Biker Girl

By music0monster

270K 6.1K 404

When Alicia starts a new school after her latest expulsion, she feels no desire to make this one any differen... More

Chapter One - New School
Chapter Two - Payback
Chapter Three - The Fight Club
Chapter Four - Playing Nurse
Chapter Five - Don't Stare
Chapter Six - The Date
Chapter Seven - It Was Nice
Chapter Eight - I'm Not Scary All The Time..
Chapter Nine - It Worked With My Cats
Chapter Ten - Meeting Hell
Chapter Eleven - To Call, Or Not To Call
Chapter twelve- Couteau? I Think You Mean Asshole
Chapter Thirteen- Well, You Have To Start Somewhere
Chapter Thirteen- Viva Italia
Chapter Fourteen- Well... Isn't This Fun!
Chapter Sixteen- Bye Bye Benoît
Chapter Seventeen- The End

Chapter Fifteen- Oh Crap

8.9K 184 11
By music0monster

AN//: Ugh- been having a horrible day so sorry if this is a short bunch of crap :/ Plus sorry if your a guy that reads this but I'm completely PMSing and all I want to do is bury myself in Ben + Jerrys chocolate fudge brownie ice cream, add that to the fact that my grandad might have Lukiemia and all in all I feel like shit.... Sorry 'bout that. I needed to vent :) Even though it probably will be nonsense I hope you like this chapter :) (PS I'm trying out writing in 3rd person for a bit of this chappie - leave a comment saying if you think I should keep it like this or not)


Chapter Fifteen

When Flora woke up everyone was sitting in a circle in the makeshift living room. It was silent and tense, but she couldn't remember why. Suddenly though, her eyes widened in realisation. Alica, Kurt, Shane, Sam and Jason had been taking turns watching Coateau's collegues, apparently it was too dangerous for her and Lucy, and today was the day he arrivived and they got 'revenge'. This meant either taking him to the police station or killing him. As horrible as it sounded, even to herself, Flora hoped they killed him. He almost took Ali away from everyone that needed her, especially Shane, and she shuddered at the thought of what would of happened if he had suceeded. He deserved to die.

Alicia watched the emotions run across Flora's face until her face went hard and indifferent, yet, Alicia could still see the anger burning in her eyes. She sighed. Flora was only nine, Alicia didn't want her to get mixed up in this world. The real world where bad guys are in gangs, have guns and wont hesitate to kill a child. The world where good rarely wins against the bad. Alicia closed her eyes and cleared her head, she didn't need to worry about this shit right now. Standing up, all eyes were on her- they needed her right now and Alicia knew it. She needed to stay strong, she could have a breakdown when this entire thing was over. 

"Sax, I need you to stay here and look after Lucy and Fee. They can't defend themselfs as well as they need to be able to, and I know you don't feel safe leaving them alone" She stated and Sam nodded his head- he had come to think of Fee as a little sister. Alicia continued "Jay, I need you to double check all the security systems for me then come back to the apartment- Kurt, Shane and I will have our ear peices so you can still talk to us and guide us through. Finally, whatever happens, I want to be the one to shoot the asshole- is that clear?" She finished, directing the last scentance at Kurt and Shane. Reluctantly, the pair nodded in agreement. After survaying her friends and family and seeing no confusion Alicia nodded to herself. Loading her gun she took a deep breath and clenched her jaw. 

"Right then- lets go"



"Ok guys, go round the back. You have thirty seconds to break cover and stand in the blind spot under the CCTV-starting now" Jay ordered me, Shay and Kurt through the ear piece. As quickly and silently as we could, all three of us broke cover and ran for the blind spot. When we were safely there I let out a small sigh of relief.  

"Don't relax yet Ali- you still need to get through that damn electricifyed fence. Plug the wires from the small battery onto the red box and it'll keep you from getting electrocuted for an hour... That and it'll charge it up so I don't need a new car battery" Came Jays next order. Shay and Kurt chuckled quietly but I just rolled my eyes and did as I was told. A minute later and we were through.

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