Midnight Loner 💙 (Ross X Rea...

By Raggedy_Spoon

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Ross X Reader WoooOOO More

Chapter 1: Star boy☆
Chapter 2: Friends
Chapter 3: Rain
Chapter 4: Love feels good! (1)
Chapter 5:Love feels sickening (2)
Chapter 6: Mistakes happen..right?
Chapter 7: The Truth
Chapter 8: Promise
Chapter 9: Snow Day
Chapter 10: End of Snow day
Chapter 12: Shooting stars (2)
Chapter 13: Not the best date

Chapter 11:Shooting stars (1)

932 19 125
By Raggedy_Spoon

"I'm so glad you and Apollo are back together! Y'know he just hasn't been himself ever since you guys broke up..sorry for keeping you go on upstairs!"

"Thank you.." Y/N walked up the stairs, they made a right and walked down the hall. Y/N knocked on the door at the end of the hall. "Who is it?" "Y/N" "Come in" Y/N opened the door and walked in, they shut the door behind them. There was some trash on the floor, Apollo laid on his bed watching TV. "Hey baby, so glad you could make it" ".." Y/N looked around. "What's..going on here?" They gestured to the mess. "I just haven't gotten round to cleaning yet" Apollo said. "If you want you can clean, I'd greatly appreciate it" he grinned. Y/N gave him a "Are you serious?" stare. Apollo just laughed. "You're so easy to mees with..! I'll clean it, gimmie a minute" he got up and started picking stuff up. Y/N smiled a little. "I mean I can help-" "No it's alright just sit down baby I got it" Apollo spoke softly, he kissed Y/Ns cheek and picked up some more stuff. Y/N was surprised by his tone..Y/N sat down on his bed, they took their jacket off. After Apollo picked the trash he threw it out in his little garbage can, he sat down next to Y/N and wrapped his arm around their waist. Y/N looked at Apollo and gave him a small smile, Apollo kissed Y/N on the neck. "I'm sorry for being so rude..well I wouldn't even call it rude, how I treated you was beyond rude and I'm so sorry" Apollo apologized. Y/N clenched their jaw. "Don't fall for it" "I hope you can forgive me, baby. If you can't I understand..but I just want you to know I'm sorry" Apollo kissed Y/N on the cheek. Y/N smiled. "I forgive you..but don't lie to me" They grabbed him by his jaw. "You're not really sorry are you?" "I am.." Apollo looked away, he looked back at Y/N. "Listen I know you probably don't trust me and I wouldn't trust me either but I'm being serious when I say this I love you" Y/N let go of him, they frowned. "I don't believe you" They got up. "Come on wait" Apollo grabbed Y/Ns arm. "I know you like it when I say that, You don't know what you'd do without me. You need me" "I need you?" Y/N couldn't help but laugh. "Yeah, you need me. I know you do!" Apollo got up and grinned, his grip on them got tighter. "You need me but I don't need you, I never needed you. But..I like you, and I want you. So I'll keep you" Y/N balled up their hand in a fist, they thought about the plan as they took a breath. "You're right..I do need you.." "All you had to do was say it" Apollo hugged Y/N. "I'll help you out baby, I'll give you what you need..love. isn't that what you want? Well I can give it to you for a small price of you just listening to me" Apollo let go of Y/N and ruffled up their hair. "Got it?" Y/N sighed, they felt powerless. They needed to agree with him or else the plan wouldn't work. "Yeah.." "Good" Apollo smiled. "Y'know I like this new you..I hope you say this way"

"I'm assuming Y/N told you guys-" "What? Nooo.." Rover grinned. "Damnit Rover you gave it away!" Valentine hissed. "How?" "We're supposed to act like we don't know about the plan and you gave it away!" Valentine scoffed. "Sorry jeez, anyways yeah we know about your little murder plan-" "I'll go along with dating you but only because Y/N wants me too! I'd do anything for them" Valentine smiled. "If you guys get caught we're only going to bail Y/N out" Rover said. "Yeah, sorry Ross" Valentine and Rover laughed. "Speaking of Y/N there they are, Y/N!" Valentine waved hi to Y/N, they were walking down the hall with Apollo. Y/N waved hi and was about to go over to them but Apollo pulled them back. Y/N looked at Apollo and gestured to Valentine and Rover, Apollo rolled his eyes and let them go, Y/N went over to them. "Hey..guys, what's up?" They turned around looking at Apollo then back at them. "Nothing much just talking to Ross y'know the usual" Rover said. "Sounds fun! Well I can't talk for long cause Apollo doesn't want me over here so I'll see you guys later" Y/N sighed, they looked at Ross and smiled, then walked back over to Apollo. "Lemme walk you too class baby" Apollo grabbed Y/Ns hand. Y/N nodded as Apollo and them walked away.

Ross clicked his tongue as he watched them. "Someone's jealous" Rover smiled as he nudged Valentine. "Leave em alone Rov, think about how he must feel about all this-" "It was his idea to do this whole plan was it not?" Rover folded his arms. "It's a good plan! I want Apollo gone I think the world would be a better place if he was 6 feet under" Valentine smiled. "That's one thing we agree on- say how are you even going to kill him-" "I'm not going to do it, Y/N is" Ross put his hands in his pockets. "So you can frame them? I think not!" Valentine exclaimed. "What? No. I'd never do that, I just thought they'd want too. I mean hell I'd want to have the honors of killing a toxic ex of mine" Ross shrugged. "This doesn't seem right, you don't have to kill Apollo we could just move on and grow as human beings" Rover leaned against Valentine and put his hand on his head dramatically. "Rover has a point..this does seem pretty inhumane and the humane thing to do would be letting it go and just continuing on with your lives" Valentine frowned. Ross chuckled lightly. "You have a point..I mean whatever Y/N wants to do I'm down for it" "You seriously love them huh?" Valentine raised a brow. "I mean yeah.." Ross blushed, he pulled his beanie down. "They make me happy and I just want to see them happy too.." "Ouch my heart" Rover clenched his sweater. "Take care of Y/N please, Apollo really did..a lot to them and I- WE just want them to be happy again" Valentine frowned. "Yeah" Rover smiled. "I will, I would never do anything to hurt Y/N. I love them a lot" Ross said. "Good, now let's get to class I don't want to be late" Valentine smiled.

Y/N was sitting at a table with Apollo and his friends, they were in Science right now. Gosh were Apollo's friends loud and obnoxious, except for Jason he was nice to talk too. Can't say the same for the rest, his friends are always making obnoxious noises and terrible jokes. You can barely focus! Y/N was writing down notes, they tapped their pencil against the table. "Hm.."


Y/N looked at Apollo, he gave them a smirk as he flicked another eraser at them. Y/N rolled their eyes and went back to writing.


"Apollo.." Y/N looked at Apollo. "What's up baby?" "Do you need something?" "No not at all" Apollo rested his head on his hand. Y/N sighed and looked back down at their notebook.


Y/N got up and walked away. "Aw come on don't leave I was only messing around" Apollo chuckled. Y/N went up to the teacher. "May I use the restroom" "Of course" The teacher nodded. Y/N left the room, they walked down the hall and sighed. Two weeks with Apollo, it was going to be a hell of a two weeks. They can't talk to Ross at school..can't even look at him. Speaking of Ross, while Y/N was walking they saw Ross sitting at a bench. He had earbuds on and was drinking what he usually drinks. Just saying hi wouldn't hurt, right? Y/N walked over to him, they silently sat down next to him, he didn't seem to notice. He must not be that aware of his surroundings. Y/N looked at Ross and tapped him gently. Ross looked at Y/N, his face lit up as he took one earbud out. "Aren't you supposed to be in class?" Y/N teased. "I could say the same for you" Ross smiled. "Apollo was being annoying so I asked to use the bathroom" Y/N said. "Understandable..you okay though?" Ross kissed Y/Ns cheek. "Yeah I'm fine what about you?" Y/N blushed. "Better now that you're here-" "Oh stop" Y/N giggled, they held his face and gave him a kiss. Ross kissed them back, Y/N pulled away and frowned. "I miss you" "We saw each other just awhile ago" "I know but I hate how we can't hangout" Y/N huffed. "Yeah but it's gonna be worth it in the end" Ross shrugged. "I suppose so" Y/N nodded, they sighed. Ross kissed their cheek. "How about we hangout tonight? We can watch some shooting stars" "Really? I'd love that!" Y/N nodded. "Sweet I'll set up the area after school" Ross smiled. "Great!..I should probably get back to class, I love you" Y/N kissed Ross. Ross kissed them back, he smiled in-between the kisses. Y/N pulled away and hugged him tight, they inhaled his sent..he smelled like cologne, nice cologne. Ross hugged them back, he blushed holding them close. "I love you too, hey..uh can I ask you something?" "Of course, what's up?" "Do you really want to do this plan?" Ross let go of Y/N and put his hands on their shoulder. Y/N frowned. "..Yeah I do, I really do.." they felt awful about this but a part of them also really wanted to do this, even if they had to live with that guilt. Ross nodded. "Alright just making sure.." he kissed the top of their head. "I'll think of a more detailed plan and tell you tonight alright?" "Okay!" Y/N nodded. "I should head back to class now..I'll see you later, Star boy" "See ya babe" Ross smiled


"Damn I forgot napkins..I'll be right back" . . . "Hey Y/N..? You okay?" Jason asked. "Oh uh yeah I'm alright, thanks for asking" Y/N smiled. "If you don't mind me asking why are you back with Apollo? After all he's done to you" Jason tilted his head. "Oh um, it's hard to explain but I love him a lot and I know he loves me. I forgive him for everything he's done to me" "Really?" "Yup" Y/N nodded. "Wow..I mean if I were you I probably would've murdered him already" Jason chuckled. Y/N laughed, "Oh I would never!..I love him too much" "Love who too much?" Apollo sat down next to Y/N. "You, obviously" Y/N smiled. "How sweet" Apollo kissed Y/Ns cheek. Y/N smiled some more as their eyes went over to The Hatzgang table, they looked at Ross. "Yeah...sweet"

Timeskip again

"Gosh you're exhausting, are you messing with me on purpose?" "Noo" "Do you act like this towards Y/N? I hope not!" Valentine folded her arms. "Of course not" Ross smiled. "Jeez- oh! Y/N! Hey!" Valentine waved hi to Y/N, Y/N waved back, Apollo was beside them. Valentine walked over to them, Ross behind her. "What's up Y/N?" "Oh nothing much, what about you guys?" "Oh we're fine, y'know same old same old!" Valentine smiled. Apollo put a hand on Y/Ns shoulder. "Sooo are you two dating?" "Oh Uhm..yes! Me and Ross are dating" Valentine nodded. "Yeah..dating" Ross said. "How nice, why'd you guys decide to date?" Apollo asked. "Oh Uhm, ya know we just like each other so much.." "Uh huh..you moved on pretty quickly, Ross. I mean you really seemed to love Y/N" Apollo put his hands in his pockets. "Did you even love them?" He knew what he was doing. Y/N looked at Apollo, then at the ground. "No I guess not" Ross shrugged. Y/N was shocked by his answer I mean they knew he didn't mean it but jeez! "It happens to the best of us right? Just falling out of love" Apollo looked at Y/N. "Anyways, Y/N. I'm gonna go hangout with my friends..come over at 6" he kissed them on the cheek. "Okay..I love you" Y/N smiled. "Who doesn't?" Apollo scoffed as he walked away. Y/N watched him walk away, they turned around. Valentine hit the back of Ross's head. "Apologize!" "I didn't even mean it, Y/N knows that! Right?" Ross looked at Y/N. "Oh yeah of course, I know you didn't mean it" Y/N looked down. Valentine pushed Ross towards Y/N. "Hey..you know I love a lot" Ross lifted Y/Ns head up. "I really really do" Y/N smiled. "I love you too! I know you didn't mean that" they hugged him. Ross hugged them back. "That's sweet and all but I wanna go home" Valentine impatiently waited. Y/N let go of Ross and held his hand, Ross smiled.

"Well why don't you just confront him?" Y/N looked at Apollo. "Tsh I would but I don't really feel like kicking his ass" he opened his front door. Y/N walked in. "Hey.." Apollo closed the door behind him. "Yeah?" Y/N turned around. "Y'know my parents aren't home" Apollo grabbed Y/N and kissed their neck. "Oh no Apollo.." "Come on" "Why don't we just hangout in your room?" Y/N pushed him away. "..Fine by me" Apollo smiled, he went up the stairs. Y/N followed. They went into his room, Apollo shut the door. He went over to Y/N and pulled them close to him. "Are you sure you don't want to do anything? It'll be fun" "You always want to do this whenever I come over, do I mean anything to you?" Y/N frowned. "Well..I mean" Apollo shrugged, Y/N gasped and pushed him away. "What is wrong with you?" "Aw don't act like that, I like you..well actually, I like when I can do stuff with you" Apollo trailed his hands down to Y/N waist. "Don't touch me" Y/N pushed him. They shivered in disgust. "What the hell is your problem, isn't this what you wanted?" "I wanted love Apollo!" "This is love! Love comes in different shapes and forms and this is just one of them" "But..I don't feel loved when you do this. I feel like a cheap whore! And I'm not the whore in this relationship!" Y/N hissed. "Oh! That's fucking rich! I'm the whore?" Apollo laughed. "You're literally cheating on me with Ross!" "That's..not true!.."  "Y/N..baby, I'm not fucking stupid!" Apollo snapped. "I know you're up to something whatever it is, knock it off! Like I said before, nobody will love you like I do-" "You're wrong.." Y/N looked away, their anger slowly rising. "You're so fucking wrong!" Y/N walked to one of the corners of the room. "You never even loved me in the first place so you have no room to say that.." they picked up a bat Apollo kept in the corner of his room. "No one will love you like I did! I loved you, I loved you..I really did Apollo I loved you so much it hurt! I loved you.." Y/N clenched the bat. "I really don't understand you at all, why you do hate me?" Y/N faced Apollo. "Oh baby..I don't hate you at all" Apollo folded his arms. "Then what did I do to you!?" "Nothing at all!" "You don't understand how much I've been through when we were dating..you don't even care" "You're right! I don't.." Apollo chuckled. "Do you think this is a joke?" "Very much" "I'm just some joke to you?" Y/N teared up, tears rolled down there face. "Yup, now put that bat down and-"


"What the fuck is-"


"I'm not a joke, I'm not a fucking joke Apollo!"

"Give me that fucking bat!"

"I see your pyscho bodyguard had a little influence on you huh?


"No no..don't say anything..I'm gonna make you wish you never picked up this fucking bat!"
. . .

. . .

. . .

Y/N laid in bed with an ice pack on their right eye, they texted Ross.

Y/N:"Hey sorry to bother you but can you come over I have to tell you something"

Ross:"Yeah sure, you okay?"

Y/N:"Not really, but I'll be fine"

Ross:"I'm coming over rn"

Y/N:"Okay see you soon"

Ross:"Cya babe"

Y/N set their phone down and sighed.

"I should've kept swinging at that cunt.."

(Hii! Sorry that this was a short-ish chapter but I hope you enjoyed this,  sorry it took so long to come out! I'll post the next one as soon as possible! Have a good day/night/afternoon)

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