Them | JD

By annabelg1e

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BOOK 2 📚 Jackson Dean and Annabel Stokes love story More

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By annabelg1e

august 6th
"hey guys, i haven't went live in a while, i thought i'd come on and talk about a couple subjects" i smile as i went live on insta. "um first thing i wanted to talk about was Cole chase Hudson, um in 2018 we grew a close bond then went on to meet in 2019 on lights out tour, we were in hype house together and then later 2021 he left of course. I think since he's left he has claimed to have become a better person" i say using quotation marks. "he really hasn't, everyone knows him and charli dated for a while, once they broke up they did not date again, they dated once and other than that charli had just seen him as a close friend. He was or well is in love with her. he can't accept that she's happy with Landon, there adorable and you can be quiet if you have something today" i smile.

"he also called us both homie hoppers, i mean he wrote a song about charli, what happened to american sweethearts" i laugh. "okay i'm done with my ramble, ask me questions" i say, glancing at the comments. 'where's Jackson?' i read "Jackson's downstairs in Jacob's room, there watching anime or some shit" i shrug.

'what do you think about people acting like them and coop were besties'

"oh my god do not get me started on that shit, so many people started posting about him acting like they were so close, bro he hated y'all" i laugh. "i could list a shit ton of people that i know for a fact and me and sab both agreed that there's so many people that are the reason for coopers yeah-" i nod. "like attacking him for wearing a crop top? the fuck, is his top length triggering you?" i pout sarcastically.

'bffspod- come on the podcast Annabel:)'

"i'll show up with all my tom boy clothes on, how bout that?" i smile tilting my head.

'jacob's live, jackson's coming up'

"oh god not smelly nelly jacky" i scoff sarcastically, i hear the door open. "ay what'd i say about that name" jackson yells walking over. "oh hi baby" i smile as he glares at me. "hi guys" he waved ignoring me. "ayyy" i frown at him, he turns kissing my lips rubbing my head "sorry kiddo, scooch over" he smiles, i get up letting himself it on the desk chair as he pulls me to sit on his lap.

"what're you doing on live" he asks. "just answering question" i shrug. "lemme pick one" he say forward. 'when did y'all begin dating' he reads. "3rd of july, his birthday" i laugh remembering how he'd asked me. "i asked her out in the worst way ever" he laughs shaking his head. "it wasn't the worst" i shrug.

'will y'all last'

"i think we will, we've been through a lot in the first month of dating already, our 1 month was 2 days ago" i nod. "i got her roses and a promise ring, what did she get me? she let me pick the movie even if i choose anime" he laughed. "what! i think it was a great present" i laugh.

"oh for sure, your gonna be watching anime all week" he nods smirking. "oh god" i whine. "it's not even bad, your eyes were glued to the screen the whole time it's on" he says pointing at me. "was not!" i scoff. "oh it was so" he says back.

'are you ok? paparazzi vid from other day was horrible:('

"oh yeah i'm okay! you guys know me i hate paparazzi" i chuckle as Jackson kisses my shoulder. "oh yeah Thomas said we're heading to bj's at 5" Jackson tells me. "your telling me this now? thanks Jackie!" i smile sarcastically at him.

"whattt your already dressed and shit" he shrugs laughing. "i was meant to go see grandma at half 5" i groan. "your grandma what" he asks confused. "she's in beach grove now, i promised i'd go see her" i say realising id have to change my appointment. "oh shit" he nods. "okay guys we gotta go, thanks you for all the love and for 150 million followers! that's crazy-" "hell yeah my girls a kardashian" Jackson smirks. "shut up Jackie" i laugh ending the live. "aw man" he pouts. "just be quiet, i'm calling beach grove" i say putting my finger to his lips as my phone rang.

"beach grove LA how can i help!" a lady on the other end says. "hi um i'm calling about my visit with my great grandma, i'm gonna have to switch appointments. if that's alright?" i tell her as Jackson changed out of his sweatpants.

"oh you must be Annabel! yes that's absolutely fine, when would you want to change it too?" she asked as i heard her typing on a keyboard. "hm probably the 10th? around 2" i shrug. "tell her it's 2 visitors" Jackson whispers. i give him a thumbs up in return.

"and is that just one visitor? just so i have the right amount of visitor badges" the lady asked. "um actually gonna be 2 visitors" i tell her as Jackson helped me out on my Jordan's, what a gentleman am i right?

"okay great, and i'm gonna need names for the visitors" she says as she types some more. "Annabel stokes and Jackson dean" "relations to the patient?" she asked clearing her throat. "Great granddaughter and close friend" i tell her.

"okay that's you set for 2pm visit, when you arrive you will need a mask till your in her room and one person signs in and out in the check book" she informs me. "okay that's great, thank you" i smile before hanging up.

"alright let's gooo" i say heading out, "hey cmereee" he says pulling me by the waist. "what what what" i smile at him. "kiss" he says pouting his bottom lip, i kiss his lips quickly before we head out.


"so nikitas throwing a party tomorrow and invited us all" Thomas says as were at dinner. "oh is that why she texted me earlier 'get ur gorgeous ass over at mine by 2pm at the latest tomorrow'" i laugh reading the text from her, id ignored her i don't know why- 

"yup, she said she's picking your fit" thomas laughs. "oh god she's gonna give me the smallest fucking dress ever" i whine. "you aren't wearing it if it doesn't go half way down your thighs" Jackson's whispers in my ear. "gotcha" i nod passing Ace 10 dollars for my food as the check had came.

August 7th

i headed over to nikitas by 2, i pulled up parking in my usual spot before heading inside, party planners were already setting up. "nikitaaaa" i sing walking down the hall to her room. "is that Miss Annabel?" i hear her squeal. "hii!" i smile walking into her room, she was sat by her vanity getting her makeup and hair done as she sat in a robe.

"sup bitch, so how are you? what's the gossip" she smiles. "i'm goodd, me and jackson are doing so well now" i smile half lying, i knew i could talk to nikita but i wasn't gonna say it right away. "that's great, he seems like a good guy. treats you right. anymore arguments or anything?" she asked handing her make up artiest lipstick.

"um yesterday after dinner, we had a yelling match. have you seen the shit that going around? apparently i've been a bit to close with Jacob lately?" i scoff. "no fucking way! you and Jacob are platonic not romantic my god, and Jackson started a screaming match over that? he should know better!" she said clapping her hands at the end.

"it's killing me that me and him can't just get along and be in a proper relationship without something getting in the way and he ended the yelling match yesterday by texting me 2 hours later saying 'we're on a break'AGAIN" i huff leaning on her vanity. "well tonight your gonna look that hot, he'll regret going on a break AND he won't raise his voice again" she nods smirking. "oh god what am i wearing?" i laugh.

"you brung your airforces right ?" she asks. "uh huh there in my bag, why" i ask tilting my head. "i got you the prettiest light pink dress, it's hanging up in the bathroom, your gonna have natural hair along with just mascara and clear lipgloss" she tells me.

"thank god i thought you'd like turn me into a drag queen and shove a wig on me or something" i chuckle. "honey your a natural princess there's no need for makeup and wigs on your end" she smiles before heading to change into her outfit.

once she's dressed, i change into my dress changing my dirty converse for clean airforce 1s. i put on mascara along with lipgloss, i curl my eyelashes before folding my shorts and hoodie into my bag.

i head to her room as she fixes her heels clapping "give us a twirl!" she squeals. i done a little twirl as she whistled. "oh hype house is here!" i smiled as Thomas texted me saying they'd arrived. "drink till you can't walk straight, just have fun. i'll look after you princess okay?" she says as he walked down the hall to the stairs. "okayy" i nod.

we head downstairs as everyone claps. i laugh along with Nikita heading to where everyone was standing, well some. "hey guys!" i smiled hugging Mia quickly. "aww you look gorgeous" Jacob smiled as we hugged. "thank you! you look great" i smile back.

"imma go get a drink, does anyone want anything?" i ask. "i'll come with" Jacob says, i nod turning as we head to the kitchen. i grab myself a cup of punch as Nikita said it was the best thing to get drunk with.

(i don't know if that true to be honest lmao)

"your drinking- Anna your 18-" Jacob says looking at me oddly. "well Nikita told me to have fun and let loose tonight so" i say shrugging as i refilled my cup. "hm shit faced anna? i can imagine nothing but wildness" he laughs. "you'll look after me right?" i ask him. "of course" he nods. "you know out of everyone in the house your my favourite" he continues, looking down at his cup of sprite. "really? it's not jackson or thomas?" i say gulping down my 3rd cup before sitting it aside.

"yeah" he smiles at me. "we'll your my favourite too, just don't tell Mia" i laugh leaning my head on his arm "let's get back to the others?" he suggests a wrapping an arm around me. "let me just refill my cup" i say grabbing big spoon from the bowl, i filled my cup to almost the top before we headed back to where Thomas and some others were, as we were walking through i spotted Nick walk in, i gasp handing my cup to jacob before rushing over to him.

"nick fucking Austin" i squeal as we hugged. "we'll hello there miss Hollywood" he laughs ruffling my hair. "Madison! it's great to see you again" i smile hugging her as-well. "hi dove!" she smiles kissing my cheek. "sorry if i'm a little off, i've had a couple cups" i laugh. "alright you keep drinking water as-well alright? we'll see you later" nick says before the head off.

i head to our group, as they were sitting in couch's in the living room, i sit beside Jacob, slightly on his lap. "thank you" i smile taking my cup from him. "okay how much has she been drinking?" Mia laughs.

"one too many" Kristian laughs. "dude kristian you gotta just let go sometimes and have fun!" i tell him pointing at him across from the table. "and you need your bed" Bryce laughs. "bryce.. i love ya but shut up" i tell him taking a sip of my drink, more like massive gulp. "oh hi bryant!" i laugh as he appeared with his camera. "pose!" he smiles. i pose with jacob as he took a couple pics on the polaroid camera before passing me the picture.

"look at us!" i say leaning back to show Jacob. "oo" he smiles at me. "hey take it easy with the drinks" Jacob say rubbing my waist as his hands rested around me. "want some?" i ask putting my cup near his lips, he takes a sip humming in response "that's good" he nods. "oo i'll go get you a cup!" i squeal passing him the half empty cup, rushing off to the kitchen, i full 2 cups heading back.

"oh my god not him too" Kristian says as me and Jacob downed the cups. "kristian you gotta get on this shit bro" Jacob tell him sitting his empty cup on the table. "and you buddy, need to stop" kristian says laughing. "Cmon let's go find some fun people unlike these party poopers!" i say pulling Jacob up.

we disappear, to the kitchen getting more punch of course. "jacob, we should hookup" i say looking up at him. "what- no- anna-" he struggles to form a sentence. "cmon no one's in here, they won't know" i shrug. as he lightly pulled me closer by the waist, he stepped backward till he hit the counter.

"are you sure" he asks. "positive" i nod crashing our lips together. "oh my god.." i hear behind us, i pull away flipping around to see Nikita and Mia by the doorway with their jaws dropped. "N-Nikita- Mia-" i say stumbling towards them. "okay you sweetie need your bed, honey you still have a boyfriend" Nikita says holding me by the waist as i struggle to stand up.

"i do?" i say. "yeah you know Jackson, you call him Jackie" Mia says walking beside us. "oh my god Jackie! i remember him, where- where is Jackie?" i ask them both. "he upstairs in the guest room getting your pjs ready" Mia says helping Nikita lift me up the stairs.

"pjs? it's bedtime already?" i say pouting. "yeahhh" Nikita nods. "aw man not even 15 minutes of tv before?" i pout again. "there's a tv in the room, but you need rest hunny" Mia says opening the guest door.

"here's your lady, get her changed and to bed, here's a bottle of water as well" Nikita says as i got passed to Jackson.

"Jackie! hi oh my god i haven't seen you all night" i smile at him. "heyy, let's get you to bed" he says carefully placing me on the bed. "soo how are you" i ask him trying to keep my eyes open. "no small talk Annabel, just- just stay quiet" he said as he took off my trainers.

"but i wanna talk!" i whine. "Annabel- you've been drinking all night you can't even walk straight or stand up straight just stay quiet" he groans. "aye what's your problem" i glare at him slightly. "you, you and your childless and how careless you are about yourself. here i am babysitting your drunk ass once again! Annabel you hate alcohol" he says slightly yelling. "not my problem my dads an alcoholic and your not babysitting i could've. gotten Jacob to look after me if it's such a big deal!" i say back.

"jacob? your gonna jacob to help your drunk state?" he scoffs. "jacob cares about me" i huff watching as he paced. "jacob is in love with you annabel! can't you see that. but i- i am your boyfriend not him!" he said pointing at his chest.

"then fucking act like it" i huff unzipping my dress and shoving on the jumper and shorts. "anna-" "just leave me alone" i whisper as tears clouded my vision. "Princess-" "jackson just go to sleep" i say sobbing quietly.

"talk to me" he whispers after a while. "i just hate how we always argue, i just want us to be happy, and for it to last" i say wiping at my eyes. "im at my happiest when your around, no matter what" i hear him whisper before i fell asleep.

annabel stokes- wild child

tagged- hypehouse, nikitadragun

Nikitadragun- life of the party princess

Jacksondean- my pretty baby🌹
reply- Nikitadragun- she's mine bitch

Jacobday- <3 bestie
reply- miahayward- @nikitadragun do they not know???
reply- nikitadragun- ong mia they don't
reply- annebelstokes- huh?

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