Renegades: Assemble

By Rouge_Renegade

352 16 19

The Worlds of Gravity Falls, Star Vs the Forces of Evil, Amphibia and The Owl House collide in this epic stor... More

Chapter One: Years Later
Chapter Two: The Renegades Initiative
Chapter Three: There Was An Idea....?
Chapter Four: Breaking The Ice
Chapter Six: Judgement Day
Chapter Seven: Observations

Chapter Five: Destiny Is Never A Straight Path

26 2 0
By Rouge_Renegade

Temporary Sleeping Quarters, Butterfly Castle, Morning.



Get back here, you overgrown arachnid, Star shouts while panting.

A spider larger than normal started rummaging around Butterfly Castle, was it a native spider from some other world, or was it a normal spider that Star or Marco seemingly used a growth spell on but they lost control of the spider and Star is chasing it down, who knows?

It started to damage stuff around the castle, which Star returned back to as it was, whilst chasing the spider down, Star was so caught up in chasing it down, she didn't notice that while chasing it she entered the sleeping quarters where everyone was.

Meanwhile, The Hexsquad, Calamity Trio and Pines Twins were fast asleep, recovering from jet lag and whatever else, it was calm and peaceful.


Star's shouting begrudgingly woke everyone up, still in a haze, unable to process what Star just said.

Suddenly, said Spider jumps on Anne's face.

Huh...AHHHH, GET IT OFF, GET IT OFF, Anne shouted for help.

Marcy pulls if off from Anne, landing on the ground while quickly scurrying whilst everyone else trued to hit it and kill it.

Luz goes Titan mode, grabs the spider and with her enhanced strength and flings the spider at a wall which kills it, but not without covering everyone in the room in its remains.

Yuck, Dipper said.

Mabel takes a sample of it and taste it, Huh, tastes like Soos' emergency baloney, Mabel said.

Really Girl? Willow chimes in.

What!! Different Dimension, I thought this was part of their customs, Mabel justified.

I can confirm its not, Star replied.

Oh *still tasting it*  still good, Mabel said.

Okkkkay, sorry for that everyone, breakfast is downstairs, bathrooms are to your left, Star announced.

She left, with some minor struggle getting downstairs, Star still kicks butt, but the struggle of pregnancies still gets to her eventually.

Do you need....Luz offered.

No, I'm fine, thank you for the offer though, Star replied.

Meanwhile at Breakfast.....

So, for today.......we do nothing, Star said.

I'm sorry, repeat that again, Dipper asked.

We do nothing today, what didn't you understand? Star asked.

Oh I don't know..... how about everything about that, we're supposed to be doing extensive research, why not do any of that, Dipper said.

Well, there's been some setbacks in finding said research, I mean whoever this being is, there doesn't seem to be enough about him, at least what we know of, Star mentioned.

So, what does everyone else do, Luz asked.

Explore the realm, do whatever, cause finding it might take a while, Star answered.

Well, we can help you, Anne offered.

You can, but would you rather be spending hours tediously going through books and papers, Star concurred.

Noted, Exploration it is, Anne replied.

Girl, why would you ask that, Luz said.

Well the last time I spent hours doing research, I ended up getting stuck in some small manhole like opening, Anne replied.

Dare I ask? Luz said.

Best if you don't know the full story, Sasha backed.


Everyone else went on their own adventure whilst Star and Marco remain in the castle.

You think they should know the truth, Marco asked.

I don't know, I mean technically there is nothing on this Bill Cipher outside of what the Pines Twins had on him, and besides, I don't want to burden them with spending their time reading, Star replied.

And you want to, Marco asked.

Well someone has to, Star said.

Well, you do you, but you aren't doing this without me, Marco said.

You know, you don't have to do this, Star said.

Eh, I can't let you suffer, at least now you'll have someone to entertain you, Marco offered.

Star smiled, she knew Marco wouldn't let her do this by herself, you know how tedious it gets going through so much knowledge in a long time frame, at least now, things won't be as bad.

As for everyone else, they ventured into the unknown, well for half the team, that is, but things still changed from when The Hexsquad last visited Lumina Valley.

Wow, everything here is so....Dipper said.

Futuristic and Sci Fi like? Luz finished.

Yeah, I never expected such a place to exist, Dipper said.

Yeah, its lovely, but you should also pop by the Demon Realm sometime, lovely this time of year, and you could meet one of the most powerful witches I know, Luz offered.

Any who might that be? Mabel asked.

Eda Clawthorne, my mentor, you'd love her, you know she's been to The Human Realm years ago, Luz said.

Human Realm? Mabel asked.

Earth, usually Witches refer to Earth as The Human Realm, Luz said.

Oh, weird, but okay, Dipper chimed in.

You know, she once owned a portal door and had a alias on Earth for years, I think she went by Marylin, Luz said.

This perked interest in Dipper and Mabel, they've heard the name before.

This Marylin, did she ever visit Las Vegas? Mabel asked.

Actually now that you mention it, she did, yeah, she remembers that day, conned a guy to marry her for less than a day, she took off with his car and valuables in there, she got away from alot of cops chasing her, why do you ask?, Luz said.

Well as it turns out, the guy your mentor conned into marrying was my Grunkle Stan, Mabel revealed.

No frickin way, so would that mean.....Luz pondered.

No, I don't think so, and besides this big, your mentor, and my Grunkle Stan, at one point, tied the knot, Dipper said.

Hey, would it be cool if we brought them together to rekindle their feelings, Mabel asked.

Actually, no can do on that, Eda remarried to someone that means alot to her, before she met your Grunkle there was someone else Eda was head over heels for, and now the two reconnected and are now married, Luz explained.

Aw dang, I was hoping to match make Grunkle Stan again, Mabel sighed in disappointment.

Well anyways, what should we do now, Dipper asked.

I don't know, there's so much to do here, Mabel said.

I've got an idea, Luz said.


Everyone arrived at a certain bakery.

Comet's Delights? Why a Bakery, Marcy asked.

They have the best pies I've ever tasted, Luz said.

I agree, so many flavors, heck I hope they've considered my submission, Amity said.

You submitted a pie flavor, Sasha said.

Yeah, Fairy Pie, Amity gleamed.

I'm sorry Fairy Pie?!?!?! Anne replied.

Don't ask, Gus suggested.

Everyone walks in the Bakery, it was quiet, which was unusual, it was always packed, but I guess its just a slow day.

I'll be out in a moment, a familiar voice said.

Out comes Moon Butterfly, Star's Mother.

Luz! Good to see you and your friends here, Moon complimented.

Hi Mrs. Butterfly, Luz said.

Moon is fine dearie, no need for formalities, Moon said.

Oh, well in any case, we want to order some of your famous pies, Luz asked.

Moon accepted, but peaked at the others with them, half looked unfamiliar to her, but knew who they were, in a way.

Okay, good, the usual then, Moon said.

Yep, Luz confirms.

Question. I'm assuming the others with you are part of the team, Moon guessed.

Yeah, how did you...Luz asked.

Well my daughter still has to tell me things time to time, I was wary of this for some time, Moon said.

Right, Pines Twins, Calamity Trio, met Star's Mom, Moon Butterfly Luz said.

Hello, they all said.

Nice to meet you all, how's my daughter treating the lot of you, Moon asked.

Good, really good, she insisted we explore the place for a while, Willow chimed in.

And where's my daughter and son-in-law? Moon asked.

Still in the castle finding vital info, Sasha said.

Oh, Star, why must you do this to yourself, Moon sighed

Is something wrong? Mabel asked.

Well it's just that for a long time she burdens herself with occupations to help others, but never for herself, she pushes herself sometimes, I mean I love her for doing right in the universe by aiding others, but to me, it feels as though she carries this burden alone, and only she can make things right, Moon explained.

Wow, I didn't know she felt like that, why did she never bring this up with anyone, Luz asked.

Sometimes, there are things that she keeps to herself, she has only ever confided with Marco about everything, there are some things I don't even know myself, Moon said.

Well she doesn't have to do this alone, Anne chimed.

Well, good luck with that, knowing Star now, she'll likely be hesitant for help, trust me, Eclipsa and I tried before, she insist we have normal lives, well as normal as it can be, Moon said.

You think Eclipsa might have anything advice on Star? Hunter asked.

Try if you want to, but I'll assure you this, her answer will be the same as mine, Moon said.

Also, Pies are ready, Moon said.

Wha-, Huh, but you were talking to us for most of it standing, Amity said.

Did I really, Moon teased.


You were right, these pies are so delicious, Mabel complimented.

So, what else should we do, Luz said.

Your seriously not going to ignore what we just heard right, Marcy said.

Of course we're not, its just that we can do other things in-between before finding out more, Luz said.

So, any recommendations? Anne asked Luz.

Back in New Butterfly Castle.....

Star and Marco were in the library finding out more on Bill Cipher, but so far, nothing much, it is as though anything on him was scrubbed.

Great, still nothing, Star said.

What are we missing here, Marco added.

Well, manually looking isn't going to get us anywhere, I'm afraid we need it Marco, Star said.

No Star, remember the last time you used that spell, you were out cold for days, Marco said.

That was years ago, I'm more sustained now, and besides the effects might not be as bad as it was last time if both of us do, it divides the energy needed between us, meaning in turn its adverse effects will be minimal, Star explained.

Wow, didn't think you would grow to being the smartest girl I know, Marco complimented.

Well Marco, your as equally smart, if it weren't for your guidance and advice over ten years ago, we wouldn't be here, I owe what I have now to you, Star compliments.

Thanks, and if it weren't for you, I would still be cautious and not be out of my comfort zone, I would still be the safe kid, Marco complimented.

Yeah, well your still a safe kid, just my safe kid, Star implies.

Okay, should we get started with this spell then, Marco said.

Right to the point with you, Diaz, Star replied.

Star and Marco perform the needed ritual to conjure this risky spell.

Elsewhere, everyone else visited other iconic hotspots in Lumina Valley, but now they went over to The Former Queen of Darkness for advice on Star.




You sure we should visit, Hunter asked.

C'mon, we've already met them, how are you still scared of them, Willow asked.

It's not Eclipsa that frightens me, its her husband, Hunter replied.

The size-shifter? Dude, we've been to the museum, remember, he's not what he used to be, in fact he was always like this, it was the people at the time that seemed to provoke his dark side for simply existing, and being the participant of a forbidden love at the time, Amity lectured.

Well I think its romantic, with all their pushbacks and  looks of disapproval, they still triumphed in the end, reminds me of  Azura and Hectate, Luz said.

You read my mind batata, Amity replied.

*Luz Blushes* Yeah, I guess I did.

Well, we're here, Dipper interrupted.

Everyone approached the Monster Temple, home to Globgor and Eclipsa Butterfly and their daughter Meteora. Luz knocked on the door.

The door opens to reveal the once and former King of The Monsters, Globgor. He stared at the group menacingly, intimidating them.

But he dropped the act, from brooding and intimidating to playful, entertaining and maker of really bad dad jokes.

Come in, come in, Globgor said.

Everyone scurried on inside.

Who's was at the door, Eclipsa asked as she enters down the hallway.

Oh, Luz darling, its a pleasure to see you and your friends again, Eclipsa said.

Yeah, I could say the same, how are things? Luz asked.

Well, same old, same old, what brings you and your friends here with some strangers? Eclipsa asked.

Ah, right, Eclipsa, Globgor, meet Anne Boonchuy, Sasha Waybright, Marcy Wu, Dipper Pines and Mabel Pines, Luz introduced.


Hi there..

Yes, I see, I suppose this has to do with that initiative Moon told me about, Eclipsa asked.

Geez, how many of you know of the initiative, Sasha retorted.

Not many, but what really brings you here,  Eclipsa asked,

Well Star told us to explore while she and Marco did research, Luz answered.

Well, I shouldn't be surprised by that, Star tends to do this from time to time, burdening herself with helping others, even when she isn't told to, Eclipsa asked.

Wait, what about Marco? How come he doesn't help her through all that? Anne asked.

Well my dear, Marco also burdens himself too, and alot of guilt, he prefers not to talk about why, I mean, I know why he's also that way, but that's for him to divulge when he wants to, Eclipsa answered.

So, since the two of them are pushing to do all this by themselves, what would you advise? Hunter asked.

Well, I can't exactly say, for Star and Marco, its a case by case basis, and given their circumstances, I'd say the lot of you have a better shot, together, I mean you were all brought together, clearly you all must share something in common, Eclipsa advised.

Huh, okay, so we go back and plead to them to not do all this by their lonesome? Sasha said sarcastically.

Precisely, Eclipsa replied.

Oh, didn't think that would be the go and my big mouth, Sasha said to herself.

Yeah, and maybe your temper also, Amity teased.

You can't say much with that huge ass forehead of yours, Sasha barked back.

Hey, you take that back!!!!! Amity shouted.

Not unless you take back yours, Sasha replied.

Easy there girls, take your feud elsewhere, I don't want a huge mess in here, Eclipsa warned.

Sorry, got a bit emotional, Amity said.

Same here, Sasha replies.

They seemed to resolve that pretty quick, Luz said to Anne.

Oh yeah, years ago, Sasha wasn't exactly ideal, very manipulative, had a queen bee type of personality, controlling me, but our time in Amphibia changed us, Sasha saw the monster she was becoming and turned over a new leaf, now when I look at her, I say to myself, "This is the same Sasha who tried to control me back in middle school." Anne replied.

The same can be said for Amity, almost, when I first met her, she was very popular, smart A+ type of student, obedient and determined, she was at one point going to dissect me, eventually we crossed paths again, but after a incident Amity and I got to know each for who we are, eventually alot happened in between and we grew closer as a result becoming lovers, Luz replied.

Okay, but the difference there Luz is that Sasha and I aren't lovers in the end, Anne replied.

You sure about that, I saw your face looking at her while we were out today, Luz smirked.

Well, I do that with Marcy sometimes, so it doesn't mean anything, I've been friends with them for years, so the feeling has always been mutual, Anne said.

Okay then Anne, whatever floats your boat, Luz said.

Right.......we should be heading then, Anne replied.

Oh right, Luz answered.

Back at Butterfly Castle.....

Everyone returned from their forced day out by their leader, who apparently carries the burden, I mean they were formed to be a team, and nothing about today speak "teamwork". But at least they learned something today.

Hey Hunter, can I ask you something, Mabel asked.

Mabel I swear to god if you bring up his scars, Dipper pleaded.

Its about the scars, isn't it? Hunter replied.

It's about the scars, Mabel confirmed.

Sure, go ahead, Hunter asked.

How did you receive them? Mabel asked.

Well, its a long story, I had this Palismen named Flapjack, he was one of a kind, but don't get me wrong, Waffles is just as good as he was, he taught me to confine in people I trust, helped me open up, which led to me befriending Luz, Amity, Willow and Gus, and I owe everything to him, when he....when he died, his essence seeped into me, allowing me to live, but at the cost of his life, these scars you see on my face are a reminder of the hardships and losses, Hunter explained.

Okay........ thanks for answering, that was more than I accounted for, Mabel said.

No problem, but I have a few questions myself, Hunter demanded.

Uhhh, sure, go for it, Dipper said nervously.

Oh actually, these are from Willow and Gus, they seemed fascinated by you two, especially you Mabel, with the amount of unique sweaters you own, Hunter said.

Aww shucks, if they wanted to ask me for one, I can make them one, Mabel answered. 

But I do have one serious question?

What are you hiding? Hunter asked.

Hiding what, Dipper nervously asked.

We're facing a threat that we know little about, and you two are the only ones who have encountered this being, you know something we don't, Hunter suspected.

We don't, and if we did, what if it all meant nothing, maybe this time round things will be different and the info we could potentially and hypothetically have is useless, Dipper pleaded.

Alright then, that makes sense now that you mention it, but I have my eye on you. Both of you, Hunter said.

Aww man, I wanted to get his number, Mabel said.

Mabel, your married, Dipper said.

But I can still ask for it, I'm not going to betray Gideon like that, c'mon bro, you know me, Mabel said.




Everyone entered the room Star and Marco were in, only to see the duo in a Doctor Strange trance like state (Yes, The MCU exists in this AU).

Star. Marco, hello, you there, Luz called out to them.

Nothing phased them.

Sasha had another approach. Hey Butterfly. Diaz. SNAP OUT OF IT.

SASHA!! Anne and Marcy called out.

This actually knocked them out of their trance and back to reality.

Hey, what was all that about, Dipper asked.

We used a spell that can give us  telepathic access to anything information already discovered, Star replied.

Did you find anything on him, Mabel asked.

No, nothing, its like any open info about him is scrubbed completely, Marco said.

So, wall that was for nothing then, Willow chimed in.

Not exactly, follow me, Star said





The room next to your office, the one you told us not to enter? Anne said.

The one and only, Star replies.

Star opens the door to reveal three pedestals with a stone tablet on each one.

What is this, Dipper asked.

That spell Marco and I casted, it only showed us blips of these tablets, I don't know why it showed this, but it must have been for a good reason, we found these tablets years ago during an excavation, back then we didn't know why they were there, but maybe now there could be a lead, Star said.

Everyone inspected the tablets for themselves.

We know one of them has to do with Luz and her friends, isn't that right, Star said to Luz.

Yep, it's weird though, that this was found years before we even met each other.

Yeah, seems unusual, any luck over there, Star shouted.

Hmm, Marcy, Anne, does this one look familiar to you, Sasha said.

Sasha pointed to the tablet depicting the moon and three figures.

Yeah, it kinda does look familiar, Marcy said.

Guys, its us, when we went full Calamity against The Core, who controlled Amphibia's Moon, Anne realized.

Holy crap, your right, but how , it was found here, I have so many questions, Marcy said.

Meanwhile, Dipper and Mabel observe the more damaged tablet, What do you think it is, Mabel asked.

I don't know, it's too damaged to know, Dipper answered.

Suddenly, Mabel notices something, she grabs the tablet for a closer look.

Dipper look, notice anything, Mabel asked.

I see a Shooting Star and Pine Tree, so what, Dipper said.

Dipper, its the Zodiac, the one Grunkle Ford encountered years ago, the one that was mean to defeat Bill, but then Grunkle Stan and Ford got into a disagreement, Mabel reminded Dipper.

Oh yeah, how could I have forgotten that, my mind went to the fact that Bill only calls us Shooting Star and Pine Tree, Dipper theorized.

Maybe it can go both ways, Mabel suggested.

But question is, how does this end up here, in a place with zero ties and links back to Gravity Falls, Dipper asked himself.

The Calamity Trio and Pines Twins converge on Star, asking questions as to how pieces of their experiences ended up here.

Look, I know things just got weirder, but maybe there was a reason for all this, Star theorized.

I mean, I know these tablets now mean something, just not to me, they all seem to be pieces of history, mainly attaining to experiences each group here had, Star said.

So your saying, all of us meeting together, wasn't just pure luck, but rather destiny? Dipper asked.

It's a running theory, Marco chimed in.

So, fate decided to have us assemble for the great or good, Mabel said.

(Cuts to a mysterious figure watching The Renegades, through a dimensional window in a very wild and unknown place)

So your saying, all of us meeting together, wasn't just pure luck, but rather destiny? 

It's a running theory.

So, fate decided to have us assemble for the great or good.

Not fate Shooting Star, destiny, I'll reclaim your world as my own once more, no, all worlds, even in this pathetic excuse of a flesh puppet I now possess, justice will be mine.

And to have all that threaten my power, all in one place, even better.

You might aswell prepare for your endgame.

I've got some business to attend to.

Cuts to Stanley Pines sleeping in the lower levels of The Mystery Shack.

Stanley Pines tosses and turns in his sleep, he opens his eyes, but not the ones you expect, a yellow hue with black lines for pupils lie in place.

(Evil Iconic Maniacal Laugh plays)




End of Chapter.....?

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