The Juniors - The Villains of...

By indroves

9.5K 300 226

The Juniors are a group of villains who look surprisingly like a family. One day, the aftermath of a mission... More

ONE / "It All Started When..."
THREE / "Friends... Friendly?"
FOUR / "Student of the Semester"
FIVE / "KUWTSuperVillains"
SIX / "Rulebook"
SEVEN / "Window Shopping"
EIGHT / "Thicc as Thieves"
NINE / "Fingers in Action"
TEN / "Perspectives, Take Two"
ELEVEN / "Dr. Coloss- Er, Colossacon!"
TWELVE / "Puck, Stick... Pucker Up"
THIRTEEN / "Kind of Like a Cavity"
FOURTEEN / "Missing Piece"
FIFTEEN / "13, 1, 4, 4, 5, 14, 19"
SIXTEEN / "Totally Not Pointless"
SEVENTEEN / "...Is Bliss "
EIGHTEEN / "Family Reunion"
NINETEEN / "Crossed Wrists"
TWENTY / "New iPhone Update Be Like"
T. ONE / "Solving for X"
T. TWO / "x=5"
T. TWO / "um um um"
T. THREE / "Saturday"
T. FOUR / "Wake Me Up When Saturday Ends"
T. FIVE / "The Villains Of Valley View"
T. SIX / "revelations"
T. SEVEN / "What it's come to"
Guys ignore that

TWO / "We Should Settle Then..."

747 18 0
By indroves

~3rd person~

"IT'S a school night, so make it quick," Celia said, pushing past Renee and inviting herself into the home.

"Please, come on in," Renee exclaimed sarcastically.

Celia turned to face her momentarily. "Lucky for you I don't need an invitation. I own this house."

Renee crossed her arms and tilted her head as she stared at her landlord.

"Just like the one across the street where they moved in."

The way Celia said the word 'they' caused Renee to feel more confused than upset. She had basically growled the word when referring to the new tenants. "They' who?"

"That new family. Odd, not unlike yours. But at least I can tolerate you people. I'm sure you know why."

Renee's eyebrow raised higher. "I do," she said dismissively of the topic. She was willing to bet her superpowers that it had something to do with race.

"'Cause you're quiet, keep to yourself, and always pay on time. Them, well, I don't know how they get down just yet."

Who said anything about superpowers?

"Well, did you just get back from work?" Celia asked.

Renee looked down at her police uniform and sighed. "Feels like it since I haven't had any time to myself. The kids just went to sleep, but I've been home for two hours."

"Mm. I'm glad I chose to work from home when I did. Hell it don't matter what house I'm in on this street, I'm still getting paid!" the older woman exclaimed heartily.

There was something about her ferocious energy. Renee was glad that even if North was here, her suit was not.

"Right. It's definitely tiresome work."

"Hold on. Now I know those two kids can't be older than seventeen. And I don't think they're in school."

Renee's eyes widened. "No! No. The paperwork is being filed now. Josie just turned 16, and Jaxon is 17."

"Well, they're just some... lovely— er, interesting kids."

"I get that a lot," Renee voiced. She turned to grab something. "Alright, the updated payment information. And thanks for stopping by, but it's late. It's just me, my babies, and North who'll be sticking around for some time. It's hard being the only one here providing for my kids."

Renee attempted to put the papers in Celia's hands, but she wasn't taking them.

Celia frowned. "Wait, single parent? You're telling me the 'family friend' wasn't your wife? I thought she looked a little young." Her frown only grew. "Well then you can't live here. I need two people on the lease giving me two incomes."

Renee's smile was tight as her grip on the papers tightened. "Single parent? No! My husband has been out all month. He's back today. But don't worry about these little vacations he takes. The paychecks sure make up for the time we don't spend together!"

Renee worked harder and harder in her attempt to keep Celia's interest. Sadly, the woman was already at the staircase, hand on the railing and looking very ready to ascend them. "Well, where is he then?" the older woman asked. "I need to see him now, or you people need to get going."

The super villain's eyes widened as she rushed over to Celia at the staircase. "You know, Celia, it's a little late. Let's let the kids get some sleep."

"Ok, then, keep your papers. I'm coming back with an eviction notice!" the older red-haired woman said. She threw her hands in the air before waddling over to the front door.

"No! I'll just... wake my husband from his beauty sleep so don't lose our house. I'll be right back."

Then Renee was going up the stairs. But she found her way into the boys' room where Jaxon and Jepito were sleeping. She crept over to Jepito's bed and shook the thirteen-year-old awake.

"Ugh," he groaned, and pulled the comforter up over his shoulder.

"Hey, sleepyhead. Get up. It's our first home-saving mission."

"Go away Lawmaker..."

"Renee," the mother of the household corrected. "And you chose Jepito, so wake up. Now!"

With wide eyes, Jepito shot awake. "Did you really have to yell in my ear?!"

"I need you to change into a man."

"Um, what?"


I heard Lawmaker- ugh, Renee, or mom, or whatever. I heard her faint yells coming from Jaxon and Jepito's room. Confused, I pushed the covers off my bed and looked at the alarm clock for the time. It was minutes after nine o'clock.

I slowly crept across the hall and saw that their bedroom door was open, the little bit of light in it coming through the hallway floor.

"I need you to change into a man," Renee said.

I scrunched my eyebrows before stepping into the room. "Um, what?" I asked.

Renee's black hair whipped as she turned her head to me. "And you, come with me too."

"Why do I have to go? Wait, what is going on?" I asked in confusion.

She ignored me and turned back to Jepito. "Shapeshift. Now! You need to be my husband."

Jepito caught my eye and I looked between him and Renee. Our leader seemed serious. In fact, I was wondering what was taking Jepito so long to do what she said. Nodding once, I said, "Do it!"

And so Jepito stood up.

Soon his skin was breaking down into sand, but it still held its form before it stretched up and Jepito was a foot taller than before. His sand structure finally melted back into skin and the once thirteen-year-old was now the perfect age for a midlife-crisis.

His hair was short, sandy and messy, and Jepito kept his same brown eyes and pale skin. He now stood at 6'2 and was, dare I say it, kinda hot.

Renee clapped once. "Good. Now let's go meet Celia."

Oh. That explains it.

The three of us made our way downstairs, only to find Celia blocking the staircase.

"Madam Celia," Jepito said, causing me to mentally facepalm. "I'm Jepito. What's up?"

"Uh, nice to finally meet you," Celia said before stepping off the stairs and letting us by.

The four of us regrouped in the living room and took our seats. Aside from Jepito who was finding it hard to sit down on one of the arms of the couch. He shifted all over the place, thankfully holding his shape for the most part.

"So, why were you gone so long?" Celia questioned.

"Because he was on a business trip." Renee said easily.

"I see," Celia went on. "And what do you do Jepito?"

"He's a-" Renee started, but both of our eyes widened when Jepito opened his mouth.

"Uh, I'm a video game tester. Yeah, all that fun stuff. Call of duty. GTA. VR. Super cool stuff. Super big bucks."

"Oh my Onyx," I mumbled under my breath and covered my mouth with my hands.

"Uh huh..." Renee said.

"Yes, it puts him out of state quite a bit."

"California, cos it's closest to Japan," Jepito said, and pumped his fist as if he was nailing this fake story. "Anyway, I'm so tired. Gonna go to bed. See ya."

He was already walking off when Celia called out to him, "Ok! Just bring your payment information so I don't have to kick y'all out!"

Celia then turned to us two villains in the room. She looked Renee up and down and then gave me the same look of judgment.

"Good. I was hoping y'all would stay long enough. I have a bit of a reputation around these parts if you know what I mean," she said and then turned to leave out the door, heading into the night.

"That was close," Renee said and turned to me with her fists on her hips. She looked like some stuck-up superhero doing that pose, and she was not a superhero.

"I'm tired," was all I said before dropping my arms and heading upstairs. I could finally get some sleep.

*Hello, thanks for reading. I just want to inform you guys since it might not be super clear. The characters from VoVV will come in the next chapter. Also, the story might not always be written in Cyber/Josie's perspective all the time. Sometimes other characters will be written in first person.*

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