Voltron the defenders of the...

By StephanieNolmans

595 20 4

Kora Kogane twin sister of Keith and the paladin of the Purple lion.Join her and her Friends and family to sa... More

Kora Kogane
The Rise of Voltron part 1
The Rise of Voltron part 2
Some Assembly Required
Shiro's escaped
Space Mall

The Rise of Voltron part 3

57 3 0
By StephanieNolmans

As Kora finally got to her Coordinates. The planet was beautiful, it was a beautiful forest, that glows with a lot of different colors. "Wow." Kora said, in awe.
And then she started looking for the purple lion. As she still looking around, but then she felt an energy, the same energy that found the blue lion. She then started heading towards a very big cave. And she enters the cave and found her lion. She could help it, but she thought she herd the lion let out a purr. "Hey, I am your Paladin Kora." Kora said, and the lion let's out her open, for her to get into her.
Kore went in, and sat down. "Ok, let's go." She said, her lion let's out a roar. And went jet rocket into the sky.
As she finally got back.
And she went to the contral room.
Allure, Coran, Keith, Shiro and Pidge was their, and then Lance and Hunk came in.
"You made it." Allura said, as everyone was in the room. 
"How are you guys." Kora said to Lance and Hunk. "It was a nightmare. I almost puked out their. I felt like Hunk." Lance said groaning.
"Think how I felt. I am Hunk." He said to Lance. Kora snickers, at this.
"Yeah, we had a tough time to." Pidge said groaning. She looks at Kora and said. "How did yours go Kora."
"It went ok." She told Pidge. "The important thing that everyone got their lion and are safe." Allure said, with her hands clashing together.
"Did you find the red lion." Kora asked the two alteans.
"Allura just located it. There's a bit good news and bad news." Coran said.
"What's the good news." Kora said. "The good news is, the red lion is nearby. The bad news is, it's on broad the galra ship now orbiting Arus. But wait, good news again. We're Arus." Coran said smiling.
Kora let's out a gasped. "Their here already." Shiro said,
Then a screen appeared in the control room. It was a male Galra he had a prosthetic eye.
"Princess Allura, this is Commander Sendak of the Galra empire. I came on behalf of Emperor Zarkon, Lord of the know Universe. I am here to confiscate the lions. Turn them over or I will destroy your planet." Sendak said.
Kora glared at the Sendak. And the screen disappeared.
"All right, let's not panic." Shiro, told everyone. "Not panic, the scary purple alien thing is driving his battleship towards us. We only have five working lions." Hunk said, panicking.
"Hunk calm down." Kora told Hunk, trying to calm him down.
Then their was a fight, Pidge,Keith are arguing  with Hunk and Lance about staying on this planet and fight.
"Ok, guys knock it, off." Kora yells at them. They all stopped and clam down.
Shiro looks at Allura and said to her. "Princess Allura, these are your lion's. You've dealt with the Galra Empire before."
"Yay, what is our best action." Kora, said agreeing with Shiro.
Allure had a confused but scared look on her face. "I don't know." She said.
"Perhaps your father can help." Coran told Allura.
Kora was confused was Allura father dead. "My father." Allura said, as she and Coran, left the control room.
They waited for them to come back.
Then Allura came back, wearing a pink and white suit and her hair all up.
"You six paladins were brought her for a reason. The voltron lions are meant to be piloted by you and you alone. We must fight and keep fighting until we defeat Zarkon. It's our destiny. Voltron is the universe only hope. We are the universe's only hope." Allura said, with confidence in her voice.
Kora smiled at the Allura, she found her confidents.
"We're with you, princess." Shiro told Allura Kora nodded her head with a helpful smile on her face.

They went to the armory and to see six suits of armor.
"Your suites of armor." Allura told the six. Kora saw her armor. It was white and purple. And it looks great.
"Guys, it's time to suit up." Shiro said.
Kora puts her on, as so was the rest.
As they were all suited up, Allura brought in five objects, with each of their colors, but their was no black one.
"The bayard is the traditional weapon of the paladins of voltron." Allura explained, and each of the bayard floated towards their paladins.
"It takes a distant shape for each paladins." Kora grabs her's, and it change to a double blade staff. Kora spins it around, Kora smiles. "This is my type of weapon." She said.
Kora let's out a laugh when Pidge snaps Lance with her bayard.
Shiro, didn't have a bayard, because it was lost with the former Black Paladin.
And they left to get the red lion.
Hunk and Lance will be the distraction, because the galra knows about the blue and yellow lion. While Pidge, Kora, Keith and Shiro go inside the ship and find the lion.
Pidge cut an opening and they all went in.
They started walking down the halls, but Kora looks at Shiro. He was looking at a hallway. "Shiro what's is it." Kora tells him. "I've been here before. After being taken off Kerberos. They brought us here." Shiro said. "So, that means your other crewmembers, they might be here. We got to rescue them." Pidge said.
"Pidge, we don't have time." Shiro said to the smallest paladin.
Kora then said. "Go, me and Keith can find the red lion. Go and save them." Everyone looks at her in shock. Keith can sense the lion. "We got this." Kora told them. Shiro nodded his head and he and Pidge, they ran down that hallway.
Kora and Keith ran down nother hallway for the red lion.
Keith was getting frustrated, but Kora calmed him down. After finding it, Kora told keith, that she is going to her lion and meets him down at the service.

When they others got out of the ship. They started fighting off the little ships that are blasting them.
And they can see the cannon is fixed and they will be firing at the castle. "Come you guys, let's form voltron." Kora called out. "Yeah." She heard replies back through the comms.
They all fly up in the air, before releasing they are in tracker beam.
The paladins are panicking and started saying goodbye.
"Come you guys, we can do this. We are not giving up." Kora said, with hope in her voice. "Kora is right, we can do this." Keith said. "Yeah." Everyone yells out, together.
Then the lions all roared and flew out of the tracker beam. And started forming. Kora felt her form, as wings on the back of voltron. The red and green became arms, as blue and yellow becomes legs and the black became the head. And they all came together forming Voltron.

Kora felt happy that they form voltron she heard Hunk yells out "Am I a leg."
"Let's do this." Kora said. Keith and Pidge lions grabbed the cannon and ripped it of the ship. Voltron attacked the ship, before it exploded.
They all landed at the castle, with Allura and Coran waiting for them.
"Good work, Paladins." Allura said to them. "Thanks pretty lady." Lance said, Kora rolls her eyes. Lance will be Lance  .
Shiro took his helmet off"We did it." He said, as he ruffled Kora's hair.
"Heck yeah, we did." Keith said agreeing.
"How did we do it." Shrio said, trying to figure it out.
Hunk then said. "I was just, like screaming the whole time. Maybe that did it." Kora smiles and shakes her head at Hunk.
Shiro looks at Pidge and told her. "Your father and brother. Will be proud of you." Pidge smiles at that.
"We won the battle, but the war just only begun." Allura said gravely.
Kora nodded her and said. "Allura is right, Zarkon will not stop, intell he gets the lions." Everyone looks, at Kora and Allura. They were right.
"Good thing you paladins know what you're doing, because you're going to have form voltron again and again." Coran told them.
"Totally." Hunk said, before releasing what Coran said. "Wait, what."
"We barely survived forming this one time." Lance said.
"And you only had to fight one ship. Wait until you have to fight a whole fleet of them." Coran said. Kora was in a agreeing ment, they only fought one ship.
"It's not going to be easy being the Defenders of the Universe." Coran said.
The Paladins eyes, widened at that.
"Huh, the Defenders of the Universe." Kora said smiling, testing out the name.
"That's got a nice ring to it." Shiro said, as they all look at their lions.

It was night time, and Kora was following Allura to her room.
"And this room is yours Kora." Allura told Kora. As the door slide open, and Kora let's out a gasped.

Her room it was amazing. "Thanks Allura." Kora told the princess. "Your welcome Kora, just get some sleep." Allura said, as she left.
Kora got In her pajamas, and got into her bed, and went to sleep.

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