Blunt Force// WILLIAM AFTON X...

بواسطة ic4rus0_

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Going down the rabbit whole wasn't the greatest decision of your life but as long as he guaranteed you protec... المزيد

Chapter 1: New home
Chapter 2: Fredbear's diner
Chapter 3: An interview
Chapter 4: Badluck
Chapter 5:Changes
Chapter 7: Sharp teeth part 1
Chapter 7: Sharp teeth part 2
Chapter 8: A contract
Chapter 9:Clever girl
Chapter 10: Fragments from the departed
Chapter 11: Slut
Chapter 12: Trouble
Chapter 13:

Chapter 6: First kill

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بواسطة ic4rus0_

  //       I'm having trouble in believing
             And I just started seeing
                Light at the beginning of the tunnel
                       but he tells me that I'm dreaming   //

    After such a long time you can say again that William Afton scares you.

       You were laying in bed starring at the  ceiling covered in little phosphorescent stars,surrounded by darkness and soft pillows.Thinking feverishly at the peculiar events that occurred hours ago you could not help but stay awake.The curtains danced easily in the cool night breeze,forming some moving shadows on the floor,where you threw away your clothes before showering.

      Thousands thoughts roamed your mind.
Why did Andrew ask about William's infidelity towards Lora?Why did he assume that you would be involved in?But what intrigued you the most was William's weird behaviour around you, which in the end you blamed it on the divorce.You weren't even sure if it was true,however their interplay comfired the twisted relationship.

      It started pouring outside so you got comfortable under the soft sheets ,ready to fall asleep at the tranquillizing sound of raindrops.


     Turning off the alarm you slowly got up to get ready for work.The uniform was sitting on a hanger left on the chair ready to be wear but today you chose to put on some black jeans instead of a skirt.You could still feel the dizziness from yesterday combined with the lack of sleep and the hangover.Downstairs you noticed a small pinkish sticky note on the fridge door.

   "Went to work

PS: Today is taco night ;D


     You smiled in excitement .You loved tacos and Amber made the best ones.
Grabbing your backpack you left the house,locking the door.It was a cloudy day and you could feel the whiff of rain floating in the moist air.Skating down the road you stopped at a store to buy some snacks for later.You felt like talking with Noah about what happened at Henry's and the usual snack breaks would offer the two enough privacy.

   Arriving at the diner you started your daily work routine.Visiting the staff room you organized your locker,placing your backpack not after taking your phone and headphones,since you got used making your chores while listening to music.Today was your turn to clean the bathrooms.Everyone hated cleaning them,especially when there are four rooms to clean in total.Two for kids and two for adults.The kids bathrooms were pure hell,puddles of water,soap,toilet paper and on the worst days even puke on the floor.

      You grabbed your gloves along with some buckets with water,detergents,
sponges and mops ,ready to enter the dark pits of inferno when a voice called out your name.It was Evelyn.

      "Morning Y/N!"She said with a bright smile on her face."Oh.My condolences"She said placing her hand on your shoulder.

"My turn is in two days so we gotta dig two graves now"

       "Thank you I guess"You said laughing at her statement.

     "I wanted to ask if you had seen Noah.I can't find him and usually he would be here at this hour"

     "No.He didn't answer my texts this morning"You started to worry about your friend and his disappearance.You thought maybe he didn't get the notifications nor that he forgot his phone at home.

    "Strange.Maybe he overslept.Anyway see you at lunch.If you want some help tell me"And with that Eve got back at her chores and you did the same.


      After hours you finally finished your work.It was 5pm,right in time for your break.The fact that Noah wasn't there by now startled you more and you didn't talk with no one by own initiative.They understood how you feel,they were worried too but they leaved you alone with your thoughts.

    You got to eat the snacks alone since Noah was nowhere to be seen.Not receiving an answer from him got you thinking..'Was he okay?Did he got mad at me?Why would he ghost anyone if he would be upset on me?'
Hoping he was okay you took your phone out of your pocket and checked to see of any possible sign of life from him.

   Despite the fact that it was august the clouds above your head were announcing rain.It was chilly outside,you shivered for a few seconds when a cold breeze kissed your skin.You thought about bringing an umbrella but when you left the house you hoped it will get sunny eventually.Totally unaware of your surroundings you did not notice the new presence.William was standing not too far away from you,with a cigarette in his hand.You never saw him smoking and you never would have guessed that he is a smoker,not if it would be brought to your own eyes. The cigarette's smoke reached to you and you coughed briefly,catching his attention.

       "Are you ok love?"Said the man looking down at you.You were sitting on a bench while he was standing in front of the back door.

      "Yeah.I just ;don't smoke"You said reassuring him.

       "Me neither.It's a stress relief."He dropped the cigarette on the ground and stepped on ,crushing it against the cold ground. "Well everyone uses
 different coping mechanisms.Some are certain 
odder than the others."

   You looked at William with curiosity.When he was about to leave he looked at you with the same yearning you sometimes used to catch in his eyes when he was gazing at you.He looked like he had some words on the tip of his tongue but he left it unsaid and left you in your loneliness.Strange how out of all the days spent here with Noah chatting, only today did someone walked by.And it had to be Mr. Afton.

   It was about closing time when you were heading to the lockers to grab your things to leave the diner when you stumbled upon Henry.His messy hair matched the wrinkled clothes,sign that he had a busy day working at the animatronics.

    "Hi Henry"You said letting the strap of your backpack fall on your shoulder.

"Hello Y/N.I apologize for bothering you but could you help me really quick with something?William is busy with his work and everyone had already left"

  "Um sure!"You wanted to go back home and prepare dinner with Amber but you couldn't abandon Henry when he needed your help.

   "Ok so I won't put you to any hard tasks since I didn't hire you to take care of the animatronics.I need someone to help me with Freddy" Hearing that you will be near an animatronic made you feel uneasy.You have never been close to neither of them,in fact the closest you got was when you were supervising the kids,making sure they keep distance.Walking beside Henry towards the stage you looked up to be greetes by the lifeless eyes of Freddy.He was standing in the middle,Foxy, Chica and Bonnie being further away.You felt watched.

     "While I check the wires I need you to hold his chest plate."You nodded grabbing the cold metal in your hands,praying that the man will finish soon so you could leave.

After some minutes Henry let out a loud sigh of frustration.

   "Maybe he will work this time"The man took the metal from your hands,carefully closing it.You both got off the stage,Henry's pressing a button so that Freddy could come to life for the thousandth time today.The animatronic's hand was clearly not working and glitching.

  "Something is wrong and I cannnot tell what is it.Y/N." He looked down at you,the confusion and exasperation were sculpted onto his face.  "Could you please search and bring William here?"You nodded and you left right away looking for the man.

     Fredbear is definetly something else at night especially when you are alone roaming the dark coridors.Walking straight to Afton's office ,you flinched at the weird sound that echoed the diner.The only present persons in the building were you, Henry who was ,alone, working on the problematic animatronic and William.Frightened by the strange sound you hurried your steps until you firmly grabbed the door's handle and went in with no hesitation.The office was empty although the light was left on.You thought about waiting for the man to come back, so you sat comfortably but impatiently on his chair since the other one was occupaied by some luggage.Was he planning to go on a trip?

   After some minutes the door opened violently ,making you jump from the chair, to make eye contact with a stranger.He was as surprised as you were,and by his confused expression he surely wasn't expecting to find someone here.The man had long messy hair and it was certain that he hadn't shaved in weeks.His profile matched his dirty baggy clothes.You two stood frozen for a few seconds until you noticed that he was holding a bad in his left hand and a kitchen knife in the right hand.A burglar you thought.

     "Stay right there or I will scream"You mentally cringed at your own response.Taking some steps back you were ready to grab the lamp ,which was standing on the left corner of the desk waiting for you to use,when you saw a pair of scissors in the opened drawer.After you grabbed the sharp object,the man rushed to you,targeting to stab,but you moved away resulting in him missing.With now switched positions,the burglar turned back facing you,signaling that is ready to attack again.You positioned your hands up, tightly gripping the scissors ,your life depending on them.

     "I will not hesitate to kill you if you come close again"You let out the words with a slight tremble in your voice ,in a failed attempt to not convey your fear 
to him.

    "You are lucky that you are pretty girl"A filthy smirk appearead on his face,satisfied that he inserted fear under your skin.

      Wanting to run you tensed your leg muscles ready to open the door and rush back to Henry.When you turned ,grabbing the handle and opening the door,you let out a scream that was quickly muffled by a hand.The stranger placed his hand over your clavicle,holding the knife over your throat and with the other one preventing you from screaming any further.He snapped you back in the room,movement that made you drop the scissors, closing the door.

      "Look I don't want you dead.I'm here to steal not to kill.But if you try to run again I'll have no choice"Tears started forming on your cheeks and staining his hand.

     "Calm down doll ,I will let you free but promise me that you won't scream nor run away"Yearning to escape you nodded.As he said ,the man uncovered your mouth and took his hand off of you. You stood up silently while he was stuffing his bag with everything that he found valuable from William's office.You noticed that in his rush he leaved his knife unsupervised.
Behind his back you sneaked and grabbed the kitchen tool hidding it behind your leg.As if he felt the change in the room he turned back looking at you.

     "Put the knife down"He said in a demandatory sharp tone but you refused to let go on your last chance.

    "Fucking whore"In a split second he grabbed the lamp aiming for your head,but with a strange luck you dashed the knife in his abdomen,missing the hit and making him drop the lamp, shattering on the floor.He caughed up blood before falling down like a tree.

       Your eyes wattered again blurring your vision.You wanted to be happy that you escaped but instead a strong knot formed in your stomach,wanting to throw up.You weren't sure if you killed him but you soon caught a sign from his chest that he was still breathing.Almost tripping over your own feet in an eager move to run away you rushed through the door without looking back.With salty tears falling down on your pinkish cheeks, you were heading desparate searching for someone.Your veins were flooded with a paralizing fear combined with guiltiness.As your heart was pomping adrenaline ,making sure it reached every inch of your body,a sharp pain in your head makes you fall to the ground like a rock hitting the bottom of a pool.The next second you were lying on the floor unconscious .

      When you opened your eyes you were greeted by the familiar face of William Afton.You felt an irritating ringing in your ears as you looked around you to gain knowledge about your surroundings.

       "William"You mumbled his name as you were trying to recompose yourself.A worried look was displayed on his face,analyzing every part of you.

     "Are you okay?What happened?"He was kneeling next to you while you were trying to find stability on your own.You stoop up slowly as he took your hands in his carefully, intending to help you.

     "I can't recall much."You paussed for a second."All I can remember is the sharp pain I felt at the back of my head but nothing more".A loud gasp escaped your lungs when the flashbacks of the past events ran in front of your eyes.

   "The burglar."You exclaimed looking helplessly into his eyes as he was looking into yours with confussion."Is he still here?"

   "What burglar dear?"He questioned.

   "In your office.He was trying to kill me"Your eyes wattered once again as your stomach tensed at the recolectted thoughts.

     "Could you perhaps lead me, Y/N?"

      You nodded looking up at the tall man.His hair was messier than the last time you had seen him,despite of it he still
 appeared attractive ,the dark circles under his eyes weren't that prominent in the dim light.The fragrance of his cologne, still printed on his clothes,was assaulting your senses.


        You headed back to his office with uncertainty and a secure feeling coming from William's presence.You felt safer with him beside you.Once you two arrived in front of the door you were surprised but relieved to see the stranger still there, with the knife laying next to him full of blood.William aproached his body to check for any sign of pulse.He stood up looking back at you,feeling his eyes judging you yet they still had a subtle mark of concern combined with sympathy; you couldn't tell if it was for you.The lounged silence in the room was speaking by itself and you understood.

    "You clearly ain't as sweet and innocent as you play it Y/N" Said Afton looking down at you,his eyes full of ecstasy,thing that drove you on the edge.He wasn't showing any sign of rage and kept his temper under control although you could tell that his shoulders were tensed and his jaw clenched.

      "He tried to kill me!" You said with a cracking voice in a defensive mechanism, bringing your hands up to your chest.Your eyes were watery and you were ready to let your tears fall out like rivers.You could not believe you killed this man .He was the one trying to kill you and you did nothing wrong but protect yourself.A life between four walls wasn't exactly what you planned and you were terrified by the thought.The corpse was sitting in a puddle of blood,with multiple stabs in his chest and abdomen.

     "No it can't be.You have to believe me I swear I did not kill him.I was defending myself.He tried to stab me first and I stabbed him once"Drops of tears were running down your cheeks while searching for any sign of empathy in William's eyes.He studied you for a bit then he spoke.

     "Y/N you need to  realize that what you
 did,whether it was intentionally or not,
 has its repercussions.I trust you,but I can not guarantee that the cops will do the same."His words went like a bullet through your heart and you were petrified.A sudden knock on the door made you jump giving William a look of despair.

     " I am sorry sweetheart"Said the man while grabbing the handle to open the door slightly.
The person who interrupted the two of you was no one else but Henry.You completely lost track of time and forgot about him.

     "William.Have you seen Y/N?"Your name leaved the man's lips at the same time as some grains of sweat leaved your forehead.What will be your excuse if Henry sees the corpse?Will he trust you?

     "Yes actually.She is here."As he said that he gestured to you,out of Henry's view,to come closer.You submitted.

     "Hi Henry"Your words fought to leave your throat.You stood up right beside William,nervous of what is about to happen.

      "Y/N I was worried for you."Right after opening your mouth the tall man answered for you.

      "We met in the hall and she was feeling a bit nauseous"While saying that he puts a hand on your shoulder squeezing it softly,gesture that made you startle.You weren't that familiar with him touching you,not now and not after weeks, when your swollen leg made him carry you.

    "Do you need any medical attention?"
Said Henry with a concerned expression on his face.

    "No,I am feeling better now.Thank you Henry"Trying to hide your uneasiness you plastered a small smile on your face.

     "Right.Well I wanted to let you know that I finally detected what was causing the issue."

      "Feddy's hand malfunction?"William  asked.

        "Yes.Half of a P&J sandwich was stuck between his arm and forearm articulation.
I wasted so much time looking for the 
problem when it was right in front of me.
Poor Freddy,I tried disassembling his chest needlessly."Said the man in a heartbeat.

        "Well I'm glad you found the problem Henry!I am sorry for my disappearing"You said apologetically but got interrupted by a phone.It was Henry's.He answered just to change some short worried phrases before hanging up the phone.An uneasy look materialized on his face.

       "It's alright.Anyway I have to leave,
our daughter got sick and I need to take her to a hospital.I will leave it on you two to close the diner."And with that Henry left,right after saying goodbye to each other.

         You and Afton were left in an ominous complete silence.He was sitting right in front of you,his pale blue eyes analyzing yours.Without thinking you pulled him into a thight hug,crying out of relief.He returned the hug slowly caressing your hair.Between the helpless sobs you whispered a "thank you" just for him to hear.When you let go your eyes fell onto the dead body.

      "What are we gonna do now?"When you looked back at William you could see him staring nonchalantly at the deceased man.Some strands of hair were leaning on his frowning forehead until he spoke.

    "Well obviously we can't let anyone find out about it.But don't consume yourself,I will take care of it"His words made you feel nervous about how he is planning to get rid of the body.But you didn't want to question him about it,you were grateful enough that he kept silent and not only that,he was willing to help you out.Who could have guessed that all it took for the two of you to get close again,was a dead body?

      You spent the next hours cleaning by yourself the puddles and the splatered blood.While scrubbing the floor with the steel wool that William gave you,you could not help but let some tears run down your red cheeks, filled with frustration.What if the police will find out eventually?Where did William go and why is he taking so long?'Maybe is hard to hide a corpse' you thought.You paused staring at the sodium hypochlorite bottles next to the buckets of water.

       No long after you finished your work, a knock came in interrupting the silence.When the door opened to reveal William, you settled down a bit,relaxing your tensed shoulders.

      "Done."He said starring down at you.You were still sitting on the floor,not wanting to stain anything around you.No more.

     "Thank you.Again."You took a short pause,filling your lungs with some air."Although I have a question"And you looked up at him,in his eyes ,and he spoke.

    "What is it, my dear"William walked to the edge of his desk, leaning against it,crossing his arms and gazing into your eyes, preying for what you have to say.

      You slowly stood up shaking the invisible dust from your clothes and walked up in front of him.Your eyes wandered each corner of the room for a few seconds,searching for any form of courage that could be hidden, until they met his.You parted your lips.

      "Why did you help me?"The question that leaved your mouth brought a subtle smile on the man's face.He leaned in diminishing the distance between the two of you,analyzing every inch of your face with much precision,as if you were going to vanish at any time.He reached his hand at you,removing a few strands of hair behind your ear.

      "I am a man who runs a business.
Wouldn't be shameful to let an affair like this to slip through my hands?"You frowned ,not understanding his words.He continued as he noticed the confussion on your face.

     "I did you a favor.I'm looking forward for you to return it."A flicker formed in his eyes,smilling, excited by the thought.

         It was still raining outside but it didn't stop you from getting home.You guessed that Amber was sleeping when you unlocked the door with your keys hurrying to enter inside the warm house.Tired and full of today you jumped right in the bathub,hoping to ward off the cold from your bones accumulated by wet clothes.The hot water calmed every muscle from you body,detaching you from reality and letting you enjoy your own intimacy.You washed your hair, slowly massaging your scalp,the fragrant smell of lavender shampoo infiltrating your lungs.

     As soon as you finished your bath you quickly dressed up in pajamas and hid under your bedsheets ,battling your own thoughts for the rest of the night.


A/N:I finally finished ch 6 :'D I apologize in advantage for any grammar mistake I ain't gonna correct them rn,it's 3am.

However from now on everything is going downhill for Y/N so expect some twists.

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