Out of This World-Roswell (On...

By ravenclawslove

10.6K 334 10

In which a human discovers that she's not human I don't own Roswell just Roxy and her story. Michael x Stric... More

Act 1


309 11 0
By ravenclawslove

Roxy was reading her book as Diane was cooking. "Roxy, you know you can start calling me mom."

"I know." She said. "It's just hard after what I went through." Roxy put the book down. "Do you need help, mom?"

Diane smiled. "Please."

Max smiled that his sister was getting comfortable with Diane. She washed her hands as a fire started. Hearing Diane scream out, Roxy turn around. "Mom, watch out."

Roxy used her powers to get rid of the fire as Max grabbed a jug of water to pour out. The blonde looked at Max and Diane afraid of what she just did. "Are you okay?"

"Yes." She tells her daughter. "Roxy?"

The blonde didn't say a word as she walked over and hugged Diane and Max.
"You're lucky you didn't get hurt. You sure you're all right, ma'am?"

Max and Roxy stood by listening. Max walked over to her as Roxy stood in her spot as Diane told Max that Roxy saved her. Hearing the sheriff, the blonde looked at her brother. Not liking that Valenti came to investigate. Inside, Roxy freaked out as Sheriff looked at Roxy. "Roxy saved the day."

"She pulled me away as Max poured water on the fire."

The blonde looked at Diane and Max terrified that something might happen.
"So what are you saying, that mom could've...I mean something could really happen to her?"

"It was a pretty close call." Max tells her.

"What exactly did she see Roxy do?" Isabel asked.

"It happened pretty fast." Roxy tells her. "I don't think she saw anything."

Isabel watched as Roxy left knowing she will need to call Michael to get to his girlfriend. They could tell she was freaking out. "I need to get Michael here for Roxy. She's freaking out."

"She's been like that since she saved mom."

"Oh boy."
The next day, Roxy stood by her locker when Michael put his arms around her as Max and Ryan got beside her. "You used your powers to save Diane."

"I panicked." Was all she said. "I didn't want her to get hurt."

"Come on." Michael says as they walked away when Liz and Maria walked over. "Babe, I hope you know that I'm not upset. Yes, you were protecting Diane, but you shouldn't be letting this get to you."

Looking at him, Roxy nodded as she kissed him. "I love you and thank you."

"I love you." Michael says kissing her. "Let's get to class."

Roxy nodded as they headed to class. The blonde didn't have anything else to say as she just wanted to forget about this day.
At the game, Michael had his arms around Roxy as they watched the game. She heard Maria say boys, boys. Roxy leaned against Michael as Maria stood up cheering causing Roxy to laugh. "Oh boy." She mumbled as everyone looked at her.

"I'm sorry."

The blonde looked at Micheal as he heard Ryan and Max. When they were asked to scoot over, Roxy ended up in Michael's lap causing her to smile and him to have a smirk on his face causing Maria to gag. Isabel looked at her sister, but she wasn't going to let what happened bother her. She knows that Diane knows, but she was going to let Max take charge of this situation she put them in. "Roxanne..."

"I'm fine..."

"Let's go see what they are talking about."

"Easy." She says. "Isabel wants to tell Di...I mean mom about us."

Ryan and Michael got up and went to the others causing Roxy to follow. She didn't like the discussions that was being made and knew she had to talk to Diane herself. She wanted to make sure their secret is safe.
Michael saw Roxy sketching. He put his arms around her causing her to look up from her sketch pad. "Um.."


"I was thinking when I almost lost you." She says.

"But you didn't. Thank you."

Roxy smiled as she looked at him. Michael leaned in and kissed her. The blonde put the book down and turned around. She grabbed him and dragged him to the closet in the room. The two shared a kiss that soon became heated.
The next day, Roxy smiled till she saw Ryan and Maria. She turned around and started walking away. Michael saw her and put his arm over her shoulder. "You have a little..."

"Michael, I know, mom came into the room this morning asking me questions. Then she saw the hickey that a certain someone left."

Michael smirked as they hid in another part of the school. "Every one knows that we're together."

"Michael, did you forget who my sister is?" Roxy says as she waved her hand over her neck to hide the hickey.

"Well, at least your learning a whole lot more about your powers." He says kissing her head. "Let people see it."

"I don't want to hear Isabel." She says. "That woman knows how to pick on me."

Michael laughed as he waved his hand over the spot to show the hickey causing Roxy to playfully glare at him. He laughed as he started walking away causing Roxy to run and jump on his back.
Arriving at the desert, Michael and Ryan were pissed off that Max healed a pigeon. Roxy didn't have anything to say as the others fought over the fact that Diane needs to know. She stayed put till Max said they shouldn't tell her had Isabel leaving and Roxy looking at her boyfriend. "Is that how you feel?"

"Roxy, you know as well as we do that we are alone in this world." He says. "We have each other and if you decide..."

"I don't think she will ask anymore questions knowing Max and Isabel are her children." Max looked at his sister. "I'm just the burden.."

"No. Mom and dad have been trying to get you back to us two, but it didn't happen till now." Max says. "You were never a burden to anyone of us."

Michael kissed her. "You'll never be a burden to me."

Roxy smiled as she looked at her brother. "You need to talk to mom. She's all we have."

Max nodded. "You come with me."

"She has a video of you. Why don't you talk to her?"

Max nodded as he knew what to do.
The next day at school, Roxy walked out with a smile as her sketch of a rose blooming had a good grade. "Hey." She looked at him. "What was your grade?"

"I passed." She says. "No one has ever drawn a beautiful blooming rose."

"Wow." He says. "I'm glad."

Roxy kissed him. "I'm going to talk to Diane."

Michael kissed her again. "Don't." He says. "Max said..."

"I'm the new member. I have to do this."
Max and Diane saw her causing Roxy to sit down. "Roxy, do you feel out of place?" Diane asked her.

"I've never felt wanted before till Michael came into my life." She says. "That woman didn't care about me one bit and than when you brought me in, I felt lost." Max pulled his sister to sit beside him. "Please don't talk about what I did because I'm trying so hard to feel wanted.."

"You are wanted." Diane said standing up and pulling Roxy up. "We always wanted you, Roxanne."

Roxy started crying as she never felt belonged before causing Max to hug her too. They have one another even if Diane doesn't know about them. They will always have each other.

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