Life In Smallville & Metropol...

By HeavensTree01

1.9K 51 2

Three weeks later, Liana is back in Metropolis but has no memory of where she was from. Liana finds out that... More

Character Description
Chapter 1: Savior
Chapter 2: Metallo
Chapter 3: Rabid
Chapter 4: Echo
Chapter 5: Roulette
Chapter 7: Kandor
Chapter 8: Idol
Chapter 9: Pandora
Chapter 10: Disciple
Chapter 11: Absolute Justice, Society, and Legends
Chapter 12: Warrior
Chapter 13: Persuasion
Chapter 14: Conspiracy
Chapter 15: Escape
Chapter 16: Checkmate
Chapter 17: Upgrade
Chapter 18: Charade
Chapter 19: Sacrifice
Chapter 20: Hostage
Chapter 21: Salvation

Chapter 6: Crossfire

91 3 0
By HeavensTree01

Liana and Clark are at Good Morning Metropolis and Clark's helping Liana audition. Liana smiles at the camera and says, "Good morning, Metropolis. I'm your host Liana Lane." Liana smiles and she looks at Clark to signal him to speak and he looks at the camera and says, "And I'm your co-host Clark Kent." Liana says, "And we're here to help make the start of your day..." Liana waits for Clark to finish the sentence and he just smiles at the camera. Liana finishes the sentence and says, "...just a little bit brighter. Right, Clark?" Clark says, "Right. A little less brighter." Liana sighs and looks at producer behind the camera and she says, "Could we start over?" The producer says, "No problem. Just, uh, let me know when you're ready." Liana smiles and says, "Great." Liana looks at Clark and she says, "Look, I appreciate you helping me audition. I'm still angry you didn't tell me how badly Oliver was doing. But you're here anyway, so, please don't make me wish you weren't it." Clark says, "It's okay, Liana, just... you don't need to get all worked up like you usually do." Liana says, "I'm only worked up because this happens to be important to me. With newspapers on the endangered species list news television is my one and only backup plan." Clark says, "Don't you think you can be a little less dramatic with this whole thing?" Liana says, "Oh, you could be a little more passionate with this whole thing. Do you even care if I get this job?" Clark's a little insulted and says, "Of course, I care. I bought a new tie." Liana says, "Oh. Well, I bought I a whole new outfit." Clark says, "Yeah, you look great." Liana says, "Don't do that." Clark says, "Do what?" Liana says, "Don't you dare reassure me right now." Clark says, "Liana... I'm only doing this for you. How else am I gonna get that second date?" Liana says, "Well, you shouldn't have hurt me." Then the lights get dimmed and the woman says, "Thanks, guys, that'll do." Liana looks at the producer and says, "Oh, I'm, uh, I'm sorry, we weren't, uh... Really, one more time would be great." The producer says, "That's it for today. What do you say you come in bright and early Monday morning and gave it another whirl? You got the job. Congratulations." Liana smiles and says, "Great. That's awesome." Clark smiles at Liana and says, "I'm so proud of you. I can't wait watch you on TV." The producer says, "Uh, actually, we want both of you." Clark says, "I'm sorry?" Liana looks at Clark and says, "I guess you also got the job too." Clark nervously smiles and says, "Great."

The next day, Liana's at the Daily Planet filling out her dating profile because Morning Metropolis is doing a segment on blind dating. Clark walks over and tosses a stack of paper on Liana's desk. Liana grabs the papers, looks at Clark, and says, "What are these?" Clark says, "Release forms from KZXP. They want us to fill them out before we go on our dates." Liana says, "I have to get a date before I can go one one, Clark. I'm still filling out my online profile. If you want these mainframe matchmakers to pick you a winner, you really have to be careful to choose just the right words." Clark says, "I filled mine out in ten minutes this morning." Liana softly smiles and says, "That's because you weren't being thorough with your answers." Clark says, "Well, let's see what you wrote." Clark looks over Liana shoulder and at the computer and he reads off and says, "Alright. Under "Likes" you have "Theatre." "Favorite drinks," you have "Bubbly." Liana, there's nothing on here about horse derbies. You love going to horse derbies." Liana says, "This is morning television, Clark. Horse derbies are not gonna guarantee me a guy who will impress the home viewers." Clark says, "Look, there a lot of good things about you that would attract a lot of great guys." Liana says, "Like?" Clark says, "Your personality, your smile, your laugh, the way you crinkle your nose like a bunny." Liana slightly blushes and says, "Thanks, Clark." Clark nods with a smile. Later, Liana's in a van with a headset looking at the tv watching Clark wait for his blind date. Liana says, "Wow, Smallville, you're looking a little green. It's like your first day at the "Daily Planet" all over again." Clark teasingly says, "Does this mean I'm about to hear Liana Lane's rules of online dating?" Liana says, "There really is only one rule when it comes to dating, Clark. Be yourself. So, Clark I read your dating profile." Clark says, "I thought that was supposed to be private?" Liana says, "Well, you we're definitely honest and I think that this date is going to go great." Clark says, "Really?" Liana says, "Yep." Then a woman with blonde hair walks in the frame and says, "Hi, Clark. Uh, I'm Catherine." Clark stands up with a smile, shakes Catherine's hand, and says, "Hello, Catherine." Catherine smiles and says, "Hi." Clark says, "Uh, ha-ha have a seat." Catherine says, "Okay." Clark pulls out the chair for Catherine and she sits down. Catherine nervously says, "Uh. I've-I've seen these blind date shows on television before, but I never actually thought I would... go on one. This isn't live, is it?" Clark says, "Uh, they're tapping it to air it some other time." Catherine says, "I'm so nervous. I, I can barely hear anything over my own heartbeat." Clark says, "Well, just try to treat this like any other date." Catherine says, "That's the problem. I'm kind of busy so I don't go on... dates much." Clark says, "Well, what is it that keeps you so busy?" Catherine says, "Well, until recently, I was overseas... where I was working in the Peace Corps. But then I decided to come to Metropolis to take my PhD. I couldn't decide between sociology or social justice so... I'm doing both." Liana says, "I told you the date was gonna be great." The producer looks at Liana giving her a thumbs up and says, "Great." Liana nods with a smile. Liana then loses her smile thinking that her date is going to go horrible. Later, Liana walks into Oliver's office to see Oliver shirtless and says, "Ollie, I need your help." Oliver says, "Not a good time, Liana." Liana walks up to Oliver's desk and says, "You know how Clark and I have this side job hosting 'Good Morning, Metropolis?'" Oliver says, "Uh, Clark Kent's hosting morning television? I can't wait to watch him show me how to bake a cake." Liana says, "Well, our first report does have some heat but it's not about baking. They've set us both up on blind dates." Oliver chuckles and says, "Clark's on a blind date? Talk about footage of a train wreck." Liana says, "Well, you might wanna save the space on your DVR because here's the kicker. He did great." Oliver says, "You wanna be better." Liana says, "That's why I'm here. I need you to tell me my red flags." Oliver's confused and says, "Red flags?" Liana says, "You know, anything about me that annoyed you while we were together. I bought a killer dress I reserved the entire Ace of Clubs. But if I don't identify my deal-breakers they're gonna cancel this date before it even gets to air." Oliver says, "Well, call it selective memory, or a short attention span but I only remember the good things. Like how you used to, uh, brush your hair back when you were nervous or... used to call out football players in your sleep." Liana smiles and they hear a door open, and Liana turns to see a girl in a towel, and she says, "Thanks for the workout, Ollie, but time's up. Do you think you could pay me in smaller bills?" The girl looks up to see Liana and Liana says, "Nice towel, honey." Liana turns back to face Oliver and says, "I should go. You-you are busy." Oliver says, "Um... See, see, the thing is, we were, we were just sparring." Liana says, "Don't worry, Ollie. I'm not here to judge. I just kind of hoped you'd spend more than one week clean before you got back in the gutter." Oliver says, "Uh..." Liana says, "Sorry I interrupted your... sparring." Liana walks out the room.

Later, Liana's at the Ace of Clubs waiting for her date and the waiter walks up to Liana and pours her a glass of wine. Liana lights the two candles on the table. Liana smiles into the camera and says, "How do I look?" Clark says, "I think you look beautiful." Liana smiles and Clark continues to say, "Your date's a lucky man." Liana says, "Do I detect a note of jealousy?" Clark says, "Me? Jealous? Why would I be jealous?" Liana shrugs her shoulders and says, "I don't know, but you don't have to be." Clark smiles and then the elevator dings and out comes Oliver. Liana says, "Oliver? What are you doing here?" Oliver says, "Well, you wanted this television tryst to make an impression right, Liana?" Liana says, "My blind date... is with you?" Oliver says, "Well, technically, your blind date's leaving in the elevator. I paid him to go seek his 15 minutes of fame somewhere else." Liana says, "Oliver, it's bad enough that I catch you dragging yourself through the mud again, but now you're bound and determined to ruin my date." Oliver says, "Okay, that meeting that you walked in on that was someone I was actually helping." Liana laughs and says, "Oh, well. You obviously helped her out of her clothes." Oliver says, "Very funny. And I'm not here to sabotage you. I just thought your audience might want a date with Metropolis' most eligible billionaire bachelor. That'd be me." Liana says, "I guess it wouldn't hurt the ratings. Okay. You got ten minutes to explain yourself." Oliver says, "Well, I'm only gonna need one because there's actually only one reason why I came here. I never finished saying what it is that I loved about you." Liana nervously chuckles and softly says, "Oh." Clark says, "Liana, what's going on?" Liana says, "I don't know." Oliver says, "Let me just skip to the end. The thing I love about you the most... is that you're still in my life. Because you're still in my heart." Clark sighs not realizing that Oliver still has feelings for Liana. Liana's shocked and says, "Check, please." Liana grabs Oliver's arm and drags him away. Clark says, "Liana, Liana." Liana touches her earpiece to turn it off and she says, "Sorry, Clark." Liana drags Oliver out to the balcony and looks at him and says, "Couldn't this heart-to-heart have waited until the cameras were off?" Oliver says, "No. I'm not hiding my feelings anymore, Liana. And I kind of figured by saying all that stuff with the cameras on I can prove that to you." Liana softly says, "I had no idea... you still had such strong feelings." Oliver says, "You know, I went to a really dark place, Liana. And I think it took going there... and coming back to realize... you're the best part of my life." Liana places her hand on Oliver's cheek, and she says, "I love you, Oliver. As a dear friend. Which is why I have to be totally honest with you." Oliver nods and softly says, "Clark." Liana says, "Yes." Oliver nods and says, "Um, ahem. Well, I'm happy you know what you want. I guess it just hurts knowing it's not me." Liana softly says, "I am so sorry." Oliver kisses Liana's head and clears his throat and says, "Goodnight, Liana." Liana nods and she breathes out. Liana then goes after Oliver and she walks outside and says, "Oliver? Hi. I said I was your friend and I meant it. I am not going to let you wander down any more dark alleys." Oliver nods and says, "Thank you. But you don't have to worry about me, Liana. I'm all about embracing life right now. I'm not trying to end it." Liana smiles and says, "Good." Oliver says, "You know what I mean? Trying to take the right kind of chances. And you, my friend, were definitely a chance worth taking." Liana smiles and says, "Thank you." Liana brings Oliver in for a hug, and she looks to see towel girl in Oliver's car. Liana pulls away and says, "Is towel girl your driver now? Your plan B?" Oliver says, "Very funny. Uh, her name is Mia. And come on. I'll introduce you. For real this time." Liana watches Oliver walk over to Mia and then she sees a man attack Oliver and Liana says, "Oliver!" As Liana goes to Oliver the man points a gun at Liana and he says, "Uh-uh. What's your hurry?" Mia looks at the man, whose name is Rick and says, "You said you wouldn't hurt him." Rick says, "Back in the car, Mia." Liana looks at Mia and says, "Tell me you didn't pick Prince Charming here over Oliver." Rick says, "Shut up and get in your carriage, Cinderella." Liana turns around and knocks the gun out of Rick's hand and punches him in the face. Liana punches one of Rick's men and another man grabs Liana from behind and restrains her arms and she says, "Get off of me!" Rick says, "Pretty boy's worth millions, but you're not worth the headache." Rick points a gun at Liana and Mia kicks is out of Rick's hand and she catches the gun and points it at Rick, and she says, "I can't let you do this." Rick chuckles and says, "Check this out. Streetwalker thinks she's a street fighter. What are you do gonna do, Mia?" Mia says, "Stay where you are." Rick says, "You gonna gun me down? You don't have it in you." Rick takes the gun out of Mia's hand and continues to say, "You're no hero." Rick then knocks out Mia and Rick points the gun back at Liana and Oliver takes the gun out of Rick's hand and punches him in the face." Liana sees Rick's men distracted so she elbows one in the face and punches the other one. Oliver says, "Go, go." Liana and Oliver run away, and Rick is shooting at them. Their running up the stairs that lead them to the roof and Oliver says, "Come on, let's go! Go! Go! Ah!" Liana says, "Oliver!" They make it to the roof, and they run into a dead end. Oliver brings Liana to his chest and Clark speeds, and it grabs all the bullets. Liana gets her head out of Oliver's chest when she doesn't hear any shooting and she looks at Oliver. Oliver says, "That was a close one, right?" Liana softly says, "Yeah, it was."

The next day, Liana's at the Daily Planet looking at article with a frown because Good Morning Metropolis replaced her and Clark with Catherine. Clark walks up to Liana and says, "Liana?" Liana says, "Did you hear? The brilliant brass over at KZXP have decided to go with someone else for their morning show." Clark says, "Liana." Liana says, "After everything that happened after Ollie, and I almost got killed guess who they've decided to go with. Apparently, blonds test better with morning viewers." Clark says, "Liana." Liana says, "I'm sorry. I never should have tried out in the first place or dragged you there with me, and I just..." Liana gets caught off by Clark kissing her and she kisses back. 

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