Look Me In The Eyes

By EroticaAddict91

96K 2.9K 523

It has been two years since Voldemort was killed, ending the war between Tom Marvolo Riddle and Harry James P... More

When Worlds Collide
We Meet Again
Talk About It
The Embrace
Look At Me
Forbidden Touch
Whiskey Kisses
True Feelings
Touch Me In The Dark
Silver Friendship
Knockturn Alley
Let Me Touch You
What Are We?
Hurtful Truth
Under The Desk
Going Down
Egyptian Cotton
Truthful Temptations
The Struggle
Night Terrors
Cauldron Cakes
Giggle Water
Give and Take
Tongue Twister
Bottled Love
Judgments and Hugs
You Betrayed Me
Authors Note

Midnight Fellatio

2.4K 77 20
By EroticaAddict91

Harry woke in the middle of the night, his vision blurred as he looked around. It took a few moments to realize he had passed out in Severus's bed, he turned around to see Severus sleeping next to him.

Harry's head was swimming at the idea that he was sleeping in Severus's bedroom...in his bed...together under the silk sheets. No way! He let me sleep in his bed? He looks so calm like this...and naked...

Severus was dead asleep, curled up on his side. Previous to him lying down, he didn't want to disturb Harry after falling asleep.

Harry moved closer, moving the sheets off Severus's body. He only had on his black silk briefs, which did nothing to hide himself. He's hard...what is he dreaming about I wonder? He inched down a little, snuggling against his stomach.

The room was pitch dark with the exception of one black lit candle on top of the nightstand. The wax had been burning for a few hours, dripping down the cylinder body till it hit the silver base.

Harry just noticed the lack of clothes on himself, blushing at the idea of them both nude wrapped in silk. He moved a little more, not wanting to disturb Severus's slumber.

Severus quietly groaned in his sleep, leaning on his back with a light snore.

Harry froze, waiting for Severus's snores to even out. Phew! That was close...he climbed between his legs, watching for any irregular movement. He looked down in awe, licking his lips at the sexual display infront of his face.

The only sounds in the bedroom were the hushed ticks of the wooden wall clock, mixed with the crickets outside humming their sounds of the night.

Harry dipped his fingers inside the stripe of Severus's elastic on his briefs, pulling it down slowly.

Severus didn't move, still lost in dream land. He was dreaming of his youth, remembering the simpler times before Tom Riddle became the Dark Lord.

Tick tock....tick

Harry lied between Severus's naked thighs, covering himself with the silk sheets.

Severus's dream slowly faded, replaced with a tingling sensation. It warmed his abdomen, stirring him awake. Wha...what? He opened his eyes, looking down to see a head sized bump under the sheets. Oh Salazar...

Harry lapped his tongue flat against the round sides of the head of Severus's cock, sucking it softly between his lips.

Severus lifted the sheets, his eyes wide. "Harry...what are you doing?" He asked sleepily, a quiet moan leaving his lips.

"Saying thank you." Harry whispered, licking the slit, feeling Severus twitch against his tongue.

"For what?" Severus questioned, his thighs opening more without realizing.

Harry kissed down Severus's shaft. "For letting me sleep over." He pressed his wet lips against the seam of his balls. He started licking the shape of them, stroking his fingers up his inner thighs.

Severus blew out a slow exhale of air, relaxing further into the bed. He enjoyed how much Harry wanted to sexually please him, looking down at that mouth that made his legs quiver.

Harry took all of Severus into his mouth, his soft lips beginning to bob over the hard flesh. I really like doing this for him...how he tastes, smells, feels.

Severus moaned from how hot Harry's mouth felt wrapped around him, the way he looked at him during. "Such a good boy." He whispered, bringing his hands to pet his messy brunette locks.

The sounds of Harry's mouth sucking and licking around Severus's big cock was so smutty, the taste of his leaking juices coating the inside of his mouth.

Severus squeezed his thighs around Harry's head, wanting him as close as possible. "Uhhh your mouth!" He groaned, pushing upwards.

Harry gagged against Severus's tip touching his tonsils, slowly taking him in deeper against his thrusts. "Mmm!" He moaned around him.

Severus grabbed the back of Harry's hair, coming without warning. "Fuck!" He hissed, pushing Harry's head all the way down.

Harry coughed as the hot liquid sprayed his throat, struggling to swallow against the hard length pushed down his tonsils. Shit he's so big! But he tastes so good! He gave him one last lick, coming back up to lie next to him.

Severus wrapped his arms around Harry, pulling him close. "Go back to sleep." He kissed his forehead. "It's late."

Harry smiled into Severus's chest, getting comfortable. "I like being in your bed." He kissed his skin.

"I know." Severus rubbed his hand down Harry's back. "Sleep Harry."

"But I'm not tired." Harry wiggled against Severus's body, kissing down his chest.

Tick tock...tick.

Severus pushed Harry on his opposite side, spooning him from behind. "You have your first solo class tomorrow, you need your rest." He rubbed his chest, kissing his shoulder.

"Fine." Harry huffed, covering Severus's hands with his own.

"Goodnight Harry." Severus whispered.

Harry smiled in his arms. "Goodnight Severus."


The next morning brought horrible thunder and lightning, rain poured down so hard the storm blew sideways, knocking down trees and ripping up grass. Students were urged to stay indoors, canceling any outdoor classes.

Harry had taken Severus's floo to go back to his rooms, getting ready for breakfast. He was very nervous, even if it was just one class he was worried about his performance. I hope I don't let anyone down...

Severus met Harry for breakfast, keeping their relationship toned down around the rest of the teachers and students.

Harry powered through a large plate of sausage and bacon, pounding down a heap of scrambled eggs.

"Keep eating like that and you'll get sick." Severus smacked Harry's back.

Harry coughed, swatting at Severus's hand as he reached for his pumpkin juice. "I'm hungry, I didn't eat anything last night...I had other activities." Harry hinted to their night last night.

Severus stopped some blush from covering his cheeks, hiding his expression in the rim of his cup. "Are you ready for your first class?"

Harry shook his head. "No, I feel very nervous, I mean I'm ready I just hope I don't screw up."

"My first class ever as a potions professor I blew up a cauldron...melted straight through the floor and ceiling." Severus said nonchalantly, eating the last bite of his breakfast sandwich.

Harry looked at Severus in shock. "You??? But you're technique is flawless!"

"Years of practice, becoming comfortable in your own profession takes time." Severus admitted.

Harry felt like a large weight lifted from his chest, sighing in relief. "I always thought you were perfect! When I was younger you were exemplary with demonstration and what to aim for."

Severus smiled slightly. "You don't have to butter me up like this."

"No I'm not, I truly had such respect for how talented you were, we might not have gotten along and we didn't like each other's life choices but...in all seriousness you were the best in potions and I looked up to you." Harry blushed, hoping one day he'd be able to be as spectacular.

Severus placed his hand on Harry's thigh, rubbing his hand against his pants. "You continue to amaze me Harry."

Harry blushed. "So do you Severus."

Minerva was a few seats down, dabbing her lips with a napkin. She had been prowling the halls in her Animagus form, her way of keeping a watchful eye on her fellow Witches and Wizards. She had seen and heard many things that most wouldn't have picked up on.

She leaned back in her chair, satisfied with her finished breakfast. She looked on both sides as she scanned the room, raising a brow at a particular sight down the teachers table. Severus's hand was on Harry's thigh. I must be seeing things...or am I??? She looked away, thinking.

Harry had Made it to the 1st year Potion's room after a fat breakfast, putting the assignments on each student desk quickly before the kids came in. The room was very dark and cold, giving Harry a fond memory of his first day in potions when he was the one in those seats.

The students came in after a few minutes of preparation, sitting in their assigned seats. Whispers and chit chat broke out when Slughorn wasn't present.

Harry sat on the desk infront of the class, waiting till every seat was filled. "My name is Harry Potter. I am the Professor in training who will eventually be taking over the Potion's classes next term."

Gasps and shy giggles erupted through the class seats, gossip forming in the back rows.

"Raise your hand if you know who I am." Harry said clear for all to hear.

Every single hand was raised.

Harry heavily sighed. Fame never dwindles does it? Bullocks..."For 8 years I've studied under Severus Snape, Horace Slughorn, Remus Lupin, all the professors who had brilliant talents. We've seen horrendous death and war, some of us didn't make it to the finish line but those who did have many years of wisdom to teach you."

A little girl in the front raised her hand in question.

"Yes? What is your question?" Harry asked.

The little blonde girl was from Slytherin, pigtails with little skull barrettes on the ends. "Did you really kill The Dark Lord?"

Harry shuddered harshly at the mention of Voldemort. "Yes I did, what is your name?"

"Roxanne." She answered.

"Well Roxanne...I did kill him, but I will say this only once, so everyone listen carefully." Harry hopped down from his desk. "During the days that you have me as your Professor I will not be answering any questions about my past in this Potion's Class is that understood?"


"Is that understood???" Harry asked louder.

"Yes!" Roxanne answered, her other fellow students saying the same.

Harry knew this wouldn't be the last time he would have to do that. Many children and older teenagers that attended Hogwarts knew of his legacy and the dangerous things he lived through, often stopping him in the hallways to suck up to him or ask inappropriate questions.

Severus was on the other side of the closed classroom door, waiting with Slughorn for the class to be dismissed. Horace and Severus wanted to congratulate Harry on his first solo class, pondering in suspense.

Harry walked out after the crowd of students exited the doors, happy with himself that nothing had gone wrong.

"Harry!" Horace greeted Harry with a proud hug. "How did your first class go?"

Harry smiled. "It went rather well! But everyone had trouble focusing because of me."

Severus came over, putting his hand on Harry's shoulder. "It's not every day that someone so famous teaches the class, I'm sure you did fine."

Harry shrugged. "I'm sure it won't last forever, but everyone knew who I was, it was a little intimidating."

"Oh Harry don't feel that way, it's good that you handled it correctly! What did you go over today?" Horace asked.

"Proper ingredient harvesting, how to find Boomslang Skin and Lacewing Flies, some other herbs and plant extracts." Harry handed a parchment with the list they went over to Horace.

"Very good! This looks very professional!" Horace handed it to Severus to look over.

"Come with me Harry, our class starts in a few minutes." Severus started walking, skimming the lesson that Harry had written for the class.

Harry waved goodbye to Horace, thanking him for the opportunity. He caught up to Severus, feeling alot better that it was over for now.

"I'm sensing relief that you've finished the class? Any mishaps or problem during the lecture?" Severus asked as they walked further down the Dungeon hallways.

"Besides little girls asking me questions about the war and giggling at me? No the rest went great! There was even a student that seemed more advanced than the rest, he knew every ingredient of the lesson before anyone fininished filling out the assignment sheet." Harry enjoyed being in charge of the class, not as nervous as he was this morning.

"Some students have the aptitude for Potion's, just like you and Draco they can get it pretty fast." Severus opened the classroom door, seeing that some of the students already arrived. "Good job on your first day."

"Thank you Severus." Harry walked up to the front of the classroom, putting his crossbody bag down on his own desk.

"We still have a few minutes till the rest of the students come into the room, follow me Harry." Severus walked to the very back of the room.

Harry took out some parchment and his quill, setting the ink bottle down. "Coming!" He sped after him, not wanting to make Severus wait.

Severus walked into the supply closet, locking the door behind Harry as he came inside.

Harry looked at the stacks of parchment and piles of quills. "Do we have to organize some of this?" He turned around. "It seems a bit messy!" He yelped.

Severus grabbed Harry, turning him around to smack his back against the shelves. "Not important." He growled, pressing his lips to Harry's.

Harry gasped against Severus's lips, met with his pleading need for a deeper kiss. He opened his mouth, moaning quietly at the greeting of Severus's tongue.

Severus picked Harry up by his hips, sitting him down ontop of a parchment file cabinet. "You did so well today Professor Potter." He teased his tongue across his bottom lip, gripping the sides of Harry's thighs tightly.

Harry got chills down his spine at the velvet tones of Severus's voice, pushing into the kiss. "Severus you said not in class!" He moaned, hands pulling at his cloak.

Severus moved Harry's cloak out of the way, ripping the tucked in shirt from his pants. "Nobody can see us or hear us in here." He muffled against their lips, tongues swiping together. He reached both hands under Harry's shirt, feeling every inch of his chest.

Harry whined at the fingers that pinched his nipples, wrapping his legs around Severus's hips, needing to be closer. "Severus!" He whimpered, lips moving down his neck.

"You are a delicious distraction Harry, I can still remember your lips around my cock." Severus whispered, sucking Harry's neck.

Harry's erection came fully at attention with those words, tongue and teeth turning him into mush against his collarbone. "Uhh I'm too hard!"

Severus quickly undid both their slacks, pulling their lengths together in his big hand. "Try not to make a sound." He wrapped his left arm around the small of Harry's back, pulling him flush against him.

Harry looked down at the small space between their bodies, silently panting as Severus's long fingers pumping them both. "Shit." He whispered, placing both his hands on Severus's shoulders for balance.

Severus exhaled harshly through his nose, his fingers pushing and pulling their cocks against each other. "Such a good boy, does my hand feel good against your cock?" He whispered, their foreheads pressed together.

"Yes! Uhh faster! Please!" He begged quietly, rutting his hips forward.

Severus quickened the pace, pre-come dripping from Harry's tip lubricating his large palm.

Harry was racing towards his orgasm already, the feel of Severus's dick up against his own was a new sensation proving to push him over the edge. "Godric I'm going to come soon!" He hissed quietly, thrusting against him.

Severus mimicked Harry's thrusting movements, humping each others bodies while his hand brought them both close to completion. "Come with me! Come on my cock!" He groaned lowly, pulling Harry's hair.

The cabinet shook, metal sounds of the drawers vibrating the floor.

Harry bit down on the edge of Severus's cloak, groaning into his shoulder. "Coming!" He tensed up, coming harshly in his hand.

Severus came a second after, hiding his face in Harry's neck to stifle the noise. Their pleasure covering both their cocks, proving to be quite a mess.

Harry harshly breathed out his climax, reaching for his wand. "Scourgify." He spelled them both clean, shivering at the sensitive feel of Severus letting go of them both.

Severus zipped and buttoned his slacks back up, pushing his hair off his flushed face. "Let's go out to the class, I hear more voices so they should all be here."

Harry stopped Severus, taking his wrist. "Come over Thursday night for dinner, I'll order some food to be delivered to my rooms."

Severus opened the supply closet door. "Of course Harry, wouldn't miss it."

Harry let go, smiling as he tucked himself back into his pants. He's so wonderful...why didn't we get along all those years? If I only had talked to him...gotten to know him, he's such a man! Harry felt his heart thump just thinking about Severus.

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