it wears the skin of its prey to pass. Oh, my god. It's..it's fangs are huge, so they could pass for a vampire bite. And it's bite liquefies it's victims. Plus, I found a web in Dana's hair".

"That's would explain why it couldn't follow the knife out of town. An SUV-sized insect can't exactly hitchhike unless it inhabits the body of someone", Hope says.

"Who? Sasha maybe?", MG says.

"My money is still on your boyfriend", Lizzie tells Hope.

"He's not my boyfriend", Hope says.

"If we had something from it, we could do a tracking spell", Lizzie says.

"Would it's face work?", Landon asks.
"This is bad. Whatever spun this it's gonna come back and it's gonna eat us", Josie says.

"Can't you witch us out of here?", Rafael asks.

"No, that's not how my powers work", Josie says. "My sister and I, we come from this specific witch bloodline called the Gemini Coven. Basically, we don't have powers of our own. We have to siphon them from other things first".

"So, that thing you did earlier, you siphoned power from a wall?", Rafeal asks.

"There's magic that runs through the school. It works on small spells", Josie says.

"Okay, can you siphon a wolf?", Rafeal ask.

"I mean, theoretically, yeah, but my hands are stuck", Josie says. "Unless...".

Josie kissed Rafael to siphon magic from him, and let's just say...yeah.

"That was unexpected", Rafeal says.


"Don't be", he says. "Uh, did it work?".

"I don't know. The rooms still spinning", Josie says.

"Hey. Hey we're trapped up here", Rafeal says, as someone walks into the Old Mill.

"Connor?", Josie says.

Connor turns his head revealing half human- half spider.

"Damn", Rafeal says. "He's coming. Josie's, now will be a good time for one of those offensive magic spells you were talking about".


"All right, I think you got him", Rafael says.

"Or we just kissed him off", Josie says.

"Motus", Lea quietly says, walking into the old mill.

"Thank god. Lea", Rafeal says.

Lea puts the Arechnea onto the wall, so it doesn't go anywhere.

"Are you guys okay?", Lea asks.

"Yeah", Josie says.

"I can't hold it for long", Lea says.
"It's for you. No way, I'm telling your dad what we're about to do", MG says, as Alaric starts calling him, when their heading for the school.

MG hands the phone to Lizzie.

"I suck at lying", Lizzie says. "Your great at it".

Lizzie hands the on one to Landon.

"You're his favorite", Landon says.

Landon hands the phone to Hope.

"Lea is his favorite", Hope says. "Sadly she isn't here. And you're the hero", Hope says.

Hope hands the phone back to Lizzie.

"Hi, Daddy", Lizzie says.

"Hey, thought I'd call, check in, see how things are going", Alaric says.

"So good", Lizzie says.

"Really? Define "good", Lizzie, because I don't think that involves me tracking down Dana's body to the glove department", Alaric says.

"Listen, Daddy, it's fine. We cracked the case", Lizzie says. "It's a spider. But, like, a big, huge, nasty spider and MG's comic books know how to kill it".

"Comic books? Really? Lizzie, listen to me, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't, okay?", Alaric says. "So just tell me where you are, and Matt and I will be right there. And where isnHope?".

"Im sorry Dad. You're gonna have to trust me for once", Lizzie says.

"Let's do this".

Rafael and Josie was still stuck in the web, but Lea couldn't hold the spider for long, so when it got free, it ran towards her, making Lea run away. Then nothing.

"You think he's still out there?", Rafeal asks.

The spider then comes in from the roof, making Josie scream.

"Hey, douchebag", Landon says, hitting the railing with a hammer, trying to get its attention. "Oh".

"I hate spiders", Hope says.

"You need to get us out of here", Rafeal tells Josie.

"Crap", Josie says, before kissing Rafeal for more magic.


"Lizzie, I need your help", Hope says. "Josie, take my hand".

"Repeat after me", Hope says.

"Imperium fluctus malleus".

As the three Reyes to destroy the spider, MG found Lea outside on the ground.

"Lea, hey. You okay?", MG asks.

"Yeah. I got hit", Lea says.

"Here let me help", MG says, trying to give some of his blood to Lea to heal her.

"No. I'm not taking vampire blood, MG", Lea says.

"It's not working", Hope yells.

"You got too. You gotta help them", MG says.

Lea gets up off the ground, but still denies the vampire blood. She walks into the Old Mill, and sees the three girl chanting the spell.

Lea hold her side, as she joins them.

"Imperium fluctus malleus".

"Imperium fluctus malleus".

"Imperium fluctus malleus".

"Imperium fluctus malleus".

Finally destroying the spider.

The guys saved Sasha, while the four witches killed the Spider for good.

"I need a long shower", Lea says.

Later that night....
Sasha was going home....with no memory of what happened of course.

"You're gonna be fine. There was a party in the woods. You and Dana had the time of your lives. But in the way home, you guys were attacked by a mountain lion. You survived and Dana didn't. There was nothing you could do", MG compelled.

"Dana dead?", Sasha asks. 

"Just take it all away", Lizzie says. "Tell her not to feel anything".

"You can't compel her not to grieve", Hope says.

"Im helping her", Lizzie says.

"Tell her that it's gonna hurt", Lea says. "It always will. Tell her that some days will be harder than others...".

"But eventually she'll remember the good times she had with Dana, too", Hope finishes. "Tell her to hold into those, because it's the key to getting through this".

Hope walks away to the school while, Lea drives off on her moms bike, to s place she hasn't been to in a while.

When Lea arrives to her destination....she sees her aunt sitting on the porch swings.

"Hello, Lea", she says.

"Hi, Elena", Lea says. "Been a while".

"Yes, it has. I see Alaric finally gave you the okay, to ride your moms bike?", Elena says.

"Yeah. I had to do something, to be able to use it", Lea says. "You know us...we love deals".

"Yes, you too do. So, what are you doing here?", Elena asks.

"Im assuming Alaric called you. Telling you I was coming", Lea says.

"Earlier yea. Of course, he doesn't want you to leave the Salvatore school, so he wants me to mask sure you don't", Elena says. "He raised you as his own, Lea. So, you can understand. Why do you want to leave".

Lea sits next to Elena and starts crying. 

"I told Hope", Lea says. "I told her, everything".

"What happened?", Elena asks.

"What secret, Lea?", Hope asks.

Lea looks at Hope in her eyes.

"Im your sister", Lea says.

"Wha- what, no", Hope says. "I don't...my father didn't have any other kids, other than me...he would've known".

"When your mom was pregnant...everyone knew. They wanted to kill you, because of what you would've become. An original Tribrid".

"I know. But what about you? They would've known if your existence", Hope says.

"My ancestors hid me....so no one would know I existed...not until I come of age. When I learned to defend myself", Lea says.

"Why tell me now? Why keep this from me and my father?", Hope says.

"My mom wanted to tell him. I wanted to know him", Lea says. "But we couldn't find any original.We heard rumors that they were dead. Five years and nothing".

"They weren't dead", Hope says. "It's complicated".

"Im sorry, Hope", Lea says.

"If what happened today, didn't happen...would you have told me?", Hope asks.

"Yes, eventually. I wasn't ready, Hope. I wasn't ready to accept the fact that I was an tribrid. I wasn't ready for my friends to hate me, for keeping this secret", Lea says. "I wasn't ready, for you too be hating me".

"Well, I do. I could've had a sister. When I go lonely, or bored. My sister could've been there", Hope says. "I get it. Our lives growing up, haven't been easy. But it could've gotten better with us, together".

"Im sorry. But I didn't want to betray my family", Lea says.

"I am your family. So is dad, uncle Elijah, Freya, Aunt Bex, Kol. We're your family also", Hope says. "And none of us knew".

"And now that you do....what happens now?", Lea asks.

"Im sick of people lying to me. I can't have that in my life", Hope says. "You can apologize all day and all night. But I can't forgive you. I can't be your friend...your sister".


"All I am to you...if your roommate", Hope says. "Nothing more".

"Please. I don't have anyone else here", Lea says.

"That's your fault. You ruined your relationship with Lizzie and me. Josie is next...who else. MG. Kaleb", Hope says. "You lied to me...probably to them. For your family".

"Fine. Roommates and that's it", Lea says. "Have a good life, Hope".

"And I walked out", Lea says.

"You didn't do anything wrong, Lea. When growing up, you do anything for family. Keep a secret, doing favors...etc.", Elena says. "Ever since learning about vampires and werewolves....your life chances...for the good and bad. People come and people go. But one thing I noticed is...that family isn't always blood, Lea. It's the people who stay by you...through the good and the bad".
"Yeah, we'll, I know why it's quiet on your end. We had a visit from an ancient body-snatching spider today", Alaric says, over the phone.

"We'll, that's an...interesting development", Dorian says. "Hang on a sec".

"Listen, why don't you come home. We were wrong. Nothings coming your way", Alaric says.

"Hold that thought", Dorian says.
Lea makes it back to the school, where she sees Landon.

"Hey, Kirby", Lea says.

"Hey. Lea", Landon says. "Nice bike".

"Thanks. It's was my mom", Lea says. "So, what are you doing?".

"Nothing. Heading to bed", Landon says. "You?".

"Nothing. Maybe work on some spells", Lea says.


"If you want. If your not tired, you can help me with some. Or hang out...and talk about anything. Nerdy or not", Lea says. "Or we can play a board game, and work on spells".

"Are you secretly a nerd?", Landon asks.

"It's not a secret. I love comics....games....LARPING is fun", Lea says.

"You know what, I think I will join you", Landon says. "I wanna know more about LARPING".

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