Hesitant For Each Other (Fred...

By -ShadyIsWeird1987-

905 39 16

(COVER ART WILL BE UPDATED SOON) Hey peeps! This story is made of the ship Fredllora (Freddy x Ballora) It'... More

1. Same Old
2. Leader Rivalry and Sympathy
3. Discussions and Decisions
4. Strong Feelings
5. A Conversation
6. A Voidless Topic and A Sparkling Topic
7. Save Me Another Dance
Update A/N
9. Seeing is Believing

8. Day Out

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By -ShadyIsWeird1987-

(This is a filler chapter, so if you wanna skip it, go ahead 😊)

As the week progresses, the Funtimes were well adjusted to their new life. One morning, the group was in the kitchen eating breakfast when Baby walked in.

"Hey guys! You wanna go around the town today?"

"Well, I could go to the shops and get some new outfits. Yeah that sounds like fun!" Funtime Foxy replied.

Funtime Freddy and Ballora also agreed.

After breakfast, they all got ready for their day out. Baby waited at the main door for the others. She was wearing a white top with some jeans and black and white high tops.

"Where are the others?"

Then, Funtime Foxy appeared. He was wearing a pink jacket and a red bow on his ear.

"Hey! Looking good, Foxy!"

"Thanks! You don't look to bad yourself!"

Funtime Freddy walked out wearing a purple vest.


"I know. I know."

The three of them laughed. Ballora then walked out. She had her hair up in a messy bun, wearing a purple sweater, black leggings and some ballet slippers.

"Wow! You look pretty Ballora!"

"Yeah, and awfully cozy."

"Thank you guys. I appreciate it."

With that, the four of them went out to enjoy the day. As the four walked around the city, they started to notice how pretty it was in the day time. It wasn't a big major city but it was a nice one.

A few hours past and they all were eating lunch at a restaurant.

"The food here is really good!"

"I know right? I wonder how we haven't came here before."

"We should come here more often."

Baby smiled. Her group was happy with this life. Perhaps Foxy was right when they first showed up....

When they all got finished with their meals, Foxy and Freddy went to pay for the meal, while Baby pulled Ballora aside.

"Hey. I wanted to apologize for... everything."


"I'm sorry for everything I did to you. Accused you of murder, being really harsh and over all, just not being a proper leader and friend. I understand if you don't forgive me, but I realized my mistakes."

Ballora was a bit shocked to hear this apology, but then she smiled a bit to herself.

"Baby, I understand what happened and I don't blame you. I'm glad you came to your senses though."

Both the girls hugged it out. It felt like a friendship that was lost years ago was reconciled again. The boys called out to them and they left the place.

And from there, they continued to spend their day all together...

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