A Chemical Reaction Called Lo...

By friendlyfanperson

6.2K 379 282

Being the son of Hawkins Middle School Science teacher, Scott Clarke, has its perks, constantly having to exp... More

More Than A Coincidence
A Boring Life
How to be better
And They Never Knew
People Change, Emotions Grow
The Start of a New Chapter Can Be Confusing
And we're back on the main path
The calm before the storm
The Feelings Behind Quiet Stares
What's Hidden isn't Erased
Halloween of 1984
Every Action Has A Consequence
I Wish You Were Someone Else
The art of pretending everything's okay
Bigger problems than love
Change isn't always bad
Fighting Side by Side
I Fear Without You I'd Lose My Mind
A Team Against an Army
Turning Pages, Twisted Feelings
Goodbye Highschool
The start of Summer '85

A Missing Case In A Small Town

1K 23 29
By friendlyfanperson

Narrator's POV

"And to that, you need to add?"

"Hydrochloric acid," Y/n says turning to look at his dad as he remembers the answer, both of them walking through the car park of Hawkins Middle School as Y/n revised for his chemistry test which was in a couple of minutes. He always did well in his exams, especially his science ones, given the fact his dad was a science teacher so he always helped him out, but he still liked to revise before each exam.

"Great, you're all set for the exam," His dad tells him with a smile.

"Thanks for helping me out dad," He says.

"Morning Mr. Clarke!" Dustin shouts as he walks up to them, Lucas behind him, "Morning Y/n"

"Good morning Dustin, Lucas, how are you boys doing today?" He asks them.

"We're okay," Lucas tells him.

"Where's Mike?" Y/n asks them, knowing the three, though usually four boys, always arrived at school together.

"He should be here soon," Dustin told him, "What are you studying?" He asks.

"Chemistry, I have an exam first period, I should probably get going," He tells them with a smile, "See you later kids, be careful, and I'll meet you at your classroom after school dad"

"Good luck with the exam, champ," His dad says as he walks away.

"Bye Y/n!" The two boys add waving at him.

He takes out his headphones and puts them on as he starts listening to "Oh, Pretty Woman" by Roy Orbinson, walking to Hawkins High School and focusing on the lyrics. He looked back at the boys who were happily talking with his dad, and all he could think about was the 4th member of their party, Will Byers, who had gone missing yesterday. He knew him really well, after all, he was always helping Joyce by looking after him while she and Jonathan worked, he was like the little brother he never had. When he heard the news about Will's disappearance he was devastated, he couldn't imagine Will running away or getting himself in some kind of trouble, but he also couldn't imagine him getting kidnapped by anyone in Hawkins, sure you had your usual creeps like every other town, but none that would ever do such a thing. All he could do, for now, was help around with the investigation and stay alert for anything weird so he could hopefully be found soon.

"Jonathan!" Y/n shouts as he sees him walking to school in front of him, he pauses the song taking off his headphones and walks towards him.

"Y/n, hey," He says, looking more tired than usual.

"Have you heard anything?" He asked him, hoping for some good news.

"Nothing yet, I'm going to check and see if my dad has something to do with it though I doubt it, he never cared about us" Jonathan explains to him as they start walking towards the main doors.

"Well if you need anything at all, just let me and my dad know okay?"

"Okay, I'll make sure to let you know," He says.

Y/n smiles at him, he looks down and notices a paper in his hand.

"What's that?" He asks him.

"Oh, just a missing poster my mom and I made, I'm going to put it in the school news board so people can keep a lookout," He tells him handing him the poster.

He takes it looking down at it, 'Have you seen me?' is written in capital letters on the top of the page with two pictures of Will under it, the general information about him and the clothes he was wearing when he went missing.

"We'll find him, I'm sure of it, Will's smart, he'll be okay," He tells Jonathan handing the paper back to him, hoping that the words coming out of his mouth will come true.

"I hope so, I really hope so," He says as they walk into the school, "I'll see you later"

"Yeah, I'll see you around" He adds waving goodbye at him as he goes over to the news board.

Y/n puts his headphones back on as he starts walking down the corridor, he sees Nancy and Barbara standing with none other than Steve Harrington, Tommy Hagan and Carol Perkins, which he found extremely surprising, after all, Nancy and Barbara are not popular, at all, so it was strange to see them together, he had heard rumours though that Steve was going out with Nancy, so he guessed they must be true because there's no other reasonable option for them to be even near each other. Y/n gets along well with everyone really, he's nice to people and helps them out during lessons so luckily no one had ever really found a reason to bully him, which allowed Y/n to get through his so far 3 years of high school without a problem.

He talked with Nancy sometimes, they weren't necessarily friends but they were more than classmates, especially given the fact he knew the Wheelers quite well. Barbara and Y/n had interacted before but they didn't really talk, he got the feeling Barbara didn't like him very much, but he could never figure out why. He never really spoke to Tommy or Carol except when they needed help during class, but they didn't bother him so he didn't really care about them.

And then there was Steve Harrington, Y/n had known him since middle school, growing up in a small town means you pretty much grow up with everyone you go to high school with, in middle school they didn't really talk, Y/n had his friends and Steve had his, it wasn't really until the start of sophomore year when they started sitting next to each other in science that they started talking. Steve isn't the brighter student, but he has parents that have high expectations for him, so he needs to do good in school, lucky for him he sat next to Y/n. The first thing he said to him when Y/n sat next to him on that first day of sophomore year was "Clarke you're smart, help me out here" and he did exactly that.

Did Y/n think Steve was a bad person? Not really, he had always been kind to him and he actually put effort during lessons when he helped him, so he appreciated that. Did he think the rumours about him were true? Yeah, Steve is famously known around the school not only for being the King of Hawkins high school, but also for making all the girls fall in love with him, and sleeping with them, and as far as Y/n knew that was true, most of the girls he knew had liked him at some point, and he wouldn't be surprised if some of the boys liked him too, but him and his best friend, Robin Buckley weren't some of them. Robin had an entirely different reason for not liking him than Y/n did though, Robin couldn't like Steve, Y/n on the other hand technically could, he just didn't see anything special about him, sure he's good looking, he accepts that, but he's a bit of an asshole to some people, he's way too popular and has a huge ego, and he didn't really like that.

"Oh, god, that's depressing" He heard Steve say as he walked past them, he knew they were talking about Jonathan, he was known around as a freak, but those weren't news to Y/n.

"Should we say something?" Nancy asked them.

"I don't think he speaks," Carol told her, chuckling.

"How much you wanna bet he killed him?" Tommy asked.

Y/n stopped walking, listening to what he said, he was a nice person, and he was calm, but like any decent human being, he had his limits.

He turned around to look at them as he opened his mouth ready to snap at Tommy, but before he could say anything, Steve pushed Tommy shaking his head.

"Shut up," He said, not much, the minimum actually, but his tone did show that even he knew Tommy had gone too far, he knew that in comparison to him telling Tommy something, he would at least listen to Steve, and so he decided to keep on walking away as he put her music back on.

Sometimes Y/n asked himself how things would be if Steve didn't hang out with assholes like Tommy and Carol, he believed, from what he knew and saw, that in comparison to them Steve was actually a good person, which he supposes isn't something necessarily hard to be, but from what he had learned about Steve from sitting next to him in the last year and a half, he could tell he was actually a kind person with a good heart when he was away from them, and he guessed he had probably ended up being the way he was because of the friends he has.

"Earth to Y/n!" He snapped out of his thoughts as he looked up, seeing none other than Robin in front of him, "Morning weirdo"

"Morning freak, how are you doing?" He asked Robin, pausing his music and taking off his headphones, stopping at his locker and opening it.

"I am actually doing pretty decent today, which is unusual given the fact I have a stupid math exam first period, and I also have to seat next to Jim, but I guess I shouldn't complain about being in a good mood" She explains to Y/n, rambling, as usual, thought Y/n didn't mind, he actually enjoys listening to Robin over share.

"Well, regardless of the math exam and having to seat next to Jim I'm glad you're having a good morning," Y/n tells her smiling as he takes out his books and puts them in his locker.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm alright, just worried about the chemistry exam and Will," He tells her closing his locker and turning around to fully look at Robin.

"I hope they find him soon," She tells him, worried, even though Robin had never spoken to Will she knew he was Y/n's friend, and she also knew no kid deserves to go through the trauma of going missing.

The school bell starts ringing, Y/n and Robin look at each other with worry.

"Time for the stupid exam," Robin says as they start walking to their classrooms.

"We've got this, it's just common sense," Y/n tells her trying to make sure she doesn't get too stressed.

"Right, just common sense" Robin repeats, not believing a thing, "I'll see you at recess, good luck, love you"

"Love you too, good luck," Y/n tells her as he walks away and into his chemistry room.

He walks inside the classroom and takes a seat at his table, putting his bag on the floor as he takes out his chemistry book, he knows Mr. Thompson gives them some time to do some last minutes studying, so he can at least look over things one last time.

"You could've phrased it differently," He says turning to look at Steve walking over to his desk.

"What?" He asks looking at Y/n confused.

"What you said about Jonathan, well, more like the way you said it, about him putting up a poster being depressive, it actually is, his brother is missing and his family have already been having a hard time, it's not really something to joke about" He explains to him.

"Oh, right, well I'm sorry," He says, and to Y/n's surprise he can actually tell he means it and is being serious, "Today's the exam right?" Steve asks as he takes a seat next to him.

"Yeah, did you study?" He asks him.

"You'll be proud to hear I actually did, so I think I'm going to do pretty well today," He says smirking at him, taking out his notebook.

"Well I am proud, I can't believe you actually studied"

"Neither can I, it was only for like an hour though so don't be too proud," He tells him chuckling.

"Right of course, that I am not surprised about" He adds smiling at him.

The class ended up having 5 minutes to study, which were all taken by Steve asking Y/n a bunch of questions regarding his notes and the things he hadn't understood, but at least he was able to explain things to him before the time ran out.

The exam lasted an hour, for Y/n it was an hour of him just answering the questions, which were surprisingly easy, but for Steve, it was an hour of either trying to remember what he just read or looking over at Y/n with puppy eyes trying to get him to help him up, and he did, for like two questions, the hardest ones in the test, because he knew that giving him most of the answers would help no one, not even him.

Once the time was up Y/n and Steve, along with the rest of the class, stood up and left the paper on Mr. Thompson's desk.

"How do you think you did?" Steve asks Y/n as they walked back to their desks and grabbed their bags.

"I think I did pretty good, how about you?"

"I actually think I did decent, but we'll have to see," He tells him as they walk out of the classroom.

"I guess we will," He tells him.

"Thanks again for helping me out with the two questions, I really didn't understand them"

"It's alright, they were a bit hard and took away a lot of points, I'll see you next lesson Harrington," He tells him, as he starts turning around to go to his next class.

"Yep, see you later, Einstein"

Einstein, Steve's famous nickname for Y/n, he came up with it after he started helping him in science, he called him Einstein for two reasons; The first one being the fact that in his eyes Y/n was extremely smart, like genius smart, he didn't personally think he was that good at science, but he knew he was better than average, or at least better than Steve; And the second reason was that Albert Einstein was the only scientist Steve actually knew something about, because if he really wanted to give him a nickname that actually made sense, he would've called him Pierre Curie, given the fact Y/n was better at chemistry than physics.

The rest of the day went by smoothly, just like most. Y/n had his lessons, then his breaks, and talked with Robin, it was a simple day, which was all he could really ask for.

"And I mean he doesn't even like her, I don't understand what she can see in him" Robin complained as they walk out of the school.

"I mean most girls probably like him based on looks purely, I bet most haven't even had a proper conversation with him, and come on Robin you can do better than wannabe Madonna anyway," He tells her.

Wannabe Madonna is their nickname for Tammy Thompson, they couldn't just go around the school talking about the girl Robin liked without a worry in the world, someone could hear and that would just be chaos.

"I guess, I mean she's just so pretty, and don't know what but there's just something about her that I find hypnotic almost" Robin explains as they walk to the bus.

"I mean she's pretty, but let's be honest how likely is it for her to be anything else but straight?" He asked Robin, whispering the last part.

"Not likely, like at all, god I'm going to be single forever," She said moving her hands to cover her face in defeat.

"No you won't, Robin I guarantee you that one of these days you're going to meet the girl of your dreams and we'll look back at this moment and laugh about your crush on her, trust me," Y/n says moving his hand to Robin's shoulder.

"I hope so, but we'll see, I'll see you tomorrow, take care weirdo," Robin says as she gets on the bus.

"Goodbye freak" Y/n shouts at her walking away to the middle school.

He sees Dustin and Lucas rushing out of the school towards their bikes, in a panic.

"Hey! What's the rush?" He asks them.

"I-umm, nothing, it's nothing, don't worry" Dustin shouts as they get their bikes and pedal away.

"Well that was weird" He mumbles walking inside the school.

He made his way through the corridor and knocked on his dad's classroom as he walked in.

"Hey dad," He says smiling.

"Hey champ, how did your test go?" He asks him, organising some papers on his desk.

"I think it went well, we get the results next lesson"

"Well, I'm sure you did wonderfully," He tells him.

"Hopefully, how were the boys feeling today?" He asks, taking a pile of the papers.

"Well Mike didn't come to school, his mom called to say he wasn't feeling well, he seems really worried about Will" He explains to Y/n as he gets his bag, grabs the other pile of papers, and starts walking out of the room.

"I can't even imagine how worried they must be, I really hope they find him, have they heard anything?"

"Well apparently Earl saw Will, so I'm going around with some others to help look for him," He tells him, locking the door behind him.

"Can I go? I want to help, I don't want to sit at home doing nothing"

He looked at him unsure, ever since Will's disappearance he had been worried sick about some lunatic going around Hawkins, he was worried about something happening to Y/n, but he also knew it was better to let him do things before he found a way to do them himself.

"Sure, but you'll be with me the whole time, okay?"

"You got it chief" He smiled.


"So, what exactly do we need to look for? Apart from a small boy, of course," Y/n asks his dad as they walk through the woods.

The evening was a cold one, but it was early November so it was to be expected, the woods were covered in darkness, the only thing giving them light being the flashbacks they had. There were at least fifty people around looking for Will, so hopefully, they could find something.

"Well, we need to look out for anything that might give us a clue to someone being around here, maybe blood, some clothes, an object of his" He explains looking around the ground for anything.

Y/n nods looking around as well but stops when he sees a small hole, he wasn't sure if it was part of the sewers or if it led somewhere else, so he kneeled down in front of it as he looked inside, the space was small but big enough for a small kid to go through it.

"Will!" He shouts, he waits for a response, but there's none, and then he sees it, a ripped-out piece of clothing.

"Dad! Dad! I found something!" He says, Scott immediately turns to him kneeling down.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Look, it's like someone came out from here and ripped a piece of their shirt, don't you think?" He questions.

"Maybe," He says, he takes his whistle and alerts the Chief of police Hopper that they found something.

"Hey, what do you got?" Hopper asks as he runs up to them.

"Not sure," Scott tells him.

"I found this, in there," Y/n tells him, handing him the ripped piece of shirt.

"No way a kid can crawl through there" Officer Powell says, looking inside.

"I don't know, a scared enough one might, his brother said he was good at hiding," Hopper told him.

"And he's small, I could see him fitting through there" Y/n adds, "Do you think it could be Will's?"

"I don't know kid, we'll have to see," Hopper says standing up and walking away.

Hey there peeps!!! Here is the first chapter of my new Steve fanfic! I know I said I would start writing it after I finished the Eddie fanfic but I'm almost done with that one and I really wanted to start writing this one so why not multitask! I hope you liked the chapter, I enjoyed writing it, and I'll be making the fanfic from the third point of view, I feel like I can get more out of the story and characters narrating this way so I hope you like it! The section of the first season will probably be the smallest one compared to the other seasons but I still have some cool things planned so do not worry it won't be boring, I also have like most of the fanfic planned so hopefully that means I won't take too long in between chapters but we will see! The next chapter will probably take longer to come out given the fact I want to at least finish the next ending for my Eddie fanfic before I start writing the second chapter so I would say I'll post the next chapter in around a week, but I'll keep you all updated!

Lots of love, Author!

So, I hope you like the fact you're Mr. Clarke's son because I thought it was a pretty smart thing to do, I've never seen anyone make him the reader's father in any fanfic and he's amazing so I had to do it myself, I also hope you like the fact I have included Robin to be in the story way earlier than she's supposed to be introduced.

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