a mother's protection spell

Oleh adognumber1

6.1K 68 13

Cinder fall was never supposed to hear that cry that day. She was never supposed to make that deal. Now she i... Lebih Banyak

A red rose in the flame
Red like flames that fill my dreams
The vale of lies disappear
The flaming rose of vengeance
A beacon of hope? Or despair?
In the heat of battle
Burning heart warm the cold
A burning passion for knowledge
A trip to the callows
A chance encounter with destiny
An illusory fang. A real difference
Aria of a flame. Burning brighter
An icy resolve. A mother's fire
Embers burn bright. A flame to behold
A fool's errand. A lovely host
It's a start. Some just want to watch it burn
Time to say goodbye. The storm is growing deadly
A point where it tips. A point where it breaks
Couldn't take it. Couldn't stand another minute
One winged raven. And nevermore
Newsflash. Damage control
A qrow and raven walk into a bar
Boiling point.
A day in the life
Here comes the dawn.
The ice winds come in.
the winds still, and the cold chills
a framework of lies
A mother's flame vs An heiress's cold resolve!

a mother's story. a daughters story

135 2 1
Oleh adognumber1

A/N Fixed the user name of one of the artists for convenience of following them.

Cinder pov

Her moment of relief was a golden one. If someone were to ask cinder of her happiest memories... well this wouldn't be it, but it would be top ten for sure! After all, how could her happiest memory not be of her and ruby spending their first night together as family. Second would be ruby telling her that besides not being biologically related that she was indeed ruby's mother no if's and's or butt's about it. Third would be neo hugging her and accepting her in the van after she murdered all those bandits. Etc. Etc.

"Now where is my little pyro gem!" Said cinder who then began racing through the coliseum to find her daughter, with a bright and cheerful demeanor that was very out of place for cinder fall. And even her friends or teachers would testify too that fact. But none of that mattered, for the only thing that mattered in this moment was ruby. While she obviously had bonds with the others she was very clearly obsessed with her first daughter. Most attributed this to ruby being the youngest and the baby of the group. However she was the most emotionally impact full thing in cinder falls life. And emerald and neopolitan would never hold that against the young woman who to them was so full of maternal love and kindness. As well as deep pain and sadness that they wished could be healed, the medication they hoped, would be ruby.

As she ran and ran wishing that she had her daughter's speed semblance she finally found the girls after about fifteen minutes of searching. Her pyro gem was about to receive a huge surprise.

Ruby Neo and Blake pov

Ruby sat there with her sisters, but not quietly. Oh no they weren't quiet. ""[MOM WON!]"" And the other two screamed. ""MISS CINDER WON!"" The excitement had team NVEBR jumping with joy. After all cinder fall had just scored a massive victory for the faunus against a schnee. Ruby ran up to blake and said. "Blake! Can you believe it! Mama won!" Blake encapsulated the smaller girl in a warm and calming hug and said. "I know i'm so grateful ruby!" And then blake kissed ruby's cheek. This was a normal action between the girls, however this time felt... different for both girls.

For blake all she saw was ruby dancing in the moonlight, her back as she saved velvet from bullies, her smile when they read together, and her manipulating blake into a loss when they trained together.

For ruby all she saw was blake's kind and calm smile as they read together, her stoic courage when she watched her back that time she saved velvet from bullies, that time she stood her ground against scary adults on her behalf, that time blake and her played with their semblanceses, all the times blake's eyes would light up when new books were available too her.

Both girls face's flushed a deep red, and they both unaware, had the same thought 'wow... she's so heroic. i'll get stronger, just you wait!' Outwardly both girls forced a smile and started laughing not understanding why now of all times doing that made them want to scream. Neo saw this as emerald and velvet were talking, and she smiled, thinking 'little ruby, just what am i gonna do with you' she couldn't believe how adorable the two girls could be. She couldn't help but mentally add 'who would have thought that blake belladonna the book worm would fall for crazy energetic ruby, who wanted nothing more then to speed around and make everyone happy. maybe someday in time you two will realize how you feel. and on that day i'll be there for both of you until the very end'

Just then as the two blushing fools were laughing painfully awkwardly and forced. Ruby suddenly was hit by something and she let out an "oof!" As the figure who tackled her came into view it caused the little girl to let out the happiest smile and say. "Mama!"

Cinder fall pov

Granted maybe tackling a child wasn't as subtle as she would normally be with her affection. But right now she couldn't help wanting to squeeze her daughter in her arms and nuzzle her in the most loving way she could ever imagine. And when the girl saw her she made cinders heart go into overdrive when she smiled brightly and excitedly said. "Mama!" Cinder surprised the girls present by laughing. Actually laughing. And saying. "Hello pyro gem! Did you see me kick the mean lady's butt?" Ruby's surprise lasted a second longer and she exclaimed happily. "Yeah! You didn't even have to do anything! You made her do all the work and then beat her up in front of her own daddy!" Cinder giggled and said. "Gather round girls!" And they all did so and cinder then smiled and said. "Well now, ahem! Neo, Ruby, Emerald, Blake, Velvet. I love and appreciate you all so much that it's hard to put into words. Now how about a team NVEBR group hug?"

The girls replied. """"[Really!?]""""
Cinder giggled and said. "Yep, one time deal because i kicked ass today what could be the harm in trying to get used to affection right?." At that neo manifested words, that read
(Get her!) And the girls charged the young mom with a ferver and battlecry that would certainly instill fear in the hearts of grimm! """"[HAAAAA!]""""
Cinder fall could only get out an. "Oh shit!" And was tackled by ruby's speed semblance and then neo manifested chains holding her in place, she must have been practicing because these glass illusions were quite strong. Then ruby who was now snuggling her mom declared. "Now nuzzle her into oblivion!" Cinder began to sweat as the girls yelled back. """[RIGHT!]""" Ruby then added. "Her armpits are her weakness velvet! Go for them and keep her stabilized!" Velvet did so with a. "R-right!" Then ruby said. "Neo go for the spot behind her knees!" Neo saluted and did so, ruby then said. "Em bottom of her feet!" Emerald replied with a cold. "Ma'am!" And did as her orders entailed. "Blake! Come help me nuzzle her neck while she's preoccupied!" Blake smiled with a smile full of mischief and said. "Yes ruby!"

Many would ask cinder when she was most afraid in her entire life, and all would get the same answer, that night after her re-match with winter when she accidentally accepted the red flame gems fury of a thousand sun's, now most wouldn't know of the real story behind this mysterious answer. But team NVEBR would, and so would their victim. After all it was the night that cinder fall fell. And to her own daughters no less. But if anything was certain to the young mom laughing hysterically on the floor, it was that for the moment all was right with the world.

Bonus neo centric short

Sisterly love.

Neo sat there with her sister ruby in the hotel room at the Glass unicorn. "Neo I'm so cold." Said ruby, the heat in the building was out at the moment and neo and ruby were by themselves bonding, well were supposed to be bonding until the heat went out. [come here and hold onto me ruby. i'll keep you warm] Neo then picked up her legless sister in her arms and and began nuzzling her neck lovingly and snuggled her sister in the corner. After a few minutes ruby then reported her new problem. "Neo, i'm cold and bored." 'you're lucky i love you more then anything in this world little gemstone' she then signed her sister a question. [what do you want to do then beautiful?] Ruby giggled and said. "Oh come on neo, i am nowhere near as pretty as you or emerald." Neo theatrically rolled her eyes and signed [that's only because you're little and we aren't. heck in time i bet me and you will be a pair of knock-outs that will put dear old mom to shame] Ruby giggled and said. "That would be so cool! Me and you the tallest and prettiest girls to ever walk beacons halls!" Neo pumped her fist and then signed [heck yeah]

Neo then got an idea and with a little flair from her semblance, she made a light bulb appear above her head and she signed [what if we finally paint those legs of yours?] Ruby gasped and she said. "Really!? You wanna help me with my legs!?" Neo smiled and made the words (heck yeah!) Appear above her and ruby squealed with joy and said. "Okay then let's do it!" The two got the materials ruby got the sliver limbs out of their storage case, and neo fetched the paints that they would need. And soon enough the legs were on a tarp on the floor and neo and ruby were ready for war. With potentially the cutest war faces that ever graced remnant but neither would ever agree to any description less then war goddesses.

After the initial base coat which interestingly enough ruby wanted to be dark purple 'hehehe that's blakes favorite color you little ladies girl' Then ruby said. "Now we make the wires and nerves green!" This confused neo slightly but she obeyed and soon the legs were purple colored on the plates resembling flesh and shiny green where the joints were in all parts of the leg. Neo looked upon the purple and green legs and thought 'huh, maybe she just likes that show about that boy who fights giant monsters in a green and purple mech?'

Then ruby said. "Now we make the knees red!" Neo was even more confused but did so. While the colors may have been all over the place the little girl wasn't even six yet so she could understand, after all she certainly wasn't very coordinated at that age. As she thought they were done ruby said. "And now for the most important part!" Neo smiled and signed [oh yeah? what's that?] Ruby then giggled and said. "It's a secret, but it means the most to me so could you go grab us something to drink from the vending machine downstairs?" Neo rolled her eyes and gave a silly salute and made her way to get the refreshments. After acquiring the drinks, a cola for her and a super cotton-candy blast soda for ruby after all the girl seemed to run on sugar 'maybe because of her semblance?' Thought the older sister as she made her way back to the room. As she arrived she knocked and after a second ruby said. "You can come in and see the surprize!" And then an awkward moment of silence filled the hall as she tapped her foot and waited for her sister to understand why she wasn't coming in. Ruby then eeped loudly and said. "Oh my gosh your hands would be full! Gah stupid me! Hang on sis let me get the wheel chair!"

Neo rolled her eyes at her dorks behavior. Sometimes ruby could be the most entertaining thing around. And after a moment the door opened and her sister was sporting a huge blush on her face as she said. "So sorry." Neo only silently giggled and passed her the soda and signed [so what was so important that the queen of locked lips herself couldn't know?] Ruby giggled at the apt description of neo's secret keeping title, then she timidly said. "W-well g-go look!" And at that she wheeled away and neo couldn't believe her eyes. The paint job she gave her legs all made sense now. "I did a purple base for blake because she's the heart of the team. Green for emerald as she is the nerves that keep us grounded. Red as the knees for me, because well i'm the one keeping us in motion. And finally..." Ruby trailed off and quietly mumbled. "The most important part."

What neo was seeing was beyond emotional for her. From the knees all the way down the shin and too the foot of each leg was three stripes. And not just any stripes, they were pink, brown and white. Her color's. The color of neo was front and center on top of all the colors. Neo turned around shaking and slowly signed [me? i was the most important part?] Ruby smiled and said. "Yeah... you're my favorite person in the whole universe. And honestly mama is one of them too, you i can always count on and always fight back to back with. Nobody in this world means more to me then you neo, i hope you know that i love you and am grateful that you're my big sister." Ruby then said. "Gah... that was cheesy i'm sorry neo... Neo!?" As ruby looked up she saw her sister crying, and the stream of tears kept fading with a pink glass like shimmer. It would appear the older girls semblance was trying to mask her tears to no avail. Ruby looked shocked, her older sister never cried, at least not to her memory. Then neo ran and hugged ruby holding the little girl tight and close.

Neo very horsely said. "I... love... you... ruby." Then started coughing violently and trying not to let them out lest she ruin the moment. Ruby replied by crying herself, and hugging her older sister back. The two sisters just sat there sniffling in silence. Time passed and the two began to fall asleep in each other's arms. Though the heat never came back on that night, one thing was for sure. Ruby never felt cold in neo's arms ever again.


Author's notes+fan art spotlight

Hello there true believers! This was a great chapter to write, i want to personally thank all you who follow me on Twitter for helping me through these last few medical scares and for being patient as i wrote this slowly. And a special thanks to three new friends of mine who inspired the neo bonus chapter, the always stunning @TempusUmbra the lovely @jayjaytheotaku and of course the amazing @naru_ron_tora who i have featured in the art shout outs this week! If you want to be featured in the shout outs dm me or tweet me and submit your art and i will do my best to make it included in the future! As always please join us next time for chapter 31 Times are changing. The future looks bright. But until then true believers excelsior! Also please check out the amazing featured art this week! None by my girlfriend but my amazing friends let me share their works so enjoy!

Bonus announcement!!!

We are back baby! That's right Mewa The Fox the Twitch sensation is back to writing fanfics!
More importantly this one! I was him hawing back and forth about how to continue the story and i settled on ret coning the 31st chapter and instead altering it and making it a time jump starter to the Beacon era of the show RWBY but this time with team NBER front and center! So kick back relax and know that more is certainly coming for our beautiful cinder and another dear fic of mine centered around a Duel gun slinging she venom but that's a story for another time till then True Believers Excelsior! -@MewaTheFox

@TempusUmbra and their amazing art progression. They are nearing 900 followers on Twitter so if you can, go and show her some love and if you do tell her @Atakdognumber1 sent you!💖 also she has a ko-fi and after her vacation she will be taking commissions again but you can all donate and support this amazing talent.

@jayjaytheotaku she and her friend @naru_ron_tora did a challenge together of drawing the same character in the same pose but in your own unique style and honestly i can't decide which one i like more! You can support her by commissioning her for some unique art! Here are her prices, all of which are very affordable. If you do follow her or get a commission tell her I sent you!💖

@naru_ron_tora i honestly can't believe she only has 54 followers😱 she definitely deserves way more then that. She has very affordable commissions and she's very kind and down to earth. Definitely an artist to watch! Here is her commission pricing.

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