I've got a bad idea (A.G x Y...

Por jaz_mh

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Miss Grande a teacher, Y/n a student, once they cross paths they can't seem to resist each other nor avoid ea... MΓ‘s

1. First Day
2. Today...
3. The Weekend
4. Back to school
5. Date
6. what a day
7. what a day Pt.2
8. Honesty
10. Busy Day
11. Lost in my thoughts
12. my everything
13. Y/n's Birthday!!
14. Hectic
15. Scooter Braun
16. Don't worry
17. Spring Break
18. Dangerous Woman
19. The counselor
20. Tough
21. This day
22. Cops and caught
23. Crazy
24. Dinner
25. Last day of school
26. Diego Pt.1
27. Diego Pt.2
28. Game Day
29. Pennsylvania Pt.1
30. Pennsylvania Pt.2
31. Pittsburgh
32: The other one..
33. Manchester Pt.1
34. Manchester Pt.2
35. I will always choose you πŸ’™
36. π‘…π‘œπ‘Žπ‘‘ π‘‘π‘Ÿπ‘–π‘ ✨
37. Make up?

9. lots of tears

495 18 5
Por jaz_mh

Y/n's Pov

I woke up by myself in a big ass bed, my eyes flickered around the room and I remembered where I was.

Fuck I could get used to this but maybe just maybe Ariana waking up in my arms or in bed next to me.

I hear the shower running, I knock on the door, "who is it?" She asks, I love the fact she asked that instead of just saying 'come in' I let out a soft laugh, "it's me baby" I say "come into the shower with meee" She whines.

I walk into the bathroom and take off my boxers then I go into the shower.

"Hey love, goodmorning" I tell her and kiss her neck as I wrap my arms around her from behind.

"Goodmorning" She says turning around, she pulls me into a kiss.

"We have to get ready for school" I tell her, "yeah you are such a sleepy head why don't we just stay home today?" She asks, "because it'll be odd that both of us aren't at school, and Mr. Gomez is already onto you" I say and she nods, "ari do you know his first name?" I ask her biting my lip, "dalton" She says.

"Nice" I say.

I wash myself and we get out of the shower and dry off, we both go into our closet.

Yes our, we live with each other now, this isn't her room anymore it's ours.

(Your outfit)

(Ariana's outfit)

We go downstairs and we kiss each other goodbye, I have her for 4th and 8th today but we will be going in separate cars.

I need to update my address and I can't use Ariana's I'll have to ask Megan or Billie.

We soon arrive at school and we are not late but the bell rings in 5 minutes.

I went in through the student entrance while Ariana went in through the main office.

I see Mister Gomez oh Ariana had said his name was Dalton.

I continue to walk and I spot Megan in the halls with Billie, they're so cute!!

"Yo wassup" I tell them, "wassup y/n/n"
Megan says with a laugh and she kisses my cheek, her breath smells like weed yep she is high.

"Okay I think you have had enough" I say as I reach into the back pocket of her jeans, I pull out the ziplock and stuff it in my jacket.

"You are no fun" She slurs out, "oh I'm plenty of fun" I say doing my signature smirk, "bills you high too?" I ask her, "nah I've been telling her to stop but she continued doing it I've just been hitting my vape" She says and I nod.

I see Ariana as she walks into her room, "oh ya'll make such a good cute couple Y/n" Megan said out loud causing people's heads to turn and look at me, "who is the lucky girl?" Someone questions, "who is it?" Another person asks, "who you dating?" I hear I roll my eyes, "nobody" I say, "then why did Megan say you-" I cut the guy off, "she doesn't come to this school okay" why did I say that? Oh my fu- "Y/n my room now" Ariana says leaning against her door frame.

I roll my eyes so people don't think anything was happening, "yes miss grande?" Her teacher name slipped so easily from my tongue as we walked into her room, "who is the girl?" She questions, "you" I answer like it's the most obvious thing, "not anymore" She says out of nowhere.

"What why baby?" I ask her, "you are cheati-" I cut her off, "last time I fucking checked you were the one cheating on me so I don't know what you want me to say, I said that so nobody would catch onto us and you know Megan knows about us" her eyes soften, "oh r-right I forgot s-sorry babe, take me back?" She asks, "we were never over" I say kissing her, when we argue it doesn't last long.

"I love you" She breathes out against my lips, "I love you too" I say and pull away, the bell rings and I kiss her goodbye.

I go to open the door and Ariana walks with me to greet her students, "see you 4th period miss g" I say flirtingly winking in front of all her students causing her to roll her eyes and I know she wants to blush but she has to keep herself together, "see you 4th y/n" She says with a calm voice.

"Come in, take a seat" I see her greet everyone letting them in and I see this guy that I've never seen before check her out, my fists clench but I calm down, I make my way to Mr. Holden's room which is math class.

For 3rd period I now have Ms. Beer she is cute but Ariana is irreplaceable.

I walk into math and he greets me, we work on a math sheet and the period goes by pretty quick.

I make my way to Ariana's room seeing dalton in there, "goodmorning Miss G" I say normally sitting in my seat trying not to show that I'm upset because I wanted a kiss before class started but no dalton just has to be here, "goodmorning Y/n" She says, I don't greet dalton, "hey y/n you need to get your grade up for my class if you want to pass" I try not to roll my eyes at his voice, "I still have plenty of time " I say through gritted teeth.

"Yeah but the quarter is almost over" he adds, "okay I'll deal with it" I say and pull out my phone.

"So Ariana will you be free for dinner tonight?" I hear him ask her causing me to drop my phone, "c-can I go use the bathroom?" I ask her, "class is about to start so hurry up" She says and I walk out.

I go into the bathroom I wonder what her response to him was.

"So no?" I hear his voice as I walk back into the room, wait she said no?

"I said I don't know if I'm free dalton I don't know what you want me to tell you I can't give you a yes or no" She says as nicely as she can getting irritated.

"So you can't go?" He asks causing her to roll her eyes I let out a silent laugh sitting down in my seat, "no I can't" She bursts out, "okay Ariana" he says, "bye dalton" She says and he looks at me "bye Y/n" he says, "bye dalton" I say and he says "it's Mr. Gomez to you young man" I ignore him and he leaves.

I hear students start to come in and I groan I really wanted to kiss her I haven't kissed her since early this morning.

"Y/n help me get the stuff from the closet please" Ariana says and I get up and we go into the closet.

Right when we enter the door purposely closes but to everyone else it was on accident, I pull Ariana into me and my lips smash on hers, "mm" She moans, "shh" I say, "the closet is sound proof" She says giggling.

I help her get the instruments and then we take it out and lay it on the table in front of the room.

"Thank you, go take a seat" She tells me patting my shoulder.

I turned around to walk to my seat but then looked back at her turning her way again, "may I go to the office?" I ask her, "why?" She asks, "address, Megan said I could use hers" I say and she nods writing me a pass.

She hands it to me and I walk out of the room going to the office.

"Oh hey Y/n, skipping class?" Dalton asks, "nah office" I say and walk into the office not giving him a chance to respond.

"How may I help you Y/n?" Mrs. Lewis asks me, she works in the office, "I need to update my address" I say and I feel my hands start to shake, I'm having an anxiety attack, I can't breathe what the fuck? Breathe Y/n this can't happen again come on.

Fucking shit, "well what is your new address, you okay?" She asks, "I-I," I can't find words to say, Trent comes up, "hey you good man?" He asks, I gulp not being able to talk as I pace back and forth, Billie and Megan walk into the office and quickly run over to me when they see what is happening, "breathe
Y/n, breathe come on, follow my breaths" Megan says with a soft loving voice as she caresses my cheek.

I start to take deep breaths to steady it, 'baby breathe' I hear my mom's words in my head, she said those exact words when I had my first anxiety attack.

I feel tears rolling down my cheeks as I try to breathe but it's pointless I can't do it I feel like I'm going to die, Megan pulls me into a hug and I cry on her shoulder letting everything I've had bottled up out.

"Baby come on" Megan says, she usually calls me that in times like this even when we are friends, Billie knows this.

My mouth is dry and I still can't breathe, "can someone get the nurse?" Billie says out loud kind of annoyed since they're just watching us.

I need Ariana but I can't get her out of the classroom.

The nurse comes, "any loved ones you wanna call?" She asks as she helps me up and takes me to the room, "nah all my loved ones are out there, and they are only 3 people" I say calming down since she had gave me an asthma inhaler "who?" She asks, "Megan, Billie, and the other one remains unknown" She let's out a chuckle, "unknown is your lover?" She asks and I nod smiling.

"Well if you are calm you can go back to do what you were doing" She says nicely and I smile, "thanks" I say and get up but get lightheaded.

I sigh and walk out of the clinic, Megan and Billie pull me into a hug.

I go to Mrs. Lewis again, "okay I'm s-sorry about that, my new address is 1029 Hanover Dr, Beverly Hills, CA" She nods typing it on the computer, "zip code?" She asks, "90210" I say and she nods, "okay it is updated thanks you may go back to class" She says and I leave, Megan and Billie had already left to their class.

I knock and Ariana opens, she walks out of the classroom, "why are you crying baby?" She asks, "I-I had an anxiety attack" I say, I've had an anxiety attack with her twice, she calmed me down.

"Aww baby I'm sorry, do you want water?" She asks, "sure" I say and we walk into the class i make my way over to her desk and she passes me a water,, everyone seeing my eyes red, one person aka Justin asked me if I was high.

"Dude are you? Because it's rude you didn't invite me" he scoffs, "bro I'm not fucking high" I say since he doesn't know about my anxiety attacks.

I sigh and lay my head down, I still have a headache, I think about my mom and dad, when my dad first layed hands on me I remember he threw me on the floor and kept hitting me repeatedly, I was only 3 and my mom stood there and watched as I was getting beaten, he even scratched my fucking arm, it was bleeding he punched me, slapped me, hit my mouth and broke my nose.

I was 3 and I didn't know what was going on, I just know he said I hit my nose with a hard pole and the scratch was from a branch while the black eye was from a kid who was a bully and basically that I got beat up by the kid.

The doctor didn't ask any questions not even who the kid was.

Tears well up in my eyes and I release them, I can't keep them bottled up anymore I have to let it out.

The bell rings and go to Mrs. Martinez's class, "hello goodmorning class, it is almost the afternoon today Ms. Beer will be substituting my class along with hers so yeah, I have a meeting, bye and see you next week" She says and walks out.

We get moved to Ms. Beer's room and then we go to the auditorium along with all of the other classes and teachers except the ones that were at a meeting which was only 2 teachers luckily Ariana wasn't one of them.

She smiled at me and I smiled back,
"Y/n?" I hear Ms. Beer's voice, "yeah?" I say turning my head and our faces are an inch apart, I back away a little.

"Call me madison" She says with a smile, yeah that name won't be happening, "not gonna happen" I say walking away.

"Mrs. Martinez's class get with Ms. Grande's class, Ms. Beer's get with Mr. Gomez's" he says and continues to pair up classes.

"Since Mrs. Martinez is in a meeting Ms. Grande you will be taking care of them, you need to choose a student to work with or let them pair up first and then choose the remaining student because it is 2 people activities" the principal explains to Ariana, "alright" She says and he walks away.

"Pair up" She says and kids start to move around, I spot Vanessa she is in Dalton's class, she waves and I wave back.

Everyone pairs up and Ariana chose the remaining student, yep you guessed it... me obviously.

I do a small smirk and stand next to her.

"Okay everyone stand next to your partner" She says and then everyone does that, she writes each people's names.

We soon finish the activities and I was sweating as shit, "boys you may take off your shirts if you want and girls you can change into your sport bras in the locker room if you have or you can wear something else, that goes for teachers as well I know ya'll are sweating and it is super hot in here" the principal announces and I take off my shirt along with every other boy but all eyes are on me checking out my abs, I see Megan take off her shirt along with Billie, "Y/n/n!!" Megan squeals happily but I know somethings wrong, "what happened?" I ask her and she wrapped her arms around my waist, I wrap my arms around her too but around her neck "nothing" she says taking one arm off from my waist tracing her nail all over my abs making me tingle.

"Meg what's up?" I say lifting her chin up with my finger making her look at me.

"Bills broke up with me" she says sadly, "what why?" I ask her, "s-she thinks I cheated, y/n I didn't I swear on my life and on everything, I love her with everything I have, I love her so fucking much y/n I don't know what to do" She crys on my bare chest.

"Meg it's okay I'll talk to her if you want don't worry babez" I say running my hand up and down her back soothingly.

"Y'ALL ARE BACK TOGETHER??" Justin yells out, "no" I say as a simple answer "then wh-" I cut him off, "She is my best friend" I say, "right shawty?" I ask her making her let out a soft laugh, "right" she says and I wipe her tears with my thumb.

"Oh okay" Justin says, I unwrap my arms from Megan and she unwraps her arms from me, "Y/n!!" I hear Pete, oh fuck no, "what?" I say with attitude, "your da-" I cut him off, "y/d/n is full of shit, tell him I said to fuck off and get out of my life" he raises an eyebrow "you are sure?" He asks and I nod, "okay he told me you might say that so he told me to tell you he has 3 words for you: smd" he says making me laugh, "those are letters dumbass" he fake laughs with me, "don't fucking correct your father, peace out" he says and leaves.

Everyone continues to stare at me and my abs making me feel self-concious, I look towards Ariana and she has a shirt in her hand, her fucking shirt is off she is in a sports bra oh fuck no people are looking at her... the fucking new kid: Chase Hudson.

"Ya'll stop eye fucking a teacher" I announce causing Ariana to look along with Ms. Beer and Mr. Gomez, and all the other teachers who were shirtless.

"Miss Grande is hot" Jayden says I clench my fists making my knuckles turn white, Ariana sees this and gives me a look, she puts on a clean shirt and I also do.

A/n: I hope ya'll liked this chapter, love you bubs, bye.

Any questions, suggestions, or anything?

Comment below.

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