By Lethal_Bangtan

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โ›“ WEEKLY UPDATES โ›“ Namjoon's oversized hoodie drapes largely over his frame, his black rimmed glasses adding... More

โ›“Ch. 1: Two Faced
โ›“Ch. 2: Tattoos
โ›“Ch. 3: Stress Of A Boxer
โ›“Ch. 4: Forgetful Dealer
โ›“Ch. 5: Frazzled
โ›“Ch. 7: Bad Timing
โ›“Ch. 8: Extracurricular Activities (P. 1)
โ›“Ch. 9: Extracurricular Activities (P. 2)
โ›“Ch. 10: Paper, Punishment, and Paying Up
โ›“Ch. 11: Old Memories (P. 1)
โ›“Ch. 12: Old Memories (P. 2)
โ›“Ch. 13: Oh Fuck
โ›“Ch. 14: Scent In The Air
โ›“Ch 15: Whose Lap
โ›“Ch. 16: His Biggest Mistake
โ›“Ch. 17: Predator And Prey
โ›“ Ch. 18: I'm Dangerous, Too

โ›“Ch. 6: Bad Decisions

2.1K 161 73
By Lethal_Bangtan

"And that concludes today's class!"

"And that concludes today's class!" Jungkook mocks our professor.

I glare at the taller man and his stupid bucket hat he wore even while working out.

"Maybe try to not be an asshole for a change." I roll my eyes, crouching down and digging through my book bag for the snack I threw in there earlier but my brow raises as my hand lands on a crumbled up piece of paper, "The hell?" I whisper to myself as I pull it out.

My eyebrows scrunch together in confusion.

"You get a guy's number?" Jungkook crouches down next to me, poking his tongue against his inner cheek.

I do a double take at his serious expression that causes me to start laughing. One of his eyebrows is raised while he continues to give me an annoyed glare.

He scoffs, "Only asked because it sounded so unrealistic."

"Hey!" I swing a hand out, hoping to hit his shin or shove him over in retaliation but he grabs my wrist and throws my own hand back at me.

My left eyebrow slowly raises at him.

"You're an absolute loser and really piss me off." He stands and slings his own bag over his shoulder, about to leave class.

I scoff at his rude tone, him being pissed off for absolutely no reason.

"You met me like... a day ago."

"And you were annoying yesterday, too." He crosses his arms.

Standing, I swing around to face him, "So, you think I'm a loser? Yet you're talking to me and seem so interested in my life and stuff that's none of your god damn business?"

I cross my arms as I glare up at him, my patience wearing thin.

He lightly shoves my left shoulder back while closing in on me, walking towards me until my back hits the wall. I stare into his dark eyes as he stares into mine and I have to hold back from starting an argument with a fucker that isn't worth the time. Jungkook can sense my heart rate that's continuing to escalate as well as my unsteady breathing. His eyes study my defensive stature, curiously.

He cocks his head to the side and smirks, "It's simple." He places his hands on my shoulders while leaning in closer, "I can tell that something is up with you... that you're hiding something. I can tell that what all you've told me so far about yourself is just a little taste of what's left to come."

You have no clue...

I stand my ground, shrugging his hands away, "And what about you, huh?" My eyebrows raise as I take a step forward, "What, have you never had something to hide before? I bet there's something you're hiding that could ruin your reputation if it were found out." I feel pent up anger build up in me, too stressed for a situation like this.

He stiffens, fists balled at his sides, but I keep going.

I shove him back by his chest and give him a sharp look, jaw clenched, "But you see, Jungkook, I'm not some fucker who would try to find that out because it's none of my business. I'm not hurting anyone so leave it at this and don't pry any further. You wouldn't want me to... get even now would you?."

I stand with my hands on my hips, my gaze on him lethal. He doesn't even move an inch, just clenches his jaw with an expression I can't read. He clearly doesn't want to hold back but is for some reason, most likely because something I just said made an imaginary lightbulb pop up above his head.

His expression softens as I sigh and go back to digging through my bag. With eyes full of interest, Jungkook watches the bag of mini carrots get pulled from my bag. I open the ziplock and take one out, biting into it and hearing the satisfying hard crunch sound.

Not paying attention to him anymore, I get caught off guard when I notice he's still standing here, "What? Go away."

"You like carrots, too?" He eagerly asks.

I pause from throwing another in my mouth, eyes now on the man that has wide, hopeful eyes that keep looking at my snack. I rub the back of my neck, seeing that he must really want some.

If he had a tail, he'd be wagging it.

"Uh... you seem really hungry. Did you eat today?" I question.

He slowly glances from the carrots to look up at my eyes and then flinches, realizing something as he looks away with an embarrassed expression as if I had caught him.

"Oh! Yeah, I haven't eaten yet. That's all." He tries to brush it off but he still looks like a kid wanting candy as he fidgets and looks at his shoes.

His now shy and nervous demeanor has me confused as fuck but I decide to let it go, not having time to sort this out, "Well, do you want them?"

I hold up the ziplock baggy with baby carrots in it towards him. He bites the inside of his bottom lip softly and his eyes widen, telling me all I need to know.

Jungkook begins to decline my offer but I grab his hand and place the baggy in it, "You should eat. I'm not even hungry."

I sling my bag over my shoulder, holding the crumbled paper and my phone in one hand as I leave. He hesitates briefly while staring down at the bag of carrots in his hand but easily gives in and begins enthusiastically eating, his nose twitching a little which causes me to smile.

"Thanks." Jungkook mumbles in a shy voice while chewing his favorite food.

I nod, throwing a hand up as a wave goodbye as I head to the bathroom since I'm about to piss myself. I let out a relieved sigh once I get to the stalls and hang my bag on the back of the door. While doing my business I look at the crumbled paper trying to remember where it's from. Flushing the toilet, I gather all my shit together and head to the sinks to wash my hands.

So tomorrow I have Anatomy again and then Dieting and Digestion an hour later...


"Yoongi." I grind my teeth together as I remember him slapping that silly little piece of paper with his number written on it into my hand during Monday's class.

"God damnit!" I curse under my breath as I dry my hands and grab the paper and my phone.

Opening a new direct message, I type in his number to make a new contact and take a deep breath.

Bitch from Anatomy

Good afternoon! This is your class partner in Anatomy, Y/n. Here's my address since you wanted to stop by this evening, I'm happy to help!

Adding the link to my address through Google Maps, I hit send and go back to my main worry - my fucking wallet. Staring down my own reflection in the mirror, I let out a huff from mental exhaustion and pull up my direct messages again.

Kim Taehyung (Customer)

Yeah, that's mine! Thanks for messaging me man, I actually have a friend at your college who's seeing me today who can bring it. Just leave it in their locker, number 127 on the first floor.

I lie for the second time today, needing him to drop it off to my locker so I don't have to face him or jump through hoops to get it back. My stomach grumbles, reminding me of my first lie of the day which was that I'm "not hungry". While daydreaming of the food I might get as a late lunch, my phone vibrates showing a notification back from Taehyung already.

Kim Taehyung (Customer)

No prob, I got you. But how did you know I'm in class today?

I stare at his text, my heart thumping in my ears as I reread our current texts a second time. My memory flashes before me as I remember passing him as I walked in through the school's front doors earlier.

Kim Taehyung (Customer)

Oops, forgot you know I live on campus. Never mind lol, sorry.

A huge sigh in relief leaves my body and I drop my tense shoulders, relaxing myself again. I chuckle at how panicked I had become and heart his messages, not wanting to continue this conversation.

I gather all my shit again and decide to drag it out a little longer, needing to waste some time before checking my locker so that I'm not caught. Heading towards the coffee shop in the cafeteria area of the college, I set everything at a table and order my usual favorite drink.

Think of this as a little treat, a little pep talk to prepare you for the rest of the day, Y/n.

Sipping my coffee, I look around aimlessly. After just fifteen more minutes of waiting and scrolling through my phone, I decide whether it's safe for me to go to the locker. Either way even if he does see me he'll just think I'm the friend of the dealer coming to get it.

Still would look really bad on my part...

I conclude finally that I need to man up and have the balls to get my shit and go home. The nervousness doesn't leave the pit of my stomach, though. I'm sneaky but a bastard like Taehyung is  even sneakier, I always have to be careful when it comes to him for now on.

Walking down the hall has never felt so intimidating. I try to brush off that feeling in my stomach as I reach my hall. Turning the corner, I relax as I see no one so I go ahead and walk to my locker while trying to not look suspicious. I glance behind myself again and then turn to the right, about to open my locker. I sigh in relief for the hundredth time today as I abruptly open it to see my wallet sitting on top of my text book, nice and pretty.

I pick it up and check both ways down the hallway again, feeling calm finally as I continue sipping my drink. Opening the wallet with my right hand, my heart drops into my stomach and I blink hard a few times, unsure of what I was seeing.

I scoff, scratching my head.

Is this a joke?

My cash, school ID, and regular ID's (including my fucking library card) are all gone - the wallet completely empty.

My face and skin in general feels steaming hot as I swallow hard a couple of times, trying to process this situation. Vibrating and a loud sound from my pocket causes me to jolt in my position. I curse under my breath while pulling out my phone to see who's calling.

Incoming Call:
Kim Taehyung (Customer)

As soon as I decline the call out of sheer panic the same notification pops up and my ringtone blares out at full volume again. I try to think rationally on what to do, feeling as if I'm going to vomit, piss myself, and shit myself all at the same time.

Tapping the answer button, I press my phone up against my ear and just listen.

"Not going to say anything?" Taehyung says and a shiver runs down my spine at his deep voice that's not just coming from over the phone's speaker.

A large hand slams my locker shut from behind me and I stand pin straight still as if he's a predator and I'm his prey. His right hand reaches around as his shadow towers over me and I watch as he taps the end call button on my own phone.

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