On My Own

By abbyf50

4.3K 118 8

When Maya Rocque decides that she wants to pursue acting, her biggest fear is that she only become successful... More

Meeting LA
I Wish I Could go to the Palm Woods School
I'd Call that Home
A New Guy
Nice to See You Again
A for Effort?
Did You Forget?
Star Quality
Getting Back on Her Feet
Little Moments
A Fresh Start

No One Leaves

300 11 0
By abbyf50

"You're never going to believe what happened," Kendall told Maya over the phone.

"Griffin finally quit, and my dad can finally manage his band in peace?" Maya asked, hopefully.

"Try the opposite of that." Maya deflated.

"What did he do this time?"

"He added a boy to our band."

"What? Why would he do that? Who is it?"

"He said that every boyband needs a bad boy, so some idiot named WayneWayne is Big Time Rush's official bad boy."

"I'm so sorry, K. That really sucks, but I think you should give him a chance. Maybe he's nicer than you're giving him credit for."

"I don't know, My. You've always been the nice one, so maybe I'll just leave that to you."

"Okay," Maya laughed, "Well, Camille is about to walk me through the lobby to the pool so that Bitters doesn't annoy me. Maybe I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, the guys and I are on our way back now, so I'll see you soon."

"Okay, see ya!"

With that, they hung up.

"Oh, Maya thank goodness!" Camille hugged her and began to walk her to the pool. "I just haven't been able to get this character right. Please help me!"

The girls rushed to the pool area and began to work on Camille's character. After about 30 minutes, the boys of Big Time Rush entered the pool area. Maya waved to the boys; however, Camille still needed her help, so she couldn't go and talk to them yet. With Camille's amazing talent and Maya's help, Camille had figured out the character after another 15 minutes, so Maya said goodbye and made her way over to the boys.

On her way over to them, though, someone stopped her in her tracks, and no, it wasn't Bitters this time. 

"Wassup boo thang," WayneWayne started, "I'm WayneWayne, and you're hot. So I'll see you tonight at Chez Fancee? Wear something pretty, babe."

Maya took a deep breath, as to not flip out on this vain pig, and said, "Listen, that is no way to approach anyone. I appreciate your interest, but I am not interested, at all. I hope that you learn from this because the way you talked to me is extremely rude. I'm going to go now."

Now, even though Maya had no attraction to WayneWayne, the boys of Big Time Rush thought differently while they watched the conversation unfold.

"First, he joins our band without our permission," James began.

"Now, he steals our girls," Carlos continued after seeing him flirt with the Jennifers and now watched him flirt with Maya, "who have no interest in us. Sorry Kendall. We all thought you had a chance with Maya, but anyways, it's still not fair." 

"And that's why we're going to get rid of him," Logan added. "Kendall, get rid of him."

"Why me?" Kendall asked.

"Because he scares us," James answered.

"Hey guys!" Maya greeted as she walked up to the boys. The boys smiled and greeted Maya. "Did you guys see that boy that stopped me?"

"We saw," Kendall answered, shortly.

"What a jerk! He very rudely just assumed that I would want to go out with him which I don't, at all." Kendall and the boys perked up at this information. "I don't know what girls see in the bad boy type," Maya shook her head, "I don't want a guy that's going to hurt me and my feelings all the time! I want a nice, sweet boy that makes me laugh." At that, Logan began to nudge Kendall, but Kendall was already listening. "Anyways," Maya turned her head back to the boys, "Tell me all about this new boy in the band."

"You just spoke to him," Logan told her.

"WayneWayne? Griffin put WayneWayne in Big Time Rush?"


"Alright guys, listen," Kendall said to everyone as he stood up, "We are a band, and we are gonna get rid of WayneWayne together because we are not afraid of some loudmouth, backwards-hatted, droopy pants wearing-" everyone tried to get Kendall to stop talking as WayneWayne approached, but it was too late. "He's right behind me, isn't he?" Everyone nodded, causing Kendall to turn around.

"You want trouble-trouble, Ken-dork?" WayneWayne taunted, causing Maya to take a step closer to Kendall, ready to jump to his defense. "Bring it, bring it."

"Yeah," Kendall stared as the boys stood beside Kendall in support, causing Maya to take a step back, so they could have their band moment. "We've decided there's only room for four members in Big Time Rush."

"Great-great," WayneWayne laughed as he called Griffin, "Yo, Griff-Griff, the guys agree with me: five in the band is too many."

"Sounds fresh, WayneWayne," Griffin said through the phone, "I'll stop by the studio tomorrow to see which one goes." James screamed. "Griff-Griff, out."

"You see, my contract states that I'm guaranteed to front a band, and I picked this band."

"Oooh, a contract," Kendall teased, "We're so scared."

"My contract also states that I get a posse," WayneWayne snapped his fingers, and three men came out and stood behind him, "Scared now?"

"Yeah." "A little." "They're big guys." The boys said as they backed away.

"Well, I'm not," Maya sassed as she stepped passed the boys. They tried to pull her behind them, but she was too determined. "If you think that any of us are going to let you waltz in here and take over this band, then you have another thing coming."

"I like your fire, hot stuff," WayneWayne answered, "WayneWayne gets what he wants, and right now, WayneWayne wants to be in this band. Oh, and WayneWayne wants this sweet thang to be his," WayneWayne reached forward to caress Maya's face, causing Maya to slap his hand away.

"You have no right to touch me!" Maya shot back, "Neither of those things are going to happen, even if I have to make sure of it myself."

At that, Maya waved WayneWayne and his posse away so that she could formulate a plan with the boys. When Maya turned around, the boys were crouched behind a plant with tree hats on. Maya rolled her eyes and walked over to them as WayneWayne and his posse threw an innocent boy into the pool because WayneWayne wanted the lounge chair he was sitting on. 

"Man, he even makes sipping out of a coconut look tough," Logan pointed out.

"Focus!" Carlos slapped him on the back of the head, "One of us is going to get kicked out of the band."

"My money's on Logan," James announced.

"Mean!" Logan called him.

"Nobody's breaking us up. We're a team," Kendall said, "And we're not afraid of WayneWayne or anybody else."

At this, Camille shot up from next to Maya, "Hey guys!" The boys all screamed. "Oh relax. I didn't get the part."

"Awe, no," Maya comforted her, "You were perfect. What happened?"

"Maybe throwing the casting director in a flying headlock was a bad idea."

"Camille, I thought I told you not to do that."

"I know, but in the moment, it felt like the right thing to do."

"Camille, we're in an urgent save our band mission right now," Kendall told her, pointing to WayneWayne.

Camille turned to look where he was sitting and asked them, "Hey, when did Wally Dooley move to the Palm Woods?"

"Wally Who-ley?" Logan asked.

"Wally Dooley. Yeah, he must be up for a bad boy role. We worked together on the magic middle school. Yeah, he played towel boy."

"What?" everyone yelled.

Everyone followed Camille into the lobby and over to the computer where she played a scene where towel boy got bullied by the magical basketball bullies.

"So WayneWayne didn't grow up on the mean streets of Detroit," Logan said.

"He grew up in a mansion in Dallas," Camille stated. "His dad invented toast on a rope."

"And he's gonna kick one of us out of the band?" Kendall asked, sarcastically, "Well, we're gonna kick him out of the band," everyone tried to warn Kendall that WayneWayne and his posse were walking into the lobby, but he continued, "Cause we don't need no fake-fakey, poser-poser- he's behind me again, isn't he?"

Kendall turned around while Camille leaned forward and said hi.

"Hey, Camille," Wally smiled, "Oh, and news flash, this town is full of phonies, and nobody cares. Contract! Hey, what do you guys think of the name WayneWayne Rush?"

"Dude, once Gustavo finds out that you're a phony-phony," Carlos started.

"You are out-out," James finished.

"You guys, Gustavo is a joke!" Wally laughed.

"Call my father a joke one more time and see what happens," Maya got into his face. 

"You're Maya Rocque?"

"In the flesh." 

"Hah, Griffin and Gustavo both told me to stay away from you, but bad boys don't really listen, doll face."

"Call her a sexist name one more time," Kendall pushed me behind him, "and you'll have to deal with me."

"And us!" the boys and Camille yelled.

Wally rolled his eyes, "Anyways, Griffin has all the power, and he'll get rid of whoever I say. And I say, it's you," he leaned closer to Kendall. "And there's nothing you can do about it because you can't stop the WayneWayne train." They left doing some stupid train dance, and the boys ran off to Rocque Records.

"I'm so sorry about your audition, Camille," Maya turned to her.

"It's alright. There will be others. I'm sorry about the way Wally was talking to you. He's a lot different than my friend from set was," Camille said. 

"Not your fault. What do you say we watch tv until the boys come back with the plan they cooked up with my dad?"

"Sounds perfect! I'll get the snacks. Meet you in my room?"

"See you there!"

The two girls hung out in Camille's room for about two hours before Maya got a call from Kendall.

"Hey K! Got a plan?" Maya answered.

"You know we do. Your dad is the best," Kendall laughed. 

"I know. What do you need from me?"

"Just some help getting into character."

"I'm on it. I'll meet you at Rocque Records in the morning."

"See you then!"

Maya hung up the phone and turned her attention back to the tv and her hangout with Camille. 


The next morning, Maya met Kendall at one of the back entrances with his bad boy outfit.

"Go change in the bathroom, and then, come back here, so I can help you with your makeup," Maya told him.

"There's no way bad boys wear makeup," Kendall looked scared.

"Just trust me!" Maya pushed him into the bathroom, laughing.

A few minutes later, Kendall came out, and Maya started on his eyeliner. 

While Maya was focused on the makeup, all Kendall could think about was how close he was to her. He couldn't help but stare into her pale blue eyes that were currently squinting at him since she was so focused. He thought it was adorable when she kept pushing her long brown hair out of her face so that she could see him properly. And he loved the dimples she had whenever she smiled in success when she was done. Kendall was enamored by her. 

"Kendall?" Maya snapped him out of his trance as she backed away.

"Yeah, My?" he shook it off.

"You alright? I thought I lost you there."

"Just nervous for this," he lied, "I don't want to go back home."

"You're going to kill it, K. No one is leaving this band today except for Wally." He smiled at her, "Now, go! You're late which is good because bad boys get there when they want, but if you're too late, you'll miss it."

"Are you coming to watch?"

"No. It'll be too suspicious I think since I'm not usually here, but I'll be waiting to hear all about it. Call me."

"I will."

"Break some legs, bad boy!" Maya laughed as she left out the back. 

Kendall smirked and began to walk to where the boys were rehearsing, ready to stay in LA for his boys and Maya.


Maya got a call later that night from Kendall. He had done it. Wally was officially out of Big Time Rush and in some band for kids. 

"I knew you could do it, Kendall!" Maya cheered.

"The look really helped me get into character, though, so thank you," he told her.

"Of course, anytime. I won't be seeing you in that look anytime soon, though, right?"

"Why? You didn't like the bad boy look for me?"

"No, I hate that bad boy trope. I told you guys yesterday, I prefer a guy that is sweet and can make me laugh. That's you, K."

Kendall blushed, "Well, don't worry My. I'm back to my usually sweet and funny self."

"Good, I'm glad. I'll let you go, though. My dad just walked in the door, and he looks kind of upset. I'm going to go see what that is about. Talk tomorrow?"

"Of course. Hope Gustavo's alright. Goodnight, My."

"Goodnight, K."

With that, they hung up, and Maya got off the couch and walked into the kitchen where her dad was.

"Hey, dad," Maya greeted him with a hug, "Is everything okay?"

"I just found out that Hawk signed some new solo act," Gustavo told her, "Apparently, Hawk thinks this guy is going to outshine the dogs."

"What? Big Time Rush is going to be huge, dad. You know this. Have faith in the boys. Besides, if this guy is a solo act, they won't even really be in the same market."

Gustavo sighed, "You're right, sweetheart. Thank you for calming me down. Now, it's been a long day. Why don't we both get some rest?"

"Goodnight, dad."

"Goodnight, my star."

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