The Greatest Ever

By MAHB4104

45.6K 916 207

That one day, everything changed. As the boy fought the beast with burning heart full of passion, his courage... More

The Greatest Ever
This new World
Lore AND Family
Status & Dungeon
The Journey
The Progression
A quick Note*
Ch 7
Declaration of War
The structure of my fic
Aftermath && Additions
What it means
Fame & Encounter
Climax (2)
Status Sheet*
Past, Present & Future
Abyss & Saint
Extermination Squad


1.6K 48 1
By MAHB4104



It was a dimply lit room with a man sitting on an extravagant throne. He was a tall handsome man with blonde hair that looked as if sunlight had been condensed together with bright and wavy locks gliding over one another and a smile described as equally brilliant. He donned expensive robes with glittering rings adorning his fingers. He in every meaning of a word could be described as 'flashy'.

Right now, this man was smiling looking at a portrait of a young rabbit look-alike boy. For a time, he stroked the portrait lovingly enjoying every moment

"Hyakinthos" he suddenly called out in this empty room. No maybe someone was there standing just behind the throne

"Yes, my lord" Hyakinthos bowed his head in respect to that call.

He too was a tall and beautiful young man whose beauty could easily be comparable to that of an Elf's despite not being one. He was Hyakinthos, the one and only lvl 3 adventurer and captain of Apollo Familia. Apollo was everything to him and similarly he was Apollo's favourite child and servant

"Do you not think he should be here, with me"

A cold and ruthless gleam passed over Hyakinthos's eyes, but he didn't dare show only bowing humbly "Yes, my lord. Shall I..."

"No need. Just keep watch and confirm if rumours surrounding him are true. If within a month no one moves, then I will. He will be mine"

And silence once again descended the room.


It was yet another morning at Hestia Familia's home and Bell had woken up looking very excited. Afterall today would be the day he would know of his title.

Last night by the time they got home, Hestia was already asleep, and they didn't wake her up. That would be just rude to her so now was the time.

Zoro was outside training while Lili was preparing their breakfast. Bell on the other hand had completed his training exercise and came rushing down, like a child about to get a new toy would.

"Hestia what was I given?"

Stars were shining in his eyes. He personally was thinking of something cool and flashy like... like...

Hestia looked at him clearly amused by his enthusiasm. She could have told him first thing in the morning, but she was stopped by Zoro who wanted Bell to complete his morning exercise before anything else.

Now was the time

"Hah don't be so excited. Your title is actually pretty decent when compared to many others." Hestia looked at him at the corner of her eyes. Actually, the title he got suited him quite a bit so she wasn't too against it either "We decided to call you 'Silver Lining'"

"Oh!" His excitement died down instantly. Hestia was surprised by this "What happened. Don't like it?"

Bell shook his head "No actually it sounds pretty cool, but I don't understand" that was the problem. Even though the name itself sounded cool but it didn't mean anything if he himself didn't understand the meaning of it.

"Oh, that's the case. Well Bell to put it bluntly it means 'Positive in Negative'. This was chosen due to the fact that you turned a hopeless situation into a hopeful one. A situation where many would give up and die losing all hope, you stood your ground and fought until achieving victory. That victory became your hopeful prospect of levelling up and becoming the record holder" It was all lies. The meaning was truth but everything else she said was a lie.

In fact, they didn't give Bell any such name. Since Bell was a record holder, they decided to use an odd method of choosing his nickname. Afterall for the most part this naming ceremony was a way for them to make fun of others and torment them. Basically, it was a way for them to enjoy themselves.

Each member chose a nickname consisting of only two words. They then wrote one word on one slip while the second word on second slip. These slips were then put in two different boxes numbered as 1 and 2. After that it was up to Hestia to draw since she was his patron. She picked one slip from each of the boxes. The word on first slip would make the first part while the word on second slip would make the second part and this way the name 'silver lining' came to be.

It was an un-expected harvest even for her since this was mostly based on luck and it seems his luck was really good in this regard. Because when you think about it all of the other Familia viewed adding Bell to their ranks as a negative, but in reality, it could turn out to be positive for them as well.

What they didn't even realize was that 'Silver Lining' also refers to a 'hopeful prospect' which is what Zoro sees in Bell. Bell is a hopeful prospect of someone who one day may be able to give Zoro a good fight. He's also a hopeful prospect in a sense that he might be able to become someone great like both Zoro and Hestia want him to be.


"Hello Bell or should I call you 'Silver Lining'" Eina giggled watching Bell coming over.

She was truly happy for him to have progressed. She was also thankful that he didn't perish since the first time she ever saw him, he didn't seem to have any talent. She had even tried to dissuade him from this dangerous line of work, but he persisted and now he was a record holder.

Although Bell still wasn't even close to his ideal, Aiz but at least he showed tremendous potential surpassing even that of her. This was really mind boggling

"Hello, miss Eina" Bell replied shyly. Even though he had done taken his first step and was happy, his personality was still pretty much the same. Easily embarrassed by compliments.

Today he had come over to take her classes since with Zoro as he was, it would be fitting for Bell to learn as much as possible about deep floors. Who knows when that fellow would lose his way and they end up in extreme depths?

Even though he thought that Bell didn't take even himself seriously. Zoro was really trying hard to deal with this problem and he had personally seen the effort put into it. Perhaps it won't be long until Zoro would be able to deal with this problem or in worst case, that day might never come.

"Are you busy right now miss Eina?"

"Not really. As you can see it's morning and not many come at this time. Anyway, how's your dungeon prolling going. Any problems"

"None but if you don't mind, could you give me some dungeon lessons?"

"Sure, why not. Just wait" Eina looked around and after seeing her co-worker Misha coming over waved to her "Could you handle it alone for some time"

Misha looked over at Bell then Eina and smiled meaningfully "Yeah yeah go. I can handle it here"

Eina ignored her hand signs and left with Bell in tow.


Bell was met with a tense atmosphere after coming back from his lessons with Eina.

Hestia and Lily were sitting facing each other with serious expressions. This happened due to Hestia suddenly asking a very serious question which needed to be answered now.

"Who would be the captain?"

Now naturally Bell would be the first choice since not only was he the first to join the familia but also the record holder with quite a lot of fame.

That said,

Bell shook his head slightly with a light smile, "I reject"

That was his answer for a very simple reason, he didn't think of himself as capable of taking such a mantle. Bell was deeply aware of his own shortcomings so rather than becoming a figure head from the get-go, he would rather go with someone else taking standing there and learning through experience from them.

Since he rejected that also meant he had no problem with Zoro being the captain. In fact, that was exactly why he rejected since he saw a great leader in Zoro.

Zoro wasn't talkative by any means and although he cared, remained aloof for most. But after last night everything changed. Zoro spoke a lot for the first time and his point of view was very mature. He also seemed the type simply due to the unique aura of the king emanating from him.

To top it all off, just his skill alone proclaimed him as the emperor so what could anyone else say.

Hestia was also of the same thought. More than anything, she wanted Zoro to take an active role and not just stay in the background or laze around or simply train all the time.

Zoro was by no mean perfect especially his horrible sense of direction but so what? Who was truly perfect? Even celestials weren't so what to expect from the others. Since he wasn't perfect and had weakness, the familia would have to make up for said weakness.

Now of course Zoro's own will was necessary for anything to happen.

Truthfully Zoro didn't want to since it would rob him of his free time, and he would have to deal with many bothersome issues. If this was still sea and he was still a pirate or if he wasn't already part of a Familia in this city, then he would have rejected no matter how many times he was asked.

It's not that he wasn't capable of doing a captain's job, even in this restricted environment. He just didn't want to.

That said, he finally agreed after further considerations.

Zoro followed his personal code of honour and for him, there was only one man he would ever surrender his will to, and that man was Luffy, his former captain. No one else was qualified, not even Bell or Hestia for that matter.

So, with all that in mind, he decided to take up the role as a leader thought reluctantly since there was no other choice. He could leave Hestia familia for good, but he too wanted to regain his power and even surpass the previous him without needing to follow someone else, so he stayed.

He liked this family atmosphere. It reminded him of old days. Previously he followed Luffy and took his will over his own, accepting and respecting any of Luffy's decisions but now it would be him making decisions. It would be his responsibility to protect this new Family like the old one.


Zoro had become the captain, but nothing had really changed. It seemed Welf was working on his new masterpiece so couldn't join them for dungeon exploration.

Regardless, it didn't affect them in the slightest and the team of three continued on their adventures. Time passed by and after a month worth of time, Lily finally got a proper handle on her body and was finally able to finish off a silverback on her own. Although she did use many tricks and tactics along with using terrain and staying at a distance shooting at it. It took her roughly half an hour to do so.

She was good archery, so Zoro trained her in that regard. Shooting from distance the moving monsters and sometimes she was even forced to fight some head on with her dagger. Apparently, this was so that she wouldn't be caught off guard and could put up a fight even in close combat but really

"This is Hell"

Zoro's training was too tough.

She was forced to run and keep running until she couldn't move

She was forced to shoot while running with packs of monsters right behind her

She was thrown in monster packs to fight at close range

And all of this was just to strengthen her basics. How absurd

"Is Lili still alive?"

"Seems so"

She heard a dry laugh from right adjacent where Bell was lying in exhaustion. He too didn't have any power left. Unlike Lily, he was forced to fight all the time and was even punished in case he made a stupid mistake. Sometimes he would have to fight with weights on hands and feet while on other times with a blindfold on.

"Lili might not survive at this rate"

"Hahah don't worry Lily. He's only trying to strengthen your body and senses for 'advanced techniques'"

"Advanced techniques"

"En. I heard him talking about some 'six powers' or whatever. According to him, we would pass the minimum criteria only once we became capable of learning and applying one of the 'six powers'"

"What 'six powers?"

"No clue BUT..."


"They sound cool"


Lily really couldn't understand guys in general. Why did everything sound 'cool' to them or maybe it was just Bell.

Currently they were on 15th floor. This was the floor Bell could reach on his own by now, although it would be dangerous if he came without proper preparations. Fire Hounds, Poison bees and more roamed these floors. He wasn't like Captain with full immunity to poisons, so he needed to be very careful.

Said captain on the other hand was coming over after finishing off all the remaining monster on this floor.

"It's time to head back"

And both rose to their feats, however unsteady they might be.



Welf was marvelling at his new creations. He was certain about succeeding now. It took him a whole month to complete a single set of top tiers lvl 2 equipment but for him, that was enough.

During this time, Hestia Familia came over from time to time especially Bell who even helped him a couple of times in fanning the flames and keep in check the temperature.

He had used up a lot of raw materials to make these since many failed during the process. These raw materials were supplied to him by Hestia Familia free of charge in exchange for some equipment like bows and arrows along with short daggers. He was even asked to make some weight bracelets by the captain of Hestia Familia, he didn't know why but did so anyway.

Now he was free. He could go and show his masterpiece to the woman he loved, get her praise and finally cross that river to become a lvl 2 and that's exactly what he did and succeeded in achieving his partial goal of levelling up.

Although she didn't look all that impressed but maybe that was natural since the equipment she usually made, and saw was of much higher lvl and quality.

'No matter. I'll just work hard and have her praise me someday'

With that conviction he moved towards the rundown church to give Bell his masterpiece.


By the time Hestia Familia returned home, someone was already there waiting.

It was Welf who apparently couldn't wait to give Bell his new equipment. The overall design was still pretty much the same as before just more depth had been added to it. Also, it was custom made for Bell with all of his measurements taken into account. So, unlike before which was a good fit for him, this one was perfect. Other than a light set of Armor, Welf had also made a new knife for Bell giving out a crimson sheen. This knife had been made using the horn of the Minotaur Bell had slain as the main ingredient along with the integration of many alloys.

Whenever a monster was killed, it wouldn't immediately turn to ash and disappear rather it would only turn to ash after either the spirit stone inside its chest had been extracted or was destroyed. That said once turned to ash, many monsters would leave something behind. Some would leave their skin behind while other would leave their fangs, bones and horns. There were even those who would leave their blood and organs behind.

All of these things were collectively known as 'monster drops' and had many uses. Blood and Organs were used for many experiments and medicine making while others had many uses in making world class armours and weapons.

"Wow! It's amazing" Bell stroked his new equipment taking in the feels. He immediately wanted to try it out but was stopped since now was not the time nor place.

Zoro also came forward taking a closer look "This isn't too bad. It calls for a celebration"

He was pleased because he could feel raw dedication and hard work Welf had put into making these. This fellow was really enthusiastic when it came to black smithing and this equipment showed.

"Lily knows of a good place"

Although her impression towards Welf wasn't good but after interacting with him a few times during this month, she had come to understand his personality and it was likeable so. That said they still didn't get along too well and argued from time to time.

"Good. Take them there" Zoro waved at her nonchalantly

"You're not coming Zoro sama?"

"Nah! My swords need maintenance so I'm going to be busy"

"I could help you" Welf was a blacksmith so who would know better about maintenance then him though he was confused because so far as he could tell, these swords shouldn't need any maintenance.

"Although I appreciate but no. I 'need' to be the one to do it. Anyway, go ahead and enjoy yourselves"

"En we'll do. Are you coming Hestia?"

Bell turned to Hestia who was just standing by the side. She seemed to be free and bored so it wouldn't be too bad if she came along

Hestia Kindly shook her head waving at them "No. You kids should go enjoy"

"Alright. Take care Hestia, Take care captain"

"We'll be off"

"Take care"

"Oh yeah before that. Lily, tomorrow we're going to Soma Familia"

Zoro suddenly yelled as if remembering something. Lily was part of Soma Familia and one thing Zoro noticed was that she wasn't getting any stronger physically. Zoro could teach her a lot but if her physical stats didn't follow her technical improvement, she would be reaching a deadened soon. Actually, she already had.

From this Zoro could conclude that Lily had not visited Soma Familia home for quite some time thus hadn't updated her status. Now was a good time as any to make her part of Hestia Familia and first step was visiting Soma Familia.


"Why so surprised?"

"No, it's just...!?"

"Don't worry since I'll go along with you. Soma wine is said to be the best. It would be a waste to not try that stuff"

Zoro gave her an assurance to boost the little confidence she had. Although it did assure her, but it also increased her worry. She didn't want Zoro to drink that stuff but then again maybe he could take it. He gave those vibes

"Yeah, I'll also come along"

Bell too interjected. Lily had been working with him for quite some time and suffice to say, he trusted her a lot. For Bell Lily was a little sister, yes that cute little sister he had to protect at all costs.

"Muh! fine I get it"

Lily replied with a tired voice. She didn't really want to but what other choice was there? She too wanted to become a permanent member of Hestia Familia and with Zoro and Bell in tow, it shouldn't be a problem anyway.

"Good. Now go and come back early"

Hestia also didn't have any problem with Lily joining. For her Lily was already part of her family, her Familia. Only thing she lacked was Falna bestowed by Hestia and nothing else.

With that the party of three left without anyone knowing the kind of storm they would invite on this 'party'.

Once the three left, Zoro started the maintenance of his swords. In all honesty his swords did not need any sort of maintenance due to their nature, but Zoro still did it as a hobby.

After completion, he went over to Hestia

"I think it's time"

"So soon! Well, I'm not surprised but... hah!"

Hestia shook her head as if remembering something

"You guys are really causing storms one after another" she had a lost look in her eyes. Although she was happy seeing their growth, but this was just too fast. At this rate, flies would start buzzing all over her home.

"Can't be helped"

Zoro simply shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly. He had reached the limit of lvl 1 and needed her help to reach lvl 2. It had barely been over a month since Zoro came over and he also didn't have any skills which could fasten up the process of gaining exelia and levelling up.

That said, he had been constantly fighting and killing high end monsters like Minotaurs, Liger fangs, Crystal Mantises, Hellhounds etc. Moreover, he fought them in groups at the same time which caused the quantity and quality of Exelia he gained to shoot through the roof.

He could have levelled up within the first week after coming back from dungeon 18th floor. Back then his stats had already reached 'S' for all, but he still kept on fighting in order to see the limit till which he could grow within level 1. The last time he checked, all of the stats had already reached SSS which normally wouldn't be possible, but he possessed 'conquerors Haki' allowing him to break past the limit of 'S'. There was also a feeling that this was the end, but he still wanted to do some more.

By now he was certain of his own current power. In individual battle, he at peak lvl 1 without advanced Haki could probably fight a veteran lvl 3, though killing them would be almost impossible. Naturally he was satisfied with said result.

Now that he had tested his own limits, he decided to lvl up to grow even stronger.

"Come over"

Hestia took out a small needle preparing for the process.

Once completed she let out sigh looking at two white papers. One had his stats at lvl 1 while other had his stats at lvl 2. Hestia already knew he was going to level up but knowing something didn't mean it was easy to accept.

After looking over sometimes she gently passed on both sheets to Zoro who looked over them.




Strength: SSS1400

Endurance: SSS1400

Dexterity: S901

Agility: SSS1400


The Conquerors Will

Those with weak wills are not permitted. Those with weak strengths are not permitted. The limits matter not, nothing can limit a conqueror, nothing can supress a conqueror.

The will eternal

Voice of All Things

Ability to sense and trace the breathing and the rhythm of everything. Ability to understand all languages. Nothing is hidden neither can it be hidden.

Full Counter

Resistance to all sorts of magics and phenomenon. Ability to survive in any environment. Full immunity to all sorts of harmful substances and poisons




Strength: I0

Endurance: I0

Dexterity: I0

Agility: I0


The Conquerors Will

Those with weak wills are not permitted. Those with weak strengths are not permitted. The limits matter not, nothing can limit a conqueror, nothing can supress a conqueror.

Voice of All Things

Ability to sense and trace the breathing and the rhythm of everything. Ability to understand all languages. Nothing is hidden neither can it be hidden.

Full Counter

Resistance to all sorts of magics and phenomenon. Ability to survive in any environment. Full immunity to all sorts of harmful substances and poisons

Armament Haki

Armor, taking properties of whatever, it's applied on, enhancing them in return


"So, it is the limit" Zoro was referring to 'SSS1400' in his stats. It seems that was a wall only overcome by level up, but that was fine. That also meant he reached the absolute peak of lvl 1 and that was all that mattered to him.

Next looking at his lvl 2 stats, everything was same except for his stats being reset to 0. That didn't mean he had lost all of those stats but rather they had been hidden making ways for new ones. Another odd thing both he and Hestia noticed was how 'Magic' stat was gone. It seems he was forever unable to use this thing known as 'magic' but it didn't matter since he was a swordsman, not a magician.

"Armament Haki huh" This was his speciality and also what he needed the most right now.

He couldn't use Conquerors coating right now so it didn't provide him with any individual combat power, but armament was different. It could be used to coat his blades from the get-go. Although it seems he still couldn't use advanced version yet but still even the most basic coating exponentially increased his combat power. At least his attack and defence power would be increased by two times when compared to normal.

"So are you going tomorrow to report"

"Who knows? Anyway, it's quite late so I'm going to bed"

"Good night"

And he went to sleep with Hestia waiting for others to return

Early in the morning,

'Yaawwwnn....... .....'

Zoro woke up with first rays of sun light shining through cracks in the wall rubbing his eyes a little. Today was a big day for Hestia Familia since Lily was going to be joining today after leaving Soma Familia. Zoro had already thought up of ways if Soma Familia refused to, but it would be better if matters solved easily.

He looked around and suddenly all the laziness left his body at breakneck speed. Right in front of him Bell was lying on the bed, still sleeping. It was a single Bed used by Hestia and Lily while Zoro and Bell slept on Sofa and floor and yet today Bell was sleeping there.

It wouldn't be so surprising if that was all, but Bell was injured. His nose and mouth especially looked crooked as if someone had pummelled him. A punch straight to the face so to speak. Although the injury wasn't serious but who would do so and why?

"What Happened?"

"Oh Zoro. You're awake"

Hestia was sitting beside Bell nursing him while Lily was on the side heating up the water.

"Nothing. He just picked a fight, and this was the result"

"But lady Hestia shouldn't pin all that on Bell sama. They insulted us first so..."

"Care to explain"

"Yes. As you know we went to a pub for party and then................"

"Hm, so in short 'someone provoked, and you responded but since opponents turned out to be stronger, you suffered and if not for that wolf the magnitude would have been higher'. Am I right?"

Lily nodded lightly "Yes, pretty much"

'He has much to learn' Zoro was reminiscing about some past events, chuckling to himself.

"Anyway, let him sleep for now. Lily get ready, we're going to Soma Familia"

"Right now?" shouldn't she stay with Hestia to take care of Bell?

"Yes. Don't worry about him"

Lily looked towards Bell. Although she didn't show it, she was really angry.

'Seriously he is so immature.'

Back then she had tried to stop Bell and Welf, but these hot-headed fellows just went with it and this was the result. Welf too had been injured but he left to his smithy after escorting Bell here.


With that they left for Soma Familia. It wasn't faar, at most an hour on foot so it didn't take them long to reach there. Soma Familia was located in a rather populated area and was comprised of multiple buildings including a storehouse, breweries, and several watchtowers.

It was a rather well-off Familia but the living conditions of most wasn't good due to Soma only caring about his hobby and the higherups extorting money from everyone.

"So, this is Soma Familia"

Zoro and Lily were standing right in front of a big gate leading inside guarded on both sides.


Zoro stepped forward and in the next instance released his conquerors Haki in its full glory targeting only the Soma Familia Base. Soma Familia was comprised of lvl 1's and the only strong people at lvl 2 had been killed by Zoro in dungeon on 18th floor. Everyone in Soma Familia fell unconscious shocking Lily to her core.

"This! ... This...!!", Lily stared in front with jaws dropping to the ground. She didn't know what to say at this point. Suddenly right in front of her, the guards as well as all those present in the lobby had fell unconscious. She had never seen something like this before since Zoro never used it in the dungeon yet.

"Lead the way" Zoro acted as if he didn't see her flustered face. For him this was normal. Not now but he would be using conquerors Haki and lot in Dungeon as well

"Y... Yes", she barely squeaked. Her shock was really too great. No doubt she had heard of some powerful skills but something like this was unprecedent.

With that Lily brought Zoro to the secret chambers, the basement of the main building where Soma himself was present. There were others guarding the door lying unconscious.

Without heeding them any mind, Zoro opened the doors and was hit by a wave of intoxication.

Smell of Wine was heavy in the air so much so that it alone could have one drunk. Over on the other side of chambers, a middle-aged man was focused on making something completely disregarding everything including Zoro and Lili who entered inside.

'Not surprising with someone like him but...'

Zoro took a deep breath taking in all the aroma from around nodding with a happy smile "Not bad. I was just lacking some good booze these days"

He visited Hostess of Fertility from time to time with Bell and Lili but what he drank there and what was present here were miles apart in quality.

"Don't mind if I do" Since Soma wasn't paying much of attention to them Zoro simply ignored him and went for a bottle

"Do not touch that"

"Don't be stingy"

Soma looked deeply at him but eventually focused his attention on Lily. He had some impression of Lily but not too much

"What do you want"

"I want to leave"


"I have money ready"

One could free themselves by paying certain amount in this Familia, this rule had been established by his first ever child and Soma didn't object. The reason was simple, Soma only cared about his hobby but in the lower world, lot of finance was needed by him in order to make his masterpieces and that was one of the reasons for such rule.

Lily handed over the money pouch to him, but Soma rejected it

"You can leave if you want"

Yes, there was no need for a rule like that now since his liquor was famous and lot of money flowed in due to it. Previous captain kept the rule for his own benefits and Soma just ignored everything. For him these children were just tools to help him focus on his hobby. Nothing more and nothing less. There was no sentimental value attached to them so even if some died, new ones would replace them.

Lily was shocked and why wouldn't she be. If she knew it would be this easy, then why would she ever hesitate before

'No, it is now easy since the captain is dead and there should be internal fighting of who would be the next captain, so no one paid much attention to Lily'

"If that's the case then Lil-"

"I do have a condition of my own" Soma raised a finger interrupting her and voicing his own thoughts

"What is it?"

"Taste my wine and you can leave so long as it does not take hold of you"

"Don't bullshit with me?!"

Lily was enraged. She had always stayed away from this liquor since she didn't want to become a slave to it and yet now, he was telling her to not only drink it but also keep true to herself. This was the same as saying 'You want freedom, go jump over that mountain. If you live, you're free'

"Why do you want that?"

Zoro who was standing on the side couldn't help but be curious. This fellow didn't look like someone sadistic neither did Lily hold any value to him and yet he was asking her to 'commit suicide' to be free.

There must be some reason

Soma looked down, seeming to be in deep thought

Yes Why?

Why did he want this?

He had no idea; it was just a thought that maybe someone would be able to keep themselves safe even after tasting his creation

Maybe he wanted to change but couldn't find that catalyst to begin such transformation. For him the only way to change would be if someone didn't lose themselves to his liquor.

But why did he want to change?

This was a question he himself couldn't answer. Maybe he'll know after that change

"I have reasons"

"Test me then"

"Confident, then go ahead and try this"

Soma handed him the bottle he was carrying but

"Don't give me such trash. I can tell it is much worse than the one you stopped me from touching. What, that a masterpiece or something"

He was rejected.

Yes, the one Soma wanted Lily to taste wasn't his best effort, it was just some spare but better than whatever was sold outside.

That said he could sell this but not his masterpiece. He was banned a decade ago from ever selling that stuff, so he sealed it up and put em on shelves for his own taste.

"That is... wait! What are you doing? Stop it!"

Zoro just casually removed the seal and drank the whole bottle dry

It was a strange taste, not bitter or sweet and didn't leave any aftertaste behind and yet even Zoro felt as if his soul was leaving his body. His body started to crave for more and more, and yet his mind felt sleepy.

This was the reason this was banned. It overstimulated the body and mind to such a degree that they would lose a connection to each other. The bodies would stop functioning and all the nerves would calm down and enter a state of intoxication and this effect would stay for so long as the person lived. They would go into an everlasting sleep never to wake up again


Soma didn't know what to say. He had even tried to stop the guy but


Zoro fell down on his back. Lily dashed towards him but lost consciousness for some reason. The last thing she saw was purple lightening originating from his body and then silence.


"I apologize for this mess"

Chamber was completely ruined and a smell several times heavier than before filled the air inside. It seemed the liquor not only affected his body but also the seals placed inside. They had loosened and he even had been able to release peak power of his conquerors Haki although for just an instance in a very small range.

"This... is un-expected"

Soma didn't care about the chamber. He had finally found someone who wouldn't lose to his masterpiece and that was enough. As for that sudden burst, he didn't care. For him only the wine and the drinker mattered 'for now' at least.

"Bring her over"

"Your condition?"

"You have already surpassed that"

Zoro brought Lily over and Soma removed his falna from her back as well as opening it for someone else to mark her.

Zoro picked Lily up and took his leave "Would have loved to stay and enjoy but Later"

But before leaving he awkwardly scratched his head with a helpless expression, "Oh yeah. It would be better to leave here since this place was directly hit by my Haki. Even though I didn't have intention to destroy, the place should be affected"

Soma watched his back as he disappeared. He turned around looking at the ruined chamber. Maybe this was better and how things should be.

This chamber represented his past un-changed self and now that it was on the verge of destruction, it also signified change he wanted.

He looked up in empty air whispering to himself "It is time"

And thus took the first step, to the light of change, leaving the stagnant shadow behind.



Now I decided to go with Zoro since I want him to be more directly involved. To make decisions and calculations. To do negotiations and stuff. He's experienced a lot thus has good head, just doesn't use it too often lazing around OR training all the time.

A leader for me is someone who can do all above mentioned with complete confidence. Even if they're not the best at it, they should at least be capable.

Bell, let me be honest. I never truly saw him as a leadership material. His personality just doesn't fit right with what I want to do. Naturally I could develop him but that would take too much time and story itself would be slowed down.

Hestia Familia right now needs a resolute leader from the get-go for greater expansion and for facing future challenges, not someone who would slowly develop and would be easily flustered or lose to his emotions. Yes, someone like that could hold the reins in the future after a lot of development but not right now so I chose Zoro.

Anyway, for name, I didn't choose it. It was referred to me by 'Crazy_Max1'  on 'Archiveofourown' and I liked it quite a bit so put it giving some context.

Anyway, I hope you like this chapter and the next one. I appreciate any and all comments since for me those alone are enough to keep going with.


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