The Mystical's Whisper

By aestheticprincess

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The perception that life, decisions and even love can be black and white is a lie. Infact, life is one big gr... More

Chapter One: Rude Awakenings- Part 1
Chapter One: Rude Awakenings- Part 2
Chapter Two: Butts in pots and Rude Introductions
Chapter Three: Walls, walls everywhere.
Chapter Four: Not so invisible.
Chapter Five- Taken
Chapter Six- Second Chances
Chapter Seven- Uncalled for Bad Karma
Chapter Eight- To the death
Chapter Nine-Decked out rape dungeons.
Chapter Ten- Secrets and secret compartments.
Chapter Eleven: Who am I?
Chapter Twelve: Fairy Tales.
Chapter Thirteen: Lueraunt.
Chapter Fourteen: Famille familier.
Chapter Fifteen: Steamy cup of mortal
Chapter Sixteen:  As free as a prisoner.
Chapter Eighteen- Answers. Part 1
Chapter nineteen: Answers- part 2
Chapter Twenty: Growing pains
Chapter Twenty-One: Losers in tin-foil.
Chapter 23: Hypnotised

Chapter Seventeen: Thrown to the wolves.

124 1 2
By aestheticprincess

A/N: warning-chapter will under go more editing.

Chapter Seventeen:Thrown to the wolves.

As we got home 'James' a frail middle aged man with a receding hairline, and penguin suit rushed over to the car, carting all of the stuff we bought from the boot of the car onto a trolley. He looked overworked, and like he was going to keel over at any second as he reached for the last bags. Quickly grabbing it before him, I smiled at sympathetically but was met with lifeless eyes- that held no gratitude, and a stench that made me want to hurl.

"Is he okay?" I mouthed to Gen as James left with the trolley- struggling up the steep driveway.

"Well, he is dead." she chuckled.

"Dead?!" I squeaked in a hushed tone, hoping that Gen would admit to it being a sick joke, but instead I was met with a quizzical stare from her, to whom it was no big deal.

Sinking back into the passenger seat I still felt sightly nauseated- the smell was decaying flesh, he was a corpse.

"So what, you have a zombie butler?" I tried to with-hold my dubious tone- but to no prevail.

"Well yes- in mortal terms."

"Don't look so worried though- James has no teeth- or nails. Completely harmless!" 

Her nonchalance didn't surprise me, to her this was the norm.

A zombie butler... wow.

My feet throbbing I was glad to be home, nonetheless.I was never big on shopping and to say that this was probably the biggest spree I had ever been apart of - would be a major understatement. Gen was ruthless, like an energiser bunny on a uranium kick- going into every shop and never stopping once for as much as a glass of water or the much anticipated coffee. 

Putting the key in the ignition, I jumped out of the car before the engine gave its first roar.

"Nuh-uh, no way Gen! What else could I possibly need!" I protested, crossing my arms over my chest.

With an exasperated sigh, Gen shut the engine off again as she saw my desperate expression. 

"Fine, you are such a baby though- you know that?" she chuckled, throwing me the house keys as she got back into the car.

"Mum doesn't trust help to buy food- so I'm off to get some supplies for tonight. Lucy will help you get settled. And just relax, Lueraunt, I and Xavier will all be there right next to you tonight, you will be fine." 


Somehow it wasn't exactly the word I wold associate being in a room full of super humans - especially when I had no idea what they were.

But the thought of being in a room with Xavier and Lueraunt simultaneously- scared me even more. If there was one thing I couldn't handle it was confrontation, something that seemed to go hand in hand with them in the same room. But as expected my cowardly fears weren't just about them locking horns, but rather that Lueraunt was still angry with me last night, his pained expression after he left never leaving my thoughts.

Like a loyal older brother Lueraunt had been nothing but good to me and after last night I couldn't help but feel guilty for not trusting him enough to ask for the phone call.

What made it worse was his surmising intuition that somehow gave away my every thought...

What if he could read minds?

What if they all could? 

Although it was a long shot, anything seemed possible after the last couple of days. Sifting through the all the thoughts I had about not trusting him, and using him to find out more about his brother who he obviously loathed, I begged for it not to be true- especially if I was planning on surviving the dinner.

Begrudgingly turning the key in the doorknob, I quietly sneaked across the hall and dining room letting out a breath of relief as I shut my bedroom door.

"Are you hiding from someone my dear?"

Lueraunt's voice made me practically jump out of my skin.

Slowly turning around to face him, I knew that guilt was written all over my face as blush slowly crept onto my cheeks.

"No, of course not. I just thought everyone may be taking a nap before tonight..."

As much as I tried to sound convincing I knew I answered to quickly, my face and ears growing hotter the more I lied.

Getting off the bed, Lueraunt stood in front of me in a blink of an eye, chuckling as he tucked a stray curl the fell from my plait behind my ear.

"Awh, you blush when you lie- cute!"

Slapping his hand away I merely glared in response, too embarrassed to think of anything to counter with.

But to my great dismay his laughter continued, growing as he saw my reaction.

"Sleeping!" Picking tears from his eyes, he tried to compose himself after several moments when he saw my pissed expression.

"I'm sorry..." he chuckled.

"In all honesty Mills, I did come to apologise- for last night, the way I left. I didn't want you thinking I was angry at you, I know how stressed you are about tonight." 

I gulped loudly at his yet again accurate assumption, perhaps it was true... I hadn't mentioned it to him at all last night, and yet he knew...

Scraping together the courage, I squeezed my eyes shut- trying my hardest to ignore how stupid I was about to sound.

"Are you... I mean... Can you read minds?" I babbled, studying his reaction.

Biting his lip to hold back his obvious amusement, he merely shook his head in response once realising that I actually was serious, eventually erupting in laughter.

"Are you quoting Twilight now?" he mused, taking a step closer to me, almost pressing me up against the door.

"You know, you could be my Bella... I can't promise to be as gentle though..." he whispered into my ear, a dangerous yet very attractive smirk creeping onto his face. 

Rooted to the spot I couldn't breathe, a fathomable response not being an option whatsoever.

Letting out a low chuckle, he was gone again in seconds as he plopped himself onto my bed, throwing what looked like a tennis ball up in the air and catching it again, his features friendly and open, as I walked over to the bed- still trying to compose myself.

"I thought I'd let you breathe- it's detrimental to your health you know." He mused, as I put some of the stuff I grabbed before James could onto the bed. Although his ability to embarrass me was infuriating, he was kind and one of those people that was impossible to stay angry at for too long.

"Like I wanted to say before..."

"I could imagine that tonight could be intimidating- but my sister and I will look after you Mila, so just try and enjoy it- okay?" 

Merely nodding in response I tried my best to look reassured, but didn't want to make any promises. Although I had confidence in the fact that he and Gen both would both stick up for me, I also knew that they also going to be greatly outnumbered.

I had stopped listing the possibilities in my head of what could go wrong as Lucy suddenly burst through the door.

"Master Lueraunt, did you not offer to show Mila something? I have been half an hour now." She snarled, poking Lueraunt in the chest, who's eyes sparkled devilishly with amusement.

"You're so damn cute when you are angry Luce!" Lueraunt teased, pinching her cheeks much to her obvious dismay. 

Her fiery attitude and red curls reminded me so much of Lily it was almost painful to watch. 

"Yes well... You just run along now sir. And I will see to it." She spat, shooing him out of the doorway as she rushed my way, suddenly beaming.

"They said they would and I didn't believe them, but they did Mila!! They really did!!"

Although I could tell that she was very excited about something or other I still had no idea what about, her babbling incomprehensible.

Leading me by the hand out of my room and up the stairs near the main entrance, she continued waffling on about how much I was going to 'love it'; with me only catching every second or third word as I tried to take in the surroundings whilst rushing down the hall.

Although the upstairs was much like the rest of the house, one thing stood out from the rest. 


Unlike the rest of the house which was very uniform and impersonal, the hall was decked with portraits of what I guessed to be deceased ancestors.

With most of them dressed in what looked like quite expensive garments for the era they lived in, I couldn't help but notice that almost all of the people had striking resemblance to Lueraunt, Gen and Elvira- all except for one man name 'Alstair'.  

Hung at the very end of the hall where we came to a stop I quickly studied the golden plaque underneath the painting, that had his name along with his birth date written on it.

'Alstair Argent

Born: March 1805.'

Despite his mocha skin and perfect angular features, Alstair Argent stood out with not a hint of caramel curls nor the same last name.

In fact the only one he bared any resemblance to was Xavier; not just because of the hair colour but because of the look in his aged butterscotch eyes, eyes that looked troubled and woeful.

Mindlessly reaching out to touch the face of Alstair, Lucy slapped away my hand.

"Oh my! I am so sorry! It's just.. no one is allowed to touch that painting..." she whispered respectfully, her eyes looking like they wanted to fill with tears as she studied my reaction. 

"No that was me!" I chuckled humorlessly.

"I don't know what the hell I was thinking... I'm an artist I know it's not okay to touch them..."

Hugging her reassuringly, she look relieved that I wasn't angry- something that was definitely understandable.

"Okay!" She started again as we turned to face the door we had stopped at, right at the end of the hallway.

"So I know it's right at the end and above the cellar- which can be sucky, but other than that it really is perfect Mila..." Lucy breathed, slowly opening the door to what I immediately recognised as my new room.

It was exactly what I wanted and more.

Like I suspected Gen made more alterations- but to my intense surprise she still managed to keep it low key and warm.

The raised, wood panelled ceiling, my bed and alcove were all lit by warm white fairy lights, my favourite books from home and Ollie in his fishbowl all waiting for me, as I stepped in the door.

The sight was overwhelming, and I knew that somehow my mum knew that I was here, and that I was safe.

Holding onto Ollie's fishbowl I couldn't help the few tears that escaped.

Clearing her throat Lucy gave me a sympathetic look as she stepped inside, giving me an awkward yet comforting one armed hug.

"I'll give you a moment, I'll be back once I've run your bath." 

Quietly shutting the door behind her, I started more closely inspecting my new room, pushing the worries of this evening aside.

The thought of my mum atleast not worrying as much gave me hope, she obviously believed that I was in the best place for the time being- she wouldn't have sent Ollie if she didn't want me to accept that fact. His comical bulgy eyes and disproportionate chubby figure brought a smile to my face as I inspected the drawers of my study desk.

Filled with brand new art supplies, I had to fight hard against nostalgia that threatened to get the better of me. Maybe my father never did try and forget that I existed...

The thought was comforting but not enough to ever forgive him.

The rest of the 'new additions' to my room had Gen written all over it. A laptop, flat-screen TV, iPod, some purple Beats, a Stereo, DVD's and fully stocked makeup drawer. But despite it being material things which I never really had cared for, the thought that went into it made me feel at home. 

Scanning the DVD rack I immediately noticed all of my favourites- the first on the rack being the first of the Twilight movies. 

"Your bath is ready now mada-"

"I mean Mila..."

Dismissing her habitual mistake I immediately rushed over to Lucy.

"Look! I got it! This is what I wanted to watch with you!" I enthused, but Lucy still looked apprehensive.

"It could just be you and me? I would really like just some normal company. Please?"

Smiling she nodded.

"Okay sounds... good? I've never been to one of these... things though." 

The fact that she'd never been to a sleepover didn't surprise me, but saddened me a little. St. Petersburg really wasn't just aesthetically stuck in the middle ages- but also socially. If you were born into being 'help' you worked from a young age- and most probably would never have the luxury.

"That's alright, it sort of comes naturally- like this morning. Watch movies, eat a lot, and talk about boys, very instinctual." I assured, seeing her obviously worried expression.

"And since I'm a dutchess and junk I say it's an order!"

Chuckling, she handed me a toiletries bag and pointed me towards the bathroom- that like the others were big and lavish. 

Soaking in the bath I reflected on all the good things that had happened to me, rather than the bad. I had gained not one but three new friends, who seemed to care as well as a chance to see my father again- something was both apprehensive and happy about. 

Despite having obvious loyalty towards Elvira and his new family- something deep inside me wanted to believe that my father, like Gen and Lueraunt wouldn't throw me to the wolves at dinner.

Quietly knocking at the door, I was startled out of my reminisce- jumping out of the tub.

Knowing that I spent way more time than I actually had in the bath, I reassuringly bid Lucy off to go to where she had to be as I rummaged through the drawers for something to wear.The first drawer was underwear- something that wasn't supposed to be a hard task in selecting, but with Gen picking my clothes I couldn't find a single wearable pair. 

They were all matching sets, in every imaginable colour- covering little with what lace it had. "Victoria's Secret" was the only thing elegantly scrolled across each thong's label, no sizes and no price- the label dspite this probably consisting of more material than the actual garment.

Finally going with just a matching white frilly set, I was pleased that at least it fit comfortably, quickly pulling on some skinny jeans and a dressy top and ballet flats to match. 

All organised neatly into different compartments I was able to quickly put on some make up at least, slipping on my favourite onyx ring onto my forefinger, before raking my fingers through my curls as I undid Lucy's plait, tying it off my face into a high pony.

Looking at myself in the mirror I was happy, I was no superhuman- but I liked who I was and wasn't going to change for the sake of a family that knew nothing about me.

Stalking down the side of the wide staircase I begged not to be noticed as everyone socialised amongst themselves in the lounge area, but as fate would have it they all stopped and turned to look at me as I reached the last step. Accept for a few mutters, an awkward silence filled the room.

Rushing over towards me Lueraunt shook his mop of caramel locks out of his eyes grabbing me by the waist as he steered me towards a group of important looking people. 

All dressed in expensive looking suits the men all had jet black hair and lots of gold jewellery on that made them look like mafia drug lords.

"Don't look so scared Mills." Lueraunt whispered into my ear soothingly.

"Just think of it as a routine, boring dinner party with your parents' friends- trust me, soon it's all that it will be." 

"Ahh you must be the Mys- Milanis, sorry 'Milanis'- we have heard so much about you." The oldest man spoke, his face wary as he studied me carefully.

Nodding I shyly met his gaze, not wanting to correct him.

"It's just Mila, Alstair she isnt called by her birth name."

"Mila.." such a beautiful name for such an intriguing mortal. Alstair breathed, tracing a cold finger acros the riff of my jaw.

Carefully studying his facial features for the first time, I locked his gaze for a single moment- causing him to stagger backwards.

It was him, I knew it was, not only did he have the same name and jet black hair, but he also had the same woeful look in his eyes, which was hard to miss.

"You... You are the man in the portrait..." I babbled carefully stepping away from him.

"You're... You're a Ghost!!" I squeaked, jumping behind Lueraunt, who looked at the man apologetically. 

Letting out low and distinct growl the man slowly approached me, looking overcome by a vicious rage- a vein bulging in his forehead.

"Do you mean to tell me you know nothing then?!"

I was scared to tell him the truth, but moreover to lie, lying to someone dangerous like him had almost gotten me killed the ast time I had attempted it- and I wasn't ready to make the same mistake again. Shaking me head 'no', I felt Lueraunt stiffen as the man crushed the wine glass he had into a fine ash, using nothing but brute force.

"So this is what this gathering is about? He didn't have the spine to change his own daughter?!" he screamed, the whole room suddenly turning to face us.

"I want to speak to Lowell." The older man ordered staring at Lueraunt, authority rippling through every word.

"NOW son." He growled.

The command caused Lueraunt to practically run out of the room, in search of my father, leaving me exposed in front of an angry immortal.

"It's no use."

"The coward fled the scene Alstair."

The voice behind me spat, as his footsteps came closer, the crowd dead silent. The voice was devastatingly familiar, and made me feel comfort immediately although I hated to admit it. 

Stepping out in front of me I felt safe behind Xavier that towered over me.

"If this is true, then the girl must die." Alstairs words were simple but he spoke them with conviction that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end.

He wasn't bluffing.

"No..." Xavier growled, his voice booming off the walls of the dining hall as he took a defensive stance in front of me.

"We have no choice son, she can only be changed at the hands of her father. And he has mere minutes left- she changes or she dies. The Gods made that clear since her birth." 

"At the hands of her father... Or by the hands of her mate..." 

Xavier's words made the whole crowd gasp, and despite it being my life that was hung in the balance I still had no clue what was going on.

"You only have four minutes left son... It's now or never."

Looking pained Xavier nodded in agreement and in what felt like seconds the man from the portrait, and all the guests were out of the room.

Alstairs voice rippled through my thoughts- four minutes, four minutes until a possible death if I wasn't 'changed'.

The fear of actually dying made me feel sick to my stomach. My cowardice surrounding what I was, and what the people around me was suddenly seemed irrelevant.

The truth was that I couldn't count on my father to protect me, infact I couldn't count on anyone but Xavier, for the moment at least.

But even in all this uncertainty I knew what I wanted.

All I wanted was to live.

Despite not knowing what exactly I was going to be changed into I managed a pleading look at Xavier whose body was pressed up firmly against mine, his eyes blazing with what looked like regret, pain and angst.

Cupping my cheek he gave me almost an apologetic look.

"This is not how I wanted it to be Mila..." he whispered, softly kissing my left temple.

"I'm sorry..." 

Kissing me one last time, this time slowly and gently connecting his lips with mine, a certain fire united between us and I felt the same connection as I did with my kidnapper- It was a feeling that made you feel like you could trust the person with every fibre of your being, and like you had known them, loved them, wanted to be with them from your very first breath.

I never felt more vulnerable, and yet never felt more safe than for that moment. 

"It was you..." 

Without allowing me to say anything further, Xavier gave me one last apologetic look, as he held me tightly against him- sinking his teeth into my right shoulder.

The pain was indescribable, but as much as it hurt it felt good, necessary even- he was saving me. The flow of what could be described as a sort of electric current overwhelming my every sense, as I pulled him in closer- wrapping my arms around him, surrendering in a way that made me feel safe.

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