Catharsis of the lilies (Will...

By WilliamsAftussy420

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Love is a fickle and confusing thing, especially when you're consumed and drowning within your love for music... More

Chapter one, The first catharsis
Chapter 2, The Taps That Follow
Chapter 3, the second Catharsis; A musical warfare
(Faceclaims for the characters)
Chapter 5
Chapter 6; Bloodshed
Chapter 7 Aftermath and vulnerability
Chapter 8 The Best Christmas

Chapter 4; The Beauty Of Music

321 14 114
By WilliamsAftussy420

(A/n: sorry ab the extra notif i forgot to go through this before publishing it to make sure i had no spelling errors and yeah)

On the way back to my house, William and I spoke a lot. He's sweet, isn't he. Around 15 minutes as we began to drive.

"So... Y/n, dear, about this whole situation with feeling watched and everything... Could you tell me more about it? If you're okay with that of course" He questioned with a curious tone in his voice.

"Yeah I don't mind. I'm not too sure when it started, but I'm having a hard time telling if it's all made up in my head or not. I've been hearing movement around my house late at night, movement in my room. It's quiet enough that you can barely tell it's there- and- Why are you smiling?" I rambled, calmly collected my thoughts and questioned the man

"Oh? Nono go on. I just like the rain, and I enjoy listening to you talk" The man responded with the smuggest look on his face I had ever seen

"Alright, if you say so" I hum

"Well, I've been finding meals in my fridge, random things with sticky notes full of hearts, drawn smiley faces- and not to mention I heard the click of a camera when I went to go look for some socks today" I continued, burying my face in my palms

"That's horrible, I'm so sorry. It must be frightening knowing that whoever is in your house could end your life at any second" The man responded with slight enthusiasm in his voice. You could hear the smirk in his voice

He pulled into the driveway and parked, getting out of his vehicle and heading over to my side as he opened the door for me

"Thank you" I smiled before I had gotten out and scurried over to the door, rummaging through my bag for my keys. After a few seconds of searching, i found them, and felt myself shivering and shaking as I tried to put the key in the keyhole in an attempt to unlock the door. William walked up behind me, took my keys and unlocked the door for me

"There you go, dear" he hummed before inviting himself inside, holding the door for me. I smiled and cooed a quick "thank you" before entering. I temporarily took off my shoes, and headed upstairs. I grabbed a small gym bag and grabbed a few pairs of clothes, my toothbrush and toothpaste with a brush. I closed up the bag and scurried downstairs only to look in the closet by the entrance for a coat. until I heard a voice say

"Are you ready to go darling?"

I inhaled sharply and got chills down my spine immediately. I turned around  saw william who stood behind me.

"You scared me" I laughed as the man smiled in reaction, gently taking my hand playfully taking me outside of my house and back to his car, pausing to let me lock up my house before continuing. His hands were soft yet a bit rough, although that can be one way to tell if someone's a hard worker or not! I opened the door to the passenger's side of the vehicle and stepped inside, placing my bag on my feet before closing the door as the man got into the driver's seat.

"Alright, on the way there we're going to be passing some coffee shops so if you'd like a coffee or anything it's best you let me know now" The man exclaimed while he started and locked his vehicle. He pulled out of the driveway of my house and turned left.

"No thank you, you've already done enough for me however I appreciate the offer" I stated, no heat behind my tone as he nodded in response. The man seemed to be very focused on driving- Although I'd be concerned if he wasn't considering it can be very dangerous. I would know. It's almost as if he made sure to be extra careful considering what had happened earlier.

"Alright- have you had dinner? You must be starving, darling" the man questioned with a calm tone as he turned right.

"No" i mumbled

"When we get back to my home, I'll make us dinner. How does that sound?" the man suggested with a slightly excited tone in his voice. I watched as he began to fidget his fingers while still holding the steering wheel.

"I'm sorry if you feel like you have to do all of this for me" I mumbled

"Oh nonono, Y/n I really like you, so I want to provide you a safe environment, and plus you really need to be around people in times like this. Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on; a person to rely on, I can guarantee you everyone has at least someone to rely on" William reassured calmly with an almost smug look on his face.

"You're right. I'm sorry for this whole thing going on starting off with me needing reassurance" I sighed, burying my face in my hands

"You have nothing to apologize for darling, and I don't think anyone could blame you for needing reassurance or the need to rant." William reassured, moving his right hand off the steering wheel to gently cup my face while keeping his left hand on the steering wheel at a red light. I felt myself lightly blush, and leaned into the touch. He smiled and pulled away his hand once the light turned green.

About 20 minutes passed and he pulled up to some rather fancy yet old looking Victorian-esque house. He parked in the parking lot, unlocked the vehicle and swung the door open, stepping out. He took a few moments to stretch before going over to the entrance of the house to unlock the door as I got out of his vehicle. I walked up behind him in silence as he locked his vehicle without even turning around to see if I had exited or not

"Make yourself at home, darling" He hummed, opening the door to his home as he proceeded to enter and to take his shoes off, lining them up beside each other on the shoe rack by the door. I stepped inside and did the same.

"I suppose I should show you around" He sighed, gently taking my hand and slowly walking around his home. After we entered, to the right there was a fancy living room with resplendent windows, black couches, a circular glass table in the middle with a fireplace on the side of the wall and a bear fur carpet. Close to the window sat a beautiful black grand piano. He had hardwood walnut floors, the same as mine but polished and higher quality, He had beautiful,velvety, elegant purple curtains. I looked up and saw a beautiful chandelier hanging from the top floor's ceiling, with a chain that hung a good 13 ft. The upstairs wasn't the same layout as the basement, considering there were stairs to the left against a wall when you first entered, showing you the top floor. There was a fence and a few rooms up there. Down the hall on the right side of the stairs led to the living room with a tv, a kitchen to the right and on the other side of the wall of the kitchen lied a fancy dining room that met with the living room with the windows, being about a ft above that area considering the area with the piano and everything, there were steps to get down to that area with a fence around it- the type of fence you'd see by a staircase. He took me to the basement, leading the way. In the meantime we passed a home gym, another living room, 2 guest rooms, a bathroom and extra storage. He paused at one door and shook the locked door

"Now, you aren't allowed in here. Understand?" He stated with a cold tone in his voice

"Okay" I hummed, as I followed him back upstairs.

"Alright, on the 2nd floor there's an extra room and it's closest to mine. You can pick any room you'd like, although I suggest you choose this one because right outside there's a washroom and an office if you need" William stated, going upstairs and looking back to make sure I was following him

"I guess i'd feel safest closest to you considering this whole situation- it would take me less than a minute to go knock on your door incase anything happened" I mumbled with a faint smile

"Okay darling. All the bedding is already set up, there's an open closet and some drawers and you can use the bathroom next to that bedroom, consider it yours for the time you're here."William exclaimed as he opened the door to the bedroom, revealing a bed in the corner of the room close by the window, with a nightstand and a dresser next to it and a guitar in the closet.

"I'm sorry about the guitar in the closet.. I wasn't sure where to put it" William hummed, stepping inside the room as I did as well.

"I'll let you take care of your clothes and everything- if you don't mind can you change out of the turtleneck and the cargo pants? Sorry I'd like to get the blood out of them- and afterwards i'll make dinner for us, does that sound alright?" The man questioned, halfway out the door as I nodded my head in response.

After he left I closed the door and changed into a  grey tank top and some black bermuda shorts. I folded my black turtleneck and cargo pants and put the turtleneck on top of the pants, left the room and went downstairs

"Thank you darling, I'll take care of these" He hummed, taking the clothes out of my hands before heading downstairs. After he left, I walked back up the stairs into my new room. For now at least. I walked into the room and found a note left on the table saying

"Play the guitar if you please, however if you break it, you're paying for it".

I picked up the guitar and put one strap on my shoulder before heading downstairs into the living room with the piano . I found some sheet music for the song Oblivion by Astor Piazzolla, which was an arrangement for guitar and something else. The name of the other instrument had been scratched out for whatever reason. I tapped my foot to time myself since it had been in a 4;4 time signature, so it would be simple to follow.

I began to play after counting myself in, slow enough considering I had been sight reading a song I'd never even heard of- not to mention it was a bit complicated. Only then was when I realized how much musical instruments echoed throughout the man's house. I messed up after a few tries, and on the fourth try I got it right, as the sound of a violin proceeded to join in. Turns out, it had been an arrangement for guitar and violin. I had been sitting down, hunched over playing the guitar, feeling the vibrations of the strings in my fingers, considering the song was made and intended to be fingerstyle.

The man played the violin in the arrangement as if it was nothing, like it was easy for him. He made eye contact with me and smiled gently as he continued playing the song, as I did as well. He ran the bow over the strings, with the sound of music filling the atmosphere, a cascade of bliss filled the air, passing through my bones, sending chills down my spine, and the individual playing it, the man who had taken me into his home during this time of my unwellness.

Everything about him was sophisticated and elysian-like; elegant enough that anyone could easily mistake him for royalty. He played the violin as if it was the last thing he would do, clearly putting all of his effort into it, however at the same time, he made it seem as if it was easy, as if it was nothing compared to the rest of the things he could do with the instrument.

He looked beautiful doing it, with a calm expression on his face, smiling from time to time as he looked at me, with the warmest and most loving, caring and genuine look I'd ever seen. He looked enticed and energized by the music, he looked comfortable, obsolete and at peace. With William playing the violin, it seemed as if it was some kind of kalopsia, however truly, it was as beautiful, miridical and as enchanting as it seemed to be.

The last time we played together, we were playing against each other for the hell of it, for the purpose of being better than the other person, however this time, we were playing together. Neither of us were trying to outdo the person, thanks to that it sounded more pleasing to the ear. It felt like we were the only people who existed, and needed each other's existence to continue to thrive, because in a duet, it consists of two people, never one person playing by themselves; they need the other person to keep it going, they need the other person for the beauty of the sound and to transverse the message, and that fact goes for both parties.

He needs me and I need him for this time of music, this time that's good for the soul. The music felt gentle and calming, which had sent chills throughout my body; however it wasn't unpleasant, but it was relieving. Playing this song without a violin, was like an unfinished symphony, however with it, it felt like more than a symphony, something more than life itself, something that brings healing and love to those in need, something that calms the soul. I am unable to differentiate the difference between music, life and death, as it is all the same to me.

Music is like a language with the sheets as the dialect, so playing with another person is like singing and harmonizing, which is a blessing for the ears. I could tell, the man playing alongside me, valued music as much as I did, that way, the song felt full of passion as if it was radiating off of both him and i, and circled into the air. I loved the sounds we produced together, as a union, as one, playing a pure and serene, gracefully woven piece of music that had stirred a hundred different feelings of pure bliss.

Music is like an extension to the soul, as it encompasses things an individual holds close to their hearts and things that the same individual loathes. It's similar to how in an orchestra, the people playing the music aren't typically admired, but it's rather how the sounds they all produce as one, some kind of unionship of souls who tangle together to make anew.

Maybe it wasn't the music that saved my life, but rather the idea of meeting someone who thought of it just as passionately as I did.

We brought the song to its finish as I put the guitar on the stand in the living room that had been hidden beside the couch as William put away his violin.

"That was... much different from last time" I exclaimed in wonder

"More enjoyable? It felt more like a union, like two spirits fondling together to create something of beauty" I exclaimed and smiled while looking at the man who sat down next to me as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling me close enough to rest my head on his shoulder

"Thank you darling, I've never actually heard that song with both the violin and guitar, so once I heard you playing I couldn't help but grab my violin and join you" William exclaimed. I watched his eyes and face light up as he said that, as the tone in his voice changed from a rather monotone, to a tone of excitement and joy.

I felt safe with him, as his presence was typically cold and ruthless, however this time it felt warm and loving. His arms were around me, holding me close to him. I moved and readjusted my body to face him. I wrapped my arms around him, as he wrapped his around me. I sank into the warm, passionate hug, something I didn't know I'd been yearning for, for so long.

"By the way, I finished cleaning off the blood from your clothes" the man cooed in my ear

"Thank you- also... sorry but how do you know how to get blood out of clothes?" I questioned. The man's breath hitched as he chuckled to himself quietly

"I used to get a lot of nosebleeds and the blood would always stain my clothes" He sighed, gently trailing his fingers up and down my back, as he proceeded to gently trace shapes onto my back, sending shivers down my spine.

"That's a shame, I'm sorry" I hummed as I got off of him and proceeded to stand up as he did as well. He gently grabbed my hand and walked into the kitchen with me.

"I hope you're not fussy, which I doubt you are. For dinner I prepared chicken Tikka Masala" The man exclaimed, taking me to the table with the meal on it, already set perfectly with forks, knives and spoons with a glass of water for the both of us.

"Thank you, for everything. I cannot describe how kind this is of you" I smiled as he pulled out a chair and sat down, as I did the same.

"It's not a problem, darling. It's gets very lonely here by myself anyway, so, I do enjoy having your company" The man cooed, gently picking up his fork.

Around an hour passed and the phone rang.

The hospital called about Ayana, informing us of her current state. She was alive, thankfully however her legs, arms and every bone in her hands were shattered. Luckily, she didn't get any brain damage. She was allowed visitors.

"If you'd like, I can take you to the hospital and you can go see her for as long as you need, okay? Just call me when you're ready to be picked up, alright?" William hummed as I nodded in response.

About half an hour later, I was in the hospital, walking to Ayana's room. I knocked on the door before entering. I saw Ayana hooked up to a heart monitor with both of her arms and legs in casts as she was out cold.

That night, I didn't leave her side until I was forced to leave.


William stood in front of the sink of his bathroom, tightly gripping the sides of his sink while hunched over. He coaxed his head up and screamed


He had a tone of anger in his voice. His eyes widened and his eyebrows furrowed. The man punched his mirror and broke it into hundreds of shards. Not all fell off the mirror, the majority of the mirror stayed up against the wall however his fist left a mark in the mirror. He gritted his teeth and gripped his head with his hands as he lost his balance for a moment and sat down. Filth was practically dripping from his mouth onto the floor as he gripped his hair with his hands and began to hit his own head

"Im such-"

"a dumbass! I could've hurt y/n" he screamed, coaxing himself forward again onto the sink, still gripping it with his hands even though he'd gotten shards of glass in one of them. The man eyed himself in the mirror up and down until he noticed his right hand was dripping blood. The man freakishly grinned and smeared the blood all over his face and up and down his arms

"such a lovely sight" he sneered as a freakish smirk grew on his face. He caught himself pacing in circles as he rushed down the stairs and closed each curtain. He ran down the stairs in his home, almost tripping down them and ran to his locked room. He twisted the handle and it was locked.

"fuck, I forgot. That's okay" he laughed before breaking the door open to reveal a room filled with photos of y/n all over the walls and hundreds of letters written in blood. Who's blood?

It's better to not ask about it.

The man rummaged through his photo collection of y/n.

"Oh please darling, my sweet darling, please call me to come pick you up"

"i need you"

"please I need you"

"Any second now darling"

The man paused and took a breath before he stood up and rushed back up the stairs and grabbed a pair of tweezers to pull out all the shards of glass he'd gotten in his hands. When getting them out he put them in a jar and placed them in the closet inside of his room. The man rushed into y/n's room, rummaging through their clothes, finding the shirt they wore to his restaurant. He grabbed the shirt, brought it to his face and smelt it. At that point the man was inhaling y/n's shirt.

"What am I doing?" The man thought to himself, placing y/n's shirt back where he found it. The man walked back into the bathroom in his room and washed the blood off of his hands and face.

"I must get a hold of myself" William sighed, breathing deeply in an attempt to calm himself. The man cursed in pain, rummaging through his medicine cabinet in an attempt to find advil or tylenol.

"This splitting fucking headache..." The man cursed, taking 1 capsule.

For the next half hour, the man was attempting to predict conversations with y/n, trying to find out every possible response.

"I'm going mad, aren't I..." William mumbled

"fucking christ, i've already lost it, haven't I."

"I've already ended more lives than I can count, and I havent been caught"

"The rush of energy I get is addicting whenever I push the tip of a knife into someone's chest"

The man took a deep breath and covered his face with his hands and loudly sighed before standing up. He walked over to the back door of his house, leading into the backyard. He lit a while sitting on his deck as he stared off into the forest whilst bathing in the moonlight. When he heard the phone ring, he scrambled desperately over to it and picked up

"Y/n! Dear how are you? Are you okay?" the man questioned

"I'm alright! Sorry for taking so long- also by the way I bought you something" Y/n responded over the phone. William smiled in response and started shaking.

"Thank you dear, i'll be over as soon as possible" William responded with a grin, practically plastered from ear to ear.

Your pov:

I stood outside of the hospital, gently gripping the gift bag with something I bought for William because I felt like I had to pay him back somehow. It started to get dark outside and I begun to feel antsy and unsafe. I felt watched.

I soon realized I was right.

A Tall man in a business suit who reeked of alcohol approached me and attempted to start a conversation. I felt uncomfortable and backed away, as the weirdo began to approach me, and by this point I had already been backed up into a wall

"Where do you think you're going?" the visibly drunk man questioned, tripping over his own feet

"It's none of your business. Please leave me alone" I quickly muttered before attempting to walk away

"I asked you a question" The visibly drunk man blubbered, pulling out a small hunting knife

"hah... you'd think a hospital would have more security than this- not to mention its said they're supposed to be a safe place.. but I don't feel very safe" I joked in an awkward tone

"Answer me" The visibly drunk man spat

"uh" I laughed awkwardly, looked left and right and proceeded to kick the drunk man in the nuts. I got out of his grasp and started to run

"I am so goddamn thankful for these steel toe shoes" I laughed as I continued to run and hide. The drunk man stood up and looked around, eventually I lost sight of him and continued hiding in the area until

"found you" the drunk man sneered, rushing towards me and placing me in a headlock

"Do you not get the hint?!  Fuck off!" I yelled as the drunk man held me up against a wall, placing a knife against my neck

"Damn, you on your period?" I joked

"Shut the fuck up" the drunk man spat before quickly being disarmed and punched in the face. I stood there in shock and looked to see who it was

"William" I exclaimed as I rushed towards him

"holy shit thank you- so much" i continued as william turned his head to smile and then proceeded to walk towards the drunk guy and proceeded to beat the shit out of him.

William then slammed the drunk guy's head against a wall. In reaction the drunk guy tried to take a second to gain balance and to swing back at William, as William swiftly swung and punched the drunk guy's face.

The drunk guy pushed William to the ground. As the two boys were wrestling, I walked forward and kicked the drunk guy's ass forward as he faceplanted into the ground while William pushed him off. William quickly grabs a broken slab of wood and knocks the drunk asshole out by slamming it against his head. Considering the drunk guy's nose bled violently, William's hands were




I approached William and tapped him on his shoulder to see if he was alright, as he walked towards the drunk guy once more and stomped on his neck, over and over and over again.

"Let's go." William stated as he roughly grabbed my hand and took me back to his car

"What on earth were you thinking! You could have gotten hurt and I wouldn't have been there to protect you" William spat, practically dragging me to his car

"I kicked him in the nuts with my steel toe shoes" I cried before William stopped in his tracks and turned around. The grip he had loosened as he said

"First off- Ow- and he was STILL? standing after that? That's impressive". William mumbled

"I tried hiding but then he found me again and tried to hurt me" I muttered under my breath as I looked away in shame

"Darling, i'm seeing a pattern of events here. it seems whenever you're without someone- or whenever i'm not there with you, something always happens" William spat

"William- I can protect myself"  I mumbled as William laughed

"Oh now that's funny. No you can't, darling. If you could, he would've already been knocked out before I got there, and the fact that he found you when you were hiding- it seems you DO need someone to protect you. You are weak, okay? And I'm not insulting you, I'm stating a fact. And considering what you did tonight that proves that you cannot be left alone, ESPECIALLY late at night by yourself outside of a hospital in a shady area. If it weren't nighttime, the chances of this happening are slim to none! And don't even try arguing with me because you know i'm right" William sneered with an angry tone of voice.

He's right. He's not wrong at all. Especially with what happened with Ayana. Same thing. If I was careful, that wouldn't have happened. Same thing tonight

"I'm sorry William, you're right" I mumbled as the expression on his face soften as he pulled me in for a hug

"I'll always protect you, okay? How does that sound" William cooed in my ear.

"okay, i'm sorry if you feel like you have to" I mumbled

The man swiftly picked me up and placed me in the passenger's seat side of his vehicle and proceeded to get into the driver's side

"Here's the thing darling, I don't feel like I have to, however I actually want to" William hummed

I looked at the man up and down and noticed he changed. He was wearing the same black dress pants but this time he was wearing a dark purple button up shirt, with 3 of the top buttons undone to reveal a bit of his chest. His sleeves were rolled up as well with his hands covered in blood practically up to his elbows.

It was, oddly attractive.

Probably not the blood part- but the part of the chest showing- right?

It can't be the blood- can it?

"darling, you're staring" William chuckled with the smuggest look anyone could ever make.

"Oh- sorry I was spacing out" i laughed

"Mhm, yeah right" The man laughed

"Now, why were you staring? It's okay darling, I could never be mad at that" He continued with a smirk

"Well- you look good. Like genuinely" I mumbled quietly as William laughed in reaction

"Oh sorry, I didn't hear you, speak up darling"

I felt myself blush at his words

"You look good" I said a bit louder, but it was still incomprehensible to anyone aside from myself

"Darling, use your words."

"Go on then" the man smirked

"You look good" I said without mumbling

"How sweet, thank you darling. You don't have to be shy" William hummed as he gently grabbed my hand and smeared blood onto mine

"Will all great Neptune's ocean wash this blood clean from my hand" William hummed

"Isn't that from Macbeth?" I questioned

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