Life In Smallville & Metropol...

By HeavensTree01

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Three weeks later, Liana is back in Metropolis but has no memory of where she was from. Liana finds out that... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Savior
Chapter 2: Metallo
Chapter 3: Rabid
Chapter 4: Echo
Chapter 5: Roulette
Chapter 6: Crossfire
Chapter 8: Idol
Chapter 9: Pandora
Chapter 10: Disciple
Chapter 11: Absolute Justice, Society, and Legends
Chapter 12: Warrior
Chapter 13: Persuasion
Chapter 14: Conspiracy
Chapter 15: Escape
Chapter 16: Checkmate
Chapter 17: Upgrade
Chapter 18: Charade
Chapter 19: Sacrifice
Chapter 20: Hostage
Chapter 21: Salvation

Chapter 7: Kandor

95 2 2
By HeavensTree01

Chloe's at Watchtower looking for the Kandorians when Clark zooms in and Chloe turns around and says, "Hey. If you raced here to see me, it must mean the "I love Liana" show was preempted this week." Clark says, "Come on, you know I always speed over when you call. Anyway, me and Liana have exactly had the chance to talk about the kiss." Chloe smiles and says, "You guys kissed? Aww. So, what happened after you guys kissed?" Clark says, "Well, Randall needed her for a story, and I haven't seen her since." Chloe nods and says, "Don't worry, Clark. I'm sure Liana, just needs some space to think about the kiss. I mean, it's been a year since you two went out. Just give her time." Clark nods and says, "Okay." Chloe says, "In the meantime my LuthorCorp mole dug up some more information on the Kandorians." Clark says, "How bad is it?" Chloe says, "We were right. Tess Mercer has teams around the globe trying to bring the ETs home. Her operatives have had their noses deep in the Turkish desert, sniffing around for weeks. Now, I think that you should wing out there and take a peek yourself." Clark says, "Unfortunately, my wings are still clipped. I'll fly coach." Chloe says, "Uh, no, you won't. Oliver can get you there first class." Clark says, "I'll do this by myself." Chloe says, "Why, Clark? Come on." Clark says, "Chloe..." The door opens and in walks Oliver and he says, "Hear you need a lift." 

Liana goes to the Kent farm to see Clark because she's ready to talk about the kiss. Liana walks through the front door and says, "Clark, I'm ready to talk." Liana sees a shadow in the kitchen and says, "Clark?" The shadow walks forward in the sunlight and Liana says, "Who are you?" The man says, "My name is Jor-El." Liana says, "Oh, my God. I-I... you made it to Smallville. Clark found your markings in the desert. You're Clark's father." Jor-El says, "You are mistaken. I have no child." Liana walks over to a picture of Clark to show Jor-El and says, "His Kryptonian name is Kal-El." Jor-El says, "So, this is my son. And what's he doing here on Earth?" Liana says, "Well, you sent him here as a baby. It was the only way you could save him." Jor-El says, "Save him?" Liana gets the feeling that Jor-El doesn't know and she says, "Um... Look, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... Krypton was destroyed." Jor-El turns away and says, "My wife... Lara." Liana says, "Clark's mother, she's... not here with you?" Jor-El says, "She wasn't part of the experiment." Liana says, "Oh. I'm sorry. I... I didn't know. Look, my friends have been searching for all the others who have come here with you." Jor-El looks at Liana and says, "They will be difficult to find. They're very well-trained. A battalion of soldiers led by a great commander and the best friend I ever had, Zod. If it wasn't for Zod I wouldn't be here, and neither would my son." Liana says, "I'm afraid you've only lived half the story. There's a few more chapters on Zod that you still need to hear. And I'm gonna warn you it doesn't have a happy ending." Liana then takes Jor-El to the loft to show him Clark's trunk. Liana tries to call Clark, but he isn't answering, and she says, "Clark's not answering, but I'm sure once he calls me back then you'll finally get to meet your son." Jor-El says, "I'm saddened that he spent his entire youth away from his people... and grew up alone." Liana says, "Well, maybe he wasn't around other Kryptonians, but he certainly wasn't alone. Trust me, the Kents are the greatest parents you could've ever hoped for... on Earth." Jor-El says, "I would've expected as much. My father sent me here when I was younger as a rite of passage." Liana says, "I know, my great-uncle told me about you." Jor-El looks at Liana and he says, "Your great-uncle? You know, you look just like the woman I met here." Liana softly smiles and says, "That would be my great-aunt Lousie." Jor-El smiles and says, "She was a lovely woman. Anyway, I met a man called Hiram Kent. I felt so much love in his house. And perhaps that's why I sent Kal-El here." Liana says, "But if you didn't know that your son even existed why did you come to Smallville today?" Jor-El says, "I have many very, fond memories here. I wanted to see the place again." Liana says, "Well, your instincts about the Kents paid off. Clark is the most amazing person I've ever met. And your guidance helped make him into the man he is." Jor-El says, "I worry that he isn't the only one I've influenced. Perhaps I played my part in making Zod the man he became." Liana says, "Look, whatever you did to him Zod is the only person responsible for choosing to become a monster." They then hear a door open, and Jor-El touches Liana's neck and she passes out. Clark finds Liana in his loft knocked out and he says, "Liana? Hey, are you okay? Wake up! Liana, are you alright?" Liana slightly groans and she says, "I'm fine. I'm fine." Liana sits up and Clark says, "What happened? Tell me who did this to you. Liana?" Liana says, "Jor-El." Clark says, "M-my father's here? Liana, he-he came all the way to the farm, but he didn't stay to see me?" Liana says, "Before he knocked me out it seemed as though he had some unfinished business... with someone else." Clark says, "I don't understand. Who else does he know in Smallville?" Liana stands up and says, "Clark... Jor-El isn't the only one who came in from the Kryptonian reunion. So did Zod." Later, Liana and Clark walk into Watchtower and see Chloe and Oliver. Clark looks at Chloe and says, "Why didn't you tell me you wired my house?" Chloe says, "Clark, before you burst a blood vessel, let me explain. I set up those cameras when you left after your last dance with Doomsday. I wanted to keep an eye on your place until you came home." Clark says, "I've been home for weeks. You didn't tell me anything about them." Clark looks at Oliver and he says, "Don't look at me, man." Chloe says, "Look, Clark, I'm sorry, okay? But I think the cameras may actually recorded something that might lead us to your father." Chloe pulls up the feed to see Jor-El knocks out Liana with a touch of his finger and lays her on the couch. Then they see Jor-El fight off someone with a gun and Liana says, "Jor-El didn't give me the Kryptonian sleeper hold to get away from me." Oliver says, "He sensed danger. He was trying to save you." They then see Jor-El get tased in the back and he is knocked out. Clark says, "There's only one person who would send operatives to kidnap him, and it's not Zod." Oliver says, "Clark, I know how you feel, okay? But going off to confront Tess all eyes a blazing is not a good idea. You're gonna do something you'll regret, you understand? Why don't you just let me talk to her?" Chloe says, "Oliver's right, Clark. You're not in any place where..." Clark then speeds away. The next day, Liana's with Chloe and Chloe's looking at all the footage and then finds one with Jor-El opening a secret storage place in the Kent house living room. Liana says, "Jor-El lied to me. Looks like Jor-El had another reason for coming to Smallville." Chloe says, "I wonder what his real reason was." Liana says, "Me too." The girls see Jor-El is holding up a Kryptonian disc. 

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