Snakes | A Viggo Grimborn X O...

By CharleenBenz

13.4K 303 172

All of us crave something. That's the number one thing Freya learned when she grew up. Most honorable people... More

Unorthodox Introduction
Hidden Alliance
Fuck Feelings
I'm Sorry
For Her
Shitty Past
update (AN)
True Colors Pt. 1
True Colors Pt. 2
Dance (Epilogue)
BOOK 2 (a/n)

Transparent Infatuation

1K 20 14
By CharleenBenz

Hello! Sooooo this chapter won't exactly have Viggo in it but it is a juicy chapter revolving around Freya and Viggo. So, anyways enjoy it!

3rd Person POV:

"Perhaps my humble, yet vast trading skills might be of some minor assistance in their procurement, Master Hiccup?" Johann entered the clubhouse, holding a crate of his trading supplies. Instantly Freya had to bite back a scowl, again remembering what Viggo had told her. She had to keep from loosing it on him when he knocked the lense out of Snotlout's hand so Krogan could catch it the other day. In the end, though, she knew she couldn't tell anyone about Viggo's Intel.

"Johann, what are you doing here?" Snotlout spat at him, annoyed with whatever trouble he would get them into this time. Freya smiled towards him in support of the attitude.

"I come bearing gifts for Miss Heather," Johann said without missing a beat. He set the crate of inventory on the main table. " A mea culpa if you will, for her ghastly experience at the Northern Markets,"

"Save it, Johann, she's not here," Snotlout said, shutting him down. Freya would have laughed, but the situation of a traitor in their mix was far too serious. Johann, who had just raised the bottle of Squid Ink from the crate, glared at the short man, supressing the rage. Going unnoticed by the rest, Freya glared back, slaughtering him with only her eyes. Johanns eyes caught hers, and he studied her glare, worry washing over him as he was afraid his cover may have been blown. He couldn't be completely sure, though.

"Oh, pity," Johann spat back, lowering the jar back into the crate. Freya was sure there were sabatoge-inducing "gifts" held in that crate that was reserved for Heather, though she couldn't open up about that now. She flashed back to what Viggo had told her in the letter, remembering how he told her not to tell a single one of her friends, including her brother. She knew why she wouldn't, as she would have to explain her source, but why would Viggo not want her to? Was his reasons the same as hers? Or did he not want her to sabatoge Johann's plans" No, he wouldn't have told her if that was the case. He must have told her for more reasons other than to merely keep her safe. She didn't want to dwell on it long, though, as there was important conversation she was missing and she didn't want the others to question her spaced demeanor.

"I shall personally deliver them to your door in three to four moons!" Johann exclaimed in his merchant facade. She had realized she missed part of the conversation, but was picking up the pieces from what Johann was talking about.

"No! No, no, we can't wait that long!" Hiccup shouted desperately. Freya, knowing that all he needed to finish the Dragon Eye 2 were the gems, knew how desperate and eager he was to figure out if his creation worked or not. Johann hid his wicked grin as his plan began to fall into place.

"There is a slight possibility to obtain them at the Northern Markets. But I think we all know the dangers that place possesses, Oooh!" Johann said, adding a seethrough shiver at the end. His terrible and transparant facade made Freya wonder why the others hadn't noticed it yet. She was sure Snotlout had atleast gotten the wrong "vibe" from the traitor but none of them saw how strange his persona was like Freya. The warning from Viggo only clarified her suspicions.

"Well, we'll just have to risk it," Hiccup said, latching onto any solution he could find. His eagerness worried Freya sick. She had to come with in order to protect him from both himself and Johann. Her glare hardened on Johann, who chose to deliberately ignore it.

"Hiccup, there has to be another way. The Nothern Markets has just gotten too unpredictable," Fishlegs said, trying to reason with Hiccup. While Freya was completely on Fishlegs' side, she also wanted to see what this rat would do when alone with the Haddock siblings. Hiccup spaced out, deep in thought of what decision to make in these times. On one hand, the hunters were putting them on a time crunch, and on the other, going to the Northern Markets could potentially set them back or even worse, get them and their dragons killed.

"Shame, really. The Northern Markets truly is a cornucopia of gemstones," Johann said, further pushing Hiccup to danger. Freya's glare intensified with Viggo's words echoing through her mind, to which Johann ignored.

"Toothless and I can protect you, Johann, I have to finish the Dragon Eye 2 right away," Hiccup said, falling for his temptations. Hiccups eagerness worried everyone in the clubhouse. They all knew how desperate he was to finish this Dragon Eye 2, but they never thought he would be this eager to shove himself into danger just for a few gems. But, of course, they wouldn't tell him that.

"All right, then. I shall rely on you and the mighty Toothless to ensure my safe return," Johann said with another, all too see through shudder. Freya wouldnt let this slide, atleast not without her there to get him out of this mess.

"I'm coming with you, the Northern Markets isn't a joke and it should be treated as such," Freya said, patting Hiccup on the shoulder and walking out of the Clubhouse with Venomous by her side. She put on her classic lopsided smile, sending a secretive glare towards Johann, which further worried the traitor.

Now outside of her hut, she had packed fish, healing supplies like the ones she had given Viggo long ago, and her double sided blade, folded nicely into itself on her upper arm. Doing a quick flight over to the clubhouse, she found the Twins, Hiccup and Johann ready to leave. Spotting the bag of lenses over his shoulder, Freya landed to confront Hiccup concerned.

"You're bringing the lenses with you?" Freya asked, worried of what Johann has convinced him of. They could loose so much at these Northern Markets, including the lenses, Dragon Eye, their dragons, and hell even eachother. Freya didn't like the situation, but knew she couldn't control it. All she could do was rely on damage control when the time came.

"To make sure the gems work, so that we don't leave empty handed," Hiccup said, losing full reasoning. It's as if he forgot the dangers of the Northern Markets and the people it possesses. These people being ones that would like to take that bag of lenses and maybe even the second Dragon Eye.

"I hope you know what you are doing," Freya said, finishing their conversation and taking off in unison with the rest.


Time skip brought to you by Choke by Royal and the Serpent - listen to it I love it sm


"Excuse me, kind sir," Tuffnut said, butting in front of the salesman with his sister. Hiccup shouted annoyed by the sudden shove to the side, taking Johann with him. Freya stood next to Toothless and Venomous, eyeing Johann from afar. Venomous noticed her riders distrust in the trader, and kept an eye on him herself. "Where would we find your Chicken sized necklaces for our.. Perusal?"

Johann collected himself, clearing his throat to sound as professional and sincere as possible. Each fake thing Johann did sent Freya closer and closer to her breaking point.

"I know just the store for you two! The best selection of avian adornments and poultry paraphernalia on this side of Constantinople. It's on the far side of the market," Freya narrowed her eyes at him, seeing through his plan to get Hiccup alone with him. "In fact in a dangerous place such as this, I'm sure it would be most efficient if you went with them, Miss Freya,"

Grinning knowingly at his obvious plan, she ignored the twins' pleading looks, and got closer to Johann. Getting face to face with him she held her eye contact.

"You know I think the twins would be just fine by themselves. Besides, more people guarding the Dragon eye lenses would be best," she said, winning over Hiccup enough to not stick her with the twins. Hiccup could read the distrust on her face when speaking to Johann, and this made him confused but suspicious of the seemingly trader.

"Freya can stay with us. Thank you, Johann," Johann hid his dissapointment, but still handed the merchant the coins while the twins rushed off obnoxiously for the store.

"While they are gone, might I suggest we expeditiously seek a different establishment of which they are not aware?" Before Freya could interject, Johann had locked an arm around Hiccups shoulders, guiding him to a dark alley way. As soon as Freya set foot in the shadowed alley, hunters appeared in front of them, crossbows ready. Whipping around, Johann acted distressed, running near Freya only to be met with more hunters threatening them. Hiccup searched for a solution, not wanting to alert other hunters that may be nearby or scare any merchants with a plasma blast.

"Miss Freya! My worst fears confirmed! Dragon Hunters!" Johann shouted, putting an arm on her shoulder. Before Hiccup could react, Freya swiftly ejected her sword, spinning the blade above her head and knocking out the hunters on her side. Hiccup signalled for Toothless to tail-swipe the hunters in front of him, working together with Freya. Suddenly, the Haddock siblings heard shouting from Johann, turning around to be met with one of the hunters, conscious and holding Johan with an axe to his throat.

"Give me the Dragon Eye lenses!" The hunter demanded, more hunters appearing behind the group. Johann screamed in fear as the hunter tightened his grip. In the midst of chaos, Freya pondered on the man's demand.

'how would he know to ask for the Dragon Eye lenses?'

"Don't do it! Master Hiccup!" Johann pleaded, causing the hunter to kick him with his knee. The disguised hunter shouted once again as the blade got closer to his throat.

"I'm not sure I have much of a choice, Johann," Hiccup said, slowly taking the bag of lenses off his shoulder and holding it to his chest. Two of the hunters behind them came closer to Hiccup to take the lenses, Toothless and Venomous growling with each step they take. Before the hunters could take the lenses, a familiar Zippleback landed on the two hunters holding Johann, nocking him out of their grip to the safety of Freya and Venomous. Sneaking a glare his way, she gestured for Venomous to take care of those behind them. Following orders, she knocked out the hunters by jabbing out her sharp wing. (This reminds me, I need to draw you guys a sprite for the female Nightfury. I made her as unique as possible while still being a black female Night Fury.)

"What was their problem?" Ruffnut asked, breaking the short silence. Johann hid his annoyance and kept quiet behind Freya and Hiccup.

"Dragon Hunter ambush, thank Thor you were here," Freya said, not interesting the twins.

"Wow. Sounds exciting, anyway," Tuffnut said jumping down from Belch and excitedly presenting his bag. "Johann, you were so right about that store! Voila!"

He whipped out a wide gold necklace, designed for, most likely, a chicken. Mostly awkward and supportive smiles came from the group looking at the necklace. "Look at this beauty I p e c k e d out,"

"Hm, ambush requires preparation. Preparation requires pre-knowledge, pre-knowledge implies..." Ruffnut jumped down from Barf, clearly suspicious of the sudden ambush. This pleasantly surprised Freya.

"Aha! There's only one explanation for what happened here. The hunters knew we were coming! And If the hunters knew we were coming, then there is a mole among us!" Ruffnut finished, eliciting a gasp from Tuffnut. Johann flinched as Ruffnut shouted the words of doom, right next to him. Freya thought of chiming in, but decided against it, figuring it would be bad for him to know of her knowledge. At this moment Freya took a step back, questioning herself.

How would she be sure that Viggo is telling the truth? His past doesn't exactly speak for his trustworthiness. But, yet again, how could he trust her. And how could he use Freya not trusting Johann to benefit the hunters. It seems as though the circumstances were trustworthy, and besides, if he truly wanted her dead like the rest of them, she would currently be sitting on a metal cage floor dealing with her past. Freya shook off the questions, deciding it better to focus on the task at hand so they could safely go back to the edge.

"A spy in our group?"

"A traitor in our troop!"

A short pause of silence stung the group, putting an idea in Hiccup's mind. No, he couldn't believe that someone would be working against them. The group was too tight and trusting, there would be no way.

"Guys, that's ridiculous," Hiccup said, breaking the silence to try and reason with them. They were having none of it and while Freya normally would help her brother in his case, she felt it best for this rant to run its course.

"Oh my thor, I was so blinded by my pursuit of chicken finery that I couldn't see the feathers for the spy," Tuffnut started, leaning an arm on Johann's shoulder. Johann flinched again. "Now it's clear, there's a fox in our henhouse, and he's been a very naughty little fox,"

"The hunters just saw us, and decided to take their shot. There is no spy," Hiccup finalized, hoping to end the conversation and the twins' fascination with the idea.

"Look, we need to pick up our pace, find these jewels and fly out of here," Hiccup said, sheathing this sword and turning around to walk out of the alley, leading the group out.




"Four down and three more to go," Hiccup said, counting his jewels in the palm of his hand. Freya stood back, watching them from afar and making sure nothing happens while also staying with the twins to monitor them.

"What about Snotlout, he's a bit shitty, right? Untrustworthy, oblong body. Spy material, no question," Tuffnut said, trying to get to the bottom of their traitor-hypothesis. Freya was too distracted with watching Johann to notice their false assumptions.

"No, way too obvious, what about Astrid? Why else would she be with Hiccup?" Ruffnut said, tapping her helmet. This is when Freya tuned in, a good idea coming to mind.

"No, not Snotlout, or Astrid or any of us.. Tell me, who always causes problems for us to fix for him, and always leads us to the hunters or some other deadly demise in the disguise of an incapable, lowly trader?" Freya said, guiding them to success. The lightbulbs flickered on in their heads, and their new mission was set to investigate Johann, stealthily of course.

"Oh. My. Thor. You are so right! What say you, sister? May we interrogate our main suspect?"

"Don't you mean, the only suspect!"

And with that, the twins were off, with a short thank you from Ruffnut. Freya smiled, cherishing these moments with the riders once again before following them to watch Johann freak out internally. Before leaving the canopied area, she spotted the twins' bag with Chicken's necklace. Sighing, she picked it up and took it with her, she would give it back to them when they were done scaring Johann.




"Say Johann, who might you think be the imposter amongst us?" Ruffnut interrogated Johann, causing Johann to tense up. Freya smiled at the small chaos and went to speak to Hiccup, figuring out their next move.

"What's the next gem, Captain?" Freya asked, prompting Hiccup to take the jewels out of his saddle bag and hold them out to display.

"Next up is a ruby, Johann says he knows a place," He answered, putting the gems safely back into his bag. Freya narrowed her eyes at the bag with uncertainty, not liking the number the trader has done on her younger brother.

"Are you entirely sure we should be trusting Johann?" Freya asked, lowering her voice. Confused, Hiccup looked to her cracking an unsure smile before gazing off in Johanns direction.

"What makes you ask that?" Hiccup returned with a question, now unsure of the man himself. If his sister didnt trust him, then there must be a reason.

"Well, the twins have a point. It was strange that the hunters attacked right when Johann lead us into an alley where we were cornered, and the hunters held specifically him hostage in exchange for the Dragon Eye lenses," Freya rambled on, dumping her suspicions on Hiccup while conveniently leaving out Viggo's tip. Hiccup furrowed his eyebrows, now focusing on Johanns tensed shoulders and rigid posture as the twins interrogated him. " Not to mention, how would they even know that you had the Dragon Eye lenses with you at the Norther Markets of all places, those of which he asked you to bring,"

"Maybe you're right. It would all make sense, but I'd like to know for sure," Hiccup thought outloud, the dots connecting. He wanted, just as much as Freya, to catch him red handed. While Freya knew for sure with Viggo's note, he was going based off of 'coincidence or not?'. Glancing at the twins' bag slung over Freya's shoulder, an idea came to mind.

"In the mean time, take the lenses, ill take Twins' bag just in case. He's more likely to think I have the lenses," Hiccup said, subtly holding out the bag of lenses to Freya and making sure Johann didn't notice. Freya smiled at Hiccups idea, seeing it much safer than him having them. She, just as subtly, gave Hiccup the Twins' bag and slung the bag of lenses over her shoulder.

After long of the Twins interrogating Johann, Hiccup broke it up, and assured Johann there was no reason to think that they didn't trust him, lying of course. Relief swept through Johann, but he only showed a fraction of it, thinking that his cover was still in tact.

The hunters began swarming the Northern Markets, looking for the riders with haste. Deciding it best to leave sooner rather than later, the group left the shops area of the island for the Sandbuster's cave in hopes of finding the jewels they needed there.

Johann lifted the large trapdoor that led to the sand cave, suprising Hiccup. The twins were loudly fighting, worrying Freya in fear of being caught. She was on a streak of not being handcuffed and she was not about to break that. Hearing the Fliers draw nearer, Hiccup thought of a quick plan.

"Okay, Ruff, Tuff, you lead these guys away while we go for the gems," Hiccup ordered, getting a displeased look from the Twins and Johann. For different reasons, of course.

"No way, I'm not going anywhere with this ~traitor~," Tuffnut countered, gaining an eye roll from Freya and an annoyed look from Hiccup.

"Now!" Hiccup ordered them, in crunch time with the Fliers nearing. mumbling an annoyed 'fine', the twins took off, leading the Fliers away from the cave entrance. Johann bit his tounge and climbed down the ladder into the cave, Hiccup and Freya following. The ladder lead to a short tunnel, quickly leading you to the cave opening with the all too familiar piles of gold framing the edges. Johann, being in the front, lifted himself over a short wooden wall, stopping halfway.

"Freya, perhaps you, Venomous and Toothless should stay behind and stand gaurd in case we are in need of a hasty exit," Johann offered, lifting himself completely over to the other side. Hiccup and Freya gave eachother and look, and Freya smiled back knowingly with an idea. Hiccup nodded, and signaled Toothless to loop back around, Freya signalling her dragon to follow Toothless.

(A/N: okay wait a minute because like i kind of like the idea of toothless x venomous more than toothless x light fury.... or would sullivan x venomous be better.... omg both are so good let me know which you want to see more. OMG ANOTHGER IDEA, VENOMOUS x SLEUTHER FORBIDDEN LOVE OMG WIAT okay i cant do this on my own tell me in comments pls)

Freya waited for the two to reach the middle of the cave, sneaking around the edges silently. Finding your way on your own outside of the archipelago has It's perks. One of which, for Freya, was learning how to be an expert in stealth. Freya's hand twitched near the small vial of Night Fury venom on her belt, resisting temptation but deciding whether or not this was a dire situation or not.

Night Fury venom at first sounds like instant death, but it is, instead, much more slow and painful than that. During the slaying of male Night Furies for Hide and popularity, a new discovery was made of the females; Night Fury Venom effects. When one first takes the Venom, it is incredibly hard to bear, most even dying before making it to the end of the vial, but if you do survive, the properties work on you like a steriod. Adrenaline, stamina, and speed are increased after each dosage, sending a wave of misinformation across the archipelago as hunters and vikings would enslave female Night Furies for their venom under the impression that it would make them stronger.

Though they forgot one side effect...

"You see, when I did this little move to Toothless to leave, leaving was actually the last thing I told him to do," Hiccup said, giving Toothless his cue to turn up. He jumped onto a crate piled in the middle, growling threateningly at the new threat. Johann whipped his head around, searching for the female Night Fury and her rider worriedly. He, like many, had heard of her doings outside of the archipelago, and now that he was on her bad side he could not do anything but worry. Venomous made herself known behind Hiccup, ejecting her fangs as Venom dripped from them, ready to kill. Swishing her tail like a cat watching a mouse, she stayed in pouncing position, Hiccup smiling crookedly.

"And as for Freya," Hiccup trailed, expecting her to only give a mere scare behind him, sword ready to swing. If only that was all she had on her...


Hiccups face dropped into one of slight worry when a chuckle echoed through the cave. This wasn't much like the Freya he knew, she sounded mad. Johann whipped his body around to face Freya, swishing a small vial of liquid that neither Johann or Hiccup knew of.

"Gods, I missed this," She muttered, staring at the liquid. Quicker than a speedstinger on water, she flicked off the loose cork, and downed the venom. Because it had been long since she last took the venom, it did a small number on her, forcing her hand to slack and drop the glass vial on the soft dirt. Her shoulders tensed as she stabilized herself, firmly planting her legs on the ground and grabbing her head with both hands, shaking off the pulsing that vibrated through her skull.

She slowly lowered her hands from her head, looking up at the traitor slightly. Everything around her vanished, all that mattered to her now was destroying what brought her anguish on this fine day. A shiver fell down Hiccup as he realized what strange liquid that vial must have contained; Night Fury venom.

She had told him in one of her letters that she struggled with the addiction, but she was going a few months sober. He was so happy that the addiction issue had left her, but now its back and he is not excited to experience it first hand.

Her eyes tinted a dark purple as the venom took over. Lifting her chin up to the sand cieling, she grabbed and ejected her sword just as quickly as she drank it. If Hiccup was scared, imagine Johann. He was her target, after all, not to mention, under steroid influence. Before Freya could get comfortable in her influenced mindset and slice him in fourths, Johann quickly threw a dagger towards Hiccup, merely grazing his upper arm as he ran off. Toothless stood protectively near Hiccup, understanding his fear. Just as Johann threw the blade that tasted her brothers blood, Freya lunged forwards, spinning her double sided blade and slightly nicking his cheek. While he was no match for her, he did have speed, and common sense. He jumped farther back, too far for Freya to reach without leaving herself ungaurded Freya slowly and painfully walked towards him, her head pounding with each step. The venom would wear off quickly on her, since her body was so used to it and she had taken such a small dosage, but the thoughtless kill machine was still on without an off switch.

Seeing her subtle, knowing smirk, Johann instantly thought of Viggo, picturing their faces side by side and their intelligent and scary personalities. He saw how interested Viggo would get when Freya specifically would be brought into light by Krogan at their meetings, and it wasn't a sinister fascination, no, it was something else.

"I- I always wondered why Viggo took such interest in you..." His voice echoed across the walls, striking fear into Hiccup. 'what does he mean?' Freya's face dropped into a mixture of anger and worry. She couldn't have him knowing, let alone spoiling the small connection between Viggo and her. That was too forbidden and would not fly by Hiccup or any of the riders for that matter. Rage was clouded with curiousity as she held back her blows, waiting for what he had to say.

"At first I assumed it was mere curiousity, but it is clear to anyone that it's much more," Johann kept talking, blood dripping from the small cut Freya left on his cheek that he ignored. Johann smirked at Freyas change of attitude, and the venom wearing off. That was another thing about the venom; in the event that one takes it, no matter the dosage, its as if a worse, selfish version of you takes over and blinds the real you. But when worry and doubt clouds the anger, the venoms effects wear off quicker. Much quicker. Freyas eyes faded back to the usual brown the more Johann leaked to her brother of the strange interractions between Viggo and her. "Perhaps the feeling is mutual? 'My Dear?'"

That taunt made Freya snap, reminding her of the overused, yet caring nickname. She lunged towards Johann once more, doging daggers being thrown at her and getting closer to him. Her short distance filled him with fear as he began to throw daggers faster. With the venom nearly completely gone, her speed diminished and she let a dagger plunge into her thigh, just below the one that Viggo patched up for her. She cried out, letting go of her sword and letting it dig into the dirt in front of Johann. She fell to ground, scrambling to try and pick herself back up before he could finish it. Johann held his last dagger he had handy and smiled as he was about to finish the archipelagos siren; Freya the Notorious. Johann quickly threw the dagger, aimed for her neck. She gripped her thigh and hissed through her teeth, frozen and unable to dodge the life ending attack. Before last words could be thought of, Venomous and Toothless shot the dagger at the same time, instincts sharp and protective. Freya's eyes widened with fear at the pile of ash that the dagger left behind in front of her. She spotted Hiccup looking at her with worry before running to her. Looking up at where Johann once stood, his figure dissapeared, leaving no trace. Anger flowed through her veins and she slammed her fist against the dirt.

The anger soon left, though because an all to familiar roar echoed off the walls, coming from one of the deeper tunnels. The Sandbuster climbed up to the opening where the action was that woke the dragon, ready to silence the noise maker. Both dragons growled once again and began firing at the dragon, being no match for the powerful duo. Venomous and Toothless cornered the Sandbuster against the wall next to the tunnel, with Hiccup shouting for Venomous. She whipped her head around and met eyes with her injured rider. She could see her fight tears with the aching pain of another dagger to the thigh. She mewled sorrowfully, glancing back at Toothless. He warbled back as if to say 'I've got this' and she bounded back over to her rider while Toothless directed the dragon back into the tunnel.

Hiccup held out a hand to Freya, pulling her up and putting her arm around his shoulder. He helped her onto Venomous where she put her feet into the stirrups, letting her dragon do the walking. She looked to the two saddle bags on Venomous, one being the Dragon eye lenses that were safe and sound, and the other being medical supplies. Thats what she needed. They got out of the cave as quickly as they could, taking to the sky and outflying the Dragon Fliers. Freya began to be filled with guilt, as she realized that she gave into the temptation and failed those who told her to stay strong. Those like her brother. She didn't even want to think about how he would feel about the Viggo topic. Freya didn't engage in the fight, with the dagger sticking out of her thigh. Instead she stayed above the clouds and waited for the others to scare them off while she used her much needed medical supplies.

Biting her lip she tore out the dagger that lodged itself deep into her thigh, biting back the screams that so desperately wanted to escape. The little venom left in her system worked as a pain reliever. She sloppily bandaged the wound, waiting for the twins and Hiccup to return. Not much later, the group emerged from the clouds, Hiccups sowerful eyes meeting Freya's guilt ridden ones. Taking off towards the edge the twins ranted on about Chicken's birthday and Johann being a traitor after all, while all Freya could do is look down at the ocean below. She knew that if the twins were not here, they would be having a completely different, much more tense conversation. All she wanted now was to forget that Johann just spilled her secrets to Hiccup. No, that wasn't all that she wanted. She wanted to speak to Viggo, know that he was also safe, and she hated herself for that want. She hated that the main thing she wanted to do right now was to hug Viggo and thank him for his help before the trail fades into a dead end for them. They barely spoke outside of saving and helping each other, but each felt the connection strongly, and neither of them knew what they could do about it. It started as saving a life, transformed into a paid debt, and then became an unspoken agreement. They couldn't leave eachother's minds and they didn't know why.

On Hiccup's side, he wasn't mad at his sister, but was actually incredibly confused and worried. He desperately wanted to know what Johann meant by 'mutual feeling', and why did she change so durastically when Viggo was brought to light in the first place. All of that aside, she broke her sobriety. The addiction was extremely high for venom, so how will she be able to resist it now?

Taking one last look at Freya, Hiccup sighed, eager to talk to her about this in her hut at the edge while he bandaged her up correctly without the others knowing. If this was a secret to Freya, then he would keep it as close as possible to that way. He just had to know how far gone she was, and what Viggo had done to his sister.




Quietly shutting the door behind him, Freya swallowed the tears successfully. She turned to him, expecting an angry look from her little brother, but instead being met with a sympathetic, soft one. He pulled her in for a hug, to tell her that it was okay and she could share whatever it was that happened to her with him; that he would have her back. If she hadn't shoved it down, his shoulder armor would be wet with her tears right now. Filled with relief, she was ready to explain, (not very detailed) about what Johann meant.

She broke down what happened after the volcano errupted, and how she helped him leave the island safely and with medical supplies. She told him of the night he returned the favor, personally slipping away from Krogan and Johann to find her and help her escape and live. All of this was extremely hard to believe for Hiccup, who was having a hard time picturing Viggo as helpful and caring. (A/N srry vigcup shippers) He took her word for it though, trusting his sister and what she had to say of the matter. She also told him about how he left the note explaining Johanns real alliance, and how she knew to not trust him in the first place. Hiccup saw how Viggo had greatly helped his sister. Helped her survive against his own allies and hunters. This brought Hiccup to a hunch. A seemingly impossible turn of events, but still a hunch that Hiccup would stick to.

Viggo may no longer be a Dragon Hunter...







ahemn anyways im finally doneeee eong it took me so long and im soo sos osooooo sorry but fr tell me in the comments who i should ship venomous with. im starting to think i should make venomous and toothless a brother and sister relationship but idk who i should pick, sleuther or sullivan (sullivan is Viggos skrill) but anyways i know viggo wasnt in this chapter but it was still very j u i c y to you all i hope. i hope the venom thing wasnt too like predictabkle and cheesy but i wanted the venom to be complex, and not just some like "oh yeah you touch it and ur skin burns and u drink it u die !!" so i hope you like it.

this took me way too long, what with the procrastination, the procrastonation and the....... yeah anyways i love oyu alllllllllllllll 

hope u enjoyed 



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117K 4.2K 41
STORY (1/2): READ THIS ONE FIRST "The line between good and evil is often unclear. Black and white can become gray so easily. What one soul considers...