Random stuff

By The_Chaos_Siblings

6.7K 185 365

Also oneshots and at this point some incorrect quotes. And beware there's gonna be a bunch of wither husband... More

Incorrect quotes 1
Demon/part 1.
Incorrect quotes part 2
Hex incorrect quotes
Flower husbands (Scott x jimmy)
My ships
Stranded - Wither husbands (Fwhip x sausage)
Ashley and Lydia being dumb
Sent - wither husbands + background flower husbands
How team ZIT got together in hiding (Zedaph x impulse x tango)
The life simulator- wither husbands
Nightmare - wither husbands + Hermes
We are not together - wither husbands + pearl annoying them
Baking gone wrong - wither husbands
Cold winter days - wither husbands
We have cats. For now
Double date - wither husbands and flower husbands
Cats again. Plus I need help
Lost in ikea - wither husbands
Painting - wither husbands + Hermes
I'm pretty chaotic
Relaxation day -wither husbands
Cat name update

First meetings - wither husbands

456 16 38
By The_Chaos_Siblings


Fwhip ran. Behind him was running the demon named xornorth.

Fwhips Heart Beates faster than ever. He was sure that sometime now the demon will catch up to him. He didn't know what would happen. He didn't want to find out either.

He looked behind him. The demon coming near him faster and faster. He looked around. He was in a forest. A forest with many ways to run.

He run left and Heard- the demon fly into a tree. He chuckled at that. But the next moment the demon was in front of him.

He screamed. Then ran right. He ran as fast as he could. He couldn't fly, since his wings broke sometime while he crashed against a tree himself

He ran to the edge of the forest. Then almost stumbled down to his death. Beneath him was a ravine. It was way to deep to survive a fall. The next thing he knows he is cornered by the demon.

He backs away further. Some stones fell down the cliff side.

He looked down.

"I wouldnt back away further If I were you" the glitchy and deep voice of xornorth said.

He then took another step towards Fwhip. Fwhip took another step back. Forgetting the cliff in that exact moment and falling.

He didn't register what happened in the next few moments because when he finally opens his eyes, he sees that someone is holding him.

Fwhips POV:

I look up and see a man holding me. It was warm and I wanted to snuggle into him.

Then I remembered that I was falling just a few second ago. I looked at the man. His blue eyes determined as he flew out of the ravine. He had a brown beard with equally brown hair. A crown was laid on top of the hair, covering most of it.

I looked down. We were way to high up. The mysterious man was only holding me with one arm around my waist, while I was pressed against his chest. I immediately put my arms around his neck for support. He chuckled a bit.

I looked up. Did he just laugh?

I suddenly felt ground beneath my feet. I looked down and saw we were back up.

"You can let go now. You're safe" he told me.

I immediately let go. "Sorry" I mumbled.

He chuckled again and smiled at me

"Cute" he said still smiling

I immediately blushed and looked to the ground. He just laughed in return.

"Aww are you blushing ?" He asked, lifting my chin with two finders up. I was now looking at him. He had beautiful blue eyes and definitely a royal crown. Maybe he was also a king ? And he has blue eyes. Did I mention that ?

"Yep you are red" he pointed out in a flirty tone. Running his fingers over my cheek.

I looked away. Then I saw smoke. I looked that way with the mysterious man looking there too.

"Oh no" he said. Letting go of my cheek

"What ?" I asked him in a panicked voice.

He took out his sword that I haven't noticed before and held it ready for a fight.

"Just stay behind me. Ok?" He said, giving me orders. I am a soon-to-be-king myself. Why would I take orders from him?

I wanted to open my mouth to argue but he gave me a stern look that said "don't even dare to say something against that" so I just shut my mouth and waited

The demon, that was following me before came out of the ground. It reminded me of the warden, just that this time the demon didn't need to pull himself up. He just floated out of the ground.

"Hello" he said in his glitchy voice.

The man had his sword in his and and was ready to attack him

"Xornorth. Let him alone. You already possessed me once and I'm not letting you posses me, nor anyone else ever again."

The mysterious and might I add hot man told the demon

He was possessed ? What happened ? Heh?

The moment when the man pointed the sword towards xornorth he turned to me and whispered in my ear: "we will see each other again. But for now we'll have to say goodbye" then he sliced through the demon. 


I woke up bathing in sweat. What happened ? I was just in the woods ? With the mysterious man. Where did he go ? Was it all a nightmare ? No. This man was real. My wings are fine tho ?

I got out of bed and got ready for the day. The first thing I do was naturally check my wings. They are fine. I could move them with ease. Maybe it was all just a dream ?

I went on with my day as usual. Or not. I went on many walks and tried to understand what the dream meant.

Maybe it meant that I am scared of xornort. Or that I need some personal bodyguard. Maybe I want someone to protect me ? No that falls under the bodyguard category 

I didn't even notice someone coming up to me until I felt them tapping my shoulder.

"Hi Fwhip ? What's going on ? You seem out of it ?" I heard gem ask me. Gem my favourite twin. And my only one. But that's beside the point.

"Hi gem. Just thinking about a weird dream. How are you ?" I told her. She looks at me and immediately starts questioning me about that dream of mine. After a bit of time explaining, and leaving out most of the interaction with the mysterious male, she answered

"I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. But I'll find it out. I'm not a wizard for no reason!" She laughed. I soon joined her.

"So what about your coronation?" Gem started talking again.

"Oh that's today ? I totally forgot" I told her honestly

"Oh little bro. What would you do without me ?" She said dramatically Ruffling my red hair

"I'm not your little bro I'm your twin" I told her pushing her arm away from my hair.

We then proceeded to go back to the castle.

—————-(at the coronation)—————

I sat on the throne. Then someone put a crown on my head and asked me if I would make the best decisions for my kingdom.

I answered with the most obvious answer: yes.

So there I was, the person next to me reading something about me and my new kingdom while I looked around my people. I saw a few faces I recognised and many I didn't.

After everything boring was finally over I walked down the stairs towards my sister.

"Hello my king" gem said laughing while bowing.

I joined In on the laughter until I saw our father look very disappointed. I straightened my Positur and started talking to the guests, but mostly the leaders of the other empires 

In these big swarms of people you could find royals, workers and the villagers.

It was a lot going on. I talked to king Scott of Rivendell. The elven king was also there with his boyfriend so I met king Jimmy of the swamp empire.

I also met queen Kathrine and I knew shubble but still talked to her.

Then I saw pearl who was making fun of me with gem. Yep the two have known each other for decades.

"I need some fresh air" is was I told my sister and her best friend so I could go outside. Not my best excuse but it worked.

When I was outside on the balcony I finally had some peace and quiet. No more: congratulations or something. Just peace

"Hello king of the grimlands" someone spoke.

And there goes my peace

I turned around just to be met with a smirk of a man that had been haunting me for the whole day.

I stared at him unable to form any words.

"Not gonna say anything ?" He told me looking me in the eyes. He was taller than me. Not by much (only one head). He held a glass of wine in one hand the other was holding the stone railing of the balcony.

"Who are you." I finally managed to say. My words leaving me as soon as I stared into his blue eyes.

"Oh me ? Well who are you? " he replied smirking.

"You are at my coronation. And you also said who I was before" I replied sassily

He laughed then put his glass of wine on the railing. He then stepped closer to me bend down until our eyes were at the same height.

"I'm talking about your name, cutie" he said In a low voice

I froze up. It wasn't that he was terrifying, he was mysterious and I felt a weird feeling forming in my stomach.

"So will you tell me your name now ?" He said still smirking. He was now leaning against a wall. I was trapped in a corner. He leaned closer and put his arms next to my head. Now I was properly trapped.

"I-I'm Fwhip" I stuttered. I am probably so pink right now.

He smirked "why are you stuttering ? You weren't like that in your dream" he told me almost in a whisper.

I gulped. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. And my face was probably as red as a tomato.

He smirked and just stood there. With his hands on my sides.

"You know. You're not a very terrifying king. You should work on that. Also on your survival skills." He told me a bit smug.

I just stared then getting some confidence I said: "you know my name and where I'm from. Now tell me yours and your kingdom"

He looked at me surprised.

"Wow are we being Formal now ?"

"Yes" I grinned at him. Trying to cover my nervousness.

"Wow after I saved your life ?"

"Oh come on" I laughed and he joined in. He laid his head on my shoulder for a bit. He had fluffy hair that was tickling me.

"So I am king sausage of mythland" he said backing away and giving a little bow.

"Wait your from Mythland like the mythland? The one I should stay away from ?" I said panicked. My father always told me about the dark magic they had going on over there. I should stay way from them

He looked at me in shock.

"Well. Yes ? I'm sorry I can leave if you'd like me to." He turned to leave.

My brain for some reason didn't think at that moment and let my heart do the job.

I grabbed his wrist. "Don't leave" I whispered.

I didn't know why I did that, but I didn't care. My brain told me it was a bad idea. But I still held his arm. "Please" I added in the same tone

He looked at me surprised then he went closer to me. "Why?" He whispered I couldn't answer. I didn't know how to. I looked at his eyes. He looked at me. Then there was silence. I was the first one to break it.

"Sausage" I whispered in such a small voice, it was a wonder he even heard it. He nodded telling me to continue "kiss me" I finished after a bit of an internal conflict. I knew the consequences would haunt me but I didn't care about that at the moment

He looked at me surprised. Then he moved even closer. I could feel his breathing on my lips. He pushed me agains the wall. I looked at him, he looked back. He then lifted my chin up a bit and he kissed me.

I closed my eyes and kissed him back. I don't know what I was Doing, but it felt right. I could feel sausage putting his hands on my waist and just letting them be there. I put my arms around his neck just like in my dream when he was saving me from falling to my death.

"Hey Fwhip we just wanted to check up on what's talking you- OHHH"

Gem and pearl disturbed our little moment. Me and sausage immediately parted and rushed to stand next to each other. Well that's awkward.

Gem stared at me with an open mouth. Sausage made an awkward smile and waved

"How long has this been going on for ?" Gem asked me in a hushed voice but everyone on the balcony heard that. Well It was only me, sausage, pearl and her.

"What do you mean?" I asked her back in a normal tone

"How long have you been secretly meeting up with the enemy ?" she said

„First of all, he's not an enemy, secondly we met today" I blushed at the last one.

„Well technically yesterday in his dream. I saved him." sausage chimes in

She glared at him.

"How Is he not the enemy. He's using back magic and he was on xornoths side."

"If he was on his side, why would he have saved me from him?!" I screamed at her

She still glared at me and him.

"Ok beside that point. You've only known him for a few hours and we just walked in on you guys kissing!" Gem screamed back "do you know how furious dads gonna be if he finds out about this?!"

"Why does he need to find out though? He will never think I'm good enough. He never accepted me ? So why would he start now ?!" I screamed back.

At this point sausage and pearl were just in the back being quiet trying not to infer in our argument.

"Why do you even care ?! You left us. You left me! Just for some magic!" I finally screamed at her. That was when she went quiet. We both had tears in our eyes at that point. Sausage and pearl looked at each other.

"I didn't know you felt that way.." gem started

"Save it!" I disrupted her shoving past her. I went towards the great Hall going over to my bedroom. Then I heard steps behind me. I didn't care I just told them to go away. I then went towards my room opened my wings and flew to the roof. I sat down with my feet against my chest hugging them. Silently crying. Then I was suddenly hugged from behind. I turned my neck to see who it was. Sausage was there hugging me. I immediately without thinking, snuggled up to him and Pressed myself against his chest. Sniffling. He kept on holding me. He then kissed my forehead telling me everything will be fine.

We laid there. Me in his arms, looking at the stars and just enjoying the others presence.


Lydia: should we make a part 2?

Ashley: what do we put in there ?

Lydia: idk there's been some sibling drama here ? Maybe just let them be happy again?

Ashley: idk 



Pearls POV:

I held a crying gem in my arms. I rubbed her back soothingly. Whispering sweet nothings

"Gem everything's gonna be fine" I told her in a sweet voice

She sniffled.

"But what if he won't ever talk to me again?"

"He surely won't do that. But I think he's just angry that you didn't accept that."

"What ?"

"Him and sausage. Sausage is a nice guy. He will take good care of Fwhip, I know that."

She looked up at me. She had red puffy eyes and a tear stained face

"How are you so sure about that." She looked at me

"I know sausage. And I know that he cares about Fwhip. He's been talking about him for a while now." I chuckled. "Look, what I'm trying to say is: sausage isn't an enemy. He couldn't control xornoths possession. But he's doing his best. I won't give you orders, but as a friend I will advise you to give him a chance"

She looked at me and nodded.

"Maybe I should give him a chance. He seems to make Fwhip happy. Even though they just met."

I laughed she joined in.

"Where even are these two idiots ?" 

Words: 2714

 ! It's edited !

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