Illusion of love

By thedreadedangel25

146 34 28

Emma watched as her dreams ebbed away. The only man she ever wanted, the one that she had saved herself for... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twelve

4 2 0
By thedreadedangel25

*Warning* Violent Scenes ahead.

Emma stared at Nathan and so did
the others.

"Love, it's none of our business," April said.

Emma took it as her cue to leave. "I have to go. Enjoy your time here."
"Thanks, Emma. Actually, we just came from the wedding venue. Gosh, it's stunning," April said.

"Emma! I don't have all day," the man from the bakkie shouted.

Nathan was fuming. Emma noticed, but she was not interested in analysing him or the situation.

"Bye guys," Emma said walking away, smiling at everyone, but Nathan, with Bubbles jumping on her.

"We should get going as well," Nathan said.
"Yeah," Joel agreed. "We have to be at the airport early tomorrow morning."
"It was lovely here, but I want to sleep in my own bed," April added.

Emma gave her cousin, Sean, an ugly stare, before getting into the passenger seat. Sean put Bubbles in the back of the bakkie. He was not getting dog's hair onto his seats. He sat in the driver's seat, putting the radio on Emma's favourite radio station. He was not in the mood for Christian radio, but he wanted to make up for his bad behaviour.

"You don't have to sweeten me up, Sean, an apology will do."
He turned to Emma."I'm truly sorry, Em. I did not mean to take my stress out on you. My mom's been calling me incessantly, asking me when I'm going to pick her up at that party. The party hadn't even started and she's ready to come home," Sean sighed.
"Then pick her up, I will find another way home."
"Are you crazy? What taxi are you going to get with Bubbles tagging along? Mom will just have to wait, I'm taking you and Bubbles home first."
"Maybe you should pick her up first?"
"No. Anyway, she won't even drive past the area where you life, much less enter. She can wait."

Sean started the engine and put the bakkie into gear.

"You can drop us on the outskirts of town, we will walk home."
"No, Emma I'm not having your assault or death on my conscience."
"Bubbles is with me, we'll be fine."
"Bubbles? Bubbles is everyone's best friend, and his best years are long gone. Everyone knows that he does not bite. He doesn't even need a leash."
"Okay, you've made your point."
"When are you moving out of that nightmare area, anyway?"
"When I can afford it. Not all of us have lots of cash laying around, Sean."
"That's a poor excuse, Em. You can afford to live in a much better place, but no, you want mountain views. What use is mountain views when you're dead?"

Emma smiled as her cousin drove out into the main road. He was right, she had been saving for a flat in the city. But, she was yet to find a place within her budget range. In fact, she knew that it would  take a miracle, but she wanted that mountain to greet her every morning, and a sea breeze blowing through her windows would be a welcome bonus.


Nathan woke up in a cold sweat in the middle of the night. He had had a nightmare, the same nightmare he's been having for the past four years, but this is was a bit more vivid. He took his phone from the bedside table to check the time, it was 02:15.

He got up and started exercising, he knew that he would not be able to sleep and they had to be at Cape Town International by six, which meant that they'd have to leave by five. The flight was scheduled for seven. The work out kept him busy, but could not keep Emma's face out of his mind.

It was almost two hours later when he was finished working out, he phoned April. She was going to be his wife, so he had to put her first and fill his mind with thoughts of her,  and not his distant past.


It was past four in the morning,  when Emma got up from her bed. Waiting for sleep to arrive was futile. Her sleep had been escaping her since that Thursday. She could clean her place, do the laundry and get to church on time. Yes, it was a good plan, she concluded.


After church Emma stopped by her mother's place for lunch. It was past three when the two of them finally sat down to eat.

"I see that the Adams' house is being sold again," Miena said, studying her daughter.
"It hasn't been their house in years, Mommy," Emma said in a flat tone.
"Maybe you should consider buying it. A house is a house after all," Miena said.
"No, Mommy. I want to forget my past."
Miena lifted a brow. "I thought that you'd be interested in buying your friend's home."
"No, Mommy. Anyway, I don't want to return to this toxic town."
"Be careful with your words, child. Life has a way of bringing people to their knees."
"I know, Mommy, but I...I can't stand this place anymore. You are the only reason why I come here."
"If you feel so strongly about this town, maybe you should stay away."
"How can I stay away from you, Mommy?"

Emma's phone rang, it was Sean, asking her to meet up with him later.
Emma said that she was fine with that and ask him to send a text to her phone with more details. She quickly hung up.

"Mommy, you're one of the only bright lights in this dark town," Emma said, patting her mother's hand across the table.
"Child, seeing you is the only thing that I look forward to every week."
"Mommy, I think you should sell this house and move in with me."
"No, Emma. You are young and need your own space and what about marriage? What will happen to me when that day comes?"
"You don't have to worry about that, Mommy, I'll never let you go."
"That's the issue, Emma, a young married couple need their own space and privacy. I'll stay here and not intrude on your life."

Emma was about to reply when a stone flew through the living room window. Both mother and daughter threw themselves on the floor.

"Mommy, are you okay?"
"Yes, child."
"I'll call the police, Mommy."

Emma took her phone out of her handbag which was hanging over the chair, but before she could unlock the screen they heard a voice.

"Stiek yt jou bang ding!" ( Come out you scared thing!). Surprise, surprise, it was Sylvia's voice.

Emma was not afraid to admit it, she was scared of that crazy woman, clearly she had reason to be.

"What have I done now!" Miena uttered.
"It's not you, Mommy, she wants me," A quivering Emma said.

Before Emma could say another word, a stone flew through the other window. Emma and her mom squeeled like pigs. Laughter from outside reaching their ears.

"Emmerentia! Get that ugly butt of yours out here!" Sylvia's voice boomed.

"No, Emma! No!" Miena screamed.

"If you don't come outside, I'll set that house on fire," Sylvia shouted.

Emma got up from the floor, before her mother could stop her. She bolted out of the house, yanking the door open.

Miena followed her with her cell phone attached to her ears.

"Today, I will teach you and that Plaas Barbie a lesson. Everyone will know not to mess with me," Sylvia said, taking off her white t-shirt.

Emma glanced at her father, hoping that there was a bit of fatherly feelings hidden in his heart, but he looked away as soon as their eyes met. Colleen was right, the man was useless.

"Emma get inside, this is my fight," Miena pleaded.
"I can't let her hurt you," Emma said, tears rolling down her cheeks.

At that point Sylvia started unzipping her jeans. The crowd went wild, but they were not all on the same page.

Emma heard her mother talking to the police, she doubted that they would arrive in time to save her from getting a beating.

"Open that gate and take your beating," Sylvia said, hate dripping from her words.

"Leave her! Aren't you ashamed of yourself, Sylvia?" Cheryl asked.

Cheryl stepped out of the shadows and walked to Miena's gate, standing in front of it.

"What will you do, old hag? When I'm done with them I'll be coming for you," Sylvia spat.
"I'll leave you in God's hands," Cheryl said, not leaving her spot.

Emma watched in horror as Sylvia stormed Cheryl and pushed her to the ground. The crowd were still gasping, when Sylvia opened the gate and stood in front of Emma.

"Please leave us alone, auntie Sylvia," Emma begged.
"I am not your bloody auntie!" Sylvia shouted, her spit covering Emma's face.

Miena shoved her daughter out of the way, but Sylvia did not mind. She smiled while slapping Miena across the face, twice. Next she started strangling her.

"Mommy!" Emma screamed, whilst getting off the ground.

She jumped ontop of Sylvia trying to release her mother. Sylvia threw Miena to the floor. Emma grabbed her around the neck, trying to drag her out of the yard, but Sylvia was too smart for her and kicked her on the right shin. Before Emma could recover, Sylvia threw her on the ground, and started beating her in her face. Blood was oozing from Emma's mouth and nose. Miena grabbed Sylvia by the neck, but Reggie grabbed her by the hair and dragged her inside the house.

"Mommy!" Emma screamed, but Sylvia kicked her in the face, repeatly.

Some of the neighbours were shouting for Sylvia and Reggie to stop, but to no avail. Sylvia was busy kicking Emma's stomach before returning to her face. She took Emma's head and started dashing her head against the ground, knocking Emma unconscious.

Two men barged into the yard, one entering the house and the other yanking Sylvia off Emma.


Emma tried to open her eyes, but they were swollen shut. She heard whispers around her and her mother crying uncontrollably. She tried to get up, but someone gently pushed her onto a hard surface.

"Emma! You're awake, my child," Miena cried.

"Lady, you need to let us do our job. You can see her in the hospital," a man stated.

"Poor girl, her face is ruined," A woman whispered. Emma recognized her voice as one of the neighbours.

"Mommy," Emma whispered, talking was painful.

Emma felt herself being lifted up, and placed onto something. Next, she heard doors closing. She realized that she was in an ambulance.

Emma's salty tears irritated her skin, so she stopped. She started thinking about Bubbles, which wasn't helping because he was home alone.


About fifteen minutes, they arrived at the hospital. Emma heard people talking about her, but no-one talked to her. She felt invisible.

"We need to get her into the theatre before the situation get's worse," a woman said.

She felt herself being wheeled into another space, only to realize that it was a lift. Two people were discussing her once again.

"I feel fine," she whispered, "Please, let me go home."

She was ignored.

Emma was so scared.
She hated hospitals. She knew that many people were healed there, but it did not take her fear away. She started praying, she wanted to be ready for any eventuality. Soon she blacked out.

Minutes later Emma awoke with a man and woman talking.

"You're awake," the woman said.

"The surgeon is on his way," the man said.

Emma was so scared.

"Don't be frightened, he is one of the best in his field. You're in excellent hands," the woman said.
"Here he is," the man said.

Emma felt so vulnerable, just lying there unable to see anything.

The nurses handed Emma's file to the surgeon. He took it, but before he had an opportunity to look at the patient or the file, the nurses excused themselves.

"Please, Doctor, let me go home. My baby needs me. He will worry about me," Emma whispered, tears rolling down her swollen cheeks again.

The surgeon walked closer to her, studying her face. "Emma?"

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