Shiro's escaped

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(I am going to skip to season 2, episode 3.) Kora was right in front of Shiro. He was in a pod, healing from his injuries.
A lot of stuff happened, Sendak tried to take over the castle. But Kora and Pidge stop him. And Pidge revealed to everyone that she was a girl and the castle was a ship. Everyone knew that, except for Lance.
When they took off, they meet Rolo, Nyma and a cyber-unit Beezer. And they tried to steal the blue lion but they were stop.
Then they went to a planet, called the Balmara, to rescued a girl that Hunk met name Shay. Kora can tell Shay and Hunk like each other.
But during the rescue Kora was in a tunnel separated from the others.
Her spear was knocked out out of her hands, as the sentries were firing at her. Kora took out her blade

And started fighting them. But then something happened, her knife glowed and it changed to a sword.
Kora was shock, on what just happened.
And Sendak's crystal poison the ship, and try to kill them.
And Allura got captured by the Galra, when she and Shiro. Broke into a Galra ship.
And they managed to rescue Allura but Zarkon took control of the black lion. Kora was with Shiro, trying to help him get his lion back. But their was this high priestess in their way, Haggar. And a Druid was with her, while Shiro fight Haggar, Kora got the Druid.
But Kora was hit by the Druid dark magic.
But her brother Keith did something stupid, he fought Zarkon.
Kora and Shiro managed to get the black lion back.
When the shield around Zarkon command ship went down. They manage to escape by a wormhole. But the Haggar hits them with her magic.
Making the paladins separated, kora was with Pidge.
While Pidge was building a beacon.
Kora lifted under her shirt, to where she was hit at. Her stomach it was purple, it was small.
But after they got find by Allura and Coran.
When they got Hunk and Keith from a water planet.
And got Keith and Shiro, and they put Shiro in a healing pod.

So back to the present.
Shiro was in the heal pod, and Everyone was watching their friend and leader. "Be ok shiro." Kora whispered.
His face moves as he was sleeping. "It looks like he is dreaming." Kora asked.
"Somtimes the healing process can involuntary brain wave reactions." Allura answered.
"He looks like he's having a nightmare." Hunk said, as Shiro grunts in pain.
"He just got blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards. What dream could be worse then that." Keith's said.
"Maybe some memories." Kora said, wondering if Shiro is dream memories when he was prisoner.
But Kora eye widened happily as Shrio eyes open.

After Shiro gets out he explained how he escape. And Someone helped him escaped and he was Galra.
And he puts something in Shiro arm. And Pidge is looking for it. "I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream." Pidge said.
"I'm positive. Someone helped me escape." Shiro said.
"I trust Shiro, and maybe not all Galra are bad." Kora said, Allura looks at Kora with a hateful look. "Their Galra Kora, they you cannot trust them." The princess said.
"Your father must have trusted them once. Zarkon was the original black paladin. Wasn't he." Shiro said, said Kore already know this because coran told her.
( I am going to skip to the part of the intruders.)

Kora was looking around the coordinates if the castle. Then the alarms in the castle went off. "Theirs two intruders in the castle." Coran said, as he looks at the camera.
"I got the second one." Kora said as she races towards the second intruders
As others follow the other intruder.
Kora runs fast as she finds the intruder
As coran was acting like a announcer.
Kora gets out her knife and strikes at him.
The intruder did the same thing after a little while of fight. They both stopped fight to take breath. The intruder looks at her knife and freezes.
"We're did you got that knife." He said.
Kora looks at him in confusioning.
But as she saw his knife she froze it was like her and her brothers.
"I don't know me and my brother's have theses knifes from out father. He said, they belong to our mother." Kora explained. The two put their knives down and the intruder to reveal male galra with purple and white fur and a tail.
"My name is Xzavis, and my uncle is Ulaz." Xzavis said, to Kora she couldn't help but blushes. He was handsome.

( I am going to skip to the end. Were Ulaz died.)
Kora was with Xzavis as he was sad that his uncle is gone. "Hey, I know what is like to lose someone close to you even a family member." Kora told Xzavis as she puts her hand on his shoulder.
"Thanks, Kora." Xzavis said, as he smiles at her.

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