Life In Smallville & Metropol...

By HeavensTree01

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Three weeks later, Liana is back in Metropolis but has no memory of where she was from. Liana finds out that... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Savior
Chapter 2: Metallo
Chapter 3: Rabid
Chapter 4: Echo
Chapter 5: Roulette
Chapter 6: Crossfire
Chapter 7: Kandor
Chapter 8: Idol
Chapter 10: Disciple
Chapter 11: Absolute Justice, Society, and Legends
Chapter 12: Warrior
Chapter 13: Persuasion
Chapter 14: Conspiracy
Chapter 15: Escape
Chapter 16: Checkmate
Chapter 17: Upgrade
Chapter 18: Charade
Chapter 19: Sacrifice
Chapter 20: Hostage
Chapter 21: Salvation

Chapter 9: Pandora

93 4 0
By HeavensTree01

A few months ago, when Liana first went to the future without her knowledge. Liana's in the Daily Planet and she says, "Tess, where are you? Don't start what you can't finish." Liana looks around the room and sees that the place looks like people haven't been in here for a while. Liana walks up to desk to find it very dusty. Liana says, "What the hell?" Liana feels something drip down her head and touches it to see its blood. Liana looks down at the Legion ring and says, "Where did you take me?" Liana walks out the Daily Planet to see that there's destruction on the streets and she says, "Hello?" Liana sees that the sun is red and that the skies are also red. Liana hears a swishing noise and turns around to see someone fly to her and land in front of her. The unknown man says, "Why are you out of uniform?" Liana's confused and says, "Excuse me?" The man says, "You're bleeding. You're nothing but a filthy human. This zone is off limits to your kind." Liana says, "What are you talking about?" The man says, "It is not your place to ask questions." Liana says, "I'm a reporter. Asking questions is in my blood." The man walks closer and says, "Well, then... it would be a shame to spill it." Liana then runs away and the guy's speeds in front of her. Liana says, "The Red-Blue-Blur. He'll stop you." The man smiles and says, "Not under a red sun. Look around you. Your blur is dead." Liana looks to see a ripped shirt with Clark's symbol on it and she frowns wondering what happened. Later, Liana wakes up and sees some people huddle around the room. Liana speaks a kid and softly says, "Hey." A woman approaches the children and says, "Time for food. Come on. Let's go." Liana stands up and realizes that she's only has her tank top on, and that her jacket is missing. Liana walks around the room to see that she is in the Kent's barn with a lot of towns people. Liana hears a woman say, "You move it. I said move." Liana watches the woman grab the man by the neck and say, "Stealing will not go unpunished." Liana watches with widen eyes as the woman burns the man with her heat vision. Liana also sees a symbol on the man's back and the woman notices her staring and walks towards her. Liana says, "Okay, easy. I was just hoping for some food here." The woman says, "You want food? And what do you have to trade?" A new voice joins the conversation and says, "Take this." Liana sees it's Clark and he's holding out a watch and she says, "Clark?" Clark says, "It's all I have." The woman grabs the watch and Clark continues to say, "It's yours if you let her go." The woman says, "This will do... for now." The woman walks away, and Clark pulls Liana into a hug, and he says, "I thought I'd lost you forever." Liana says, "Thank God, you're okay." Clark pulls away from the hug and says, "I can't believe you're alive." Liana's confused and says, "Alive? Clark, what's going on? And since when did the Kent family farm become a prison? And why would you give away the one thing of your dad's that meant so much to you?" Clark softly says, "I did it for you. As for what's going on we've been invaded by another planet." Liana says, "Clark, before I fought Tess she went on and on about some Orb called it alien technology, said there was life inside of it. This invasion, Tess knew about it." Clark says, "But Tess may have helped. These aliens have their own leader. His name is Zod. I tried to fight him, but... I made all the wrong choices. A lot of people died." Liana softly says, "Please tell me Chloe wasn't one of them." Clark says, "Liana, I don't know. After I thought I lost you, I went off on my own. I haven't talked to her in months." Liana says, "Months?" Clark says, "Liana, you vanished a year ago." Liana shakes her head and says, "That doesn't make any sense. I was just throwing down with Tess a few hours ago. And then I grabbed the Legion ring." Clark says, "It must have brought you here when you put it on. Do you still have it?" Liana nods with a smile and says, "Yeah." A voice says, "You. General Zod would like to see you." Clark looks back at Liana and softly says, "Protect the ring." Liana nods and watches Clark throw a punch and the man throws Clark and the man grabs Liana and Clark says, "Liana." The man brings Liana what use to be the Luthor mansion, and she has her hands cuffed together. Liana sees a tower of fruit and she says, "I guess membership has its privileges." Liana then hears a voice say, "Try the truffle. It's my favorite." Liana turns around and sees a man. As Liana goes to grab a truffle, the man grabs it from her, and Liana knows that this must be Zod. Zod says, "To think... a few of these could mean the difference between life and death for your kind." Zod bites into the truffle and leans toward Liana and hums. Zod says, "I'm General Zod. And all of this... is mine to give. If you give me the names of whoever snuck, you into the restricted zone." Liana says, "Listen, I have no idea what you're talking about and even if I did, I wouldn't tell you." Zod says, "Then you hear this. No matter how many times your resistance fighters break into the zone you'll never... never take down my power." Zod digs into Liana's pocket and takes out the Legion ring and he says, "What is this?" Liana hears a familiar voice say, "Liana?" Liana turns to see Tess and she angrily says, "You? You red-headed rat." Zod says, "Do you know her?" Tess says, "She used to work for me. But then she disappeared." Liana then punches Tess in the face, and she says, "Traitor!" Tess says, "I am this planet's savior. I helped General Zod take power to ensure this Earth's survival." Liana says, "Tess Mercer, the ultimate eco-terrorist." Zod says, "And what are you? I understand you were seen talking to Clark Kent. It was only a matter of time before the resistance got to him." Liana says, "The only thing I'm resisting is the urge to kick both of your asses, but I know I wouldn't last a second against you Zod. I know Clark tried to stop you, but we all know you're too powerful." Zod looks curiously at Liana and says, "The only reason Clark is still alive is because I'd hoped he'd join us. To bridge the gap between our people." Tess says, "Trust me, Zod. No one has worked as hard as I have to get Clark to see the good that we're doing. But I think we fooled ourselves long enough. He won't come around." Zod says, "Which is why... neither of you is any good to me alive." Liana softly says, "Excuse me?" Zod says, "Double execution will send out a strong message to anyone who would dare defy me. And take heart, Liana... at least you can enjoy a glorious last meal." Liana has tears running down her face and both Zod and Tess walk out the door. Later, one of Zod's people take Liana outside the balcony and Liana watches Tess kneel in front of Zod. Zod says, "Today, two lives end. But another begins." Liana watches Zod place a necklace around Tess's neck and Zod continues to say, "Rise, solider." Tess stands up and they all walk out, and Liana says, "You betrayed the entire human race for some crappy dog tags. Way to go." Liana walks back into the main room and sees Clark. Clark says, "Liana. Let her go. Take my life, let her live!" Liana says, "Clark." Zod walks up to Clark and says, "Your bravery is commendable. But by defying me, you have forced my hand." Zod nods to one of his men and he brings Clark to his knees. Liana worriedly says, "Clark." Zod then takes out a sword and says, "I wanted you to join me on this new Earth. But now I must bury you beneath it." As Zod goes to swing, Liana yells, "No!" Then an arrow comes in and shoots one of Zod's men down. Clark grabs Liana and moves her out the way. Liana sees one of the men that saved them turn around and says, "Oliver." Oliver says, "Hey, Legs. Long time no see." Oliver helps Liana out of her cuffs, and she hugs him and says, "Am I glad to see you and your band of merry men." Oliver pulls away and says, "It's not my band." Liana says, "What?" Oliver nods his head to a familiar face and says, "It's hers." Liana lets out a relieved smile and says, "Chloe." Liana hugs Chloe and Chloe says, "I didn't think I was ever gonna see you again." Liana pulls away and says, "You almost didn't. Zod and his forces almost killed us." Clark says, "I guess we owe you guys are lives." Later, Liana's outside and she watches Oliver bury Tess. Later, Chloe and Oliver take Liana and Clark to their secret base. Chloe says, "We may have won the battle but, Zod will come back harder now." Clark says, "Then it's time to we take a stand. Liana vanished a year ago after she put on the Legion Ring." Chloe looks at Liana and says, "You timed traveled here?" Liana says, "I'm pretty sure I didn't walk a whole year into the future, not in these heels. The thing is, Zod took the ring." Clark says, "We need to get the ring back. Then Liana can return to the past and prevent Zod's tower from being built in the first place." Chloe says, "That's not a bad plan, Clark, but why should I trust you now? You already left is once to fight on your own." You abandoned us, big guy. Plain and simple." Clark says, "I thought I could stop Zod myself. I tried to take him on as my enemy and I was wrong. But I'm here now." Liana says, "Okay, I know that I have no idea what's going on between you two, but my Chloe and Clark from where I'm from would stow their fight and focus on working as a team." Clark says, "You guys shut down that tower and bring back the yellow sun. You know I'm your best chance at getting back that ring." Chloe says, "Maybe. But I still don't trust you." Liana says, "Well, I guess that's a start. So, about the tower." Chloe says, "The towers are the key to the Kandorians' power. They collect all the sun's radiation, turn it red and then beam it back to LuthorCorp's satellites." Oliver says, "Those satellites take the radiation they beam it back down to Earth. Giving those alien SOBs all their superhuman strength. Now, we take the tower down, we shut them down." Liana says, "Guys, I've seen Zod's troops. We're seriously outnumbered. We'd never reach it." Chloe says, "We don't have to. We have a secret weapon, Watchtower. I powered down Watchtower so the Kandorians couldn't find it. But I can use the computers to hack into Zod's big red flashlight and unleash a virus that should shut it off remotely." Clark says, "You guys bring back the yellow sun and I'll take the others to find the Legion Ring." Oliver nods and Chloe rolls her eyes. Later, Liana walks into a room to find Clark shirtless. Clark says, "Are you okay?" Liana softly says, "Define okay. So far today, I've traveled through time, fought off aliens and... almost got my head chopped off." Liana closes the door and continues to say, "But despite all those things. One thing I can't believe. I can't believe you and Chloe are friends anymore." Clark says, "It's not her fault. I turned my back on her. Liana, after you disappeared, I couldn't... I couldn't be around... Oliver or Chloe. They remined me of you and that hurt too much. So... I left. I trained myself to fight Zod." Liana says, "And you've been beating yourself up over it." Clark nods and Liana walks to stand in front of Clark and says, "You need to stop beating yourself over it. You're not alone in this. The truth is... we could all die tomorrow." Clark softly says, "Liana, I died when you left." Liana grabs Clark's hand and places her hand on his chest and softly says, "I'm here now." Clark leans down and kisses Liana. Liana kisses Clark back and he reaches down and takes off her tank top. Without breaking the kiss, Clark lays Liana on the bed and they make love. Later, Liana gets out of bed and wraps the sheet around her naked body and walks to the balcony to look at the sky. Liana then feels arms wrap around her body and she smiles. Liana's feels Clark kissing her neck and he says, "I wish we had more time." Liana softly smiles and says, "We'll see each other soon. I promise." Clark leans down and softly kisses Liana. Later, Liana, Chloe, and Oliver walk into a room called Watchtower. Chloe gave Liana a spare jacket and she tosses bandages at Liana, and she bandages her hand up. Chole turns on the lights and turns on the computers to show what's happening outside. Liana says, "So, this is what happens when there's no Blur." Oliver is suit up in his Green Arrow outfit and he says, "That's why we need every hero we can get. Zod's people don't know that you have powers, you're the element of surprise." Liana smiles and Chloe says, "Last firewall's down. I'm in the Zod tower's command center. The virus is almost ready. Take that, master control. There, in just a few minutes we should see our yellow sun rise and shine again." Oliver says, "The Kandorians are coming. We should go. I'll scout ahead, make sure the coast it clear." Liana goes to follow Oliver but stops and looks at Chloe and she says, "Go. I'll be right behind you." Liana nods and then runs out the room. Liana runs outside and finds cover. Liana sees Chloe and she yells, "Chloe!" Liana sees Chloe run to her and then she hears a swish in the air and sees one of Zod's people and she looks back at Chloe and she says, "Come on, you can make it." Liana sees the woman from earlier stand in front of Chloe and brings out a sword and then stabs Chloe in the stomach. Liana yells, "No!" Oliver comes and says, "Get the hell away from her!" Liana runs to Chloe and flips her on her back and cries, "Chloe. Look at me. You're gonna be fine. You're gonna be okay. Chloe, Chloe." Liana sobs over Chloe's body and Oliver grabs Liana's shoulder and says, "The best way to avenger her death is to get that ring." Liana sniffs and says, "No. No, I won't leave her." Oliver says, "She's still alive in the past, Liana. You can save her. You can make sure this future never happens and you'll save all of us." Liana nods and kisses Chloe's forehead. Oliver says, "You better get going. Clark's heading to the tower. I'll cover you. Here, you should probably take this. It's a meteor rock blade with a lead cover." Liana grabs it and Liana runs away, and she finds Clark with Zod, and she hides behind a car. Zod says, "It's tragic, you thought you could take me on like this. Metropolis would not be destroyed if you'd had all just stopped fighting and joined me." Clark says, "We'll never stop fighting, Zod. Humanity will never lose its spirit." Liana tosses Clark the meteor rock blade and as Clark goes to grab it Zod steps on Clark's hand and Clark groans. Zod looks over at Liana and then looks back down at Clark and says, "Goodbye, son of Jor-El." Zod then kicks Clark away and Liana yells, "Clark!" As Liana goes to Clark, Zod steps in front of Liana and grabs her face. Liana and Zod both hear lightning and see it coming from the tower and see an explosion and the sun comes out. Zod says, "No." Clark says, "Zod. Your reign of terror is over, Zod. I'm sending Liana home to the past. So, she can warn us about your tower before it's ever built." Zod says, "You chose to fight me. You forced me to unleash my power. We could have made this planet a paradise." Clark says, "It always was. But you never gave humanity a chance." Clark grabs the ring from Zod and Zod says, "They have made you weak." Zod then stabs Clark in the stomach with the meteor rock blade and he continues to say, "If she travels back in time, then the lives we know will cease to exist. You'd had destroyed our world." Clark then super punches Zod. Liana sees Clark has been stabbed and runs over to him and says, "Clark!" Clark says, "Liana... Take the ring, put it on." Liana grabs the ring and before she puts it on, she pulls Clark into a goodbye kiss, and she puts the ring on.

Later, Liana's walking down the stairs of the Daily Planet with Clark and he hands her a doughnut and says, "Hey, this is for you. You just got back from a trip from the hospital, not Hawaii. You need to take it slower." Liana whispers, "How can I take it slower when Tess kidnapped me and made me remember all my memories from the future. I don't know if I should hate her or thank her." Clark sighs and says, "I know how you must be feeling, but I almost lost you, and I don't want it to happen again." Liana sighs and bites into her doughnut and says, "I know I can't make a promise like it would happen again but as long as we're together there's nothing that can stand in our way." Clark softly smiles and leans down to kiss Liana, and she happily kisses him back.

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