Crimson || Tom Riddle [1]

By housekeeping1881

9.9K 335 12

Tom Riddle had a secret - he had murdered his family. Arabella Chambers knew his secret - she had witnessed i... More

𝖏𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖓𝖆𝖑 𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖞
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖔𝖓𝖊
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖜𝖔
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖙𝖍𝖗𝖊𝖊
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖋𝖎𝖛𝖊
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖎𝖝
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖘𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓
𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞 𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙


387 10 0
By housekeeping1881

Friends were a mundane thing, Arabella concluded. They were too much effort and a pointless waste of time. Friends made one feel they had a burden on their shoulders, always trying to be perfect around them so they won't criticise.

So, as she walked down the corridor of the train, looking at the people laughing in compartments with their friends, she glared. Three hours had passed and Arabella realised that going back to Hogwarts was the worst decision she had ever made.

Her heels clicked with the soft carpet of the train as she walked up and down the corridor multiple times. A few minutes later, the door of a compartment slid open and a voice interrupted her. "Would you stop?"

Arabella turned around glaring. "What did you say?"

"Would you stop?" The girl seemed annoyed. She had her head sticking out of her compartment. She was already wearing her robes, but Arabella couldn't identify what house the girl was in - it also reminded her that she did not have robes.

"Who are you?" Arabella asked. The girl stepped out of her compartment and held out her hand. Slytherin, Arabella realised from the crest on her robes.

"Colette Swan," she introduced with a warm smile. She seemed annoyed just a few seconds ago. Arabella denied her extended hand and watched her eyes widen with surprise. Criticism. "You're new," she said, her green eyes darkening after Arabella's informal gesture. "What's your name?"

"That is none of your concern," Arabella said. And with that, she turned around and left.


Another hour passed and Arabella thought that the train ride made her want to die more than being a vampire did. It seemed as though the train had been moving for more years than Arabella's lifetime.

When the train finally stopped, Arabella quickly grabbed her cat, got off and searched for the boy. The quicker she found him and got her wand, the quicker she could leave this horrid place and not meet the eyes of the man who had cursed her years ago. She did not want to be recognised.

Arabella searched the Hogsmeade Station but could not seem to find the boy anywhere, so she followed the rest of the students to carriages pulled by the thestrals - winged, horse-like creatures with a skeleton appearance only visible to people who had witnessed death. She was annoyed at herself for coming this far. Her plan was to compel the boy as soon as she could, though he was nowhere to be seen.

The first years boarded boats that took them to the magnificent castle of Hogwarts. By then, it was nightfall and some students seemed tired. Most seemed excited to finally return home, to Hogwarts.

Arabella got into one of the carriages and sighed, happy to be away from human life. A moment later the door opened and a girl walked in. She had a black hair, black eyes and smooth white skin. Arabella noticed the crest on her robes they read Hufflepuff.

"Oh, sorry. I didn't think anyone was in here." She got up to leave but Arabella interrupted her.

"It's fine," she stated simply.

The carriage ride was silent. Arabella was staring intently at the girl and she was shifting uncomfortably under her gaze. The girl opened her mouth to say something but at that moment the carriage stopped and Arabella immediately got out. It wasn't her plan to make friends here. Or even acquaintances.

She followed students into the castle and Arabella couldn't help but widen her eyes. It had been a couple of hundred years since Arabella had stepped foot into Hogwarts and she felt as if time hadn't even passed. She walked into the Great Hall and let out a soft gasp. The roof of the Great Hall had been charmed to show the sky above. It was magical.

She wondered which of the Founders had come up with that.

Four long tables were stretching down the Great Hall - two to the left and two to the right with a long walkway through the middle and up to the far end of the hall where another long table sat facing the students. In the middle of the table was a throne-like chair for the Headmaster, Armando Dippet.

One of the teacher's eyes widened when he saw Arabella. Albus Dumbledore was not expecting to see Arabella at Hogwarts. It had been nearly 50 years since he had seen the girl and she hadn't aged one bit. He instantly got up and made his way towards her where she currently stood, arms crossed, leaning against the doorway of the double doors, glaring straight at him as Scarlett hissed at him from her spot next to Arabella's feet.

Albus Dumbledore looked old. He had aged plenty since the last time Arabella saw him. For once, Arabella was enthralled that time had done its job. "What are you doing here?"Albus whisper-shouted as he approached her. He grabbed her by the arm and led her to a secluded corner out of the Hall.

"Don't touch me, old fool!" Arabella shook her arm out of his grasp and took two steps backwards. She watched as Scarlett wandered away somewhere in the castle.

"When did you arrive?!"

"About a thousand years ago. I was kicked out of Hell," she stated simply. "Though I seem to have found my way back." She took her time inspecting the castle.

Albus rolled his eyes at her. She was ridiculous. "What are you doing here?" he asked her again.

Arabella sighed in annoyance. "Though it's none of your concern, I have lost my wand. I'm here to retrieve it from one of your murderous students"

"Who?" he demanded, acting like he had some form of delusional power over her.

"I have no clue. But while you're here could you be so kind as to enrol me? I changed my mind, I'll be staying here for a while."

Albus opened his mouth to say something but Arabella walked past him and stood at the doorway to the Great Hall. "I would like a grand entrance. Something like 'The great and powerful Arabella Chambers'"

"Are you not mad at me?" Albus asked, confusion plastered on his old, wrinkly, very punch-able face.

"Oh, I'm furious, and it has been a dreadful 44 years but I'll provide more details... never. Now go!" She gestured towards the entrance.

Albus glared at the girl, but nonetheless, walked in. He did owe her. It had been over three decades since he had seen Arabella, but he couldn't help but sympathise her. As much as he hated to admit it, Albus still felt the love that they had once shared, before he had torn everything to pieces. Arabella was a nice girl, deep down. He didn't regret what he did, no. But he felt pity for Arabella having to live almost 50 years without her main source of life. Even if that source took the life of others.

Behind Arabella, first years started piling into the castle and she groaned as she watched Albus's old body slowly walk. For once, she was grateful that she couldn't age, though what time had done to Albus was awful - she almost felt sorry for the old man. Almost.

"Um... This year we have a new student who will be joining our 6th Years. Please welcome Arabella Chambers," Albus lied quickly. Great liar, Arabella thought. He had lied all throughout the time she had known him. Lie, lie, lie — curse. That's all he ever did.

He stood behind a stool with a rusty hat on top of it. The Sorting Hat, Arabella realised.

Arabella confidently strode up to the stool, picked up the hat and sat down, ignoring all the looks she got from the students. It was the most stupidest thing she had ever done in her lifetime and mentally cursed Godric for coming up with the ridiculous idea.

"Never thought I'd see you again, Arabella. It has been years," the hat was talking.

"I didn't plan this," she thought bitterly, "I just need to keep up the act."

"Well you sure have an intelligent brain full of wisdom, extremely smart and skilled. You are great at figuring and breaking down riddles, but Ravenclaw won't fit - you only show your skill when you need to prove to someone and do not value the idea of having knowledge, but rather the idea of using the wisdom to your advantage. To help you.

"You are brave and were once loyal to the ones close to you. But you have lost them all. You have no one. You are ambitious but above all, cunning - willing to do anything to get what you want. You are here to do anything to get what was taken from you. You are determined, just like when I met you, but something has changed - someone has hurt you and now you want revenge.

"I know just where you belong...


Arabella frowned. She often thought about this process, and how different Hogwarts would be if her own house was still standing. After the falling out, she used to wonder what house she would have fit in. Well, she now had her answer. As much as she wanted to be in Feywood, Feywood did not exist. She was a Slytherin... for the time being. And she refused to let any old memories resurface. She was on a mission.

The table to the far left cheered. It had a long green table cloth over it with a silver lining. The one next to it was Ravenclaw, with a deep blue cloth and bronze lining. The next table was Hufflepuff with yellow table cloth and black lining. The last one had a red cloth with gold lining - Gryffindor.

Arabella got up and made her way down to the Slytherin table and sat next to a girl with dark skin. She had beautiful eyes, Arabella noticed.

Further down the table sat a boy with dark curls and brown eyes. He did a good job hiding his emotions, but Arabella could tell he was surprised with his slightly wider eyes as he stared at the girl he had killed. Arabella caught his eye and smiled at him. He glared and looked back down at the book he was reading. He was curious. She had survived the killing curse. It was impossible.

The boy was surrounded by many other boys who looked like they were from prestigious pureblood families - a Slytherin thing, really. The one that caught Arabella's attention was the boy with platinum blonde hair and icy blue eyes - his face was structured sharp and God-like. He was looking curiously at Arabella and back at the other boy.

Arabella turned to the girl next to her and whispered, "Who's the boy reading?"

The girl looked up at him. "His name is Tom Riddle."

Arabella's eyes widened as she gaped at the boy. Tom Riddle had murdered his own family.

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