The Last (TFP x reader Fanfic)

By Just_Another_IDK

14.4K 575 139

You are far from human. You're not a mutant, super-human, or anything that constitutes being extraordinary. ... More

Shadow and Wind
Rise of The Dead
Return to Griffin Rock
Never Have, Never Will Lose a Fight
The Fast and The 'Fur' - ious
The Spider
When Work Comes Home
Sixth Sense
Shaken Up
Keeping Cody Out of Danger
The Cave In
Those at Our Side
Rebuilding Burnt Bridges
Rising Darkness
Siding with the lesser evil is still siding with Evil
Sharper than Knives

Humans and Other Humans

623 29 2
By Just_Another_IDK

You were descended from the mightiest of predators in the galaxy. You were ruthless, a perfect killing machine, you were unshakeable. But there was something about food that made sure you were in the base when the bots picked up the humans. Ah yes, a mighty killing machine that needed a human to bring something to nourish the tank. "You're still here?" Ratchet snorted in amazement.

You would usually be hunting. Maybe patrol the surrounding forests and Mountains in Jasper and track down any faint energon signal or you just let your paws carry you to where you needed to be. You hissed at him. You did what you want, when you wanted and however you decided to do it. And right now you decided to curl up in the corner of the base and take a nap until it was snack time.

Was food the key to your friendliness? maybe. Your ears perked up at the sound of two sets of engines pulling into base. You stopped yourself from sprinting up and joyously prowling to Jack for some food. You opened one eye and frowned, only Miko and Raf had come back to base.

You stood up and stretched like many felines do after a long rest. You we're getting a bit frustrated, your routine was to hunt at night, come back to base to sleep, eat when Jack brings you food, then go back to sleep. You stalked out of base before anyone could say anything. Where are they? Not that you cared about their personal safety, your stomach came before anything else.

Nimbly you scaled the many red mountains in the area, the place was open so it would be easy for a human to spot you. There weren't any mountain lions in the area, your spots and size would arise fear and that was something you couldn't afford. You shook your fur out a little, enjoying the warmth of the sun that warmed your back.

Your ears twitched as the wind carried the sound of a familiar engine, mixed with the sound of the muscle car. You tasted the wind. Yep. Four humans, one being Jack, a car and a motor cycle that wasn't a motor cycle. You sniffed the air, looking for where the scent was coming from and your eyes followed your nose. You laid down and crossed your front paws, "well, well, looks like Arcee and Jack are having a little race," you said to yourself as you watched the spectacle that you knew Optimus wouldn't approve of.

You watched as Jack and Arcee raced the car. You yawned, it wasn't what you called entertainment you were just wondering where your afternoon snack was before you went on a night of hunting Decepticons.

You hopped down from the mountain you sat on to beat Arcee and Jack back to base. You sat neatly at the entrance waiting for them. Arcee stopped, but didn't transform, "since when did you do the welcome party?" Arcee asked.

"Since when were you into racing?" you quipped.

"You saw that?!" Exclaimed Jack, you nodded as you jogged beside them into base. "Please don't tell Optimus," Jack begged as Arcee stopped and transformed in the tunnel so the three of you could privately talk for a bit.

"I honestly don't care what you get up to, what Optimus doesn't know won't hurt him... but onto business," your head bobbed side to side trying to see if Jack had any food. "You got any food? Maybe some of your Mom's nice left over meatloaf."

Jack ran a hand through his hair. "Oh shoot, sorry (y/n) i completely forgot to bring you something," he apologized. He genuinely look terrified. Scared how you were going to react.

You took a deep breath to calm the anger that was rising. "You better have a good explanation," you snapped with a growl in your throat.

"What did I tell you? Grumpy unless fed," Arcee muttered and you shot her a short growl.

"There's this girl, Sierra, she asked me for a ride and some things were said and Vince challenged me to a race," he mumbled, trying to word how to explain the concept of liking someone to you.

"I still don't get it," you scoffed.

"You know," Jack tried prompting.

"Anti-social killing machine from an almost extinct predatory race and another planet, you're going to have to explain it," you demanded blandly.

Jack ran a hand through his hair as he made eye contact with you, he hoped you were joking but judging by your sharp gaze, you weren't. "I like her more than a friend and am trying to impress her so that she may like me back," he muttered, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Humans are so confusing," you huffed as you stood up, "I'll excuse you just this once," you scoffed. As you stalked back out of the base. The sun would set soon and a certain red Decepticon loved street races.

Jack didn't know how he had gotten roped into another race but he did and Arcee was not pleased. He had also forgotten to bring (y/n) some food but thankfully for him she was on an extended hunting trip.

But it had him thinking. He didn't know how he would act if his entire race was wiped out, if the only thing he had ever known was battle and anger. He was starting to see (y/n)'s point of things.

"Raf? Is there any way I could borrow Bumblebee for an hour?" Jack asked.

"Jack you know racing is against the rules, what if Optimus found out?" Raf said.

Bumblebee and Jack sighed.

"But Raf, he's got to get the girl," Miko argued, Raf raised an eyebrow, "and beat the bully."

"Heh, (y/n) basically gets away with murder, her favourite saying is 'what Optimus doesn't know won't hurt him," Bulkhead chimed in.


"Come on Raf, just this once?" Jack asked holding up a single finger.

Jack and Bumblebee had driven to the meeting place for the drag race. Jack glanced out the window, he could have sworn he saw (y/n), her beast form sitting in the shadows and glowing eyes staring out menacingly.

Bee pulled up directly beside Vince and rolled down the window. Vince scowled at Jack. "Bike's in the shop," Jack explained snappily as he focused on the road. He looked up to the edge of the water way they were in. He could have sworn he spotted (y/n) again but as soon as the shadow appeared it disappeared.

Jack frowned, now wasn't the time to be wondering if (y/n) was lurking the in the shadows, he should be focusing on leaving Vince in the dust, it would be easy as he wasn't the one driving.

"Circuit drivers are you ready," the announcers voice echoed. A goofy grin spread across Jack's face as Sierra walked into the middle of the track to signal the beginning of a race. "Let's make it mean but keep it clean, fire em up in five, four, three, two, one!" It was pedal to the metal as the late night race began.

Bumblebee had quickly overtaken Vince but he began to beep a warning Knockout had shown up and had shoved another car out the road. "Wait I know that car," Jack stated.

Bumblebee drove onto the angled side of the drain and onto the highway to try and evade the Decepticon. Knockout drew his blaster preparing to fire on Bumblebee.

You burst from the shadows and slammed into Knockouts side, claws extended as it tore through metal. The sheer force had sent the two of you out the drain. You knew Knockout would show tonight but you had no idea that Jack and Bumblebee would. "Stupid humans," you spat as you flipped Knockout. You didn't understand why Jack did these stupid things. By all rights you could curl up for a nap and watch them be killed.

But if Jack got killed you would have no one to bring you food.

"(y/n)!" Jack called out as he spotted you in the rearview mirrors, you could just manage to catch the surprise in your voice.

Knockout transformed, "look what the cat dragged in," he smirked as he drew his rotating saws. You growled at him, your claws would be sharper than any weapon he could produce. He smirked at you, "Knockout to base, I have a little pest problem," he smirked.

"You better not be racing," Starscream screamed at him.

"Oh its much better than racing but i may need a hand to exterminate the cat," he grinned. The call ended and he knew that Starscream would appreciate any attempt to get rid of the cat.

You heard your collar beep, you quickly answered it, "what?!" you spat as five other cons landed around you. Bumblebee beeped frantically. You spotted lights coming towards you in the corner of your eye. You scowled Bee had suggested you take the fight off the road. You did, you sprinted for the cover of a mountain but you noticed that Knockout didn't follow the cons in their jet forms.

As soon as you were in the clear you pivoted and pounced crushing the con that ended up under your claws. The other four transformed and began to fire at you, you nimbly dodged and lucky for you they were standing in a line. The first one at lunged and sliced the energon vein at their throats, they fell to the ground in a clump of metal.

They were boring to fight, the higher up you went in the Decepticon chain, the more interesting the fights were.

You heard Bumblebee's voice beep over your communicator, he said something about Vince, a red headed human, had been captured by Knockout. "Nothing I can do about it Bee, Optimus has one rule for me, don't be spotted by humans," you snarled. Bee beeped again.

"Yeah I know I break the rules a lot but this is a you and Jack's problem, I was around to hunt down Knockout," you snapped in reply.

"(y/n) please, it's not fair that Vince gets caught up in this mess, he's been captured by Knockout," Jack pleaded. You looked up at the sky, you shifted and with a mighty flap of your wings you were off the ground. The cool night wind was chilly as you glided. You needed to spot that damned red sports car.

You spotted him and dove, your wing sliced through air and as you neared the ground you transformed. You were right behind him as he ran through town. You noticed that Arcee, Bulkhead and Bumblebee were also in pursuit. You had turned the corner and cautious stalked through a broken fence which had clearly been cut.

You peered over your shoulder, Bulkhead and Bumblebee were behind you. "I don't need your help," you snarled.

"We're not here to help you," Bulkhead replied as he and Bumblebee transformed. You moved away from them and into the cover of the shadows, their loud footsteps weren't ideal to set an ambush because you knew that a Decepticon would be waiting for the perfect time to strike.

You watched as a light was trained on Bulkhead and Bumblebee and with a bang Breakdown was burst through the storage shed he hid in. The Autobots managed to dodge his attack and that's when you struck. Breakdown yelled in pain as you sliced the back of his leg as you ran by. His arm came swinging down but you pounced out the way. You snarled at him as he tried to hit you again but you grabbed his fist in your jaws and pulled him to the ground.

In the corner of you eye you watched Knockout drive off with Arcee in pursuit. "Go help Arcee," Bulkhead suggested.

You quickly over took Arcee and was running alongside Knockout. You lunged in front of him, he accelerated, hoping to run you over. You held your ground. A truck horn blared and Optimus slammed into Knockout's side, sending him off the road.

You took this as your moment to leave. And not back to base. You had become to reliant on a human for something so trivial. Food was something you could catch for yourself you weren't some pet and after these events you were reminded of a hard truth. That you were only needed to clean up messes. Jack was just buying you with favors and it showed today. That the attention of a human girl was worth more trouble and headache than simply bringing you a snack.

It was time to hunt because you were a solitary predator.

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