Bound by Fear

By Creepygurly

934 9 21

"You're okay, just breathe," he said slashing open her thigh. "You did this to yourself, Lori". More

Author note
Jesse. (Mature)
Fucking ouch.
Is this love?


66 3 5
By Creepygurly

     I woke up to Jesse sitting beside me with his head in his hands. I groaned as I tried to sit myself up. "No Lori don't move," Jesse said pushing me back down. "How do you feel Lori are you in any pain?" Jesse asked putting his hand on my head. I groaned and shook my head no I feel really tired and kind of dizzy. "You're probably still groggy from the sedative and you're on painkillers you should feel better soon my love," He said smiling at me "Also I know it's not the best time but there's someone I want you to meet he helped me patch you up," Jesse said. A man got up from a chair in the corner of the room I didn't even notice he was there. Wait, no it can't be is he the guy that was the driver? It is I know that blonde hair anywhere. "Hello Loreley I'm Theo I don't believe we have officially met," He said reaching down to shake my hand. I just stared at him he gives me a bad feeling like the feeling I got before I was taken by these hot psychopaths. He retracted his hand "No worries I understand you're probably weak from surgery." I don't feel weak I feel uncomfortable. "Can you watch her for a few minutes I have to go get a few things from the basement" Jesse said walking out the door. "Of course not take your time," Theo said waiving him out the door. Theo started grabbing a few different things I couldn't see what they were."What are you doing" I said weakly. "Don't worry about it gorgeous" he smiled looking down at me, he shoved a few items in a medical bag that was next to my bed. He slung the bag over his shoulder and ripped out my IV. I whimpered in pain as he pulled me into his arms and rushed out the door. "Don't make any noise or I swear to fuck I will knock you out" He yelled in a hushed whisper. Am I really getting kidnapped from my kidnapper? What the fuck. I took a deep breath and yelled as loud as I could "JESSE!!!" As I yelled Theo threw me to the ground and got on top of me. "The fuck did I just tell you!?" He screamed slapping me across the face. I heard Jesse yelling as he kicked Theo off of me, they were now both on the floor. Theo had Jesse in a chokehold and Jesse was punching blindly behind him. Theo was very muscular even more than Jesse, there's no way Jesse is escaping this. Jesse was clawing at Theo his face turning red and veins popping he was gasping for air. I saw the life leave Jesse's eyes as he passed out his body going limp in Theo's arms, Theo threw him to the side he stood up, his shirt was ripped and bloody. His face dripping blood, it was pretty badass it looked like he was crying blood. He gave one more kick to Jesse's lifeless body. There were tears streaming down my face and blood everywhere what the fuck just happened. Theo picked me up from the floor and ran out the front door. I was screaming and punching his chest doing everything I could to get him to let go but nothing was working I was so weak my punches probably just tickled him. "Let me go you fucking assface" I yelled as I bit into his shoulder until I tasted blood. He opened the car door and threw me in the back seat grabbing onto his shoulder. "You're gonna regret that beautiful." He said angrily and grabbed something out of the medical bag. oh great another syringe. "Relax and it won't hurt so bad," He said shoving the needle into my thigh. I pulled myself up and jumped on him like a feral dog. I punched as hard as I could only landing a few, I bit him and scratched him living up to my dog persona. He just stood there as if none of my attacks were hurting him. I could feel my body getting weaker and my brain running blank, he must have injected me with a sedative. My punches were dying out and my body was going limp he threw me out in the backseat and slammed the door. Why does this always happen to me I'm like a shit magnet in a shit storm. God, I hope he just kills me I don't want to go through this shit anymore I'm tired of it. I want to go home. 

    I woke up tied to a chair. This feels oddly familiar. "Goodmorning Starshine" He smiled at me moving the hair from my face and tucking it behind my ear. I thrashed around pulling at the restraints. I felt something wrapped around my stomach I looked down. Why the fuck am I naked. There were also bandages wrapped around where my wound is on my stomach. "Why am I here, where am I?" I asked angrily "You're at my house sorry I had to sedate you, I just couldn't have you knowing the location, I brought you here because I don't think such a beautiful girl like you belongs to an asshole like Jesse," He said looking down at me. I spat on him "Fuck you crazy prick" I yelled, he slapped me across the face making me whimper. "That's no way to treat the man who saved you." He said smiling the creepiest smile I've ever seen "You did not save me," I said staring at him as intimidatingly as I could. "God that body is better than I could ever imagine" he smiled wider. "Please please don't" I begged, I've already been through this and I know that look in his eyes. "How could I resist this kind of body," He said caressing my breast. He leaned in close to me "I'm gonna fuck the life out of you darling" he whispered in my ear. I pulled back my head and slammed it forward as hard as I could into his. "Fuck!" He cried out falling to the ground. "Ooo I bet that hurt," I said laughing. "I'm going to fucking kill you and use your useless body," He said standing up his nose dripping blood everywhere. I definitely broke it. "I would love to see you try," I said smiling, I'm going to fight back this time I'm not going to let him rape me even if it kills me. He moved closer to me reaching out to touch me, I thrashed around in the chair making him pull back his hand. I don't think I'm going to be able to get out of the ropes tying me down,  I didn't even notice this rookie left my legs untied. I guess I just assumed they were tied like my arms. This changes things. I stopped thrashing and gave it my best shot and fake crying. "Can I please have some water?" I asked avoiding eye contact my voice sounding shaky. "Water?" He said confused "Yes please just a little bit," I said still looking down. "I guess I don't see a way you can hurt me with water so sure, don't move I will be right back," He said checking to make sure my arms were still tied down tight. What a dumbass. As soon as he left the room I shimmied the chair so it was slightly turned where I could reach the medical bag sitting next to the chair. I hooked one of the straps with my foot and lifted it up. Thank god I'm flexible, I got my leg up far enough to where I could grab the strap with my teeth. I leaned over close enough to my hand that I could get it inside. I rummaged around until I found exactly what I need. A scalpel. I picked it up and leaned down to grab it from my hand with my teeth. I pulled the cover off and started cutting the ropes. I cut it enough that if I pulled hard it would break. I freed my hand and started cutting the other ropes. I heard footsteps coming closer. I pulled upwards hard ripping the other ropes, I hid the scalpel under the bandages around my stomach. He walked into the room with a plastic cup filled with water. I got up as fast as I could and jumped onto him. "How the fuck did you get free?!" He yelled dropping the water and trying to pry me off of him. I grabbed the scalpel from the bandages and grabbed his hair pulling his head backward, I put the scalpel against his neck as he was still punching me and trying to pull me off I don't know why but I could barely feel his punches. Must have been the adrenaline, my heart was pounding. I pushed down onto his skin with as much pressure as I could and sliced a deep cut into his neck. Blood immediately started pouring out of his neck it sounded like he was gasping for air. The blood bubbled and spat. He fell to his knees grasping at his neck. I walked in front of him and trusted the scalpel as far into his eye socket as it would go. He went completely limp after I did that. I read somewhere if you stab someone in the eye you can reach the brain. He crumbled to the floor and his chest stopped rising. I just killed him. Holy shit I just killed someone. I fell backward onto my ass crying and hyperventilating. I heard a door open downstairs and footsteps running toward me. I got up backing into the corner. "Lori Lori are you in here?" I heard Jesse yell from outside the door "Jesse," I called crying so hard I couldn't see. Jesse walked into the room and stopped in his tracks. I was covered in blood butt-ass naked there was blood pooling all over the floor. "Oh my god, Lori did you do this," Jesse said walking toward me. "Please, please don't hurt me" I cried backing up further. "Lori calm down if you hadn't killed him I would have," he said kneeling down and pulling me into a hug. "Calm down Lori, just breathe you're okay," he said stroking my hair. "I didn't know what else to do" I exclaimed sobbing so hard I was gasping for air in between breaths. "Lori take a deep breath you are okay, I promise I'm never leaving your side again." Jesse said gripping me tighter, "I would have done the same thing you are okay," He said comforting me. I looked in horror at the man I had just killed. I killed him I really killed him he's dead. "Lori look at me, just look at me," Jesse said grabbing my face. His hands were shaking. There were so many thoughts going through my head. What did I just do? My whole body was shaking, I noticed that Jesse was bleeding from his side. I could see it through his shirt. "J-Jesse," I said shakily "You're bleeding," I said still gasping from crying. "I know it's okay it's nothing, are you hurt?" He asked me completely brushing off his wounds. "I-I don't think so" I whispered.

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