The Greatest Ever

By MAHB4104

44K 885 205

That one day, everything changed. As the boy fought the beast with burning heart full of passion, his courage... More

The Greatest Ever
This new World
Lore AND Family
Status & Dungeon
The Journey
The Progression
A quick Note*
Ch 7
Declaration of War
The structure of my fic
Aftermath && Additions
What it means
Fame & Encounter
Climax (2)
Status Sheet*
Past, Present & Future
Abyss & Saint
Extermination Squad


1.4K 45 1
By MAHB4104

CH 10: Preparations




That word alone hyped everyone up. Even though a formal announcement had yet to be made, everyone was already aware of it's happening. If there was one thing disappointing them then that would be the fact that it was a complete let down.

This excitement would have been greater if two strong familias were going head-to-head and yet here, it would probably end within the first hour if not for the rule introduced by Hermes

Difference in power between the two familias participating was akin to Heaven and Earth, no comparison what-so-ever. Many 'experts' speculated, no they already presented facts of how Hestia Familia had no chance. Of how they would break even before the end of the first day.

There were even those who speculated their escape from the scene to avoid embarrassing defeat. Though if that did happen, they would no longer have any place to stay in Orario

"Is Hestia just playing around?"

"She must be otherwise who would accept such a challenge"

"Atleast, she showed guts by not running away"

"So what? Guts don't mean a thing in such battles"

"Well, they're just digging their own graves"

"I just hope they won't lose too badly"

Public opinion was very negative. Hardly anyone supported Hestia familia since the gap was just too wide to be covered by measly three novice adventurers.

While the city was in an uproar, a group of five entered Orario from one of the behemoth gates. They looked strange from the get-go since each member composing it belonged to a different race. This wasn't rare in Orario, but this arrangement was almost impossible to be found anywhere outside since different races usually don't interact with each other.

Another distinct feature this group had was that except for a middle-aged man, everyone was carrying some sort of musical instrument. They looked like a band ready to perform anywhere and at anytime

"We're here!?" Werewolf from the group howled in excitement.

"How do you have so much energy left nya!" The Catgirl next to him looked incredibly tired. It was as if she had run a marathon consuming all her energy

"Don't make a scene here" They were reprimanded by a blond elf next to them, one for being too excited and the other for being too lazy

"Where.To.Next" ignoring all the ruckus, Boaz spoke to a middle aged man who looked to be the oldest and wisest among this group

"Let's find an inn or something for temporary lodging"

Everyone agreed and got on their way. After asking around for some time they finally managed to find a hotel. It wasn't big or fancy but fulfilled all their needs.

"Hey Karl, Isn't this too expensive?"

"That's Orario for you"

Orario was an expensive city. Anything and everything could be found here but the prices were too high. That was also natural since this city served as 'the centre of the world', a communication, trade and information hub.

"Shall we perform!? I am ready"

"Keep it down. Our first priority is to join a familia"

"I don't think anyone would reject our group" She wasn't wrong. Although it might not seem like it but each one of their group members was strong in their own right. They could apply for any familia and were certain that so long as they were given a chance, no one would reject them

In fact, they came to Orario to live and become part of this city. They had been wandering for too long and now that their celestial was gone, finally decided to settle here.

That said "So, who're we gonna join nya!" they had yet to decide the familia they would apply for. There were too many options

"Be patient. Let's walk around a bit before deciding on anything" They naturally wanted to join a strong familia, but they also wanted to leave an impression in everyone's mind. Yes, they were attention seekers, but each had their own reasons

"Oh yeah now that I remember, the city is in quite a festive mood"

"Isn't that normal here nya!"

"Nah! I heard something about Wargame or something"

"A wargame huh! This might be our chance" the one named Karl spoke up. He was the most senior here and looked to be the leader of this group

"How so?"

"Let's walk around a bit"


Eina was worried, perhaps more than anyone else. She didn't want Hestia Familia to take part in this charade, a losing battle. She who hadn't seen a thing could only speculate based on information present and yes even she couldn't see a single light of hope. Perhaps a miracle could change everything or an unforeseen variable, but those things were too unreliable to be believed.

"Hope he's fine" she said in a worried tone. Perhaps it was her thoughts leaking out due to all the tension she was feeling. She knew the kind of Familia Apollo was, no doubt Apollo would treasure Bell, but the question was, did Bell want to live like that? OR could he even live like that?

She already knew the answer and that's why she didn't want to see him suffer.

What was Bell to her anyway for her to be so worried?

Did she perhaps have sort of special feelings for him? Atleast her co-workers teased her about this, and she didn't refute them. Yes, she definitely had specials place for him in her heart

In the beginning she treated Bell like any other adventurer, but the Boy was different. He was too pure and naive. He shared everything with her, his likes, dislikes, hobbies, reasons for being here and everything else. He could be red like an open Book from emotions and expressions.

He didn't try to hide or change what he felt or did. And more than anything he viewed the world in a very pure and bright light. Well, he used to, but she had noticed change in his atmosphere and worldview as of late.

It wasn't bad. That was simply the proof of him growing him and she was happy for that.

Anyway, in simple terms there were no barriers between them, and she started to treasure the little moments they had together.

Eventually she developed a thought 'I must protect him' and she still felt that even now. She wanted to keep him away from the darkness of the world but that wasn't possible due to his profession, but she still supported him in any way possible.

Although she did feel lonely from time to time now since there was someone else protecting and raising the boy now. She had seen that man who stood like an iron wall behind him multiple times and she felt happy by that development but that also meant that Bell was no longer dependent upon her which conflicted her.

Regardless she always wished for his safety and the feeling was same even now.

Yes, she had special feelings for him, but they weren't romantic. She didn't view Bell that way and doubted she ever will. To her Bell was like a little brother who needed to be safeguarded, a position taken by someone else, but she still helped him in any way she could.

Giving him private lessons was one such way and providing advice another.

Now, she couldn't join him for battle but at least she could pray for his safety. Perhaps there would be a variable

"If it's that man then" she remembered Zoro. She had seen him multiple times and always felt pressured and amazed. That man possessed an otherworldly aura like no one else. She was used to dealing with powerful people like Loki and Freya Familias and yet none could compare, at least in terms of impression that man gave her.

Maybe with him present, everything would be fine...

"What are you giggling about?" Eina suddenly turned around looking at her co-workers smirking while looking at her.

"Nothing. It's just a sight to see you murmuring to yourself."

"Yeah. Your thoughts are leaking out young lady"

It seemed she had lost her cool for a moment. She didn't pay attention to them and immediately took deep breaths to stabilize herself.

"Oh look. Your favourite is coming over" Misha her close friend was pointing at a direction chuckling.

Eina looked over and found Bell coming over with bright smile. The boy didn't seem to feel any tension whatsoever, even ignoring all the snickering and pitying gazes around him. He had been told to act that way by Hestia, but it wasn't easy.

"Hi miss Eina"

"You look in juvenile mood. Yes, stay like that"


"No nothing. Forget it" she looked over at the white paper in Boy's hand "So, why are you here"

"Oh, this..." Bell handed the white paper over to her. Eina looked over and was shocked despite preparing herself beforehand.

The paper had Hestia's Emblem on it along with a name. It was none other than Rorona Zoro and he seemed to have level up.

'But how?! No wait. If it's him then...' She had heard rumours multiple times of someone hunting down hordes of powerful lvl 2 monsters. According to rumours, the man held three long katanas and was a masterful swordsman.

The only one who met such description was Zoro and no one else, at least she didn't know of anyone else. That said maybe it truly was him but that wouldn't make sense since she had personally seen his level in the beginning and that truly was beginner lvl 1

'Could technique and instinct really make up for such a huge gap in power?' that was the thought plaguing her mind for quite some time now but now it seemed it truly was possible.

So far as she knew, there were only three lvl 1's who managed to fight and defeat a single lvl 2 monsters before levelling up. These were Ottar, Aiz and Bell and each one had created a record.

Ottar levelled up in only a year, Aiz in only eleven months and Bell who manage to do the same in only six months and now there was someone who managed to once again establish a record of only one month.

'Times are changing' she didn't know but same thoughts were in everyone's mind. The last decade especially was very fruitful with many heroes rising up the ranks.

"Hah. This is going to be troublesome" she shook her head reading full documentation of all the monsters slayed by Zoro to lvl up. She had thought Bells was insane, but this was on a whole new level. Just the number of lvl 2 slayed monsters reached nine, not to mention anything else

Hearing her Bell could only scratch his head in embarrassment unable to make an eye contact as if he was guilty of something

That's because what Eina didn't know was the fact that Lily was the one preparing this report and she had basically removed more than 95% of the content leaving only a few lvl 2 slain along with many lvl 1's. Full report would be too stimulating but even with the remaining 5% and false information, it was still insane.

"Haha Well miss Eina, I'll be on my way. We have a lot of preparations to complete so" And with that he dashed away

"Why was he in so much hurry to leave" Misha found it confusing but after seeing the documentation sheet she couldn't utter a word with mouth gawked open


It was hot with temperature rising to the highest degrees possible. A young man could be seen fully focused on hammering on what could be seen as raw metals. It seemed he was removing impurities right now with systematic but constant hammering being the best proof of his skill.

Wearing black pants while being topless taking in all the heat from smithy. It would be enough to fry anyone but not him since this was all normal. Although it looked like nothing else mattered to him, his eyes were blank as if in being deep thought. Thoughts not about what he was doing rather what he will do. After some more hammering he eventually put down his hammer with sharp gaze as if finally arriving at a decision.

Using a clean piece cloth to wipe away all the sweat while extinguishing the fire from smithy, he got on to prepare himself since this meeting he was going to have would be of utmost importance. It would likely change the entire course of his life, but he was determined to see it through, and no one was going to stop him, not even the woman he respected and loved.

He donned his usual attire and left on to visit Hephaistos who would likely be in her office at this time.

Hephaistos familia was big with each smith having their own smithy. They worked individually for the most part although collaboration wasn't rare either. Them being given their own smithy was so that they could keep and protect their techniques. For a smith more than anything, heritage and techniques were of utmost importance greater than even their lives so each smith regardless of novice or master kept theirs to themselves unless they chose an apprentice, something which again wasn't rare.

Thus, the familia was divided into many blocks of novices, students, masters and grandmasters with each getting a different treatment. Right in the centre though was their lodgings although it wasn't used for the most part since each smith usually slept in their smithy regardless of how cramped it might be. Hephaistos's office was also located in here and was Welf's goal.

It didn't take long for him to arrive right outside the door, ramping and preparing himself for what he was about to do, what he was going to ask her.

Mustering up enough courage and with strong will he knocked on the door

"Enter" just like he expected. She was indeed here right now and thus without further ado he went inside. Just like always she was there sitting on her desk with documents lying about.

What caught his eyes though was a dagger, a small and unpolished one in her hands


"No need to be confused. It is yours"

"Yeah" Welf remembered making this dagger when he first came to join the familia. Back then he was unpolished and had almost no experience, but his determination was what allowed him to make this dagger. Despite it being essentially useless, he could call it his best work due to all the will and power he had put in it

"So, what do you want?" Hephaistos opened her desk door and put it inside there, as if treasuring it away

Welf looked at her for a moment and then without hesitation "I want to leave and join Hestia Familia"

"Are you sure?" Although she asked that but given the burning flames in his eyes, the answer was obvious

"Yes" there was no other answer


"Because I want to hel-"

"I'm not asking why you want to leave" She interjected "Why do you think I would allow that?"

"Because the one I know, and love would never say 'no' to this selfish request of mine"

"You think you know me?"

"As much as necessary"

"Hm..." she suddenly chuckled "I remember a youth from few years back who once told me that he would make me acknowledge him not due to his 'blood' but hard work"

"Yes, I remember that" Welf had told this to her without hesitation. Perhaps it was due to him being too young and brash, but he intended to keep his words

"Then what about it. Did you not want to make weapons which exceeded your heritage?"

"I intend to, and I will" His determination spoke for itself "I too remember once someone telling me that so long, I have hammer, metal, good flame and desire to make then it doesn't matter where, I would succeed"


"Not to mention I have already seen the path I'm going to follow"

"Oh! You're saying you have a reference point. Is it Hestia Knife I forged? Let me be honest Welf following my shadow would do you no good"

"No. I do not intent to and I never will. The path I've seen is forged by mortals and I'm going to walk till its end" Welf was remembering the three katanas he had seen. No doubt they could challenge even her work and that was the path he was ging to follow from now on.

Path of a man, of a mortal and not a celestial

"Those are good eyes" they were literally burning with desire, something she hadn't seen till now

Hearing that Welf couldn't help smiling "I've heard those same words before"

And silence once again descended the room with neither side saying anything. Hephaistos looked deeply at Welf. Honestly, she was amazed at his change. She had seen him multiple times, but each time couldn't help but sigh at his fate, at his ambition of catching up to her. She more than anyone else knew that was impossible so long as he kept chasing after her shadow but now it seemed he had managed to find a different but correct path.

Looking at him reminded her of smiths of the old, those men who without any special power or materials managed to forge equipment of legends used by heroes and villains alike. Weapons and armours which could challenge even her own work.

Perhaps he too had that potential, no he definitely did but said potential was awakening only now.

"Tell me your reason"


And with a genuine smile "I accept"

And thus, on this day Welf Crozzo joined Hestia Familia


Takemikazuchi was pacing back and forth looking quite distressed and the reason for such was standing right in front of him.

He turned towards such reason "Are you sure Mikoto?" and asked with a little uncertainty in his tone.

"Yes" and she answered with determined eyes. He couldn't help but sigh looking at those eyes. She was certain about this decision.

Just a while ago, Mikoto came to him and proposed that she would leave Takemikazuchi Familia 'temporarily' and join up with Hestia Familia. The reason being returning the favour. Back then they were saved from that huge monster outbreak due to timely intervention of Bell and Zoro and she wanted to help them however much she could both as a thanks and as friend.

Takemikazuchi wasn't against this decision of hers, NO. Rather he too wanted to help Hestia, but the problem was the others attitude. Just last night, both him and Miach had offered to help her but were rejected. Hestia didn't want them to get involved in this mess and she looked quite confidant as if they weren't facing impossible odds but rather something normal.

This confidence both shocked and perplexed them.

Where was this confidence coming from? They weren't sure but there must be some reason, just they didn't know what

He circled his gaze in the room looking at everyone else and finally meeting Mikoto's. With that he finally decided, he won't get involved. He would just take her to Hestia and have her make the choice of accepting or rejecting.

"Fine. Come I'll take you there but remember Mikoto..." he took a deep breath "Final decision would be hers so don't feel conflicted regardless of what it might be" that was the best words he could say to her.

Mikoto was like a butterfly, easily hurt, delicate. He didn't want anything to affect her growing confidence and in case Hestia rejected, that could very likely happen. So, best was to be prepared beforehand

"Yes!" she wasn't sure what he meant but she would keep in mind those words

"Let's go" And with that Takemikazuchi left with Mikoto in tow.

Crossing through narrow streets and winding pathways, they finally reached the broken down church Hestia Familia called their home
"Hah! Why is she still living here anyway?" He couldn't understand that. Hestia Familia in his knowledge made a lot this past month, enough for them to buy a decent home and yet they still remained here. It was really perplexing

Going forward, taking the stairs down they finally reached the door to basement. This basement served as their home composed of a single decent sized room with an attached bath and kitchen. The wooden door itself wasn't all that sturdy and could easily be broken provided enough forced was to be applied.

He knocked "Anyone home?"

"Hm! Aaa yes. Is that you Take? Come in" A lazy voice or maybe tired? Whatever it seemed Hestia was home

"Why don't you keep it close" the door was open. In fact, so long as he knew, it was never closed

"What is there to steal here anyway" all of Hestia or more like most Familias stored all their wealth in guild. Although they had to pay 2% of their whole stored wealth on monthly terms to the guild, it still stayed safe there

"No but still. Forget it" He knew he couldn't win in argument so backed off

"Where are others?" He couldn't see anyone here except for Hestia.

"They've gone to the dungeon for some training. Anyway, so... why are you here?" She looked at him and then towards Mikoto seeming puzzled. Well, he couldn't blame her

"Here's the thing............."

After some time...

"I see I see. So, in other words Mikoto-chan here wants to temporarily join us in our time of need"

"Yes" It was Mikoto who answered. Since it was her decision, it was right for her to do all the talking. Take just looked on as the two 'girls' spoke.

"And your reason?"

"I-We were helped, and I want to p-" she was interrupted halfway "Pay it back? If that's the case, then go back. We never considered that as a favour" Hestia directly shot her down. Even if she was going to accept help, this would never be the reason

"No there's another reason" Mikoto seemed flustered. She was before but even more so now

"Let's hear it then"

Taking a deep breath "I want to help my friends" and Hestia smiled at that answer "That's good but Mikoto-chan I respect your will to help us, but I'll have to decline"


"Tell me, where does your heart truly lie right now?"

"That's..." Mikoto looked at Takemikazuchi from the corner of her eyes. The answer was obvious

"There's no other reason" Hestia could tell. Unlike Welf who had burned the bridge after crossing the river, Mikoto was different. Perhaps it was due to difference in experiences or perhaps character, but she never truly joined Hestia Familia even if she did become part of it. Takemikazuchi Familia would always remain as her first concern and priority, and this was obvious just from that 'temporarily'.

"And another reason is because we don't really need any help, at least not right now. Buut we might need you and your whole familia in future so would you be willing to fight side by side with my children then?"

"Hm!? Y-Yes! Definitely" Mikoto who had slumped seemed energetic all of a sudden. Yes, it was true that she could easily be hurt but that also meant that she could easily be soothed as well. Not to mention Hestia had a lot of ways to do the soothing since she did have experience with someone like her, pure and innocent. No maybe they were just Naïve and clueless

With all that settled, Takemikazuchi and Mikoto waved their goodbyes and left leaving Hestia behind. After they left, her atmosphere changed. There was none of that laziness or full of confidence posture, now she looked serious. Yes, she was confident but how much?

Even if she was aware of how strong her children were, could they cross that bridge of quantity. This was a war game and things could change instantly with a single fuse or a variable. She could instinctively feel such 'variable' although she didn't know what it was but among all the celestials, if Freya was best at recognizing talents, Loki was best at recognizing Potentials then she possessed by far the best instinct. And her instinct had been warning her of a variable, that there was more to Apollo than met the eye. That Apollo had a trump card never seen before

Now she could only hope for said variable to not turn out to be a huge threat


The sound of blades clashing with enough intensity to cut through the surrounding air could be heard from a distance. Over there two silhouettes were clashing head on with sparks flying all around with each clash.

It was Zoro training Bell with Lili and Welf looking on from the side, exhausted. It seemed they had their fill already. They were on 18th floor right now, and at quite a distance from the Rivera.

Right now, both Zoro and Bell were about as physically strong as the other and due to vast difference in experience, skill and techniques, Bell was falling behind. With a 'clang!' sound Bell was thrown off due to his own forward momentum.

He stopped at a distance and readied his stance with a knife in each hand. Under the watch of those present, Bell jumped forward with as much force as possible while trying to maintain his balance. Just when Bell came within distance, Zoro moved. With feet firmly planted on the surface he intercepted each one of his strikes with dead accuracy, his sword moving around in various angles without losing even a bit of stability deflected all of Bell's attacks in an extremely natural manner.

After clashing for some time Bell was once again thrown back but this time due to recoil of his burst. That said, he didn't stop and once again readied his stance for another round

'It's time to end this' and with that Zoro prepared for a finish. Bell used his speed to his advantage and once again rushed at him but this time rather than intercepting, he used an extremely light movement to subside the assault followed with a forceful horizontally slash with the back of his blade striking Bell in his joints in swift motion disarming him.

The knifes fell and he himself clutched his fingers due to sting he felt. He was improving and getting batter no doubt but still... the gape just seemed to be getting wider and wider

"Don't beat yourself up. You'll be good as me in no time"

"Haha..." Bell couldn't help giving out dry laugh. Was this supposed to motivate him or make him feel better?

"Um..." it looked like Lily wanted to say something but just didn't know how to bring it up. She was hesitating

"What is it, Lily?"

"No, Lily just thinks, we should decide on a strategy? Only two days remain after all"

"Yeah right. Hate to admit it but we're really gonna have one tough battle"

"All right then let's get on with it"

"What!?" all three were shocked at this. Was this time and place really appropriate for such meeting? Not to mention "Shouldn't Hestia also be present?" this was another thing to consider. Hestia was their patron; their leader and it wouldn't feel right to exclude her from such an important meeting

"I'm joking" Zoro truly looked like he was joking around "We'll decide on all that after getting back. Right now, I need to prepare you three for what's about to come" even though three of them improved but there were still areas worth working on and now was the time to focus on them.

"Alright Break over"

And with that, the group once again went on with it

One day till wargame..........

Today was the rest day for Hestia Familia. After all the gruelling they did in the dungeon, proper rest was needed for them to stay in top condition and apply whatever they learned tomorrow.

Zoro was taking a nap while Bell was helping Hestia in chores like maintaining their weapons and armours along with going through the list of supplies available. It was mostly Hestia with Bell interjecting from time to time. Lily and Welf had gone out to gather information for strategizing. Yes, they had yet to make any sort of plan, but this wasn't due to laziness rather they just couldn't. From morning till evening, they would be trained by Zoro through various means and each day would end with them fighting against each other in mock battles. This was so that they could gain practical experience against humans, no matter how small and although it looked like Zoro didn't care, each one of them could tell that he already had an idea of what they would do. Hestia too seemed to know about it but didn't divulge.

Today was the day of finalizing everything before tomorrow's battle

"We're back" it didn't take long for the two of them to get back with ashen faces. It was obvious that whatever information they obtained wasn't anything good

Zoro too woke up right away as if waiting just for this moment.


"It's not good. I don't know how but Apollo managed to recruit five more members"

"Five Lvl 2's is it..." Zoro nodded. It didn't take a genius to judge the lvl of those five new recruits when added with Welf and Lili being down along with taking into account the rule Apollo himself proposed, no lvl 3 or above could be recruited by either during this week.

"Yea. Five lvl 2's and with that they now possess seven lvl 2's"

"What is their total force?"

"One lvl 3, seven lvl 2's and over 200 lvl 1's" after thing for a bit "Lili wishes to propose something"

"Go ahead"

"So since the difference in our numbers is so huge, Lily thinks it would be better to go for a quick win rather than fighting an extended battle"

"And how do you suppose that would happen"

"Lily has Cinderella which allows Lily to change her appearance. So, with infiltration, Lily could open back door for Zoro-sama to enter and directly go for their captain while others would distract the enemy forces" Lily never doubted Zoro winning against Hyakinthos and she never doubted Bell and Welf not being able to become distractions. It was especially so with Welf's Magic sword which if she wasn't wrong about, then could cause a lot of chaos

"Although that is feasible but no. That won't do"

"But why not. This is the easiest and fastest way to achieve victory"

"Hahaha" Zoro shook his head laughing "If I want end things quickly than those over 200's would keel over just like that"

"Oh yes" it seemed Lily had forgotten about his ability to knock others out

"What do you mean?" Welf and even Bell was confused. Zoro never used his Conquerors Haki in front of them yet, so they had no idea of its capability

Ignoring them "Then what does Zoro-sama wants. It seems you already have a plan" she was right. The plan was already prepared since long ago, one which no one would disagree with

"Bell will be the one to fight Hyakinthos" This statement blew their minds but after giving it some deep thought, yes. That would be just right since Bell was beaten by the fellow so he should have the opportunity to take him down. That would also be symbolic

Another problem was that most had started calling Bell 'the cursed child' OR similar. For them Bell brought all this trouble to Hestia Familia and that this small familia would be destroyed due to him. These opinions naturally didn't affect Hestia Familia much, but they did weight heavy upon Bell himself. So, if he managed to take out Hyakinthos or at least fight him to a standstill then people would have no choice but to change their evaluation.

Then Bell wouldn't be the harbinger of disaster on his familia but rather the one who solved their problem and fought bravely against an adversary much stronger than himself. This would also improve his overall public image along with dispelling doubts of many people who accused him of cheating or spreading lies.

That said, all this depended upon Bell actually fighting him on even terms or surpassing him and that's why his training was much harder when compared to others.

Bell too was looking forward to facing him again. He had been continually fighting someone Hyakinthos couldn't even begin to compare just for preparation and tomorrow would be the day to see result of all his suffering.

"Looking at your expression, it seems I don't need to say more"

"Yes. I'll give it my all" Although Bell wanted to fight and even defeat Hyakinthos, but he wasn't overconfident or conceited. No matter what, Hyakinthos was strong and even he didn't have full confidence of actually defeating the guy

"Good" Zoro turned to Welf "I heard Lily say something about 'magic sword'?"

"Yes" Welf took out something wrapped in bandages. After the cloth came off, a crystal-clear red sword was presented in front of everyone. It was see through with hot energy being emanated from it "This is 'katsuki' I didn't have much time so only one-"

"What can it do" Zoro had no interest in knowing what couldn't be done. This thing was similar to a dagger Lily had just much bigger. It also seemed to be much stronger and there was something different about it. Zoro couldn't put a finger of what

"It can only be used once but it should be enough to break the castle wall" even though he said something outrageous, Welf didn't seem a tad bit excited. In fact if possible he didn't want to make a magic sword but during the battle tomorrow, he couldn't think of anything he could do for a great affect except for relying on his blood. Since that was the case and he had decided to walk with them, it would be just right to not hold back

"So, it's powerful. Use it when I signal you to" Zoro had suddenly though of something but decided to keep the suspense


"Now about the plan, Hestia would do the explaining" Hestia was already aware of his plan, so it didn't make a difference of who did the explanation. Truth to told, he was too lazy to repeat what he had already discussed

"Alrighty! First thing first, feel free to add anything so long it's feasible and would go along with our main goal. Now that all that's out of the way you......................"

Bell and others listened to her with rapt attention without missing a single beet. During the process, Lily interjected a few times and added something to enhance the plan further. Bell and Welf simply went along with the flow

So, in the end the final plan was rather simple. The main goal was to highlight Hestia Familia's power. Zoro didn't just want to win, no. That wouldn't do. He wanted to win an overwhelming victory where none of the opponents was left standing. Only that way could they highlight their power.

Yes, that might invite envy and jealousy, but it would also keep the buzzing bees away from their familia with no one taking light of them. The main purpose was to show them of what would happen to those trying similar stunts and also that this Familia although small had enough power to keep themselves safe


It was morning and yet the streets which would usually be bustling were quiet. It felt as if the entirety of Orario was sleeping with majority of the shops being closed. The only businesses which were booming right now were Pubs or Cafeterias with many adventurers patiently waiting as well as placing bets

Today was wargame, an event not seen in many years. An event everyone was looking forward to with their hearts thumping more than usual.

And thus, with a gong, the curtains fell



Some of you might not like the idea of me not including Mikoto in Hestia familia but for me, she is more like an ally. Atleast that's how I see her

Anyway, it seems my ability to write fight scenes might be getting somewhat better. Well, I hope for more improvement, but next chapter is going to directly start with beginning of the war. I'm removing some opening scenes or no. Maybe I'll add a line or two about that pendant Syr/Freya gave him but weather you want it or not, do tell me

I'm out of words right now and can't think of anything more to write so


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