By OlwethuNyathi

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This is book II of Her Fate More



375 32 0
By OlwethuNyathi

# 02
I don't know what hurts more, given a cold shoulder by my daughter? Or discovering that my "boyfriend" and my best friend are shagging each other?
Nomtha:We are really sorry Noks, you were gone for too long.

This hurts, because deep down I knew that Lungelo will move on at some point. 15 years is a really long time. I just didn't think he would move on with my best friend.
Nokuzola:What about the pact we made? We promised each other that till death parts all of us together. We said we would never allow anything to break us apart.
Nomtha:We were young when we made that pact. It was just a meaningless pact futhi. I know that this is hard for you but please understand where we are coming from.

I nodded, unable to talk anymore. One thing I won't do, is to cry in front of them. I refuse to give them that kind of satisfaction. Prison taught me how to mask my emotions.

Nomtha:Let me show you your room.
She stood up and I followed after her. She led me to a room which had already been made.
Nomtha:I woke up this morning and prepared it for you.
Nokuzola:Thank you.
Nomtha:There is a bathroom by that side. If you need anything else please let me know.
Nokuzola:I think I will be fine.
Nomtha:Okay let me give you space.

She left and I sat down rubbing my eyes. This is definitely not how I had imagined my first day back would be like.
The only thing hurting me more is my daughter. I care less about Nomtha and Lungelo, it hurts yes but I need to talk to my daughter. I have missed out on so much on her life, I don't know her at all.
I stand up heading out looking for Nomtha, I need her to tell me about Kukhanya.
I look for her at the lounge and she wasn't there anymore. I walked around the house room to room looking for them.
I heard voices coming from one room and I guess it was them. I stood to eavesdrop, don't judge me.
Lungelo:You should have told me that you are bringing her here.
Nomtha:She didn't have any place to go.
Lungelo:Her father is alive and kicking. It's not enough that we had to take care of her daughter and now she is here too!
Nomtha:What do you want me to do then Lungelo? Chase them out?
Lungelo :I didn't say that. But you should keep an eye on her.
Nomtha:I will, she looks different now. She is like a certified thug.
Lungelo :That scar on her cheek, uyabona nje ukuthi unongoloza wakudala.
Nomtha:*Laughing* Don't say that.
Lungelo :I'm serious. My children must be traumatized by seeing her. I wonder what happened to her.
I walked away before I could hear more what they were saying.
It's true I do look different, they are even calling me a "thug"!

I should have stayed in prison, no one is happy to see me. They all act like I wanted to go to jail for a crime I committed when I was 14. I didn't have a choice, they know my childhood wasn't sparkly. They know what I went through. How could they pretend like it was by choice to go to jail!?
Sikho went back to his parents. He invited me to come over but I politely declined. I don't want to see his parents, the wounds are still fresh and I fear if I see them, I won't be able to control my anger.

"The lady is here Sir", my assistant informs me.
I tell him to let her come in.
Shortly she enters my office and shakes my hand. I don't know whether she is seducing me or what, because her boobs are clearly visible and she keeps on licking her lips.
I tell her to sit down.
Sandra:Mr Nyathi, I'm here on behalf of my father.
Siya:Well I was expecting him, but it's fine if he sent you. So your father talked about opening a new events company and he needed sponsorship.
Sandra :Yes, he wants that.
Siya:So amuse me.
Sandra:What do you mean?
Siya:You have a presentation right?
She looked around confused. What did she think she was here for? I thought when people are looking for sponsors they have presentations ready to deliver.
Sandra:*clearing her throat*My father must have omitted that information.
She is lying, and I hate liars.
Sandra :Let's forget about business and talk about real business.

She stood up and walked towards me. She stood in front of me and grabbed my tie. She tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.
Siya:What are you doing?
I was more than angry.
Sandra:Come on you need to loosen up, you are always serious. Let me make you feel good.
Siya:I don't know what agenda you had coming here but you won't succeed. I don't like women who throw themselves at me, it's not cute and it's a big turn off. It just shows how much of a ratched hoe you are.

She looked at me in disbelief.

Sandra:They told me that you are like this.
Siya:You should have listened to them. Now can you please leave my office? Imidlalo nje iyona engingena skhathi sayo. (I don't have time for games).
Sandra:I'm sorry what was that?
Siya:I said leave.
She took her bag embarrassed and walked out.
I sighed and fixed my tie.
I took my phone and called her father,
Miles:Mr Nyathi, I'm sorry for not calling you. I'm going to be a bit late.
Siya:Your daughter was just here, she said you sent her. Didn't you?
Miles:No I didn't send her. Sandra is troublesome! I just told her that I have a presentation today, I didn't think she'd come there. I'm really sorry Sir.
Siya:It's fine.
Miles:She is always doing this, she harrases my potential investors and seduces them. This girl will kill me! I am honestly tired of her!
Siya:It's fine, just come over tomorrow and redo your presentation.
Miles:Oh thank you so much Mr Nyathi. I won't let you down.
I hung up and continued with my work.
The tension is so thick here, you can only hear the sound of spoons hitting with the plates. I look at Nokuzola, and she is silently eating looking down.
Aunt Nomtha and Bhut Lungelo keep on stealing glances at each other.
I also silently eat, my phone vibrates from my pocket. I took it and it was a text from Lindo, telling me goodnight and that he loves me. I smiled and replied to him.
Nomtha:You are so in love!
Kukhanya:I love him.
Nomtha:He better not break your heart. I will sort him out real quick.
Kukhanya:*Chuckling*He won't aunt Nomtha.
Nokuzola:Please excuse me.
She stood up and ran outside.
O-Kay, did we say anything wrong to offend her? I look at aunt Nomtha and she shrugs her shoulders.
Nomtha:I will check up on her.
Nokuzola ran outside, she was feeling too hot inside. Her daughter won't even look at her, how does she begin to talk to her?
Nomtha comes to her and sits next to her.
Nomtha:Are you okay?
Nokuzola:I am. I just wanted some air.
Nomtha :Noks you can talk to me, I am your friend.
Nokuzola:I just need to talk with Kukhanya, I need to tell her my side of the story. I know she doesn't know anything because I begged you to not tell her.
Nomtha:We never told her.
Nokuzola:She hates me. She thinks I don't love her, I saw they way she looked at me today. She didn't even want me to hug her. She is my daughter Nomtha, every day I thought of her. Of when I would see her again, she was what kept me going inside.
I won't push her though, she will talk with me when she is ready.
Nomtha:She is just a child Noks. In her mind, you abandoned her when you went to jail. She always asked me why you don't want her to see you. She eventually gave up on you, she is still convinced that you don't want her.
Nokuzola:It is not like that at all, I didn't want her to see me in jail. I wanted her to live her life freely without having to worry about me. But I realise now that was my biggest mistake.
Nomtha:Give it time, she will open up to you.
Nokuzola:Thank you for taking care of her. Please tell me about her.
Nomtha:*Smiling*She is a respectful girl, she graduated last year and is currently working as an intern at some company.
Nokuzola:So she finished Matric at 16?
Nomtha :Yep, she is smart. She once skipped a grade because of how intelligent she was.
Nokuzola smiled feeling proud.
Nomtha:She is a quiet person, she says she is allergic to noise.
She laughs at that.
Nomtha:Overall, you will see for yourself what kind of person she is. I raised her well.

Nokuzola's mood dropped. This is her daughter, she is the one who was supposed to raise her daughter.

Nokuzola:What happened to her arm then? Last I checked, she was disabled and it wasn't straight like that.
Nomtha:Hey boyfriend's family paid for her operation to straighten her arm, all the way to Columbia.
Nokuzola:Oh. I truly have missed out on a lot. I didn't even know that her arm could be straightened. I would have tried harder, I would have tried to find help for her.
Nomtha:It's okay. Please don't cry Noks.

She hugged her while she wiped her tears.
I miss my sweet mamacita right now, we would be holding on to each other dearly in bed. I love Kukhanya a lot, she just has been in a bad mood lately ;because of her mother's return.
"Lindo stop daydreaming and pass me the salt"
Lindo:Shut up Ase.
I passed her the salt.
My family knows about me and Kukhanya and they love her so much, I'm glad because I wouldn't have been able to deal with my family not liking the woman I see a future with.
Ase:Silala sidle u Khanyo and sizovuka ngaye futhi. (It's always Kukhanya)
I hit her with the spoon and she ducked.
Dad:Do you two ever stop?
Lindo:She started it.
Ase:*Mimicking me*She started it.
They high fived with Enhle.
Enhle:Nailed it!
Mom:I think it's time you all move out of my house.
Lindo:And where will we go mommy?
Mom:You are all adults.
Dad:Yes me and your mother need our own privacy now.
I know they are talking about having sex everywhere. I don't know what privacy because even if we move out, there will still be others left.
Enhle:Asikazuk'hamba ke mama. Asiyi ndawo wo wo wo (We are not leaving anytime soon mama).
Dad :Dear God!
We laughed at him.
Ase:Bhuti said he will come and visit.
The mood suddenly changed.
Bhut' Rondo kind of disconnected with us many years ago. My parents sent him to school and he graduated, got a good paying job. After that, he just left. Said something about going to his real family, even after everything my parents did for him. He completely disregarded that and said he didn't force them to do so. It was a tense time, we were all still teenagers at that moment. Mom was the one heartbroken the most, she took him as her own son ;even though they were almost the same age.
She stood up and dad followed after her. I know she's going to cry, she has begged him over the years to return home. She cried over him.

Lindo:Way to ruin the mood Ase with your big mouth.
Ase:I'm sorry.
Enhle:Yeah you should be sorry you idiot. You like seeing mom cry?
If there's anything we can't stand, it's to see tears in our mother's face. You'd rather kill us than to make our mother cry.
Lindo :You never know when to shut up. That's your problem.
Ase:I said I'm sorry, didn't I?
She shouted a bit.
Lindo:Shout all you like but you fucked up. Where were you even speaking with Rondo?
Ase:I have his number.
Enhle:Wow, just wow.
I stood up and left them. I went to check on  Usenathi. She is the youngest of girls, 16 years. Still in Grade 11. I knocked on her room and she told me to come in. As always, she was busy with school work. I love that she is so dedicated to her school work.
Let me give you a description about my family.
I have 6 siblings in total, if  you count Rondo.
He is the first born(adopted), followed by Asemahle and me. Then it's Enhle, Usenathi and Melokuhle.
Melokuhle is still young, he is 7 years. He is sleeping right now, he is an early sleeper.
Me and Asemahle are not mom's biological children, she is our stepmother but you wouldn’t tell. I don't remember even a single day where she mistreated us or reminded us that she is not our mother. She gave us all equal love and care and punished us the same way, that woman knew how to use the belt on us growing up.

Our real mother is Sonto, we don't have a perfect relationship with her. We just get along for the sake of her being our mother. As for me, I'm really not interested. She is trying too hard if  you ask me.

Then my parents, Lora who is now Nombuso and Nkosenye. I look up to them a lot, dad sure knows how to love his wife.
Sandra is at her apartment binging on her favorite series and having snacks. She still can't believe that Siya turned her down like that. Her friends told her that he is cold and would turn her down, but she went ahead with it anyway.
Something drops from the kitchen and she lowers the volume.
She stands up going to check what was that.
The lights flickers and she starts to panic a little, she was watching a horror series.
"Hello, is anyone there?", she asked walking around..
She picks up the cup from the floor and dust the pieces throwing them on the bin.
She walked away but she heard something falling from her bedroom now.
"okay I don't know who you are but I'm not up for playing games with you. I'm calling the police.", she said out of fear and slowly walked to her bedroom.
She sighed relieved when there was no one inside.
She gasped when she felt someone holding her, more like strangling her. She coughed feeling out of breath and kicked her feet as they were lifted up.
She was tossed on the floor and she regained her breathing and touched her neck.
She looked at the figure standing in front of her. It was a man, wearing all black. He had gloves on and a gas  mask hiding his face. She couldn't tell who it was.
"Sandra... Your time has come", he spoke but his voice was kind of not clear and it was disguised in a way.
He took a knife and slashed it across her stomach and she screamed in pain feeling like her intestines were falling. He shoved the knife deep in her stomach and her eyes rolled back as she gasped out loudly. He was breathing so loudly because of the gas mask. He removed the mask and smirked looking at her.
"You.... The... Ser....serial.....k...iller....",she said losing her breath, sure that she was dying. She couldn't believe it was him.
"Yes, I always want my victims to take a good look at me as they take their last breath. Goodbye"..
He put back the mask and finished her off, making sure that he is killing her..
To be continued...

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