If Only

By EmillyKathrynn

1.5M 33.9K 3.5K

When Charlotte is left devastated by her boyfriend's infidelity. She finds herself persuaded into a night out... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty Four
Twenty Five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty One
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Fourty One
Fourty Two
Fourty Three
Fourty Four
Fourty Five
Fourty Six
Fourty Seven
Fourty Eight
Fourty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five
Fifty Six
Bonus Chapter
The Love Of Ace
Bonus 2


22.3K 373 77
By EmillyKathrynn

Charlotte Crawford

I watched as she danced around the backyard of our Cornwall home. Her golden honey brown eyes searching the distance for the lovable fluffy companion she called Winston.

Her petal pink ruffled dress getting drenched the deeper she went into the longer grasses as the rain that poured out before remained fresh. She looked like a child of the sun in a way, I'd never seen a happier little girl

He came in behind her, scooping her up in his arms as she screeched followed by giggling. Her soft dirty blonde waves bounced in the air as he spun her "daddy!" She squealed

Winston making his appearance again, the dotted dalmation only to be found covered in mud. His spots a little bit more scruffy than last "Winston!" I groaned at the sights of him "oh dear what did you do!" Her giggles drew my attention away

The two held so much trouble, I looked back to her while I caught both their attention "mummy save me!" She squealed as he tickled her

I couldn't help but laugh at the two of them. He soon surrendered placing her down as she ran away from his grasp coming into mine "mummy" she whined

"Daddy's a big meanie huh?" She shook her head in agreement to my words, at only three years old she was very opinionated

"Hey, no fair I was just being silly" he scooped Care up once again placing a tight kiss on her cheek letting her go "I'm sorry princess" her lips quivered in upset "I didn't mean to upset you baby" she then nodded going back into his arms for a hug

Soon she let go coming to me, though usually a daddy's girl. Today she was more so attached to her mom, especially after I took her on a horseback ride for the first time. She usually was afraid of our horses Jack and Xander but today she was brave

His bark caught our attention and he did a full spin waiting for his ball to be thrown.

He caved, thee Nathaniel Crawford caved. After his daughter conned him into buying a dalmation after watching one hundred and one. He couldn't say no to his little girl, and his big girl... I may have played my part in sending him the ads of the nearby pet sheltered that housed some

Winston is our puppy, just about 5 months old. But even though Nate claims he despises him, I always seem to catch the two snuggled up together.

The green tennis ball rolled to my feet and I picked it up "okay Winnie, go get it boy!" I chucked it out into the field and he dashed after it as if he was chasing after a meat truck

Nate looked next to my Adirondack chair and reached into the bassinet holding up our little boy as he stretched, he was a silent snoozer "good afternoon" he whispered

Alex was just three months old. We didn't plan on having another baby so soon, but things just kinda happen. Nate was so excited when I told him, he was suspicious when I wasn't picking up MC as much as I usually did.

He had soft brown hairs and his fathers blue green eyes "mummy Aunty Jill!" MC whined

"She's coming over later I promise! She wouldn't blow you off, she just has things to do!" It's true Jillian was very busy, she'd graduated from Amherst a month ago and dipped her toes into the real world, it was icey.

She graduated with a bachelors in political science. She was working at an internship at the white house in DC. It took us all surprised when she took this route, but we couldn't be more proud.

William and Lauren had been incredible with Teddy. He was all they needed and completed their little family "someone say Aunty Jillian!" I turned to see her rushing out with a brown bag in hand most definitely containing a bottle of rosé

MC jumped out of my arms as Jillian placed the bottle down by the steps leading up to the back door to the château. She ran into her arms as Jillian couldn't help but laugh "what about me? As if I mean nothing to you?"

Belles life had been most busy, she moved out of the country for work so expecting her to come was so rare for Mary Caroline

Her big eyes lit up at the sight of her letting go of Jillian going into Belles "ouch" she mumbled

"Care bear! You've gotten so big!" She expressed picking her up "not such a baby anymore!"

"She'll forever be my baby don't say that" her head looked over to me "speaking of babies?" She questioned and my eyes shifted to Nate

She had yet to meet my son, we didn't quite know what Belle did for a job. She ended up majoring in business administration, accounting and finances. Leading me and Nate to believe she was really a CIA agent, especially with her combat skills and uptight schedule.

Her eyes bubbled at the sight of our little boy "oh this is way better than the pictures on iMessage!" She cooed walking over slowly with MC in hand

The sound of the back door opening again this time with Megan and Grace stepping out "hey little boy blue!"

"Boy who cried wolf!" Megan teased

"Oh look at thing one and two" Grace chimed looking at my two children, the nickname she had given them

"Well hello to you too?" I changed my slouching position upright as I stood pretending to be agile when they all knew I was running on three hours of sleep

"So what time will everyone be here?" Jillian took a seat pulling a raspberry claw out from the cooler cracking it open "they should all be arriving now" I stood making my way into the house

I went to the kitchen where Celine was unpacking things from her bag and placing it in the fridge or on the counter "mom when did you get here?" She looked back at me bumbling

"Oh, you startled me dear. Just a few minutes ago, Leonardo's setting up the table and we can began dinner soon"

"Anything I can do?" she shook her head "go enjoy yourself please, I'll call you in for dinner. I offered to prepare dinner for everyone, I'm following through!" She ushered me out of the kitchen back outside

"Aunty Charlie can I go play frisbee with Winston" his voice trailing behind me caused my smile to beam

"Of course Teddy" he held a light blue frisbee in hand pulled me in for a hug

"Winston!" He called running off leaving me with Will and Lauren

"Still haven't caved on the dog yet huh?" I teased as Lauren shook her head

"Don't shake your head, you were on the ropes last week and I had to pull you back to reality!" Will exclaimed giving a childish demeanor

"He made me stop off a shelter when we walked by? What else did you expect of course I gushed over the freaking dogs! I didn't cave like them" she gestured to me and then Nate rocking Alex distantly

"Well he can call Winnie his own" I couldn't help but laugh at the two and then spotted Cameron in the distance with Jillian chasing MC around as she squealed

"It's good to see her so happy" Will said

"When do you think he's gonna, you know" Lauren suggested

Jillian and Cameron had been dating for three years. But she wanted to take it slow, just because they graduated from school they have no reason to rush into an engagement

"Whenever the times right" I whispered "there's no rush, their young" I felt MC's little arms wrap around my legs and I pulled her into my arms

"Did nobody bring any tequila to this? It's a dinner party there should atleast be something hard" Leo whined

"Again, children" Belle called out

"Oh they don't know!" he agonized sinking his body into the chair as a frisbee then collided with his head followed by Winnie jumping right on him

Teddy stood still looking guilty as Leo's eyes landed on him "sorry uncle Leo"

The laughter broke out at the sight of his little frightened red cheeks appeared and Winnie planted a slobbery kiss on Leo's cheek

"Gosh, I hate dogs!" He groaned standing up stomping like a child


As the night wore down and the sunset gleamed it was just the four of us sitting on the back lawn of the chateau again. Everyone had left after dinner and one of Leo's scandalous jokes provoking Celine.

Followed by an uproar of laughter and fights. With one too many glasses of wine between certain adults and some Ubers home.

"I don't think I've ever seen your mother face get so cherry before. He really out did himself this time" I couldn't help but laugh thinking about the events of dinner

"She was more mad than his streaking at Jillian's graduation party, and at his own graduation ceremony" he wrapped his arms around my waste sinking his head on my shoulder

She ran around the field with Winston her laughter was contagious. She ran into the tulips picking up a pink one from the patch and rushed back over to us "mummy!" She cheered

She came to our feet holding up the tulip "why thank you Care Bear you're the sweetest little girl" she did a twirl stumbling slightly and then running back to Winston who sat like a good boy waiting "come on mommy!"

Nate let go of me "grab Alex I'll go" he whispered and I nodded turning to the bassinet as Nate dashed after them

I soon followed meeting them at the tulip patch we'd grown in reminder of our trip to Holland. The first sign of love Nate showed me as I was clueless as to what he meant or how he felt.

I used to think If Only he loved me

But now I think If Only I knew

If I knew he loved me at the time, maybe things would've been different. But we wouldn't have been where we are. Everything was so happenstance, reasons for our stubbornness that just led us here.

It's like the butterfly effect in a way. We might not have the strong relationship we hold. The certain memories we made and the awkward parts of getting to know one and other

But even though to make it here, we went through sacrifice, tragedy and pain. We still made it here in one piece together.

"Mummy! Look at the bunnies!" Two little bunnies flopped around a feet few away from us not recognizing our presence

"Winnie do not chases after thems!" She scolded the poor pup without him even moving

They flopped around chasing each other being stubborn on when to pounce. "Mummy, Daddy look butterflies!" She squealed as four blue morpho's swarmed through the air around us gliding by as if they were in a race against each other.

After everything we found ourselves here, together as a family and in love and I couldn't be more thankful for such a blessing


Author Note:

I cannot believe I have finally finished my first book. I have many drafts of more to come!

Please understand that is is my first actual personal book. I'm not a professional at writing nor grammar and I will be editing through time!

But for now thank you so much for your support

Thank you, thank you! It's so hard to let these characters go but I know I am forever grateful for them and finishing their story. Maybe some day I'll do a bonus chapter!


Special thanks to,

Charlotte S

Most importantly, my supporters. Every person who has taken the time to comment and message a writer. You are the reason we continue to write and are a huge piece to our books, so thank you

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